-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 12/30/98) -- A sea  change in the geo-political status quo
is underway.  Button up your overcoats, it's getting  colder.   A
new  "era  of  bad  feelings"  is  unfolding.  In the midst of an
ongoing and momentous change  in  foreign relations, it's hard to
see, since we're in the middle of it, the major  wind  shift  and
its ramifications.

Weather forecast: COLD and getting colder.

Coming  to  the fore now is acknowledgement, by "approved" media,
that something fishy has been going  on with Red China.  Look for
a COLD SNAP between U.S. and the People's Republic of China.

The bitter wind beginning to blow will freeze  the  testicles  of
U.S.  president  Bill  Clinton.   Due  to frostbite of the family
jewels, Bill the Dodo  Bird  will  be  totally impotent by March,
1999.  By then, virile Algore is guiding the  ship  through  mist
and  snow  --  unless  Gore's  enemies  intervene.   Says Sherman
Skolnick:  "Gore looks  fat  because  he's wearing a bullet-proof

"And it grew wondrous cold." [1]

Mikhail Gorbachev is broke.  Boris  Yeltsin is dying.  Ukraine is
re-uniting with Russia.  Russian ambassadors to the U.S. and  the
United  Kingdom  had  been recalled.  Russia defaults on its debt
repayments to major banks.   Iraq,  client state of Russia, jeers
at U.S. military might.  The "Russian bread  index"  --  sort  of
like the White House "pizza index" -- shows a major crisis in the
works.   And  Vladimir  Zhirinovsky assumes role of pimpmaster to
Russian whores.  (Like  U.S.  Congress  "sugar  daddies" pimp for
stupid cow "feminists.")

The borders freeze.  Money coagulates and can't flow easily.  USA
is like "The Twilight Zone":  easy to get in,  but  hard  to  get
out; USA welcomes immigrants but no one welcomes her emigrants.

  And now there came both mist and snow,
  And it grew wondrous cold;
  And ice, mast-high, came floating by,
  As green as emerald. [2]

In a moody scene,  Bill  the  Dodo  Bird  walks  a beach in South
Carolina.  His only friend, Buddy the Dog, lets out  a  plaintive

  The blind hound with a mournful din
  Lifts slow his wintry head;
  The servants bear the body in;
  The hounds wail for the dead. [3]

A  cold,  lackluster  event,  in  Hilton  Head,  South  Carolina.
Underpaid  Russian  military  brass  facilitate  sales of nuclear
weapons to Iran (and  Iraq?)   Russian nuclear missiles GONE from
their silos.  Sales of Russian nukes needed to prop up  faltering
Russian economy?

Deeper  depths:   Russian  GOLD,  extricated  from the cold, cold
ground (subsequent to the 1991  collapse  of the USSR) wanders to
the Netherlands.  The Dutch use that gold  to  buy  banks  in  15
major U.S. cities, according to Sherman Skolnick.  Kingpin in the
reported   scheme   is   ALGEMENE  BANK  NEDERLAND  (ABN),  which
dominates, among others, the  LaSALLE NATIONAL BANK, according to

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] Coleridge, "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
[2] Ibid.
[3] Yeats, "The Ballad of the Foxhunter"

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