-Caveat Lector-

In general I avoid op-eds in favor of more factual posts, and yet I note the
great paucity of factual information on this affair, unless of course you
consider what the U.S. government is telling you "factual".  I heard a newsbite
on the radio this a.m. that 50% of the American people support the annihil... I
mean bombing of the Serbs.  Hey its a fucking landslide! even more than the 48%
that voted for Clinton.  Have a nice day.

- Lynda McC.


Mar. 25, 1999; 9:30PM EST - DAY 2, UPDATE 2
A TiM Commentary...
Playing Possum?
Toronto: "Hey, hey, U.S.A., how many Serbs have you killed today?"

PHOENIX, Mar. 25 - Time after time today, retired generals and active-duty high
brass of the "world's most powerfully military," which the trigger-happy Bill
Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Sam Berger, William Cohen and other Washington
warmongers began to use yesterday against a small European predominantly
Christian country, expressed their bewilderment as to why the Serbs have not so
far used their sophisticated air defense systems.

Instead, for the second day in a row, the Serb military lay low, pretending to
be taking it on the chin, as the NATO cruise and tomahawk missiles pounded the
country, destroying its surface military targets and killing mostly Serb
civilians, but leaving the country's underground military structure largely
intact. They used only the traditional AAA (anti-aircraft artillery). And even
that, it appears, was sufficient to hit some NATO planes, as you saw from our
earlier reports.

Guess someone forgot to punch in the "playing possum" scenario into the Pentagon
war games computer models? That Serbs won't waste their missiles against
unmanned NATO missiles, and will instead wait for the NATO pilots to come
calling before sending them home in body bags, or taking the survivors prisoner.

Meanwhile, the Belgrade TV kept broadcasting to the nation the images of the
wanton and needless destruction of civilian structures which the NATO "smart
bombs" had caused. In the Belgrade suburb of Rakovica, for example, two
elementary schools and one junior high school were damaged by the NATO bombing,
our Belgrade sources report.

A Novi Sad-based correspondent reported to the Truth in Media today that, NATO
had "also bombed Vrdnik in Fruska Gora, which is not very far from where I
live." The target was close "right next to the Ravanica Monastery, where the
nuns still keep the collar bone of Prince Lazar" (the Serb leader in the battle
of Kosovo against the Turkish invaders in 1389).

Earlier on, we had also reported to you that "several civilian areas have
already been hit by cruise missiles, including the village of Gracanica, where
one of the most sacred Serbian Orthodox monasteries is situated," according to a
report by Father Sava Janice of the Decani Monastery.

Meanwhile, anti-NATO and anti-American protests are erupting around the world,
including in the NATO countries. If you have any doubts that this is Vietnam all
over again, only worse (because it may lead to WW III), read on...

In Toronto, Canada, America's neighbor and closest NATO ally, more than 1,000
people - many of them Serbs with young children in tow - gathered in front of
the U.S. Consulate, shutting down University Ave, according to today's Toronto
Star report. When police finally managed to clear protesters and reopen the
major city artery, 3 1/2 hours later, many of the U.S. Consulate windows were
broken, and debris, broken eggs and rocks littered the street.

"Hey, hey U.S.A., how many Serbs have you killed today?'', chanted the crowd,
refreshing a Vietnam war protesters slogan ("Hey, hey LBJ, how many have you
killed today?'').

Truth in Media's (non-Serbian!) Toronto sources report that many Canadians
joined in the protest, outraged by the fact that four Canadian CF-18 fighter
jets were among the planes that dropped the bombs on Serbia. "I can't believe
Canada is standing for this. I'm so ashamed,'' a 27-year-old Toronto woman,
holding small baby in her arms, told the Toronto Star.

In Prague, the capital of one of the three new countries admitted to NATO
membership, about one hundred Serbs, some of them wrapped in Yugoslav flags and
waving banners condemning NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia, staged a protest march
past the embassies of the USA and Germany today. The march ended outside the
Yugoslav Embassy. That's where about one thousand people, most the newly-minted
"NATO citizens" (the Czechs), signed a petition against NATO attacks in an hour.

