-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from-
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly recommended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of original source material. As always, Caveat

In stock: A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)


      Memorandum Number Eight:
         The Chain Of Influence

 Initiates into The Order are assured of career advancement and suc-
cess, even wealth, providing they follow the rule "to get along you must
go along".

 Intermarriage consolidates the power of the families and expands
their span of influence.

  Finally, a chain of influence spread over many years guarantees con-
tinuity and must be extraordinarily impressive to any new initiate who
doubts the power of The Order.

  We can identify two types of influence chains: a horizontal chain and
a vertical chain. Both types are duplicated many times, for the moment
we'll give a single example.

Horizontal Chains of Influence

  Members of The Order are to be found in every segment of society: in
education, in foundations, in politics, in government, industry, law and
finance. Consequently, at any time The Order can tap influence in any
area of society. The occupational breakdown of The Order demonstrates the
great breadth of this horizontal chain of influence. The major occupations of
members are law, education, business. finance
and industry.

  Approximately, the breakdown is as follows:

                                 Percent of member
Occupation                 involved(approximate)

Law                              18 percent
Education                      16 percent
Business                       16 percent
Finance                         15 percent
Industry                        12 percent
                                     77 percent

The Chain Of Influence: How It Works

1860    W. C. Whitney

                E Root
1870          "A"                 H.L. Stimson
           Whitney attorney

188O -   Sec. of Navy
                                               "B"             C"
I890 -                                Joins Root      Mabel
            New York              law firm     (d. Charles
1900-   Railroad                     "D"           White)
            scandals               Taft's Sec.     Harvey
1910                                    of War         Bundy        McGeorge

Bundy           Bundy
1920-                                        "E"
                                          Hoover's          "G"
1930-                               Sec. of State

1940-                                        "F"        Spec. Ass't      "H"
                                   Roosevelt's Sec.   to Stimson  joint book
1950 -                                 War

CFR             CIA

Ass't for        Ass't Sec
1970-                                                                 National
Secruity  Defense
d Foundation
Members of THE ORDER
William Collins Whitney (1863)
Henry Lewis Stimson (1868)
William Howard Tad (1878)
Charles A. White (1854)
Harvey Hollister Bundy(1909)
William Putnam Bundy (1939)
McGeorge Bundy (1940)
James Jeremiah Wedsworth (1927)
Harold Howe II (1940)
Non members of THE ORDER
Elihu Root (Whitneys' lawyer)
Marcus Raskin (aid to Bundy)
Dean Acheson (Scroll & Key)

 In other words, these five occupations account for over three quarters
of the membership, and these are the key fields for control of society.
 Government and politics account for only about 3 percent at any one
time. This is misleading, as any member in the above five fields can find
himself temporarily in and out of government through the "revolving
door" phenomenon.

 The Church accounts for only 2 percent of members. These are con-
centrated in the Union Theological Seminary (the so-called "Red
Seminary") and the Yale School of Divinity.

 Notably the areas of society least represented are those with the
least ability to influence the structural direction of society. They may
give depth and richness to society, but are not essential to its control and
direction. For example, very, very few engineers have ever been
members of The Order - we only identified five engineers in the 150
year span. Yet engineering and technology are key elements to the suc-
cess of the material aspects of American society. Art, architecture, and
music are under-represented. We can only identify 16 members in
these three occupations over 150 years. Again. these occupations are
not influential in determining the structure of society. Farmers are
under-represented; only 16 in 150 years, but we suspect some took
farming to get away from The Order.

 In brief: at any one time The Order can call on members in any area
of American society to do what has to be done.

Vertical Chains of Influence

  A tribute to the success of The Order has been an ability to implement
one of its principles. -this principle is:

   "That only he who wears upon his breast, Their emblem, he for
   every post shall be considered best."

  The practice of absolute preferment for members of The Order has
worked to perpetuate its influence over time in a remarkable manner.
Before we look at this chain of influence we need to look at some basic
statistics. The Order has only initiated about 2500 members in its history in
the United States. Each year 15 new members are initiated, no more no less. On
the other hand, between 800,000 and 1 million persons
receive college degrees each year from an institute of higher learning,
including about 30,000 doctorates.

  When you follow the chain of influence below. hold in mind that out
of 30-40 million degree holders, a few hundred men (never women) or
in this case less than a dozen men, are presumed to be the only ones fit
to occupy top posts in government. No one else is even seriously con-
sidered. We are asked to believe that only a few hundred members of
The Order are capable of guiding the United States.

