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EnCRyPtiON: More than just complex al </A>

EnCRyPtiON: more than just complex algorithms

Much of the information available on encryption focuses on the math
behind transforming data or creating keys. Encryption, however, is only
one part of a comprehensive protection scheme. Just as important as a
strong algorithm is a secure implementation of that algorithm.

Nicholas Cravotta, Technical Editor

Sufficient security is a balance of price, performance, and privacy.

An application may require several encryption algorithms working
together to guarantee data integrity and authenticity.

Encryption technology is available as software, ICs, or embedded cores.

Biometrics and tokens, such as smart cards, protect keys from misuse and
unauthorized copying.

The more complex the system, the more vulnerable it is to attack.
"Randomness" is next to "secretness"
Exporting encryption technologies

Other encryption techniques

For more information

The rise of digital technology has changed the way people use and store
information. As more and more data takes a digital form—shifting from
physical media, such as film, tape, or paper, to bits—the need to
protect both the content and the privacy of information has increased.
For example, music and video copied from a digital versatile disk (DVD)
results in a perfect copy, a factor that has held up the adoption of DVD
because studios are afraid to leave their valuable content so vulnerable
to theft.

Encryption technology plays an important role in maintaining the general
avaey can read encrypted data.
An electronic cracker trying to break an algorithm with a 56-bit key
needs to try random keys from a key space of 256 keys. Depending on the
speed of the processors that crackers use, cracking can take hours to
centuries. In general, the larger the key space, the stronger the

The perception that encryption strength depends wholly on the encryption
algorithm is false. Given the large key spaces and complexity of today's
encryption algorithms, breaking the algorithm is the last place an
attacker attempts to compromise a system. Strong encryption can protect
information, but only if the "box" housing the encryption is at least as
strong; for example, if an attacker can access information before the
system encrypts it, then there is no need to break the encryption
algorithm. No product is an island, especially when it comes to
security. You may build the part of a system that actually employs
encryption technology, but the rest of the system—if system
manufacturers don't take care—can nullify your hard work: Security is
only as strong as its weakest link. Additionally, the more complex the
system, the more potentially vulnerable it is to attack.

You should consider several important factors to successfully implement
encryption and reduce system vulnerabilities. These factors include
selecting an algorithm; securely implementing encryption; managing keys;
and balancing performance, price, and privacy to achieve sufficient

With a complete understanding of security and encryption issues, you can
begin to compensate for potential vulnerabilities in other parts of a
system or point them out to the engineering teams designing these
systems. System issues may include guaranteeing the integrity of data
from unauthorized tampering, such as insertion, alteration, destruction,
and replay. Another issue is guaranteeing confidentiality and privacy.
It may be important to protect information flow and content from
disclosure. (For example, viewers may want to keep private the kinds of
movies they watch.) Guaranteeing authentication is yet another issue:
All parties are who they say they are, and only authorized parties have
access to information. Repudiation is also a factor. Transactions are
 immune to false denial (for example, "I never ordered that") through
proof of origin and delivery. Finally, consider restoration: A system
and its information can survive and resume service after an attack (for
example, a set-top prepay procedure is broken).

New standards for old

A multitude of encryption algorithms and protocols is available,
depending on your application and the required level of security (Table
1). For some applications, formal or de facto standards exist, including
the Data Encryption Standard (DES) for financial transactions, the
secure-sockets layer for networks, and the Internet Protocol Security
Protocol (IPSEC) and Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(S/MIME) for the Internet. Several message-authentication, or "hash,"
standards also exist, such as Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) and
message-digest 5 (MD5), which produce a fixed-length value guaranteeing
the integrity of a message and which an attacker cannot use to derive
the original message. Many of the standards, such as S/MIME, are
protocol definitions based on base encryption algorithms, such as DES,
Triple-DES, and RC2 (Rivest's Cipher).

By far, the most widely used algorithm is DES, employing a 56-bit key on
a 64-bit data block. It is possible, however, for a cracker to break a
DES cipher in less than a few hours (Reference 1). The issue is not
whether a cracker can break DES 56-bit keys by brute force but how
cheaply it can do so.

