-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 03/28/99) -- Bill Clinton,  "The Lyin' King," leads us now
into the Kosovo quagmire, called by some the beginning  of  World
War III, and at least a potential Vietnam War Part 2.

Appearing  as  a  guest  panelist  on  PBS's  "McLaughlin Group,"
Danielle Sremic, an expert on  Balkan  affairs,  predicted  that,
indeed, Kosovo will turn into a second Vietnam.

As research yields actual  facts,  the  nonsensical nature of the
Spring fireworks display in Yugoslavia is emerging.  Reluctantly,
even a few mainstream media voices  are  timidly  asking  serious
questions.   For  example,  on  ABC's  Sunday morning "This Week"
program, it was asked:  "If Slobodan Milosevic is Hitler, will we
be negotiating with him at some point?" [1]

It's hard, after all, to  negotiate  with  "Hitler."   And  since
several  experts  are  now  saying the Serbs will never surrender
unless NATO ground troops  are  deployed into Kosovo, then either
Milosevic is not really "Hitler" or the  escalating  conflict  is
going to get VERY bloody.

Says  Richard  Jaehne,  former  commander  of the NATO operations
school in Europe, "We're  in  for  a long conflict whatever we're
going to do.  It's not going to be quick, it's not  going  to  be
easy, and it's not going to be cheap." [2]

Jaehne  says it's not going to be cheap, which means it will cost
lives and money.  And even  still,  days after the bombing blitz,
nary a word in mainstream media outlets on how  much  $$$  it  is
costing and will cost.

Some  say  whatever  millions  and  billions of dollars are being
spent on the boom-booms falling now on Yugoslavia would be better
spent on easing  the  plight  of  the  homeless  in America.  Not
understood, though, is that these USA homeless are  necessary  to
prop up the real estate bubble:  were there less-desperate demand
for  affordable  housing,  due  to  a greater supply of same, the
inflated real estate market would  collapse.  And that's not good
for landlords.

As usual, independent reporters on the Internet are providing the
most accurate coverage of  what  is  really  going on.  Thanks to
their help, CNNS can now piece together the following:

(1) Mike Wallace of CBS,  notorious  already for his fake reports
on the death of Vince Foster, promotes propaganda regarding "Serb
Rape Camps."  The History Channel broadcast a  program  recently,
hosted  by  Wallace,  where the "Rape Camps" story was pushed off
onto viewers.  Supposedly, the  Serb  soldiers had been massively
raping Bosnian women who were their prisoners, and that age  made
no  difference.   Even  old ladies, so the story goes, were being
systematically raped by  their  Serb  guards!   For refutation of
this twin of an earlier "Iraq incubator babies" story, also shown
now  to  be  a  lie,  visit  the  Serb  Unity  Congress  website,

(2) "Ah, but of course the  Serbs would deny it!"  (That response
is  already  foreseen.)   But  the  so-called  "Racak  massacre,"
trigger for the present imbroglio, is  denied  not  just  by  the
Serbs   but  questioned  by  various  journalists.   *Le  Figaro*
(France) doubts the  story.   *Le  Monde*  (France) is skeptical.
[3] A team of forensic investigators from Finland, by preliminary
reports, also doubts the "Racak massacre" story.  And an  article
in  Chronicles Magazine disputes the claim of a "Racak massacre."
("Hot Spots:  Kosovo Crisis." www.chroniclesmagazine.org/ )

(3) But even were the "Racak  massacre" story true, the deaths of
500,000  innocent  children  in  Iraq,  brought  on  by  U.S.-led
sanctions,  makes  Bill  Clinton  seem  to be, comparatively, the
truer "Hitler."

(4)  Protesters  throughout  the  world  have  been  gathering to
denounce the NATO boom-booms in Yugoslavia:  In Moscow, thousands
protest; in New York  City,  thousands protest [4]; in Vancouver,
hundreds protest [5]; in Toronto, protesters  firebomb  the  U.S.
Consulate  [6]; in Australia, thousands protest and throw eggs at
police [7].

