-Caveat Lector-

Good synopsis, a few comments.

In a message dated 99-03-26 00:11:28 EST, Joshua2 writes:

<< 1) Keep NATO going. Defense contractors need the money.>>

You got that right, I also think NATO is first pick for the UN police force of
the NWO and they can use this as sort of a "dog and Pony Show" to prove they
need more tax dollars to support this "worthy" cause.  Wars make money for the
International bankers who own the corporations.

    THEIR ONLY NATURAL ALLIES LEFT IN EUROPE. The euphemism being used
    is " diminish the capacity for making war," or " destroy the Serb
    military. THIS IS THE MILITARY OBJECTIVE. Even if the Serbs agree
    to sign that impossible peace treaty with the Kosovars, NATO will
    not accept it because the goal is not peace, but the destruction
    of the Serb state in all but name.>>

I have big doubts about the Russians being weak... if they are starving (media
bull) why are they throwing eggs at the US Embassy in Moscow.  Also, why have
they recently announced that they now have a new missile to add to their
arsenal of weapons?  Why are we sending wheat and other foodstuffs (or selling
to them below cost) while they are supposedly starving... yet still developing
weapons.  Being "nice" might just come back and bite us in the ass.

 <<3) Surround Russia with a ring of iron.>>

You could be right, but that may just provoke them... stupid move as far as
I'm concerned.

 <<4) Wag the dog. A diversion from the explosive China / nukes / bribery
    domestic politics situation.>>

Right on target again, Clinton and his buddies the Democrats and Republicans
don't have Monica to divert attention from the acts of treason with the
Chinese... maybe they are also trying to hide the next big scandal which we
have yet to hear about... the more diversions the better.

 <<5) Small wars are a good showcase for new weapons like the star of
    one, the monstrously expensive B-52 Stealth Boondoggle.

 Did you see how they brought in the two B-52s? It was hilarious. Once
 they determined that there was no anti aircraft threat to speak of,
 the two 2 billion per copy flying cash cows were allowed to enter the
 war zone. It would not do to watch all that American middles class tax
 money burn up on its way down. Bad for business.

 Like a pair of ugly, pimply debutantes, they were presented to the
 public in the dark. With glowing descriptions.>>

The B2 bomber, what an expensive joke, anyone with any sense knows the old
fashioned B52 with it's thousands of modifications is the workhorse of the Air
Force... tried, tested and proven to be probably the most capable bomber in

 <<These are the basics. I have no proof of CIA backing the KLA at this
 point but the war is yet young and its just a matter of time before it
 becomes obvious.>>

Time will probably prove your thesis to be true... if something is screwed up
and subversive... the CIA almost has to be one of the key players if not the

 <<In the end this outrage could spark the next explosion of the Balkans.

 The political, military, and corporate capitalist elites will screw up
 again as is their history. Many will die because they ( the Elites )
 don't see the world as it really is, but as they would like to become. >>

Some questions keep rolling around in my mind... IF (when) we get in involved
in a ground war in Kosovo that will spread across the Balkans, will Red China
use this as an opportunity to attack Taiwan and it's ally North Korea attack
South Korea, maybe even supporting Iraq taking Kuwait again.  Then Clinton and
his handlers will spread our now tiny military thinly along several fronts,
which will be unsustainable due to our lack of manufacturing capability and an
ineffective draft (thanks to the fine example set by our cowardly
President)... Will Russia sit back and wait till we are so weak we can't do
much of a job defending ourselves and jump in for the kill.  Will the US be
forced to step down and let Red China take over a leadership position in the

Kosovo can't be good in any way for the US... time we backed off... get out of
the UN and NATO and clean up our own act starting with the government and
pubic enemy number one (Clinton, Republicans, and Democrats).

Bob Stokes

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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