-Caveat Lector-

from alt.mindcontrol
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.mindcontrol:39564">Dan 'Alex Constantine'
Subject: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: John M Price PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, Mar 8, 1999 4:42 AM
Message-id: <36e4a6cf.0@calwebnnrp>

A while back (Aug 97) I was contacted concerning Alex Constantine.  I
recently asked for permision to post that email, and did receive it, but
asked that the writer review it for personal data he might want removed
(hence the subject line: Post - for your review).  Essentially, that is
all that was removed - phone numbers etc.

So, Dan, CIA still inflating your muscles?  Any recent diaramas depicting
your present usenet insanity appearing in your room?  And are you having
difficulty walking through them?

=== begin email note ===
>From mcannon (aaa) thorin (ddd) instanet (ttt) com Mon Mar  8 20:22:26
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 19:12:29 -0800
From: Martin Cannon <mcannon (bbb) thorin (fff) instanet ( 0 ) com>
To: "John M Price, PhD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Post - for your review

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Mr. Price,

I don't really know much about who you are, or why you have gotten into
a net-spat with one Alex Constantine -- whose real name is Dan
Rightmyer. Only a couple of your posts have come to my attention. But I
guess I'm the "ex-friend" of Dan's to whom you refer in one of your

If you stated that he spent time in a mental hospital in 1991, you did
so incorrectly. Unfortunately, a guy like Dan will use any mis-statement
on your part to his advantage.

Feel free to contact me for the facts. I was never very close to him,
although I knew him since the late '80s, and my present roommate was
probably the best friend he ever had -- and put up with more
sheer shit from the guy than you can imagine.

Yeah, Dan did have a severe breakdown in 1991. I visited him at that
time -- one could almost hear the "Twilight Zone" theme music playing in
the background. He wouldn't discuss anything involving politics because
he was sure that "they" (his unseen enemies) were listening to his every
word, and "they" had allegedly ordered him not to discuss anything of
that nature. He used a cloth or some other protective covering every
time he picked up the telephone. He destroyed or gave away his files on
numerous subjects, acting at "their" unseen psychic request. He didn't
work (even as a drug dealer) and could barely take care of himself.

His former best friend tells me that when he ventured out of his
apartment, he would interpret innocent, everday objects (a child's
shirt, a plant on a neighbor's balcony, etc.) as threatening signals
directed against him by "them."

The breakdown resulted from a complex series of events having to do with
a woman he was then seeing. I can discuss the matter with you at length,
if you like.

His agoraphobia is a comes-and-goes kind of thing. I know for a fact
that he gets increasingly nervous and agitated when taken on car trips
for short distances. Long distances are out of the question. (Although
he did once take -- due to psychic urging from "them" -- a long bus trip
to Omaha, Nebraska! That's a wild story in and of itself...) He's
usually OK when walking in familiar locales, but generally prefers not
to leave home.

There's lots more to be said, of course. Bottom line: Dan Rightmyer is
the most severely mentally ill person I have ever known.
Virtually everyone who has known him as long as I have will tell you

-- MJC
=== end email note ===

John M. Price, PhD                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Life: Chemistry, but with feeling!   |   PGP Key on request or by finger!
  Email responses to my Usenet articles will be posted at my discretion.
Comoderator: sci.psychology.psychotherapy.moderated          Atheist# 683

It would be an exaggeration to state that victims of sexual abuse
inevitably sustain permanent damage.
     - Judith Lewis Herman
Subject: Re: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Tue, Mar 9, 1999 3:58 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <36e4a6cf.0@calwebnnrp>, John M Price PhD

A while back (Aug 97) I was contacted concerning Alex Constantine.  I
recently asked for permision to post that email, and did receive it, but
asked that the writer review it for personal data he might want removed
(hence the subject line: Post - for your review).  Essentially, that is
all that was removed - phone numbers etc.

So, Dan, CIA still inflating your muscles?  Any recent diaramas depicting
your present usenet insanity appearing in your room?  And are you having
difficulty walking through them?