Industry insiders are already taking steps to replace 56-bit DES with an
algorithm using a larger key space. The Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES) is the official successor to DES, but it won't be available until
2001. Until then, the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) recommends the use of Triple-DES, or ANSI standard X9.52.
Triple-DES churns a message through a DES engine three times. The
standard offers several modes supporting three keys per transaction, as
opposed to one, and alternates encryption and decryption.

In addition to standard algorithms such as DES, many proprietary schemes
offering varying levels of strength, such as elliptic curve and dynamic
substitution devices, are available. The difference among these
algorithms is their mathematical bases: DES uses S boxes, public-key
encryption uses large prime numbers, and several of the next-generation
algorithms use modified Feistel networks. Unless you plan to code an
algorithm yourself, you need not dive into the details of each algorithm
type (Reference 2). The key difference in schemes is the varying
processor and memory requirements for implementing the scheme. DES has
been successful because of the small cryptoengine necessary to
manipulate 56-bit keys. A 1024-bit key algorithm offers greater security
but requires significantly more processing power. In any case, be wary
of vendor claims and benchmarks. For example, you may hear that a
160-bit elliptic key is equivalent to a 1024-bit RSA (Rivest, Shamir,
and Adelman) key. Be sure to ask for concrete verification of such
claims and ask competitors for their takes on such claims.

The open/proprietary issue takes a different angle with encryption
technologies. Certainly, you can prove an algorithm weak by breaking it,
but no known means exists for proving an algorithm secure. With the
tools for reverse engineering, reliance on the "secret" properties of an
algorithm is little security. Thus, there is something to be said for
the rationale that an algorithm should be strong enough so that
publishing it does not weaken it. In general, confidence in an algorithm
increases with time, given that none of the experts of the day can crack
it. New algorithms often do not have the scrutiny that old algorithms

You can take a hard look at the next-generation algorithms, such as
Twofish, RC6, and Cast-256, competing to replace today's "obsolete"
standards by reviewing the work that NIST is doing on AES. NIST is
running benchmarks for each of the algorithms under various operating
conditions, as well as gathering qualitative comments from the
encryption community (Reference 2). Those algorithms that NIST does not
choose to become AES will still be available. For example, if you
control both ends of the communication and do not need to interact with
any outside network, you have complete freedom to choose the most
appropriate algorithm, based on the required level of security,
performance, throughput, cost, and size of your pipeline in both
directions. You are not bound by NIST's choice of algorithm and can
select the best algorithm for your system needs.

In any case, DES will be around for at least as long as legacy systems
require compatible support. There is already extensive investment in
DES, which will probably for some time color the evaluation of how DES
adequately meets needs.

If short keys have "killed" DES, why not just use extremely large keys
to begin with and evade the issue of ever cracking an algorithm? The
trade-off is balancing performance, price, and privacy. Algorithms such
as RSA can employ long 1024-bit keys and processor-intensive algorithms,
effectively making the possibility of cracking a message zero. Long keys
and complex math, however, though they offer more strength and security,
require significant processing time (even minutes), making them
infeasible for bulk encryption. One option is to use both kinds of
encryption together.

Algorithms such as DES are symmetric, or synchronous, algorithms: Both
the sender and the receiver use the same secret key (Figure 1).
Symmetric algorithms employ transposition and substitution, operations
that many processors handle quickly. Asymmetric, or asynchronous,
algorithms, such as RSA, on the other hand, use a private key that only
the owner of the key knows and a public key that others use to
communicate with the owner (Figure 2). Because one of the keys is
public, there is no need to have a secure channel over which to share
the secret key of a symmetric algorithm. (If you have such a secure
channel, why not just send the message?) Asymmetric algorithms, such as
those based on prime numbers, require multiplication, which tends to
significantly slow processing. Asymmetric algorithms also use much
longer keys (greater than 400 bits).

A hybrid option uses both kinds of algorithms, employing a "digital
signature" (Figure 3). Using a symmetric key, the sender encrypts the
message more quickly than he could with an asymmetric key. The sender
then encrypts the symmetric key using the public key of the receiver.
Only the receiver has access to the receiver's private key, which the
receiver uses to decrypt the secure symmetric key, which, in turn, the
receiver uses to decrypt the message. "Public-key infrastructure" refers
to the use of both encryption and digital signatures.

