-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.larouchepub.com/ahc.html">British Subversion of
America:The Militias and  </A>
British Subversion of the United States:
Who is wagging your neighbor's tongue?

The militias and Pentecostalism

by Anton Chaitkin

The author requests all questions, comments or further intelligence
leads be sent to Anton Chaitkin c/o [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"The greatest threat from terrorism in the United States comes from
people who are associated with a British Church of England-run
Pentecostalist movement inside the United States. It is this apparatus
which has structured the militias. Now, most people in the militia
movement, or associated with it, have no part of the intentions of those
who are behind it, particularly that section in the Episcopal Church, or
Pat Robertson, who's part of this same movement, who are
barking--authentically barking--Pentecostalists, who, with their
connections with the military, deeply embedded in the military,
including the ... corps of chaplains in the U.S. military, are largely
controlled, presently, by outright barking Pentecostalists.... This is
the ... main source of the internal threat of the potential for
terrorism, and other kinds of treason inside the United States, today."

--Lyndon LaRouche, "EIR Talks," July 30, 1997.

Two years after the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal building, a
stream of lies is pouring through British-run media sewers, preparing
credulous populists to view terrorism, or even civil war, as inevitable.

The grotesque joke is on the American populists. Their paramilitary
militias, and Pentecostal sects, are creations of the very "Godless
internationalists" they believe they are resisting. The British Empire
high church apparatus seeks to reduce the American mind to that of a
clown, a hypnotized "Christian" who babbles or barks like a dog; a
"patriot" numbed by anti-government gossip and Armageddonism, so that he
sees his own nation as his enemy.

Will these Americans provide cover, and become patsies, for criminal
outrages by professional terrorists? In hopes that, instead, they will
get out of the game, and turn their righteous anger against their
manipulators, we offer this report on how the game is rigged.

This investigation began with a probe into the armed standoff between
police and "Republic of Texas" members demanding the secession of Texas,
in April 1997. This writer telephoned into the besieged compound and
interviewed Richard Otto, alias "White Eagle," who said he was asking
members of militias around the country to come to the site, armed for a

I checked Otto's background, and then shared my findings informally with
militia members and others who might have been drawn into the
provocation. Otto, it turns out, had been trained and set into motion by
an Air Force officer who toured the world practicing New Age pagan
rituals, in consultation with senior British intelligence drug-rock-sex
gurus such as Gregory Bateson. This unappetizing profile, subsequently
spread around by wary militants themselves, helped to discredit and
defeat the provocation.

While Otto and his band surrendered on May 3, reports flooded into this
news service of continuing, outrageous provocations. Among these was the
bizarre case of an anti-government Texas demagogue with important
military connections, one Jim Ammerman, whose incitements have been
widely circulating among separatists and militia members.

A Pentecostal clergyman and retired Army colonel, Ammerman now controls
chaplains currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces around the world,
as well as within prisons, and even in the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. He claims supernatural prophetic powers, preaches the
imminent end of the world, denounces the U.S. government as illegal, and
says the President has deserved execution. During the April siege,
Ammerman "mediated" between the Texas separatists and the FBI.

As EIR inquired further into the origins of the Ammerman operation, and
how it is protected within the U.S. military, a much broader picture
came into view. Described here are:
•Colonel Ammerman's agent methods;
•Britain's militia adventures among Ammerman's clients, and the Oklahoma
City bombing; +the highest-ranking U.S. general who was captured by
Pentecostal mind-benders, and who created Ammerman's anti-government
agitation bureau;
•how British Empire master-race theorists concocted Pentecostalism;
their colonial religious experiments among blacks in the United States
and Africa;
•the America-hating, feudalist, high church aristocrats and globalists
who pushed through "charismatic renewal"; and
•the national security danger from this British-owned military,
paramilitary, and religious apparatus, including such operatives as Pat

Colonel Ammerman: treason in the Army

A videotape is circulating among the militia networks, entitled "The
Imminent Military Takeover of the United States." This is a speech by
the Rev. Jim Ammerman to the Prophecy Club of Topeka, Kansas. Ammerman
warns that the President, aided by masses of foreign troops already on
American soil, will soon put the nation under martial law--if God does
not end the world before the current President can act. Ammerman decrees
that President Bill Clinton should long ago have been executed, for
avoiding the Vietnam draft.

Ammerman, who retired in 1977 as a U.S. Army colonel and chaplain, is
described by the Prophecy Club as a former Green Beret and "CIA
official" with 26 years in the military, and top-secret security
clearance. He is the leader of some 200 chaplains now serving in the
U.S. Armed Forces under the banner of his group, the Chaplaincy of Full
Gospel Churches. His chaplains presumably speak in tongues and perform
supernatural cures, as does he. He tells his audience that his chaplains
provide him with inside information about military activities ordered by
what he claims is the illegal dictatorship of the U.S. President.

Ammerman's frantic tapes and faxes have been pushed all over the
populist and Pentecostal milieu, and to the members of the Republic of
Texas group. Douglas Towne, manager of a ghostly Ammerman-led
intelligence group called the Mount Rushmore Foundation, told this
reporter that the Ammerman circle had extensive communications with the
chief provocateur in the siege, Richard Otto ("White Eagle"). Towne
calls Otto "a real soldier ... just like Tim McVeigh [convicted in the
Oklahoma City bombing], ... who can't be shaken or broken, confident
that he has backing."

In recent weeks, Ammerman has spread the warning, or threat, that some
form of terrorist act will soon occur, giving the "illegal" U.S.
government the pretext for the imposition of martial law.