 If we assume a random distribution of ability throughout the United
States, then our evidence cannot be accounted for by chance. It must
reflect, just on the basis of mathematical laws of average, a conscious
series of choices. Unless you want to assume that all wisdom and all
ability in the United States is generated solely by 15 Yale graduates each
year. And that gets you back to the argument of this book.




          HENRY L. STIMSON
        Secretary of War 1911-13, Secretary of State (1929-33
              Secretary of War 1940-45


           McGEORGE BUNDY
            Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows
               Harvard University


    On Active Service In Peace And War
   authored by two members of The Order

 Furthermore, there are approximately 2500 institutions of higher
learning in the United States. Are we to believe that only one of these
institutions can generate the talent to lead the country?

The Whitney-Stimson-Bundy-Acheson Chain of Influence

 Four families provide an example of one such chain of influence
Multiply this chain by a few dozen and you readily see how control is
perpetuated by a small group. The families in this chain are Whitney,
Stimson, Acheson and Bundy. The Acheson family is only partly in The
Order. Dean Acheson was a member of Scroll & Key at Yale. This is an
offshoot of The Order and at least influenced by it. Dean Achescon's
daughter, Mary Acheson, married William Bundy (The Order). Dean
Acheson's son, David, is a member of The Order.

 (l) We start with the Whitneys in the late 19th century. Whitney
(The Order), along with Ryan and a handful of other capitalists, have
been heavily criticized in several books on grounds of massive corrup-
tion and fraud. New York street railway franchises generated enormous
profits for the Whitney group. When Whitney was Secretary of the Navy he
promoted a giant naval ship building program - which didn't hurt his friends
who owned shipyards and steel mills.

 Whitney's attorney and close associate was Elihu Root. Although not
a member of The Order, Root has been called "Whitney's artful at-
torney" (Point "A" on our chart). Root, one of the sharpest legal minds
in American history and a power in his own right, worked along with the
purposes of The Order.

 (2) In 1890 along comes young Henry Stimson, fresh out of Yale,
The Order, and Harvard Law School. Stimson joins Root's law firm
("B"), then called Root & Clark. After a while, in 1897, it became
known as Root, Howard, Winthrop & Stimson and by 1901 it became
Winthrop and Stimson. In the meantime ("C"). Stimson married Mabel
White, daughter of Charles A. White (The Order).

 Stimson proved he was capable in the law and when Taft (The Order)
was looking for a Secretary of War in 1911, he appointed Stimson (The
Order), which brings us to Point "D".

 Then Stimson's career went like this:

 * As Secretary of War Stimson completed a reorganization begun by
his predecessor none other than Elihu Root.

 * From 1917 to 1922 Stimson was in the Army, with ranks of up to
Brigadier General.

 * In 1927 Coolidge appointed Stimson Governor-General of the
Philippine Islands.

 * In 1929 Herbert Hoover appointed Stimson Secretary of State
(Point "E" on the chart).

  * In 1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Stimson Secretary of War
(Point "F" on the chart).

  * In 1945, as Truman's Secretary of War, Stimson recommended
the atomic bomb drops on Japan.

  (3) During World War II Stimson had a special assistant - Harvey
Hollister Bundy (The Order), (Point "G"). Special Assistant Harvey
Bundy was the key Pentagon man on the Manhattan Project and was
Stimson's constant companion to conferences in North Africa, Italy and

  (4) While Stimson was still Secretary of War he brought Harvey
Hollister's son, McGeorge Bundy (The Order), into the Pentagon to
work on a book manuscript ("H" on the chart). This was published in
1948, entitled On Active Service In Peace And War. The joint author-,
ship (see illustration) gave McGeorge Bundy a quick start in his career,
as we shall describe in the next Memorandum when we pick up the
career of the two younger Bundys, both members of The Order.

 In a nutshell:

 - Stimson was appointed to government offices by every President,
except Harding, from 1911 to 1946, i.e., Taft, Wilson, Coolidge,
Hoover, Roosevelt, and Truman.

 - Stimson used his office to advance the career of fellow members of
The Order, in particular Harvey Hollister Bundy and his son, McGeorge

pps. 41-46
Aloha, He'Ping
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Peace Be, Amen.
Roads End

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