Implementation issues

Encryption is available as an off-the-shelf technology, and vendors
often provide it as C code (sometimes as source code) or as a core for
or already within ICs. In either case, evaluating encryption
implementations can be challenging: The algorithm may be strong, and the
demo may run like a champ, but just how secure is the implementation?
You can't easily tell by looking at the outside of a chip or at complex
code. Attackers are ruthless and attempt to create faults in whatever
ways they can. For example, attackers may not answer questions nicely,
instead bombarding a system with thousands of answers when the system
requires only one and trying to blow a buffer (overflow) or cause a
boundary error that the system is unprepared to handle. Attackers search
out vulnerabilities, such as areas in which sensitive information
resides or how such information is shared. For example, a poor
pseudorandom-number generator can unintentionally generate weak keys
(see sidebar "Randomness" is next to "secretness"). "Invalid" or
"misinformed" data can cause errors in trusted code. You can often avoid
such errors by clearly defining data-input limits and lengths and by
parsing all data through centralized validation checks (versus checks
scattered throughout the code).

Another important difference among implementations is the packaging of
the algorithm. A development kit for both hardware and software with a
functional application-programming interface, clear documentation, and
code examples can be worth much more than you pay for them in
time-to-market savings. Many encryption companies offer engineering
services, acknowledging that there is more to overall system security
than the encryption algorithm itself. You can purchase various levels of
encryption from base data encryption to "complete" implementations,
which include digital signatures, certificate-authentication management,
and support for smart cards.

Code and memory size (footprint) require a careful look. Many algorithms
take the form of C source code—not assembly—for platform portability.
When you evaluate an implementation, try to compile the code using
several compilers; the compiler you use can significantly affect
encryption speed, based on how it handles shifting operations. Also,
consider how efficiently the algorithm is coded. Because the bulk of
encryption involves many loops, loop unrolling can significantly
increase performance, allowing you to balance the specification of a
high-performance processor and more memory.

If you need to interface to other systems and therefore other
implementations of the same algorithm, proper implementation is
important for preventing interoperability vulnerabilities. You can run
your own validation tests, including the public tools manufacturers
usually create when the industry adopts a standard. These tools pass
test vectors through the implementation and compare the encrypted output
with reference vectors. Additionally, remember that, although the
algorithms themselves may be free, their implementations aren't. Having
to license three algorithms—symmetric, asymmetric, and hash—increases
costs, and you may have to license more than one of each to maintain
legacy compatibility. Finally, be aware that export laws for encryption
are complex and strict (see sidebar "Exporting encryption technologies

Where does encryption reside?

Encryption can reside in many areas in a system. In a virtual private
network (VPN), for example, encryption can reside in the router chip, on
the router board, or at the application level. If you design routers,
you may not even need to add encryption yourself; you can bundle someone
else's software with your board and avoid that part of the design. You
can also add encryption as an external box or accelerator card for use
with legacy equipment; placed in line before the router, the box
transparently encrypts or decrypts information going to or coming from
the router.

Employing encryption in hardware offers greater internal security and
encryption speeds than software but offers less flexibility for mass
redeployment or upgrades. You might consider a programmable approach in
which you can later reconfigure the encryption engine, but such a system
offers a new vulnerability: An attacker can possibly reprogram the
engine and gain access to all messages passing through the engine.

In addition to protecting information that passes through a device,
encryption can protect a system from viruses—malicious data intended to
crash a system (for example, an invalid MPEG stream). It can also
protect against "spoofing" (someone pretending to be a trusted source)
and "man-in-the-middle masquerading" (for example, tricking a browser
into viewing modified Web pages). Another example is a Java set-top box,
which you may configure to allow on-the-fly reprogramming. An attacker
could bypass pay-per-view restrictions or infect a network of boxes with
a virus by "updating" internal code. By requiring digitally signed and
encrypted code updates, you make such an attack more difficult. For
third parties writing software for your final platform, digital sign
atures tell you who sent an update and guarantee that no one has altered
the code, but they do not ensure that the code is without errors or that
it is not infected with a virus. Your platform must be bulletproof
against all code that an attacker could possibly download.