Why is our government "illegal"? Ammerman's fellow Prophecy Club
speaker, Ralph Epperson, explains that the United States was founded by
Luciferians, Illuminati communist-masons, in order to usher in Satan's

Ammerman himself is a furious Anglophile. He warns of foreign soldiers
on U.S. bases, especially Germans, whom he calls "enemy troops"; but to
him, nothing British is foreign. He reviles the U.S.A. historically.
John Kennedy's mafia background got him killed, after he had passed the
time during the Bay of Pigs crisis by womanizing; Abraham Lincoln was a
dictator, understandably murdered, he claims. Ammerman lies that
President Clinton has murdered many people to cover his crimes. He thus
creates a climate in which Clinton's murder would be "understandable."
Meanwhile, he pretends to strangers that God has told him secrets about
their personal problems, and that he has supernatural powers to help
those who will suspend their reason.

This purported Christian minister, on whose authority the Pentagon
employs a large number of its chaplains throughout the world, is no
single bad apple. As we shall see, his chaplaincy is a British
intelligence and Anglican Church project, involving a former top-level
U.S. Army general with responsibility for counterinsurgency, whose brain
was scrambled by Pentecostal operatives.

Ammerman lies, whipping up anti-government activists, maneuvering them
into terrorism or what looks suspiciously like terrorism. The British
have acted through other channels, in tandem with Ammerman,
triangulating propaganda fire against the same audience of potential
Britain's U.S. militias and Oklahoma City

Just before the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Lord William
Rees-Mogg, the London Times's strategist of the Conservative Revolution,
issued a false report designed to provoke armed clashes between "citizen
militias" and the U.S. government. Rees-Mogg's report was in the March
22, 1995 Strategic Investment newsletter, which is published jointly by
himself and James Dale Davidson, the head of the U.S.-based National
Taxpayers Union. The Rees-Mogg provocation was very widely circulated,
by fax and other means, among populists in the U.S. Western states. It
read as follows:

"The slaughter of dozens of women and children in Waco by government
stormtroopers under the command of Field Marshal Reno may pale in
comparison to what has been planned for late March [elsewhere the date
is given as March 25]: a nationwide BATF/FBI assault on private militias
as the prelude to a possible declaration of martial law throughout the
United States. All leaves have been canceled for BATF/FBI personnel....
Government agent provocateurs are set to plant fully automatic and heavy
weapons, like rocket launchers, on the property of militia leaders.
Every militia in the country--and there are dozens, many of which are
well-armed and well-led by former or even active duty officers--is on a
state of Red Alert. Should Reno be stupid enough to actually attack them
militarily, there is going to be a lot of blood.

"The establishment media is programmed to immediately thereafter
thunderously bellow for nationwide gun confiscation and even martial

In a later interview with this reporter, Soldier of Fortune writer James
Pate claimed credit for originating the story put out by Lord Rees-Mogg;
Pate pretended it was fed to him by a source in the Treasury Department
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). Colorado-based Soldier
of Fortune magazine, a global recruitment channel for mercenaries and
assassins, was started up in the 1970s with seed money from British
Special Air Services operatives in Africa.

On March 25, 1995, reacting to the Rees-Mogg provocation, about 125
hapless militia activists turned out at Cuero, Texas, to see whether
they would be arrested or slaughtered on the predicted date. At the
rally, Texas Constitutional Militia attorney Carl Haggard, touted as a
national militia spokesman in the Soldier of Fortune April issue then on
the newsstands, demanded that the militiamen drop politics, and prepare
themselves with straight military training. Haggard is a former
corporate attorney for the Anglo-Dutch multi, Shell Oil.

The same day as Lord Rees-Mogg's memo went out, March 22, 1995, a very
spooky British agent named Jon Roland faxed and e-mailed this warning to
journalists and militias: "We have ... reports of possible plans for
atrocities to be committed by agents against innocent persons and blamed
on militia activists. The atrocity targets include ... homes and
families of ... government agents, judges, and elected officials. This
would provide a pretext for labeling militiamen `terrorists.'... Crowded
public places, to be bombed and the bombings blamed on militia leaders,
with evidence to later be planted on them." Four weeks later, 168 died
in the Oklahoma City blast.

Jon Roland, the bizarre "prophet" of the bombing, had earlier been
promoted in the British press as a leader of angry Americans. Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard, the London Sunday Telegraph's Washington correspondent,
from a prominent British intelligence family, had begun his reportage on
America's anti-government paramilitary groups in a Dec. 4, 1994 article
datelined Dallas.

"The Texas Constitutional Militia," or "TCM," wrote Evans-Pritchard, "is
growing at phenomenal speed.... `We have penetrated the government's
electronic intelligence system and we've turned it against them,' says
Jon Roland, a former civil rights and environmental activist who helped
set up the TCM. `There are lots of Little Brothers watching Big
Brother.'|" The quote refers to George Orwell's novel 1984, in which the
dictatorial government, "Big Brother," creates false opposition
movements secretly under its control. Orwell's novel is modelled on
British Empire practice, as in Kenya, where the British set up
ineffective opposition to colonialism as "countergangs" to subvert true
independence movements.

The private Texas Constitutional Militia was in fact started by Roland.
Militia members say that Roland showed up in south Texas in April 1994,
around the first anniversary of the Waco massacre. He advertised for
patriots to turn out to a "muster," telling those who showed up that he
would put them into business as a private militia. He prescribed the
form of organization, such as he had used to start up militias in other
states: seven-man, self-contained cells, within county groups, to guard
against treachery. And he produced a list of contacts which would keep
them in touch with authentic information about the national scene.