(5) Strictly speaking, it's still unknown  why  NATO  is  bombing
Yugoslavia.   Asked John McLaughlin on his PBS broadcast of March
28, 1999:  "What's the *real* reason?"  If you believe the USA is
spending all this money and  manpower  due to a sudden idealistic
upsurge in humanitarian feelings, CNNS has  some  land  it  would
like  to  sell  you.   So  then what's the real reason?  We still
don't know, but theories  include:   (a) imperialism; (b) control
of drugs flowing  through  the  region;  (c)  the  corporate  war
machine  dumps  bombs  and then we have to pay them to build more
  The RAYTHEON CORPORATION builds  the  missiles now being dumped
over Yugoslavia.  They are sure to profit when more U.S. taxpayer
money is handed to them, necessitated by  the  suddenly  depleted
U.S.  missile  supply.   "Raytheon,  Northrop  Grumman,  Lockheed
Martin,  Boeing  and  other  US  defense contractors have made no
secret of the fact that they see the conflict in Yugoslavia as an
opportunity to market  their  weapons  and secure new contracts."

(6)  A  net  effect  of  the  NATO  bomb blitz will be to further
strengthen "dictator" Milosevic  (who, as "dictator," nonetheless
has a Parliament in his land which does something or other)  [9].
It  will  also help re-unite portions of the former USSR, tending
to bring together the former Soviet republics of Russia, Ukraine,
and  Belarus  [10].   The  insane  NATO  extravaganza  has  also,
ironically, led to more  deaths  rather  than fewer in the region

(7) The NATO aggression against Yugoslavia occurs  simultaneously
with  the  Dow-Jones  average  hitting (briefly) the 10,000 mark.
"Ru Mills" (pseudonym) had informed this news service some months
ago that, according  to  her  sources,  Dow  10,000  would be the
signifier for  major,  planned  events.   CNNS  and  others  have
previously   warned  of  a  re-emergence  of  the  old  Cold  War
geopolitical *status quo*.

(8) The NATO aggression occurs in tandem with an erupting scandal
in   the   U.S.  potentially  connecting  Red  Chinese  "campaign
contributions" with the Clinton regime and Chinese espionage.  In
Yugoslavia, one of  their  TV  networks prominently broadcast the
movie  "Wag  the  Dog"  concurrent  with  the  start  of   NATO's
explosive  aggression.   "Wag  the  Dog"  suggests the use of war
hysteria as diversionary tactic to counter domestic scandal.

(9) Analysis:  Mainstream news outlets serve the USA Goebbels arm
of the Corporate State.   They  run  footage, provided by defense
contractors,  of  their  latest  super-duper  gizmos  --   "news"
"filler" footage.  The USA politicians are bought-and-paid-for by
the  Corporate  State.  Many politicos choose to become corporate
lobbyists or  corporate  media  faces  when  they  grow  tired of
politics.  USA military brass look  forward  to  cushy  corporate
jobs, as "consultants," when they retire early from military duty
and  draw  their  pensions.  Left out of the American "dream" are
the poor and the homeless; they fill the streets and the prisons.
But even these unfortunates serve  the USA Corporate State:  they
are a reserve army of  unemployed  --  millions  strong,  despite
misleading  "percentages."   These  millions of people ensure (a)
that there is a whip of  fear  on  the backs of those who do have
jobs, who know there is no shortage  of  replacements;  (b)  that
affordable  housing  is  kept  limited,  thereby propping up real
estate prices.

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] "This Week," ABC network, 3/28/99
[2]  "Former  Head  of  NATO  School  Sees  Long  Haul," by Chris
Sundheim. Champaign-Urbana News Gazette, 3/27/99.
[3] Qtd. in "Diving Into the Kosovo Quagmire," by William  Norman
Grigg. New American magazine, 3/15/99.
[4] "2,000 in NYC Protest Kosovo Airstrikes," UPI, 3/27/99.
[5] "Hundreds in Vancouver Protest Air Raids," UPI, 3/27/99.
[6] "Protesters Firebomb U.S. Consulate," UPI, 3/26/99.
[7] "Australian Serbs Demonstrate Against NATO Strikes," Reuters,
[8] "US Military Uses Yugoslavia  as Testing Ground for High-Tech
Weaponry," by Jerry White. WSWS, 3/27/99. wsws.org
[9]  CNNS  interview  with  Andrew  B.  Spiegel, General Counsel,
Pavlovic Peace Delegation, 3/24/99.
[10] Statement by Andrei Sitov, Itar-Tass News reporter, on PBS's
"McLaughlin Group," 3/28/99.
[11] "News  from  Neptune,"  radio  program,  broadcast  on local
volunteer radio station WEFT, Champaign, IL, 3/27/99.

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