System-bandwidth requirements can affect the placement of encryption.
Employing software on a router can significantly reduce the throughput
of the router because of the increased processing overhead dedicated to
encryption. If you change keys with every transaction, you may slow
throughput by being unable to generate a high enough volume of keys fast
enough or by taking too long to access keys. If bandwidth is tight, you
may want to reduce the size of a key by selecting a different standard,
such as a 160-bit elliptic key instead of a 1024-bit RSA key.

Cloak-and-dagger attacks

The hybrid scheme has several vulnerabilities. For example, the receiver
must be able to verify that no one has tampered with the message. Hash
functions, such as MD5, provide one-way encryption of a message or the
equivalent of a complex checksum. Both sides perform the hash; the
sender encrypts the hash value with the symmetric key. And, if the
results match, you can confidently assume that no one has altered the

Another vulnerability is authentication: The receiver needs to know that
the other party is indeed the right party and not a spoofer. Verifying
the identity of the sender is fairly straightforward: The sender
encrypts an identification (ID) message using the sender's private key,
and the receiver decrypts it using the sender's public key.
(Communicators should use an ID message only once to prevent a spoofer
from using it later.) A new problem arises: The public keys must come
from a trustworthy source. A hacker can access keys posted on a Web page
and replace the receiver's public key with the hacker's own. This
problem presents the man-in-the-middle attack, in which a sender
encrypts a message using the attacker's public key. The attacker
intercepts and decrypts the message and then encrypts it using the
receiver's public key and passes the message on to the receiver. The
result is that neither party knows that an attacker has intercepted or
compromised the message. To answer this need, "certifying authorities"
 provide certificates containing public (now semiprivate) keys in a
secure fashion using the certifying authority's private key. But
attackers can break certifying-authority keys, forcing the certifying
authority to revoke the certificates.

And so on. Encryption involves a lot of cloak-and-dagger, and attacks
can be complex and subtle. For every preventive measure, a corresponding
countermeasure exists. How careful your implementation needs to be
depends on the calculated risk of data loss. In any case, keeping public
keys relatively secret and frequently changing them should be an
integral part of a system's design, but don't count on the secrecy to
protect them! Attackers can compromise or guess secrets. If you don't
employ a third party as a certifying authority, you take on the role
yourself and need to manage access to your public keys.

Key management

The value of a key is directly proportional to the value of the
information it protects. If one key protects an entire system, cracking
that one key is worth everything in the system. If one key protects one
user, cracking the key is worth the information available to that user.
A key that protects only one transaction is worth the least in cost
versus value gained and thus offers the best protection. However, using
a key requires a rigorous key management, adding complexity to a system
and opening another door to attack.

An important foundation for key management is that the cryptoengine
automatically generates, exchanges, uses, and discards keys without
human intervention. In this way, a human can never access a private key,
ensuring that no one can copy, misuse, or give away the key. Tamperproof
containers should "zero out" a key if anyone ever compromises the
container. There should be no external access to the memory holding a
key or to the memory bus. Protecting keys outside a tamperproof
container may be more difficult than you think. For example, a key
hidden on a network may reside in more than one place: temporarily in a
cache, in a recently freed memory allocation (memory-reconstruction
attack), or in the discarded shell of a deleted file.

You must also support a mechanism for revoking keys. This feature
becomes necessary if someone compromises a key; that is, the key breaks
or the person holding the key becomes untrusted (for example, fired).
One method is to maintain a list of revoked keys. In a limited-resource
environment such as a set-top box, however, you can record only so many
revocations before either the buffer blows or older revocations fall off
the list, thus reinstantiating those revoked keys. Using a
certifying-authority model avoids these vulnerabilities.

Tokens and passwords

Secure systems may use a mix of ways to verify the identity of a user:
The verification can be from something you have, such as a token, smart
card, or PCMCIA card; something you are, using biometrics for
fingerprint, voice, face, or other forms of recognition; or something
you know, such as a password.

The "poster child" for tokens and secure key packaging is the smart
card. A cryptoengine inside the smart card is isolated from the rest of
the system, and attackers cannot easily compromise it. Because the
processor and memory reside on the same chip, the key never travels over
an external bus that is vulnerable to observation. You don't have to use
smart-card chips in a smart card. A set-top box, for example, could use
a smart-card chip to implement secure key generation, storage, and
limited decryption.