The conservatives who joined were a bit puzzled when Roland identified
himself as a "secular humanist," which is anathema to Christian
conservatives--but perhaps his other credentials were in order.

In an April 27, 1995 interview with this author, Roland spoke
expansively about his background. He said that his "good buddy" Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard had put him "in touch with intelligence agents around
the world." He meets periodically with these Evans-Pritchard
intelligence community contacts, Roland said, and they give him "inside

Roland said he had been sarcastic when he told the militia members he
was a secular humanist, and that he is currently a Zen Buddhist. He
explained that he has long been an activist of the "international
federalist movement"; he advocates the formation of a "true
constitutional world government." An ultra-Malthusian environmentalist,
Roland has "worked closely with the leadership of the Friends of the
Earth," as well as Greenpeace, inhabitants of Prince Philip's stable of
environmentalist groups. Roland claims that even as few as "tens of
thousands of people, using modern technology, will eventually destroy
the Earth" if they are allowed to exist "scattered all over the
landscape." Echoing Prince Philip and the World Wildlife Fund, Roland
said that "overpopulation" causes Africans "to kill each other."

Militia founder Roland has been a computer specialist for the U.S. Air
Force, as an officer and contractor, since 1967. He says that he
received specialized training from the Army's 101st Airborne Division at
Fort Campbell, Kentucky/Tennessee, the home of the psychological warfare
unit that assaulted Panamanian leader Gen. Manuel Noriega. He has
written on "Third Wave" computer strategy themes in the Futurist, organ
of the World Future Society. He was long a member of a British
intelligence front, the L5 Society, promoting Britain's utopian
counterstrategy to the hated John Kennedy's Apollo space program.

Six days after the Oklahoma City bombing, NBC TV's "Dateline" program
featured an interview with Roland, portrayed only as an angry militia
leader and computer specialist, who warned of a civil war in America.

Speaking later to this author, Roland provided a list of his associates
in the militia movement that Roland has worked at organizing throughout
the United States. First on the Roland list was Bradley P. Glover, a
Kansas paramilitary leader.

During July 1997, Glover and six other persons were arrested on charges
of plotting to bomb U.S. military bases, beginning with Fort Hood,
Texas. The FBI said that Glover and an associate were arrested on July 4
near Fort Hood, in possession of various weapons, and that others in on
the alleged plot were charged with possession of pipe bombs and machine
guns. The arrests allegedly resulted from Missouri state police
infiltration of paramilitary groups. Glover was featured in the Wichita
Eagle on April 30, 1995, as perhaps the pre-eminent Kansas militia
leader. He is said to lead about 1,000 armed men in the southern half of
the state. In a 1995 interview, Glover told this reporter that he had
initiated the militia movement in Kansas in November 1994. Glover said
he was a former Naval Intelligence officer, but that any contacts that
he might have with intelligence agencies at present are "none of your

Glover created a movement "against the globalists." Informed by this
reporter about Jon Roland's British and World Federalist affiliation,
Glover replied that he would have to decline to state whether he himself
favored or did not favor world government.
General Haines and Operation Garden Plot

There is an ironic reality, a dangerous half-truth, in the provocative
warnings about martial law and military takeover, issued by the British
lords and their U.S. assets.

Interviewed by this reporter on May 22, 1997, Jim Ammerman stated:
"There is a network of colonels and above, throughout the military, who
would stand by the Constitution and against the President. They know who
they are, and they are in close communication with each other. They
could control the country if they need to."

The "multi-jurisdictional task force" is a repeated theme in Ammerman's
exhortations to the militias. The military is allegedly now combined,
under the Federal Emergency Management Agency, with other departments of
the Federal government and with local governments. When the President
tries to use this overreaching military against the people, Ammerman
maintains, the "good" military officers will side with armed citizens
against the President.

Curiously, Ammerman's own organization was created at the request of an
Army officer, Gen. Ralph E. Haines, Jr., who personally supervised the
military policing of the population, against which Ammerman directs his

General Haines had been vice chief of staff of the U.S. Army in 1967-68,
when he was in charge of counterinsurgency preparations in the
continental United States. He worked with the full resources of the Army
under him, including military intelligence capabilities, to plan to cope
with black ghetto riots and civil disturbances during the Vietnam War.
Haines moved his troops into Detroit and Washington, D.C., as riots hit
American cities before and after Martin Luther King's assassination.
General Haines went public in an April 11, 1968 press conference,
describing his "Operation Garden Plot." He had planned and directed the
military arrangements for the takeover of every single American city,
and arranged the linkages between the military and Justice Department,
local police, and state governments.

The April 14, 1968 New York Times reported that Haines "said that
detailed military planning for the summer began in February. The `garden
plot' preparations were national, he said, including `every city you can
think of.' Many officers who were to be assigned to specific cities in a
military mobilization visited them in mufti [civilian clothes] to
familiarize themselves with the terrain, the social and economic
problems of potential riot areas, and the police with whom they would
work if called, the general said."

It was this General Haines who asked Ammerman to create his Full Gospel
Chaplaincy. In his book, Supernatural Events in the Life of an Ordinary
Man, Ammerman says that at first he resisted the Haines project, but at
length acceded to it.

The Defense Department received the petition for acceptance of the Full
Gospel Chaplaincy in June 1983. After 13 months of resistance by
military traditionalists, expressed by a bitter fight within the board
of chaplains, the petition was approved in July 1984. This was at the
height of the covert operations run though the military and the National
Security Council by then-Vice President George Bush and his London
allies, and such of their flunkies as Lt. Col. Oliver North (ret.), an
Episcopalian speaker-in-tongues.