     John: Your source regarding myself is Martin Cannon. If you like I can
post letters, too. I have a largish collection of letters by and concerning
my "ex-friend" Martin. These concern:

     1) His career as the administrator of a pornographic web site.
     2) His theft of $3,500 from Feral House ‹ the publisher he CONTRACTED
     with to put out his book, The Controllers. Instead, Martin took the
     advance, pocketed it. The book never appeared. When Adam Parfrey
     demanded the book, Cannon laughed at him for being so gullible as
     to give the "author" the advance payment.
     3) Martin despises me for calling him on his assorted felonies. I did
     this years ago, and he still manufactures fictions about me to "get
     4) I can post many letters from his own "ex-friends" testifying that
     Cannon is mentally ill, and is prone to violent outbursts.
     5) I have witnessed him verbally abusing women, and can post his
     letters doing exactly this.

     You're barking up the right tree if you and Cannon want to smear good
ol' Alex. You both despise me for blowing the whistle on you. That's
because I can document my statements, and all you have is a grudge to nurse
and a source who belongs in a mental institution ‹ and I can document it.
You have
a lungful of hot air, and I hope you continue to talk to Martin Cannon,
I can leave a trail of documents that will make both of you queasy with
     As if you shouldn't be embarrassed enough over your comfy alliance with
Satanist Michael Aquino...

‹ Alex  Constantine

‹ Alex
Subject: Re: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Tue, Mar 9, 1999 3:29 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <7c3oos$a6f$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Cipher

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Alex Constantine, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>I can leave a trail of documents that will make both of you queasy with

Cipher responded:
Idle threat...

     Okay. See "John Price & the Pornographer 2" for a sample.

‹Alex Constantine

 )\ (  ) /(    Cipher
 )/ \\// \(    Protect privacy, boycott Intel:
    (oo)       http://www.bigbrotherinside.org
o@o  ~~  o@o   PGP Public Key available at my website or via finger
Subject: Re: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Janet Neumann)
Date: Tue, Mar 9, 1999 10:02 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dr. Price,

Alex will readily tell you his real name if you ask him, this is no
great expose on your part.  Has the mindcontrol NG degenerated into the
National Enquirer?  Maybe if we hang around Alex's place of residence,
we will be able to get some pics of him walking out to get the newspaper
in his housecoat, oooooh.
What you have posted is not humorous, it only proves that he has been
subjected to mind control technologies.  Would I think it was funny to
see someone tortured, nope, not in a million years.
I hope you didn't get your doctorate in the helping professions, because
what you have posted is personal information.  The only reason for this
kind of disclosure is if he is harmful to himself or others.  There is
no indication of anti-social behavior (unlike others in this posting,
yourself and Mr. Cannon) and it appears that he is being flamed for
having ethical standards, just as a pay back.  It's a shame they don't
include ethics in the requirements for a doctorate.


PS  I do love your latest PS, I am speechless.  Maybe I should share
this with my BPD Group and cause a lot of self-mutilating.  Why would
someone take the chance that they might permanently damage a psyche, for
their temporary sexual pleasure?

John M. Price, PhD =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0
=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0
It would be an exaggeration to state that victims of sexual abuse
inevitably sustain permanent damage.
Subject: Re: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Wed, Mar 10, 1999 12:15 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <7c46s1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Dennis Smith"

"Has the mindcontrol NG degenerated into the National Enquirer?"
You're kidding right? The majority of the posts on this NG have little
to do with mindcontrol. Many of these people have serious mental
problems. This NG makes the National Enquirer seem like reasonable


     The irrational postings in this NG are intended to discredit victims
of torture. You do not have the depth to understand this, or how
psyops are run, so your observation is, sorry to say, worthless. FYI,
targetted individuals turn to this forum out of desperation, because
all other avenues of expression are closed to them, and your attitude is
typical in a society that embraces fascism and ridicules the victims of

‹ Alex C.
Subject: Re: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: "Dennis Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Mar 11, 1999 7:30 PM
Message-id: <7ca1p2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Alex Constantine wrote in message ...
>In article <7c46s1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Dennis Smith"
>"Has the mindcontrol NG degenerated into the National Enquirer?"
>You're kidding right? The majority of the posts on this NG have
>to do with mindcontrol. Many of these people have serious mental
>problems. This NG makes the National Enquirer seem like reasonable
>     The irrational postings in this NG are intended to discredit
>of torture. You do not have the depth to understand this, or how
>psyops are run, so your observation is, sorry to say, worthless. FYI,
>targetted individuals turn to this forum out of desperation, because
>all other avenues of expression are closed to them, and your attitude
>typical in a society that embraces fascism and ridicules the victims
>‹ Alex C.

