
  Mock war, real snafu                                            [Image]

  by Katherine Dougan


  Friday evening the Williams family sat down in                  [Image]
  their Oxford living room and popped a movie into
  the VCR. Then the power went off — a total
  blackout in all the neighborhoods surrounding the
  Anniston Municipal Airport in Oxford — and what
  sounded like a war began outside.
  “We know we live near the airport, so we expect
  some noise. But we don’t expect a war to be going
  on right next door to us,” said Debbie Williams of
  Lane Ave. in Oxford. “A big explosion went off,
  and our couches were vibrating — everything in the
  house vibrated.”

  Ms. Williams and some other residents near the
  airport received no notification that Army Special
  Forces were going to be conducting wargames at the
  airport and Alabama Power was going to cut off
  their electricity.

  The Army didn’t even notify the Calhoun County
  Sheriff’s Department, Sheriff Larry Amerson said.
  Oxford and Anniston police were notified.

  Residents near the airport heard what sounded like
  machine gun fire, saw the fiery-red flash of
  explosions, and saw silhouettes of what looked
  like paratroopers dropping out of the darkened

  Louise Strope, who also lives on Oxford’s Lane
  Ave., got no notice. She said her pet monkeys were
  nearly apoplectic because of the noise.

  “Not knowing anything was the biggest thing,” she
  said. “If I’d known, I could have got them

  The “invasion” was part of a special training
  operation conducted in Anniston, at Fort McClellan
  and at the airport in Oxford from Tuesday until
  the wee hours of Saturday morning.

  Hershal Chapman, a public affairs officer at Fort
  McClellan, said he “put out a public service
  announcement to all media outlets saying there
  would be noise.”

  But that statement did not mention how extensive
  the operation would be, that part of it would be
  conducted at the airport, or that residents’ power
  would be cut off.

  Barbara Ashley, from the public affairs office at
  Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg,
  N.C., said the operation involved about 800
  soldiers, from the 75th Ranger Regiment at Fort
  Benning and the 160th Special Operation Aviation
  Regiment from Fort Campbell.

  Ms. Ashley was concerned to learn that the word
  about the operation didn’t get out.

  “I thought people were going to be notified,” said
  Ms. Ashley. “I know sometimes it is a problem and
  it does upset the citizens, and that’s one thing
  we try to avoid.”

  She said the Army does exercises like this “to
  give the rangers, Air Force special operations and
  the 160th opportunities to experience training in
  new and different environments. It adds to the
  realism of the exercise as real-world missions are
  in environments unfamiliar to our soldiers.”

  Alabama Power’s Buddy Eiland said the utility
  received a request from the military to cut the
  power off for about 1-1/2 hours on Friday evening.
  Residents said the power went off at 8 p.m. Friday
  and returned about 10 p.m.

  “We sent out a notice to about 300 or so customers
  in that area that were affected,” Eiland said.
  “Some of them did come back with address problems,
  so there may have been a few people who were not
  aware of it.”

  The notice that Alabama Power sent out said that
  the power would be cut off “to perform work on the
  power lines.” Eiland said it was a standard notice
  and that’s why he thought it did not mention the
  real reason for the power being cut off.

  Marshall Shaddix, an Oxford City Councilman, said
  both the Army and Alabama Power should have done a
  better job of notifying people.

  “I don’t feel it’s right,” he said. “They should
  let them know....If I lived over there I’d sure
  like to be notified.”

  Paul Street, of Anniston Executive Aviation, said
  the airport was closed to the public during the
  entire operation.

  “We’ve had to close it before. It’s not an
  out-of-the-ordinary thing at all,” said Street.

  The word about the airport being closed was sent
  out in the form of a “notice to airmen,” which
  they receive via computers and as part of a
  preflight weather briefing. It is available to all
  air traffic en route.

  “When people are making flight plans, you
  generally call the flight service station and they
  give you anything that might be going on at a
  particular airport,” said Street.

  What if a plane needed to make an emergency
  landing while the exercises were under way?

  “First off — they wouldn’t have been able to land
  — the airport was not available,” said R. Gmerek,
  a supervisor at the Anniston Automated Flight
  Service Station, which is operated by the Federal
  Aviation Authority. “But with Talladega (airport)
  and Gadsden as close as they are, I can’t fathom
  where Anniston would be the only resort.”

  Becky Feazell, who lives near the airport, said
  there was obviously a lot of planning that the
  military put into this operation.

  “Other people obviously knew,” she said and just
  wishes someone could have told her.


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