Colonel Ammerman, the pretended "anti-New World Order crusader," gave
George Bush a thank-you salute. Ammerman's 1991 book, After the Storm,
about the religious conversions of U.S. soldiers during the Persian Gulf
War, opens with President George Bush's prayer proclamation as a

The Haines-Ammerman project was a component of Britain's Pentecostalist
political initiative, set in motion within the United States following
World War II. This British initiative was to leap ahead in the United
States in the 1960s. Haines would be inducted, dazed, and mind-battered
into its service in 1971, while he was commander of the Continental U.S.
Army Command. Retiring from the Army in 1973, at age 59, Haines then
embarked on a second career, in the netherworld of political and covert
operations peopled by active-duty, retired, and reserve officers.

In 1978, Haines led a group of American Episcopalian
speakers-in-tongues, to Canterbury, England, for a global meeting of the
Anglican Church under Queen Elizabeth's Archbishop Donald Coggan. Haines
and others, colonials and Brits alike, launched a world crusade to
spread Pentecostalism under Anglican guidance.

An Episcopal colleague of Haines, Gen. Albion Knight, U.S. Army (ret.),
in a discussion with this reporter on June 5, 1997, lavishly praised the
Haines-Ammerman project. A nuclear weapons and logistics specialist,
Knight is now a Conservative Revolution leader in Howard Phillips's
Taxpayers Party. He explained the strategy put in gear at the 1978
Canterbury meeting: Get away from stuffy high churchism. Get with the
people. This hard-charging Anglicanism is "exploding in the Third
World"; Africa is especially targetted. Intimately identified with the
British authorities and the Church of England, General Knight manages
the Church Information Center, which, he says, "feeds information to
around 125 leaders, an intelligence network in the Anglican world."
How the general got zapped

In an interview with this reporter on July 28, 1997, General Haines said
he asked Colonel Ammerman to initiate the new chaplaincy organization
when he and Ammerman were in Europe in the late 1970s. They had both
been speaking at a Heidelberg, Germany, military unit of the Full Gospel
Businessmen's Fellowship International--a covert, masonic-like core
organization of the British religious initiative created in the early

Haines described his own fall into the "spirit-filled" world. At that
time, military officers, scientists, and others leaders of America's
military-industrial complex were being hunted as prizes. He said his
wife was "baptized in the Holy Spirit" around 1967 or 1968, some three
or four years before his own induction. This gave her "something to
occupy herself with" while Haines was commander of the Army for the
Pacific region (1968-70), with responsibility for the logisitics of the
Vietnam War.

In 1970, Haines became commander of Continental Army Command,
headquartered at Fort Monroe, near Norfolk, Virginia. His wife began
working with the Pat Robertson organization as a volunteer. Through his
wife, and one of Robertson's close associates, an invitation was issued
for Haines to speak at a rally of the Full Gospel Businessmen's
Fellowship, at a Buffalo, New York hotel, on July 24, 1971.

He said he went there thinking he would give a moderate Christian
speech, such as he had given before to the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs. He
showed up July 23, the day before he was to speak, in order to "case the
joint." But they had him sit at the head table, next to Harald Bredesen.
This Bredesen is one of a small central clique of operatives in the
Pentecostal initiative, working under the coordination of British Empire
agent David J. du Plessis, whose career will be reviewed below. Bredesen
is a professional mind-bender in what is best termed Britain's "occult
bureau." He inducted Robertson into the game around 1960; Bredesen and
the Full Gospel Businessmen then built up Robertson into a
multibillion-dollar political empire.

This is how Haines depicted his capture: "The `businessmen' [in the
audience] testified; tears ran down their cheeks. I was getting very
uncomfortable. I signalled to my aide, let's get going, let's get out of
here. But Harald leaned over to me; he said, Are you charismatic? I
thought it over. I answered, I don't think so. What did charismatic
mean? I thought of George Patton.

"Harald was the speaker. I thought, when in Rome, shoot Roman candles.
People were putting up their hands [in uncontrolled fervor]. I put my
hands up a little bit--the discreet Episcopal level. People asked me,
`General, what's your problem--why only half mast?'

"After Harald gave his talk, there was renewed praising of the Lord. My
hands crept up to fully extended. I felt things happening to me. I felt
things beyond my comprehension. It was not elation. I was dazed by it.
Everyone crowded around me--they could all see something was happening.
People closed in on me--I got out--I went to my room; I wanted to be
alone. Harald came and ministered to me for a short time.

"The next day I saw that the speech I was to deliver was pabulum. What
would satisfy these people? The people were saying, `The general got
zapped last night.' So though I used the core of what I had prepared, I
now spoke differently, tailoring it to what had happened. I then
thought, I don't know what God wants of me but I'm ready to do what He

What happened, when General Haines became possessed "by the Holy Spirit"
at that rally? In a recent article in Stephen Strang's Charisma
 magazine, Bredesen explains "the way demons operate. Unclean spirits
come into a medium, violate her personality and speak through her." But
rest assured, what Bredesen and his sponsors are doing is different.
"The Holy Spirit doesn't want mediums, robots or zombies." Do you want
to become God's partner? Bredesen instructs you, "Don't speak words your
mind understands. As long as you do, your mind will remain in control.