In Moscow, thousands of protesters pelted the American Embassy with eggs, paint
and stones throughout the day. Thousands of volunteers signed up to fight with
the Serbs against NATO.

In Skopje, as we had reported earlier, several thousand Macedonians attacked
first the western journalists' equipment, and then the American Embassy in that
Balkan country.

In Canberra, the capital of Australia, demonstrators expressed their anger at,
what they called, the "West's Mafia Tactics," according to the Australian, a
national daily newspaper.

We could go on, but we'll stop here with reports of the world's outrage at the
NATO bombing of the Serbs.

Meanwhile, amid all these examples of the world's common citizens' outrage
against a wanton NATO aggression against a sovereign country, signs of cracks
within the NATO alliance have begun to show.

First, the Greek prime minister, Konstantinos Simitis, announced today in Berlin
that Greece, a Balkan country, and one of the key components of the NATO
alliance, opposes the NATO air strikes. Then, the Italian prime minister said
roughly the same thing. And even the French Chirac-cum-Vichy government has
started to waiver, perhaps remembering what happened to the Nazi vassals, like

All of which makes Madeleine Albright, the U.S. secretary of state, who claimed
today at a State Department press conference, that she had been in constant
communications with the NATO allies, who were unified and 100% behind the
bombing campaign against the Serbs - a LIAR!

In light of the above PUBLIC statements by the leaders of Greece and Italy,
could it be that Madam Halbright may have been consulting with her alter-egos,
perhaps even less bright than the Albright herself?

Finally, unlike Iraq during the Gulf War, Serbia today reportedly expelled all
foreign journalists from its territory. So no longer will the American
Joe-Six-Packs be able to snack on their beer and chips while entertaining
themselves with scenes of the almighty Pentagon "smart bombs" destroying the
designated targets without any "collateral damage."

But that's the least of the problems which this move will pose for the
warmongers in Washington. As a retired American general (Neal) freely admitted
today in a live CNN broadcast, he and Gen. Schwartzkopf, the top U.S. commander
during the Gulf War, had relied heavily on such CNN and other reports from the
western reporters within Iraq while waging that war.

In other words, by showing the likes of CNN's Christiana Amanpour (Albright's
spokesman James Rubin's Iranian-born wife) the way to the door, the Serbs have
now deprived the NATO bombers of their establishment media eyes and ears on the
ground. From now on, all the news the Joe-Six-Packs will get, will come from the
Belgrade brewery (a far better brew than the Budweiser or Coors, by the way. You
should try it... for what it's worth.)

And so, tisk, tisk... The Pentagon thought they could play a "TV war" with the
Serbs? How stupid! How did Clinton think the Serbs had kicked out the Turks from
their lands after a 500-year occupation (no kidding - 500 years!)? Or the
Austrian imperialists? Or Hitler's 20 divisions, supplemented with the local
collaborators, including the Kosovo Albanians? By kissing up to the invaders?
Especially the Vietnam draft-dodging kind?

So, c'mon Komrade Klinton and Madame Halfbright. Get real. Do you really think
you can intimidate the Serbs by killing their women and children with your
"smart bombs?" Do you really think you can scare the people who had lost
one-third of their male population in WW I, fighting the foreign imperialists
like yourself? (then Austrians and Germans).

Maybe the Klinton-Halfbright duet should return to the Georgetown University's
School of Foreign Service, from which they had (miraculously?) graduated, and do
a remedial course on the Balkans history? Maybe then, they would learn that
"playing possum" is a favorite Serbian pastime. And that kicking the foreign
invaders' asses is the Serbs' most favorite sport, perhaps only after kicking
the soccer ball, or shooting a basketball three-point shot.

Which means that pitting our brave (American) fighting men in the role of
foreign invaders of the sovereign state of Serbia, our ally in two world wars
and the world power in basketball, is an act of treason against everything we,
Americans, stand for: liberty, valor and justice for all. And the three-point

As a triple U.S. veteran (China-Korea-Vietnam) recently put it in his recent
letter to me, "I never would have believed I would say the following we need to
get our asses kicked for being in Kosovo. You would think we would have learned
in the above mentioned conflicts." (see the Wall Street Journal, Mar. 16,
available at our Web site).

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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