A newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
reform of the United States government.

                "Murder is a crime and ought to be punished, except when it is done
in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."  War suspends the rules of
human decency,  and so it is that decent men and women have sought the causes
of war in the hope that this part of the culture of mankind could be
eliminated.  Franklin Roosevelt had this dream as did his counterpart in
England, Winston Churchill.  And, as we all know, their dream came into being
in San Francisco not long after the close of World War II.  The United Nations
was supposed to end all war, but  it is painfully evident that has not
happened.  If anything, the number and intensity of human conflicts around the
globe has increased in spite of the efforts of the UN.

        To go back in time to WWI, the Balkans were the cradle of that war.  On June
28, 1914,  Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Serbia and his wife were riding
through Sarajevo and were killed by an agent of the Black Hand.  The story is
involved, but suffice to say that one month later Austria-Hungary declared war
on Serbia and WWI had begun.  This illustrates the domino theory, with nations
entering the fray and taking sides in what is initially a small, confined

        There is the theory that wars are caused by aggressors.   Those among us who
remember WWII will say that Hitler was an aggressor who should have been
stopped when he marched into Austria and Czechoslovakia.  No, Neville
Chamberlain, then Prime Minister of England,  waited too long and tried to
appease him.  It was not until Hitler invaded  Poland that England declared
war.  By that time Hitler had a good part of Europe under his thumb and was in
position to roll through France.  So the Clinton argument goes that it would
have been much easier and cheaper to stop Hitler before he gained so much
territory.  Clinton's blundering foreign policy notwithstanding, there is some
merit to the aggressor argument.

        All kinds of reasons for war have been advanced.  Population pressure may be
a factor in some wars.  Armed conflicts do thin out the population and
transfer problems elsewhere via refugee movement.  Then there is the theory
that wars are begun by nations when they have a large number of men of
military age among their people, (this one goes back to the Crusades when the
young men - knights - roamed the countryside causing trouble) and the theory
that wars are started by those leaders who wish to draw public attention from
domestic problems.  (The "wag the dog" theory.)   It looks as if the makers of
munitions and other weapons of war have had a hand in starting some conflicts.
The trade in illegal drugs has caused wars (The Opium War).  World government
advocates blame  nationalism and cite the one thousand years of  peace at the
height of the power of the Roman Empire, but the situations then and now are
not at all parallel.  Greed, a pure and simple desire to possess the property
of another, can be a cause.  Nationalism has been blamed, but in recent times
nationalism has been a only tool employed by political  leaders to whip up
sentiment for war among their own people.  Religious and ethnic differences
fall into the same category.  Some will say that war is such a deep-seated
part of human nature that no system will eliminate the problem.  There are a
myriad of reasons, and combinations thereof,  from which to choose.

No copyright on the content of AUDREY'S MISSILES is claimed since it is our
hope that the information in this newsletter will be copied and distributed
widely.  Topics covered are those which are not adequately treated on TV or in
the press.   If you live in the 209 calling area end a request to 209 847-7588
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