Tokens should be impossible to forge and should be attached to one user
to prevent their use when stolen. Biometric methods tie a token to a
user on a physical level (fingerprint), and passwords do so based on a
user's knowledge. However, passwords without tokens are insecure; after
all, a computer can crack any password that a person can remember. Also,
a strong key protected solely by a password is only as secure as the
weaker password.

Note that smart cards are vulnerable; attacks based on differential
power analysis can provide attackers with information on the internal
state of the smart card (Reference 3). Proposed changes to prevent
attackers from "reading" smart cards or other ICs through such
information leaks include current scrambling, which breaks up current
patterns by inserting extra and random wait states so that patterns are
more difficult to catch, and reducing variances in internal currents so
that internal states are more difficult to determine.

Damage control

Despite all the precautions you can take to prevent the compromise of
your encryption system, you should assume that someone can and will
break your encryption scheme. If an attacker discovers a backdoor, flaw,
or vulnerability, you need to be able to recover and correct it.

The first step is determining whether someone has breached your system.
If the attacker's motive is to damage or crash your system, you'll
probably quickly find out this fact. However, if the attacker wants
information only to use it elsewhere, such as with credit-card numbers,
or to abuse a function, such as adding value to a smart card, no
fireworks point out these attacks. Filters can uncover this second kind
of breach by observing system behavior and watching for aberrations,
such as a smart-card account making an unusual number of transactions.

Another method for detecting a breach is to keep a log of every
transaction. In a set-top environment, only the home office should ever
communicate with a node box. Therefore, if the transaction logs fail to
match, then someone has attempted to contact the node, signaling that
someone may have compromised the node. The more information you can
capture, the better your chances of tracking and understanding a breach.
The problem arises, however, that an attacker can use any debugging
hooks you include in the final product to compromise it.

When is "good enough" good enough?

The foundation of a good security scheme is that the cost to steal
information should be more than the information is worth. Remember also
that encryption works in parallel with physical protection: An attacker
needs to break both to steal information. If someone has access to your
encrypted data, then the attacker has already compromised your system.
Encryption is managing the compromise by placing another barrier in the
path of an attacker before the attacker can abuse the information. Some
systems have built-in physical protection; set-top boxes connect to
conditional-access lines that already protect content. A VPN, however,
uses access lines and the Internet, which offer little or no protection.
Encryption is about trust and preventing access to those without trust.
Security offers the best results when employing a combination of

Encryption may seem a trifle overdone. Cryptography tends to predict the
worst to prevent surprises. Secure encryption, therefore, must balance
protection, access, performance, risk, and cost in the pursuit of
"sufficient security." One reliable metric is that the more complicated
your implementation, the more vulnerable it is. Aim for simplicity, and
the rest should follow.

1."Cracking DES," Electronic Frontier Foundation, O'Reilly and
Associates, Sebastopol, CA, 1998, www.eff.org.
2.Advanced Encryption Standard Development Effort, www.nist.gov/aes.
3.Kocher, Paul, Joshua Jaffe, and Benjamin Jun, "Introduction to
Differential Power Analysis and Related Attacks,"
4.Waltz, Edward, Information Warfare: Principles and Operations, Artech
House, Boston, MA, 1998.
5.Stallings, William, "Encryption Choices Beyond DES," Communication
Systems Design, November 1998, pg 37 to 43.
6.1999 RSA Data Security Conference Proceedings, 1-415-544-9300.
7.Schneier, Bruce, "Security Pitfalls in Cryptography,"
8.Schneier, Bruce, Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and
Source Code in C, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.

"Randomness" is next to "secretness"
Random numbers are critical in generating difficult-to-break keys.
Simple pseudorandom-number generators (PRNGs), however, generate
repeatable pseudorandom sequences and therefore repeatable sequences of
keys. Thus, an attacker with the right initial seed could theoretically
generate the same sequence of keys and thus reduce the search space of
keys to a trivial size for both past and future messages.

