-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  12/18/98) -- It's "back to the old drawing board" for the
Global Planners, who have "thrown in the towel" on their plan for
"One World."  The Cold War days are coming back, at least for the
near future.

That  the  reverse-course,   heading   us   back  to  an  earlier
geo-political *status quo*, is on the way, is shown most  clearly
by  the  dethronement of Bill Clinton.  But there are other signs
as well.

"Ru  Mills",  in  earlier  reports,  had  described  two  warring
factions  in  the  Western intelligence community:  Faction 1 and
Faction 2.  Faction 1 was  said  to be pro-"One World"; Faction 2
was said to favor the nation-state.   "Ru  Mills"  had  reported,
about a year ago, that Faction 2 had gained control.  And Faction
2, according to the pseudonymed "Ru Mills", wants to bring back a
Cold War balance of power.

The Faction 1/"One World" plan  has  been defeated, thanks to the
fact  that  enough  Americans  stayed  awake  during  the   1990s
*blitzkrieg*  of  propaganda,  hedonism and materialism to make a
difference.  It was disheartening,  during  those times, for some
of us to see how many of  our  fellow  citizens  succumbed  to  a
virtual  reality which turned them into gibbering couch potatoes.
But the Global Planners, revealed  now as not omniscient, had not
foreseen how strong of an underground  resistance  many  ruggedly
individualistic Americans would be capable of mounting.

Now,  these  Think-Tank  overseers of "what's best" are having to
face up to the failure of  their  One World plan.  They will, for
the moment, just revise  their  computer  models  of  interacting
systems,  run  them  through  the  machines,  and  see  what  the
print-outs  have  to  say.  In the meantime, they have decided to
fall back on the old tried-and-true Cold War model.

What This Means
We  can  expect  a  resurgence  of  the Russian Bear.  The goodly
Russian people will now be called upon to "do their part" for the
overall benefit.  They are  now  called  upon to once more assume
their previous role of archetypal "bad guys."   CNNS  (Conspiracy
Nation News Service) wishes to thank the Russian people for their
forebearance  in  taking  on  the part they are about to perform.
Their imminent Shakespearean role is not the favored character in
the play.   Before  the  Iron  Curtain  once  more descends, CNNS
extends a  thank  you  to  a  great  nation  which  has  produced
Dostoievsky, Tolstoy, and Solzhenitsyn.

We can expect an easing of  repression, here in the U.S. Now that
"Evil Russia" is about to be cast as the major villain, the  U.S.
government will no  longer  need  "big  enemies"  here at home to
justify its existence.

We can expect somewhat of a return to traditional male and female
roles.  The human  male  is  biologically  programmed  to be "the
provider."  This term, "biologically programmed", carries with it
thousands of years of human evolution, during  which  the  male's
task has been to succor his wife and children, by providing food,
shelter,  and clothing.  Betty Frieden notwithstanding, ingrained
human biological  realities  cannot  be  over-written  by wishful
thinking.  Coinciding with the dethronement of  Bill  Clinton  is
the dethronement of Hillary Clinton, and all she represents.

We can expect  a  truly  better  employment situation, instead of
"lies, damned lies, and statistics."  The former virtual  reality
had   attempted   to  convince  us  that  there  were  plenty  of
good-paying jobs available,  even  though  this was obviously not
the  case.   The  renewed  Cold  War  will   mean   a   boom   in
manufacturing,  centered  in  the  nation-state.   And  a turning
toward traditional male/female  roles  will  mean  that many more
women  can  now  escape  the  drudgery  of   9-to-5   jobs,   and
concurrently  will  increase  =real=  demand  for  male  workers,
consequently   improving  their  rate-of-pay.   Furthermore,  the
imminent, returning, Cold  War  model,  with  its favoring of the
nation-state,  will  impede  illegal  immigration  and  resultant
competition for jobs.

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

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But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

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