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THE SCOOP for April 1, 1999
Death Race 2000: The Candidates Come Clean
© 1999 Bob Harris

[] = italics

American Political Reality Increasingly Lets Fundraising Overcome Obvious
Limitations in the politicians themselves.  However, little-reported
statements made by several presidential candidates in front of local
reporters in New Hampshire reveal the true nature of American politics at
the millennium..

"Will I be the next President of the United States?" asked Al Gore,
addressing a group of Internet software developers in Nashua.  "I've got
600,000 more reasons to think so every week."

The group, assembled to thank the Vice-President for inventing the
Internet, thereby providing them with livelihoods if not clear skin, was
stunned by Gore's candor.  "It's not like being Veep is a full-time job,
and I'm not exactly Dan Quayle over here.  I've got a life.  What the hell
do you think I've been doing the last seven years?  While not inventing
the cell phone, the laptop computer, and the wrap sandwich, I've assembled
the biggest money machine in the history of politics -- another million
dollars every twelve days.  Hell, I might have thirty-five million before
the first primary is even held.  Why the hell do you think there's not a
single Democrat sincerely trying to beat me?"

Told of Gore's comments, Bill Bradley agreed.  "Well, I'm not exactly
working my keister off," said Bradley, "and the other guys, they know the
game.  Why waste a dime trying to outspend a dollar?"  The former Senator,
interviewed while standing motionless in a stiff crosswind, went on to
explain: "it's not like I'm a real alternative, either.  I mean, I'm
cooler than Al on race relations and civil rights -- I played basketball,
remember, so I'm one of the few white politicians in this country who ever
spent time with actual black people -- but remember, Wall Street pays our
way.  Hell, I oughta know: I actually advocated campaign finance reform
once.  Not that I'm gonna mention it much this time around, not while I
can hitch myself to Al's gravy train and ride into the White House with
less sweat than driving the lane against the L.A. Clippers.  Once I'm VP
I'll talk about all the money in politics again.  But for now, it's Al and
me.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go practice my monotone."

The candidate denied rumors he was attempting to win favor with Granite
State voters by impersonating an actual piece of granite.

Other Democratic candidates declined comment, with Jackson in Dover,
Gephardt in Hanover, Kerry and Kerrey both en route from Derry, and
Wellstone not Keene to reply.

([Aside from Bob:]  Sorry.  I think I just channeled Dr. Seuss.)

Meanwhile, the spawn of Bush and spouse of Dole hold a wide lead in early
polls of GOP voters, who seem uninterested in voting for candidates with
actual positions.

Texas Governor Bush, who has already admitted that

a) his candidacy is entirely contingent on fundraising, and
b) he won't explicitly state his positions on many issues until summer

further shocked listeners by elaborating at a private meeting in Bretton
Woods attended by bankers, bond traders, and some guy in camouflage
relieving himself against a tree.  "Hell no, I'm not willing to take any
actual positions yet.  Are you kidding?  I mean, I just used the word
'compassionate' once, and the self-proclaimed Christians in my party tried
to rip my throat out.  Screw it.  I've got three mil already and a
thirty-point lead.  Not gonna do it."

Liddy Dole, in contrast, refused to take a position on her complete
unwillingness to take a position.  Attending a meeting of Manchester
United, a media watchdog group funded by Rupert Murdoch, the woman who
sleeps with America's leading Viagra customer again dodged questions like
an [X-Files] shapeshifter, announcing only that she was "not a
politician," even though she held Washington jobs for five presidents,
that politics should not be "dominated by special interests," even though
her campaign is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the tobacco industry and
Archer-Daniels-Midland, and that Americans are tired of the "ugliness of
politics," by which she was presumably referring to Steve Forbes.

However, Dole did advocate the development of space-based nuclear devices
-- not surprising, given that her maiden name is Hanford -- explaining
(and this is a true quote): "Only one thing would be worse than the status
quo.  And that would be for the status quo to become the norm."

Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Dole received a congratulatory note from Dan

(Actually, Liddy was mistaken: what [would] be even worse would be for
[The Norm Show] to become the status quo, but that's another issue.)

Meanwhile, Dan Quayle attacked Clinton and Gore for giving Most Favored
Nation trading status to China, a position Quayle advocated himself when
he was Vice President.  Aides to the Quayle campaign say he is looking for
more ways to differentiate himself from other candidates by demonstrating
his experience in foreign policy.  Unfortunately, no state funerals are
currently scheduled.

Lamar Alexander, as always, continues to pursue the Oval Office the way a
greyhound chases a mechanical rabbit.  "Look, I realize I'm less likely to
get recognized than Taiwan," Alexander admitted to a small group of
zealous plaidshirts milling around outside a shipyard in Plymouth.  "but I
never stopped campaigning after '96, I can put together twenty million,
and dammit, I owe it to the American people to once again spend it all,
become briefly prominent, and then fade into obscurity once again."  The
crowd reportedly intended to respond with wild cheers, but dispersed
quietly a few minutes later when someone realized they were all facing the
wrong way and listening to someone else entirely.

As to the rest of the GOP field, Alan Keyes, Bob Smith, and John Kasich
had no impact whatsoever.  However, Pat Buchanan made headlines briefly
when he expressed disappointment that the White Mountains are named only
for the surrounding landscape.

Bottom line: as predicted in this space since just after the midterm
elections, Death Race 2000 continues to look like Gore/Bradley in a walk.


Bob Harris is a radio commentator, political writer, and humorist who has
spoken at almost 300 colleges nationwide.  His email address is

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Bob's Big Plug-O-Rama™ (updated 3/22/99):

Check THIS out: "This Is Bob Harris," my daily radio feature, has been
picked up by Armed Forces Radio and is now broadcast twice daily in over
140 countries around the world -- and during the Rush Limbaugh program at

Back here in the U.S., radio syndication is rolling.  Almost 70 stations
and counting, with a new station signing up every few days now.  Yippee!
Call your favorite station and ask for the feature.  They pay attention,

We're recording at the Museum of Television & Radio in Beverly Hills
(, who let me cavort in their beautiful fishbowl studio
in exchange for gratuitous plugs, including this one.  If you live in
L.A., the sessions are free and open to the public, so come on by.  For
time and date info, email Jenn Logan at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Mining Company, an Internet portal sorta like the more famous Yahoo!
site, has a list of a dozen recommended political humorists posted at  I made the cut, along with
Mort Sahl, Art Buchwald, P.J. O'Rourke, Dave Barry, Mark Russell, the
Smothers Brothers, Will Durst, Mark Twain, and Will Rogers.  Is that cool
or what?

My first book, [Steal This Book And Do Life Without Parole], will be in
bookstores this fall.  Visit my fab publisher at, or check out the cover art

Speaking of which, is up, complete with an
archive of radio stuff, notes on my [Jeopardy!] ordeal, a list of my bad
personal habits, and more.  Drop in and say hi.

Mother Jones online ( now carries The Scoop.  I
am honored to be associated with these people.  They rule.

The Scoop is also available online in RealAudio at

If you'd like info concerning my live appearances, send a blank email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  You'll get updated info on where I'm
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