Computers tend to be highly predictable, which makes them useful for
computation but poor for generating true random numbers. For example, if
the system clock updates only 17 times/sec, knowing the approximate time
someone generates a key reduces the unpredictability of seeds based on
the system clock. In general, system values are not secure, because an
unscrupulous user could access or guess the state of the system at the
time of key generation, compromising the anonymity of the key. Even
system characteristics that seem random, such as disk access and process
and thread events, might have a hardware or software correlation that
makes them predictable. A random number must come from a source outside
the computer, preferably from several mixed sources that are unavailable
to potential attackers. Typical sources include microphone inputs, a
user who is randomly striking keys, and temperature variations. Some of
these sources, however, may still offer significant predictability, such
as a user who repeatedly strikes the same key. The source must also
supply enough entropy (unpredictable detail) to meet your volume of
keys; generating a 256-bit key with only 160 random bits misses the

In addition to beginning with a truly random seed, a secure PRNG should
treat every seed bit equally so that no bit affects the output more than
any other. The PRNG should also maintain a large internal state, making
it difficult to predict or track future states and protect the generator
state with the same level of security as a key. If an attacker can
compromise and view the internal state of the generator, methods such as
additional seeding ensure that the next output is impossible to
determine with confidence.

Exporting encryption technologies
Much misinformation exists regarding US encryption-exportation policy.
Previous, "backdoor" policy allowed the export of encryption
technologies that support keys as long as 56 bits if the technologies
added key-recovery mechanisms. US policy has since removed the backdoor
restriction. Currently, US companies can export encryption technologies
that support keys as long as 56 bits except to embargoed countries
without a license but after a one-time technical review or license

Algorithms that use keys longer than 56 bits require a license, and you
can export encryption technologies that support keys as long as 64 bits
for certain mass-market products. Foreign subsidiaries and such
industries as financial, health, and medical, may be able to export to
other countries for their use. This situation has opened the door for US
companies to purchase US encryption products and use them in foreign
countries, but this situation still does not address the desire of US
OEMs to sell to foreign companies. US encryption companies face a
challenge: Foreign companies have access to the same encryption ideas
and algorithms but aren't bound by US regulations and can sometimes sell
to anyone in the world, giving them a competitive advantage. For strong
encryption, it may make sense for multinational companies to buy outside
the United States. For the latest updates on what's legal, visit the
Bureau of the US Department of Commerce's Bureau of Export
Administration's Web site at www.bxa.doc.gov/.

Other encryption techniques
Compression: Brute-force attacks assume that the decrypted message is
obviously a message; that is, it has some telltale signature or pattern,
such as "The secret message is:." Such a pattern may not be uncommon;
for example, all credit-card transactions may begin with the same header
to indicate the type of transaction. By removing the pattern from the
message before the sender encrypts it, an electronic cracker has more
difficulty determining that it has found a valid message and thus the
right key. Thus, compressing messages and keys in digital envelopes
before encryption offers another layer of protection. A similar method,
which Triple-DES (Triple-Data Encryption Standard) uses, encrypts the
message more than once in succession.

Steganography: Steganography, or data hiding, buries valuable
information within less valuable or decoy information, taking advantage
of the fact that messages, files, and data often contain unused and
padded or insignificant areas. For example, streaming video could con
tain set-top-box commands invisible to the viewer. One advantage of
steganography is that a successful attacker may not know that the data
contains a hidden message.

Cognometrics: Password generation has come a long way from using an
easily accessible social-security number. Cognometrics offers a creative
means for "remembering" a password, such as using pictures instead of
alphanumeric characters or asking a battery of preanswered questions to
which only one person would know all of the "correct" answers (for
example, the question, "What is your favorite beer?" and the answer,
"The kind in my refrigerator"). Methods such as cognometrics also
prevent attackers from using a password in another, less secure

