-Caveat Lector-

From: newsmax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 10:24 AM
Subject: Breaking News from NewsMax.com

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March 11, 1999

Breaking News from NewsMax.com

China Has Nuclear Secrets:
Livermore Scientist Tells of Technology Transfer

Read NewsMax.com today:

The Clinton Administration claims that China “stole” America’s nuclear
secrets. Al Gore has been quick to place the blame on the Reagan and
Bush administrations.

In a stunning report out today in NewsMax.com, Christopher Ruddy
reveals allegations made by a Lawrence Livermore scientist that the
Clinton administration passed some of the nation’s most secret nuclear
weapons processing technology to the communist Chinese.

This technology, using a special laser process, allows for the
efficient creation of weapons grade plutonium--the main ingredient in
a nuclear weapon.

Such technology will allow China to build more quickly a vast nuclear
arsenal capable of threatening the united States.


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