-Caveat Lector-

I was going to let this batch slide but this post is to good to pass

"Damian B. Cooper" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> At 04:57 PM 12/11/98 -0700, Hilary Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have tried to stay out of this discussion about Anne Frank and the
> Holocaust.  For me, the debate is over.
> >
> >I have yet to figure out why people are even questioning if the Holocaust
> happened or not.
> Assuming your question is serious, let me propose an answer.
> The formulation of your statement betrays your acceptance  -- perhaps
> unconscious, perhaps willing -- of
> a cunning sophistry.  That sophistry incorporates two elements: 1) that "the
> Holocaust" is an "event";
> and 2.) that there exist evil, awful people who question or "deny" this "event.
> "The Holocaust" is NOT an event. It is:
> a. ) a neologism --  term that came into use only in the late 1960's around
> the time that
> President Carter created a "Presidential Commission on The Holocaust".

It may be a neologism. So what? It could be a new word describing a
new event.
That it was an event is undeniable. That it is a neologism is moronic
the word is 3000 years old. That you are ignorant, is obvious.

> b.) a metaphor  (i.e, "like a holocaust")
> c.) an interpretation, specifically an interpretation of  early to mid
> twentieth century
> history from the perspective of organized Jewry, the Soviet Bloc, international
> Communism, or perhaps all of them together.

What the hell are you babbling about here?

> d.) a "term of art" - the meaning of which is something other than the exact
> literal meaning of the word itself. The meaning of  "term of art"  is generally
> specified and controlled by the "artist" who created it.
> If one accepts a term of art, one must accept ALL of the meanings that the
> artist
> assigns to the term of art.  The meanings are not subject to debate or
> alteration.

The only " artist " here is you.

> A term is art is NOT "common currency" for dialogue.
> The term of art, "the Holocaust" incorporates a very broad and encompassing
> set of meanings.

No it doesn't. It has a very specific meaning. But being an ignorant
you don't know what it is.

> Some of the meanings that may be included  in "the Holocaust"
> convey unmistakable suggestions of ethnic, religious, and national origin
> bigoty.
> For example, "Holocaust" literature characterizes Germans as inherently and
> genetically predisposed to "anti-Semitism" and "white supremacy".  (See
> Danial Goldhagen's "Ordinary Germans: Hitler's Willing Executioners")

Well it did happen there didn't it? It didn't happen in Bantustan.

> "Holocaust" literature also suggests that Christianity is inherently
> "anti-Semitic"
> and that the Catholic Church collaborated in the "Holocaust".

Both of these statements are true and easily verifiable.

> Germans, Austrians, Swiss, Catholics, Lutherans and others indicted by such
> purported
> "meanings" of "the Holocaust" reject such unnuendo and view it as a untruthful
> and dishonest slander.

Gee what a surprise. I wonder why?

> Those that promote "the Holocaust" are viewed, not as arguing "facts", but
> as promoting hateful and dishonest stereotypes.

And those that deny the holocaust are pathetic guilt ridden cowards
who would
rather try to lie their way out of feeling guilt than resolving the

> If you wish to assert that "the Holocaust happened", and mean by that that
> all Germans, Austrians, Swiss, French, Catholics, Lutherans, Christians,
> etc, are collectively guilty of all war crimes of WW II, then those you
> chose to
> condemn are going to reject your construction of whatever you mean by
> "the Holocaust".

And many do. Unfortunately for them it doesn't change anything. What
in Europe will stain those cultures for ever. I think it's a good
thing for
the guilty to feel guilt. Maybe they won't do it again.



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