TABLE 1—Potential applications requiring encryption Application Attack
Standard Role of encryption Virtual private network (VPN) System
exposed; insecure Internet used as backbone for secure intranetIPSEC
Creates secure data channel, transparent to applications Bridges, for
example, between applications and the lower, more vulnerable levels of
the network Snooper application accessing data from other applications
Secure-sockets-layer (SSL) protocol Protects system from unintended
access Bar-top computer game System exposed; wireless capture of data
DES for transfer to credit-card companies Protects credit-card numbers
sent wirelessly to back-room server for processing Set-top box or
Internet appliance Pirate box Various Controls Internet/interactive
services or prepaid premium viewingDigital security camera Must
physically compromise internal network; for example, wire splicing
Closed networks; no standards Prevents "nothing's happening'' signal
from being spoofed over real signal
For more information:For information on subjects discussed in this
article, use EDN's InfoAccess service. When you contact any of the
following manufacturers directly, please let them know you read about
their products in EDN.Advanced Wireless Technologies
DES core
Santa Clara, CA
fax 1-408-727-5269
Circle No. 392Americans for Computer Privacy
Circle No. 393Analog Devices Inc
Norwood, MA
Circle No. 394Ascom
SDK and ICs for IDEA
Philadelphia, PA
fax 1-215-592-7490
Circle No. 395ASIC International
Cores for DES, SHA-1, MD5, and others
Oak Ridge, TN
fax 1-423-482-8939
Circle No. 396Baltimore Technologies
and others
Plano, TX
fax 1-972-516-3745
Circle No. 397Bokler
Windows SDKs for DES, Triple-DES
Huntsville, AL
fax 1-256-539-9313
Circle No. 398Certicom Corp
SDKs for elliptic-curve cryptography
San Mateo, CA
fax 1-650-312-7969
Circle No. 399Counterpane Systems
Blowfish, AES, Twofish
Minneapolis, MN
fax 1-612-823-1590
Circle No. 400Cryptography Research Inc
Cores, consulting
San Francisco, CA
fax 1-415-397-0127
Circle No. 401Cylink Corp
SDKs for DES, Triple-DES, RC4, RC2, Safer, Safer+for AES
Sunnyvale, CA
Circle No. 402Deutsche Telekom AG
Magenta for AES
Darmstadt, Germany
+49 6151 83-3568
fax +49 6151 83-4464
Circle No. 403Electronic Frontier Foundation
Circle No. 404Entrust Technologies
SDKs for public-key infrastructure, CAST-128, CAST-256 for AES
Richardson, TX
fax 1-972-994-8005
Circle No. 405Future Systems Inc
Cores, Crypton for AES
Seoul, Korea +82-2-578-0581
fax +82-2-578-0584
Circle No. 406Hewlett-Packard
Palo Alto, CA
Circle No. 407Hi/fn Inc
ICs and SDKs
Los Gatos, CA
fax 1-408-399-3501
Circle No. 408IBM
Mars for AES
White Plains, NY
fax 1-770-863-3030
Circle No. 409IRE
ICs, cores, ASIC design, DES, Triple-DES, SHA, MD5
Danvers, MA
fax 1-978-739-5698
Circle No. 410Motorola
Public-key infrastructure, elliptic curve, RSA security
Austin, TX
Circle No. 411National Information
Assurance Partnership (NIAP)
Fosters objective measures
and test methods for
evaluating security products
Circle No. 412National Security Agency
Circle No. 413Network Associates
SDKs for public-key infrastructure, PGP
Santa Clara, CA
fax 1-408-970-9727
Circle No. 414RPK Security
SDK, ICs, cores, ASIC
services for Raike Public Key
San Francisco, CA
Circle No. 415 RSA Data Security Inc
SDKs/HDKs for RSA public-key encryption, RC5, RC6 for AES
San Mateo, CA
fax 1-650-295-7713
Circle No. 416TecApro Internacional SA
Frog for AES
Apdo, Costa Rica
fax 011-506-2531496
Circle No. 417Teledyne Electronic
SDKs for dynamic
substitution devices
Newbury Park, CA
Circle No. 418Vasco Data Security Inc
ICs for DES and RSA
Oakbrook Terrace, IL
fax 1-630-932-8852
Circle No. 419VLSI Technology
ICs for IPSEC, others
San Jose, CA
fax 1-408-434-7584
Circle No. 420Other related links
Notes: •DES=Data Encryption Standard.
•Triple-DES=Triple-Data Encryption Standard.
•SDK=software-development kit.
•SHA=Secure Hash Algorithm.
•MD5=message-digest 5.
•IDEA=International Data Encryption Algorithm.
•RSA=Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman.
•AES=Advanced Encryption Standard.
•PGP=pretty good privacy.
•HDK=hardware-development kit.
•IPSEC=Internet Protocol Security Protocol.


Nicholas Cravotta, Technical Editor

You can reach Technical Editor Nicholas Cravotta at 1-510-558-8906, fax
1-510-558-8914, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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