"Don't listen to yourself. Can you imagine a little child learning to
talk? Does he say, `Ma-ma-ma-ma,' and then stop with, `I can't say that.
That's not language'? No, he just hugs his daddy's neck and prattles
away." Charisma publisher Stephen Strang is a trustee of a U.S.-based
core leadership team of mind-benders, incorporated as the Charismatic
Bible Ministries, along with Ammerman, Oral Roberts, and others in this
British outreach initiative. Strang also publishes New Man magazine,
organ of the recently formed Promise Keepers cult. In a recent issue,
under the title "Worm Training," a cult guide named Wellington Boone
explains the religious problem and how this gang solves it:

"People have not yet learned how to become broken.... We are called to
be `worms.'... A worm never protests.... Can you say, for Christ, `I am
a worm and am no man'?|... Jesus was crushed like a worm. He was
slapped. They spat in His face until it ran down His cheeks.... God
doesn't raise anything that is not dead.

"If we allow God ... to work into us the idea of `worm-training,' it
would be revolutionary. We would gain a worm's-eye view of what God
wants.... When we really meet Jesus and allow ourselves to be crushed
... the impact will rock this world."
The 'mystery' of British-Israel solved

Nowadays, 50,000 men and boys are periodically herded into a stadium to
babble incoherently, to weep and laugh hysterically for the Promise
Keepers. Or, at a specially rigged church at the Toronto, Canada
airport, troubled worshippers come from far way to be miraculously
cured; they fall into trances on the floor and bark like dogs, in
"worship." Civilized humanity is obliged to ask, how has this come

The main figure in the creation of today's Pentecostalism, British agent
David J. du Plessis, insisted that this phenomenon has no history
whatsoever: It simply happened. Writing in 1956, du Plessis claimed, "It
[is] clear that it was no man-made cult of `tongues.' Only the `power'
of which Jesus spake, could have caused its miraculous growth and
establishment" up to that point, from the beginning of the twentieth
century. As the "charismatic renewal," a new Pentecostal movement, was
just then being geared up in the 1950s, du Plessis lied that "there has
never been a man or a movement than can claim the credit for having
planned or propagated this world embracing Pentecostal Revival. It is
simply the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit ... to bring the `Full
Gospel Message' to the whole world in this generation.... This sudden
move towards mass evangelism lately ... cannot be attributed to anything
else than the spontaneous move of the Holy Spirit."

We shall give here the first serious historical account of the "planning
and propagating." We speak now of the high church principalities and
powers who have built this new Tower of Babel, who look down with
contempt upon their captive babblers, their low churchers, the herd, the

It is necessary first to bring to light a myth known as British
Israelism, which stands behind Pentecostalism. This is an evil piece of
historical race gossip, spread into American religion, into the ranks of
American populists, poisoning the minds of separatists and Armageddon

The British monarchy and its prime ministers and Foreign Office
fabricated British Israelism in the nineteenth century, from earlier
versions of the story. They claimed that Queen Victoria was descended
from the Biblical King David, and was thus a descendant of the Davidic
family tree that produced Jesus. They taught that the tribes of Israel
wandered into northern Europe; that by this supposed genealogy, the
British are the real Chosen People, and the British Empire is thus God's

The modern Jews, by this British account, are not the historical Hebrews
of Old Testament Israel, but rather, the British are. But, says the
British Israel myth, in a leap of logic, the Jews need to be put into
Palestine, to fulfill prophecy, get slaughtered in a war with the
Muslims, and bring about the End Times.

To provide fuel for this mythology, the royal family asked the British
Grand Lodge of Freemasonry to establish the Palestine Exploration Fund.
In the 1870s, they dispatched soldier-archeologists to the Holy Land, to
dig up supposed religious relics that might impress the cheap fancies of
the beggarly masses.

British Israelism designed its Jewish angle to be worked in many
politically useful ways, along a spectrum from Nazi anti-Semitism to
radical Zionism. The cynical character of this entire travesty may be
seen, in the way the story was changed to suit imperial politics. During
the 1870s, Germany broke from allegiance to British free trade
doctrines. The London "prophets" then reconfigured ancient history.
Suddenly, it wasn't Britain and Germany, collectively the Nordic Aryans,
who were the wandering Chosen People, but only Britain. Modern Germans,
it had been discovered, are the ancient Assyrians!

In his book Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian
Identity Movement, author Michael Barkun presents a nagging paradox,
which he never solves. He reports that British Israelism originates with
the British military, the Anglican Church, the British upper classes,
who are fanatical loyalists to the government, the British Empire. Yet,
this mother has given birth to the Christian Identity Movement, whose
racist paranoia and paramilitary anger are aimed against the government,
the United States government. Barkun cannot puzzle out the mystery, how
the same historical movement can both support the government, and oppose
the government!
The British Empire invents Pentecostalism

According to Pentecostal lore, the movement began when a woman spoke in
tongues in the church of Charles Fox Parham in Topeka, Kansas, in 1901.
Reverend Parham spread the method until it blossomed in the famous Azusa
Street, Los Angeles, revival of 1906; from there, disciples took it
around the world.

During the year preceeding the launch-time, Parham had caught fire with
British Israelism. He had been indoctrinated into the Empire's mystery
cult by emissaries of one Frank Sandford, who ran a cult center called
Shiloh, near Durham, Maine. Parham made a pilgrimage and studied under
Sandford at Shiloh, after which the two of them went on tour through

Sandford had made the New England Toryism of his fancy Anglophile family
relations into a career, travelling back and forth to England, working
to inculcate Americans into the British Empire gospel.