Oh I don't know, maybe you don't have the depth to understand what is
really going on here. You think you do but that is only because you
have been fed just enough to make you think you know what is really
going on. You are attacking all the wrong people while the ones who
are truly evil go un-noticed. How could you be such a simpleton to
allow yourself to be duped this way. Your work here is worthless.
Targeted individuals who turn to this forum may be plants by the very
people who control you. How do you know that you are not being
controlled in such a way that your being forced to respond to me in a
negative manner? Please tell us how you know this? If the government
has the mindcontrol beam activated then shouldn't we assume they have
you and ignore any future posts from you?

I think it would also be valuable for you to explain the criteria you
use to determine which irrational posts in the NG are made
intentionally to discredit victims of torture and which are made by
crazy people.

Subject: Re: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: CmdrMark <Cmdrmark@world$net.att.net>
Date: Tue, Mar 9, 1999 3:18 PM
Message-id: <7c4a8q$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

e-mailed, not posted

>There is
>no indication of anti-social behavior {in Alex Contantine} (unlike others in
this posting,
>yourself and Mr. Cannon) and it appears that he is being flamed for
>having ethical standards, just as a pay back.

Hello Janet,

I've been watching this ng for a couple of years. At first, I posted a
bit but stopped one day after asking Alex why he was posting an article
almost eight years old concerning the McMartin Day Care Center
preliminary report. After all that time, wasn't the report finalized, I

His response was a rather forceful diatribe against "them" who were
blocking the report throught financial means.

The next day, I logged on to see the headline "(My screen name): Child
Abuser" written by Alex. Apparantly he took great umbrage at my question,
taking care to "Archive:no" his posting to prevent it from being picked
up by deja news or other archiving service. It appears that in Alex's
mind, questioning him equals abusing children. Very strange and imho,

In my opinion, Alex' ethical standards are "attack, attack, above all,
attack anyone who questions your assertions". He does not deserve your
kind support.


Wanna e-mail me? It's worldnet...NOT world$net. You keep the "$"!
Subject: Re: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Wed, Mar 10, 1999 12:04 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

CmdrMark wrote:
Hello Janet,

I've been watching this ng for a couple of years. At first, I posted a
bit but stopped one day after asking Alex why he was posting an article
almost eight years old concerning the McMartin Day Care Center
preliminary report. After all that time, wasn't the report finalized, I

In my opinion, Alex' ethical standards are "attack, attack, above all,
attack anyone who questions your assertions". He does not deserve your
kind support.


     All: Yes, I do attack. I attack organized pedophiles, fascsists and other
unsavories. And who is "CmdrMark?" He is a military vet who told me that
victims of torure at the hands of the US government "deserve" it for offending
the ruling authority, meaning, I guess, the Pentagon. I have saved his e-
and they are positively disgusting, especially to victims of ritual abuse and
RF assault.
     N'est pas?

‹ Alex Constantine
Subject: Re: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: CmdrMark <Cmdrmark@world$net.att.net>
Date: Thu, Mar 11, 1999 9:35 AM
Message-id: <7c8usc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                  <<<snipity snip>>
>     All: Yes, I (Alex Constantine) do attack. I attack organized pedophiles,
fascsists and other

And apparantly anyone who poses a polite question to you.

>And who is "CmdrMark?" He is a military vet

(chuckle) The closest I've been to the military is to applaud as they
march by in the annual Veteran's Day parade.

>who told me that
>victims of torure at the hands of the US government "deserve" it for
>the ruling authority, meaning, I guess, the Pentagon.

You sure you've got the right CmdrMark?

> I have saved his e-mails,
>and they are positively disgusting, especially to victims of ritual abuse and
>RF assault.

Please, if you have them, post them, but with a warning so that the
victims of which you speak will be warned and not suffer added trauma.
I'd me most interested in seeing these alleged "e-mails" you purport to

Also, include all headers for identification purposes. (That way, all can
see from which pc they were written.)

>     N'est pas?
>‹ Alex Constantine


Wanna e-mail me? (Except Alex), It's worldnet...NOT world$net.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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