-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Sno0wl wrote:
>I keep hearing the media saying that as far as Clinton goes, it's all
>over. He's as good as impeached and politically dead.  Any opinion
>that counters that view is given short shrift in passing.

If the media IS doing this (and you seem to never give reference to
specific media outlets, Marilyn), then it's something that's occurred
since this weekend...what I've been hearing on NBC, CNN, FOX, is that
Clinton is so popular, that all the polls prove how popular he is, so how
can impeachment be seriously considered?

It's only since the articles were actually passed by the Judiciary
Committee and sent on to the House that, as was pointed out, there has
been a subtle shift in the media's reporting...but what I've seen is a
reaction akin to amazement that this is actually happening, and perhaps
the rats are deciding to abandon a sinking ship...

I think also that in the past, the WH wielded a lot of power in only
'allowing' certain reporters and media outlets access to the WH (this
applies to past administrations, too, not just Clinton's)...and that now
that impeachment seems imminent, those in the media realize they are in
the position of Clinton now needing them more than they need him, and
they are therefore taking advantage of the situation...

This scenario would come about irregardless of the party and the politics
of whomever was in the White House...the rats abandon the sinking ship
and turn into a flock of vultures circling their dying victim...

>There's hardly any mention of what this trial would do to the country

Not surprising, since the media's never discussed what Chinagate,
Whitewater, Vince Foster and all the other murders, have done to this
country, either...

>it's highly unlikely that the Senate would agree with an impeachment.

Doesn't matter if the Senate 'agrees'...by the time it comes to the
Senate for a trial, the president's already been impeached.

Impeachment means only that a public official has been accused of
misconduct in office...impeachment does NOT mean removal from office.

If the House impeaches, then the Senate holds a trial...a trial which may
or may not lead to Clinton's removal from office, but that's why the
trial is held...to determine the validity of the charges...

>The national opinion may be 68-32 in favor of non-impeachment, but

The 'national opinion' is as ignorant of what impeachment actually is (as
your statement above displays you yourself to be), and therefore when
asked about impeachment, 'the public' who equates the word with 'removal
from office' answers in the negative...

I'd hazard the guess that if the polls instead worded their questions
more like:  "Do you think the House of Representatives should adopt the
charges against the President, and then have the Senate hold a trial
based on those charges?", the answers would be very different...

>Tiresome....but essentially frightening. Not to mention the
>arm-twisting and career threats going on within Republican
>ranks to get the desired effect.

And the anti-impeachment forces aren't doing the same thing?


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