In those days, British Israelism was not shy. Its literature, such as
The Anglo-American Alliance in Prophecy, or The Promise to the Fathers,
published by Our Race Publishing Co., featured the masonic mummery of a
pyramid topped by an all-seeing eyeball. The Egyptian pyramids allegedly
contained coded secrets for understanding prophecy. The explicit message
of the British Israel propaganda was, Americans should give up their
mistaken Revolution, and reunite with their Anglo-Saxon racial brethren
in the English fatherland. The movement's masonic Anglomania was proudly
displayed. Parham's biography, written by his daughter, includes a photo
of a mystery gavel, brought back from Palestine and donated by Parham to
his masonic lodge.

With British Israelism as his theory of man's cosmic destiny, Parham
began teaching Americans how to die mentally, to speak in tongues, as a
religious exercise, allegedly re-creating the descent of the Holy Ghost
upon Christ's Apostles during the Jewish feast of Pentecost. He took
this show on the road from Topeka, and in Houston, Texas, a black
preacher named William J. Seymour, the son of a slave, became part of
his audience. The catch was, that Parham, being a crazed racist, would
not permit Seymour inside the lecture hall; he had to listen at the
window, or in the hallway.

Much is made of Seymour's spreading of the technique to a mostly black
congregation on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, and of the fascination and
novelty it held for visiting religious adventurers who took
"Pentecostalism" out to the world. The movement was widely condemned by
Christians as scandalous exploitation, and its historical origins faded
into the mist. Frank Sandford spent ten years in jail for manslaughter,
after many of his cult members died. Charles Parham's religious vocation
was destroyed when he was charged with sodomizing a young male follower
in Texas; Parham went on to a new career as a stump speaker for the Ku
Klux Klan.

In 1908, British and allied American missionaries, who had observed the
success of the experiment among blacks in America, brought
Pentecostalism to South Africa. The British Empire had just then
completed its conquest of that country in the Boer War against the
Dutch-immigrant Afrikaner settlers. The great majority of the population
were black Africans, including the rebellious Zulus, whom the British
had militarily subdued in 1906. The new British masters shaped a
uniquely brutal system of racial separation and slave labor, called

The cultists and hypnotists went to work on the Zulus of South Africa.
At the new Apostolic Faith Mission church, Zulu worshippers, in trances,
would fall into heaps, clustered around the altar. British Empire South
African strategist Cecil Rhodes congratulated the Pentecostal
mind-benders for pacifying the natives as no military could have done.

Americans had better reflect deeply about what the British have done to
Africa. For it was precisely the British Empire's apparatus for colonial
conquest in Africa, which fashioned irrational Pentecostalism as one
among the weapons used against America's "uppity" spirit of Reason and
Du Plessis comes to America

We shall now review the career of South African David du Plessis
(1905-87), the 1930s head of the imperial cult-master Apostolic Faith
Mission denomination, who came to America and supervised the creation of
Pentecostalism, and who managed the body-snatchers working on Gen. Ralph

With his British passport clearing him to reside as an alien in the
United States, British subject David du Plessis came north in the late
1940s. By the early 1950s, du Plessis was a consultant to the
International Missionary Council, a group formed by the British
authorities who had spun off from it the World Council of Churches. Du
Plessis strategized on the British rule in Tanganyika, Nyasaland, and
Rhodesia with the Missionary Council's chairman, Briton John A. Mackay,
who had earlier moved to America to head the Princeton Theological
Seminary. Mackay, du Plessis's prime public sponsor, had been for many
years a close collaborator of the Anglophile political-religious
strategist John Foster Dulles, in Britain and at Princeton.

Simultaneously, du Plessis was employed on two other 1950s projects, in
the world of covert intelligence:

+Du Plessis was a paid agent of the Far East Broadcasting Company, a
religious cover for the official intelligence agencies operating in Asia
(based in the Philippines) and Europe (based in Greece). This
arrangement was especially cozy beginning in 1953, when John Foster
Dulles became Secretary of State and his brother Allen became Director
of Central Intelligence.

+Du Plessis was the master chef cooking up the Full Gospel Businessmen's
Fellowship International, with Oral Roberts, Gordon Lindsay, front man
Demos Shakarian, and later, Harald Bredesen. The FGBFI has penetrated
Central and South America, Asia, and the Middle East as an occult
intelligence agency, working in aggressive insurrectionary politics
since its 1952-54 founding.

During the 1950s, du Plessis was adopted by the executive apparatus of
the World Council of Churches, to ram Pentecostalism down the throats of
Christians in America, and to "charismatize" the Catholic Church through
agents at the Vatican. This was accomplished through the instrumentality
of the Church of England.
The 'high church' gathers its forces

The British spread religious irrationalism to subdue and destroy that
dangerous, typically American concept that man is created in God's
image, dignified and self-governing. We will see this strategy,
unadorned, by briefly inspecting the actions and words of du Plessis's

The World Council of Churches was founded in England in 1937, under the
direction of Anglican Church missionary leader J.H. Oldham, based on a
plan developed by Lord Lothian and other members of the Round Table

World Council co-founder John Mackay (later du Plessis's sponsor)
published a book, The Universal Church and the World of Nations,
expressing the new World Council's desire for the reordering of global
political affairs under a world government. The lead article was written
by Lord Lothian, entitled "The Demonic Influence of National
Sovereignty"; another article was written by Mackay's crony John Foster
Dulles, who represented the Presbyterian Church at the World Council
founding. Lothian and Dulles argued that national sovereignty, such as
the political and juridical independence of the United States, causes

The Round Table group had been organized by South Africa's British
governor, Lord Alfred Milner, to fulfill the strategy of British South
Africa leader Cecil Rhodes for a new-style white racialist world empire,
in which the annoying independence of the republican United States, in
particular, was to be extinguished. The core of the Round Table group
was assembled from among the aides to Lord Milner in South Africa. Lord
Lothian was the first editor of the Round Table quarterly, and was the
chief executive of the Rhodes Trust, administering the Rhodes
Scholarships to bring Americans and other "colonial" students to Oxford

John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen met the principal Round Table
members after World War|I, and were informally inducted. In a letter to
Round Table founder Lionel Curtis, Lord Lothian expressed the racial
views which the British Round Table shared with the Dulles brothers, in
opposition to the viewpoint of American nationalists:

"The real problem is going to arise from the treatment which must be
accorded to politically backward peoples.... There is a fundamentally
different concept ... between Great Britain and South Africa on the one
side and the United States ... on the other.... The inhabitants of
Africa and parts of Asia have proved unable to govern themselves ...
because they were quite unable to withstand the demoralizing influences
[i.e., the desire for modernization] to which they were subjected in
some civilised countries, so that the intervention of a European power
is necessary in order to protect them from those influences.... The
American view ... is quite different."
How they got away with 'charismatic renewal'

In May 1960, an English-born Episcopal priest, Dennis Bennett, told his
Van Nuys, California parishioners that he had begun speaking in tongues
after baptism in the Holy Spirit. This was the beginning of present-day
Pentecostalism. The controversy over Bennett's announcement spread
quickly, with coverage in Time and Newsweek magazines. The publicity,
interpretation, and proselytizing for the new movement within the
American church community and worldwide, was handled personally by David
du Plessis.

Both Protestants and Catholics, who had earlier looked upon
Pentecostalism as a freak show, or a Satanic influence, placidly
accepted what was termed "charismatic renewal," as a respectable,
non-threatening addition to Christendom. This succeeded because the
British authorities and the World Council of Churches put their stamp of
approval on David du Plessis, as the designated--by them--world
representative of the new, "improved" Pentecostalism.

Between 1952 and 1954, John Mackay and World Council of Churches General
Secretary Willem Adolf Visser 't|Hooft introduced du Plessis to scores
of the highest level Protestant and Eastern Orthodox church officials.
The World Council executive shopped du Plessis around to the Ivy League
U.S. colleges and seminaries, to speak of the religion of the future.
Through Cardinal Augustin Bea and Cardinal Jan Willebrands, the World
Council got du Plessis invited to the Vatican II council, and set up an
official, global, "Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue," which consisted of du
Plessis talking to Vatican officials. Vatican officials did so despite
the fact that when the World Council of Churches invited du Plessis to
take part in its 1954 global meeting, he represented no Pentecostal
religious body whatsoever; he was merely a British political agent. (The
previously established Pentecostal churches were hostile toward the
World Council and the Catholics.)

In England, Anglican Churchmen Michael Harper and other partners of du
Plessis cemented the ties of Catholics around the world to the new

Following Bennett's Episcopal Church outbreak of 1960, du Plessis, aided
by Bennett, published Trinity newsletter. This was circulated in the
United States and England as the spur for the new charismatic movement.
Trinity was edited by Jean Stone, a wealthy American Anglican loyalist
who mediated between du Plessis and the high-society bankrollers of the
Episcopal Church. The organization publishing Trinity was chaired by
Harald Bredesen, by then a well-established British intelligence

Du Plessis instructed clergymen and parishioners who were pulled into
the babble-boom, to follow the Bennett example, and "stay in your
church, do not form a new church denomination." Many charismatics
followed the advice of du Plessis, who was publicized as "Mr.
Pentecostalism"; so, the regular church denominations were decimated by
those who stayed, as well as those who left their fold for wilder, newer

General Haines, who had been "zapped" in 1971, resigned from active duty
on Jan. 31, 1973. Two weeks later, Haines, du Plessis, and Bennett were
the star speakers at the Dallas founding meeting of the Episcopal
Charismatic Fellowship. By that time, Episcopals were the driving force
for the spread of Pentecostalism. According to Haines, 20% of
Episcopalians were then already speaking in tongues.

Haines says that when he led the American delegation to the 1978
Canterbury Cathedral meeting, launching the Anglicans' worldwide drive
for charismatic renewal, he was struck by the spectacle of dancing
around the altar led by the representative (white) South African
Anglican bishop.

Haines went on to commission Ammerman's Full Gospel Chaplaincy, on whose
board Haines sits today, and whose serving chaplains Haines addresses.
Public statements promoting armed conflict between citizens and the
government, Haines leaves to Colonel Ammerman to make.
The security problem, defined

The danger involved in this British initiative is not a matter of wrong
or heretical religious beliefs. At issue is the buildup of a hostile,
irrational, foreign-directed network within our military and civilian
political life.

The political intelligence group known as the Mount Rushmore Foundation,
mentioned above, illustrates the problem. Ammerman is the political
adviser and "chaplain" to the group. Manager Douglas Towne says the
foundation "studies the Patriot movement," and "participates in it."
Towne's longtime political partner, Rushmore Foundation board member
Gen. Benton Partin, U.S. Air Force (ret.), is an expert in
high-explosive devices, including nuclear weapons. Partin has received
extensive news media coverage for his critical analysis of the Oklahoma
City bombing; he has made an apparently reasonable case, that it would
have been technically impossible for Timothy McVeigh to have done it
acting alone.

Less well known is General Partin's sponsorship of an ongoing,
catastrophic shooting war in Africa, which lends a more sinister
character to his hatred of the United States government. Partin is a
founder and board member of the Front Line Fellowship, a group of
commando-missionaries taking active part in the war against Sudan and
other African states viewed as enemies of the British Crown. The
Fellowship members are former "scouts" of the South African Army. Partin
describes his partner, Fellowship leader Peter Hammond, as a "former
South African army and government officer."

That General Partin's "Christian" organization is at heart merely the
British military irregulars, who are generally incinerating Africa to
recolonize it, may be judged from the Fellowship's book, Faith Under
Fire in Sudan. Chapter Three is a celebration of Charles "Chinese"
Gordon, who led British regulars in a war in China against the uprising
of a British-organized pseudo-Protestant cult. After 20 million Chinese
died in this game, Gordon was sent to try to subdue Sudan as Britain's
governor, but he died, defeated at the hands of Sudanese nationalist
forces. Chinese Gordon was not a drunken homosexual pederast, Partin's
group says, but Britain's Christian model for us to follow into war.

The British have never forgiven Sudan, or the United States, for the
American Revolution. To the Ammerman circle, the U.S. government is
"communist." General Partin says that even Abraham Lincoln was put into
the Presidency by the creators of international communism. Partin has
received from London, since the 1940s, the intelligence reports
published by Kenneth Hugh de Courcy, geopolitician of the British Israel

Observe the Pat Robertson empire. Robertson writes that his family's
aristocratic lineage, linking it to the British Churchill family, gave
his mother, Gladys Churchill Robertson, confidence that Pat would
succeed. His father, Sen. A. Willis Robertson, was London's and Wall
Street's chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.

Originally a playboy, Pat began speaking in tongues, and exchanging
prophecies in a circle like ouijah board players, under the guidance of
master spook Harald Bredesen. The ghost-written Bredesen autobiography,
Yes, Lord, explains that Robertson's mentor was himself trained by the
International Christian Leadership group. Bredesen proved himself to the
group by speaking in tongues, in ancient Arabic, to an Egyptian heiress.
This feat by their trainee was observed and attested to by the president
of the Leadership group's British branch, Ernest Williams, who was
simultaneously "a member of the directing staff of the British
Admiralty," and "a member of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Commission
on Evangelism."

International Christian Leadership was designed specifically to capture
wealthy or influential leaders of society, into a network controlled by
the group's patrons. It was initiated during World War II by Col. Sir
Vivian Gabriel, a British Air Commission attache in Washington, and
leaders of the Episcopal Church. The Netherlands royal family became the
group's prime sponsor and center of world operations in the 1950s.
Bredesen wrote that his personal trainer, Abraham Vereide, claimed to
have "won [Netherlands] Prince Bernhard for Christ." A strange Christ it
must have been, because the former Nazi SS officer Bernhard was just
then busy launching the globalist Bilderberg Group's conferences and
creating the World Wildlife Fund, with Britain's Prince Philip.

Pat Robertson started off as assistant pastor to Bredesen, the operative
of the Anglo-Dutch monarchies' Leadership group. Then, David du
Plessis's Full Gospel Businessmen raised the money to expand Robertson's
and Bredesen's Virginia-based Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
toward global power status.

In a Feb. 1, 1997 column in Virginia's Richmond Times-Dispatch,
 Robertson told critics why he had used "Operation Blessing" aircraft to
transport supplies for his own personal diamond-mining venture in Zaire,
rather than for Christian charity, as expected by CBN
viewer-contributors. Robertson claimed that he really went into Zaire at
President George Bush's request, to pressure the government to give up
all Zaire's mines to foreign owners. Later, when British mining
companies paid for the invasion that killed hundreds of thousands of
people, Robertson invited the bloody Laurent Kabila to be his guest in
America; and, he put Britain's Africa slaughter-coordinator, Baroness
Caroline Cox, on his television network.

In this regard, consider U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.), a member of the
international board of referents of Baroness Cox's blood-smeared British
intelligence front, Christian Solidarity International (CSI). Wolf has
made the Toronto Airport church his own spiritual stopping point, where
the participants fall in heaps, jerk about on the floor, and bark.

Lady Cox is the Anglican high priestess of the Pentecostals. An August
1997 Charisma magazine story, headlined "Just Call Her Saint Caroline,"
explains, "Baroness Caroline Cox--a member of London's House of
Lords--is spending lots of her time in war zones these days. She's
dodging bullets to help the world's persecuted Christians.... She a
ttends mainline Anglican churches but says she also enjoys `the sort of
robust and very expressive forms of worship' found in charismatic
fellowships.... Many CSI board members and supporters are from the more
evangelical and charismatic end of the church spectrum, she notes."

Finally, consider the Promise Keepers, who train their men to be worms,
to be broken, to die mentally. Promise Keepers national spokesman Mark
DeMoss is a professional at preparing fanatics for Armageddon warfare.
As chief of staff to Jerry Falwell, DeMoss was the administrator of the
self-proclaimed "Christian Embassy" in Jerusalem. The embassy serves as
a bridge between End Times Christians, lunatic freemasons, and
right-wing Israeli Zionists. This is a pivotal component of the Temple
Mount initiative to foment a religious war over the holy sites in
Jerusalem, to "fulfill Scripture." This covert network is engaged in the
most dangerous terrorist provocation, which may yet bring on End Times
unless it is handcuffed.

At Fort Bliss, Texas, DeMoss's Promise Keepers were engaged to train the
nation's highest-ranking non-commissioned officers. Earlier this year,
the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy advertised "training with
`Promise Keepers'" as a "spiritual fitness program," on the Army unit's
official Internet web site.

It is time for Christians and patriots to clean their house, before Her
Majesty's legions blow it up.

The author requests all questions, comments or further intelligence
leads be sent to Anton Chaitkin c/o [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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