-Caveat Lector-

Gwyneth  Paltrow I might have listened to.


-----Original Message-----
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 1998 4:37 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Brits Told To Stockpile Food, US Govt Mistrusts and Hides
Y2K Preparatioin

> -Caveat Lector-
>I have been researching this issue for over a year. It is apparent that the
>US Govt
>has taken the position that The People cannot be trusted. The govt has a
>martial law plan in place, unfortunately the real remediation plan is
>(fix on failure), control the population through martial law, and
>the population from planning ahead.
>It is the old P.A.N.G. (People Are No Good) syndrome at work. This is
>further proof that we are governed by Elitists, Manipulators, and Self
>Serving Politico - Sociopaths.
>>Some Y2K leadership finally appears from a bureaucrat: Gwyneth
>>Flower, the head of the British government's millennium bug
>>Taskforce 2000, has now advised people to plan ahead. She's
>>quoted in the story as saying, "We are talking about people
>>having a judicious amount of surplus food in their kitchen
>>"Anyone sensible would plan for this. Because we don't want to
>>see panic buying in the weeks leading up to next Christmas,
>>consumers should think about this in advance," Flower said.
>>Detroit News link at:
>>Remember that in the United States, government officials are
>>calling preparedness, "disruptive" and one person from the
>>GartnerGroup calls preparations, "unnatural." There has been
>>absolutely no government-sponsored call for the public to prepare
>>here in the United States. And actions that are considered,
>>"sensible" in the U.K. are considered "unnatural" in the United
>>What's going on here?
>>An utter lack of leadership, that's what's going on here. Our
>>government leaders are scared silly about acknowledging the Y2K
>>problem is real. So instead of demonstrating real leadership,
>>they'll wait until the problem gets *really* bad, when almost
>>nobody has a realistic chance of actually being able to get
>>prepared. Then they'll claim they had no way of knowing it was
>>this bad. It's classic bureaucratic behavior: keep the
>>information from the American people, then blame "radicals" for
>>the panic.
>>With the U.K. now calling on its citizens to hoard food, and
>>with the Canadian government now pondering Martial Law (see story
>>below), the United States government has done virtually nothing.
>>Clinton is all but silent on the issue, and Congress is too busy
>>Impeaching Clinton to look at Y2K. At the same time, John
>>Koskinen, Clinton's Y2K czar, offers no reasonable preparation
>>advice for American citizens, working instead to "alleviate fear"
>>rather than tell people the truth about what they should be doing
>>right now.
>>Y2K is shaping up to be exactly that: the worst mistake the
>>American government has ever made. While they squabble over
>>impeachment and political power, the infrastructure of government
>>threatens to collapse all around them. Only Senator Bennett has
>>spoken loudly about what's going on here, and even he has
>>recently tamed-down his rhetoric, likely out of concern of
>>"scaring" people.
>>Everybody is afraid of scaring people. But they're not afraid of
>>leaving people in the dark. Why is that?
>>This Observer report says, "Britons have been warned to stock up
>>with two weeks' emergency food rations in anticipation of
>>millennium bug-related shortages."
>>It goes on to mention that people should prepare for the
>>worst-case scenario: "In an unprecedented statement indicating
>>the level of panic in official circles, the Department of Trade
>>and Industry-funded task force, charged with minimising potential
>>damage caused by the bug, has said that contingency planning for
>>a worst-case scenario should start as soon as possible."
>>In this story, Flower is quoted as saying, "Because we don't
>>want to see panic buying in the weeks leading up to next
>>Christmas, consumers should think about this in advance."
>>Why can't U.S. officials get this? This quote from Flower hits
>>the nail on the head: you have to warn people EARLY and encourage
>>preparedness actions EARLY in order to avoid the panic.
>>Clinton and Koskinen don't see it that way. They think that
>>covering it up for as long as possible is the best strategy.
>>Delay, delay, delay. They apparently hope the problem can be
>>covered up indefinitely.
>>According to the story, "...it has now emerged that large
>>numbers of government, utilities and corporate computer systems
>>that control every aspect of our lives will not be ready for the
>>turn of the century."
>>Again, that's one more Y2K fact that still is not being
>>acknowledged here in the United States. The line from Koskinen:
>>all government services will be just fine. There's no need to
>>Read the Observer story at:
>>It seems that all government-employed Y2K-warners get silenced
>>eventually. And there's no exception here. Somebody silenced
>>Flower. Somebody probably got to her and told her to shut up or
>>she'd lose her job. She later denied she was encouraging people
>>to stockpile. She said the paper quoted her out of context,
>>saying, "The key thing is to tell everyone they don't need to
>>take any specific action. We don't want people hoarding."
>>How's that for an instant reversal? One day she's saying, "We
>>are talking about people having a judicious amount of surplus
>>food in their kitchen cupboards. Anyone sensible would plan for
>>The next day, she's saying people don't need to "take any
>>specific action."
>>What do you suppose happened between those two days?
>>Read the details at:
>>This is precisely why you need to get your Y2K news from a
>>non-government source and a non-mega-corporation source. Those
>>people can be told to shut up. Independent sources like
>>Y2KNEWSWIRE.COM, www.garynorth.com, Ed Yourdon (www.yourdon.com)
>>and others *cannot* be told to shut up, which is exactly why
>>you're still getting the truth from us. And it's precisely why
>>you see these confounding reversals by government employees. You
>>saw the same thing with the Federal Reserve's Edward Kelley. In
>>late 1997, he offered dire words of warning. In mid-1998, those
>>words were squashed, replaced with mild statements.
>>Even mega-corporations have huge interests to protect. That's
>>why, we think, the Ziff-Davis Y2K site, led by Mitch Ratcliffe,
>>continues to minimize the entire issue and distribute incorrect
>>Y2K information. In one essay, Ratcliffe actually claims that
>>withdrawing cash could lead to inflation and panic. It's utterly
>>ridiculous, considering that the withdrawing of cash (and
>>subsequent hoarding of it) is a highly *deflationary* action, not
>>inflationary. Ratcliffe also focuses on calculators instead of
>>power utilities, distracting readers from the important
>>infrastructure issues.
>>But it's not a mystery: Ziff-Davis also publishes PC Magazine
>>and dozens of other computer publications. They've got a
>>financial empire to protect, and telling people that computers
>>won't work doesn't help their subscriptions, we think.
>>That's exactly why we encourage readers to check out the
>>non-controlled Y2K news sources. Even if you think Gary North is
>>way off base, you've got to admit he's not controlled by any
>>bureaucrat or megacorporation. Gary North tells you what he
>>personally believes, and that's a rare thing these days.
>>WIRED News, too, seems to have a great deal of credibility on
>>the Y2K issue. Although they don't get into predictions and
>>in-depth analysis, they do a good job on the reporting of events.
>>And, of course, Y2KNEWSWIRE.COM is completely independent. We
>>accept no outside advertising, and we're entirely supported by
>>sales of the Y2K Sourcebook from www.y2ksupply.com, allowing us
>>to keep this daily e-mail alert 100% free of charge. We now reach
>>20,000 people, and we expect the number to grow to 50,000 by
>>The point is, consider the source here. When a power company
>>says, "There's no problem with power," and a government
>>bureaucrat says, "There's no problem with the government," and a
>>banking official says, "There's no problem with the banks!" you
>>have still heard absolutely nothing of value. Each of these
>>statements is designed to protect, not inform. Actually conveying
>>good information to the public is the *last* thing on the mind's
>>of Y2K spokespeople these days. They're far more concerned about
>>keeping stock prices propped up and avoiding accountability.
>>We've been called "radicals" for supposing the United States is
>>going to declare Martial Law before the Summer of 2000. In fact,
>>this is one of our most certain predictions: it's inevitable!
>>Canada realizes this, and they're now discussing their own
>>Martial Law plans. This Ottawa Citizen report says, "The federal
>>government should consider invoking the Emergencies Act, the
>>successor to the War Measures Act, if the millennium bug causes
>>widespread chaos, according to newly obtained government
>>You can bet a similar report has already been sent to the White
>>House, too. But instead of making it public, the White House is
>>following their best Y2K strategy: "Keep the American people in
>>the dark as long as possible."
>>"In the worst case, we should consider the Emergencies Act a
>>potential source of special powers," urged documents prepared by
>>government in July.
>>The news report also mentions Canada's Operation Abacus:
>>"Several months ago the Canadian Forces were told to prepare for
>>the biggest peacetime deployment of troops ever in case computer
>>failures caused by the Year 2000 problem disrupted key services.
>>The plan, dubbed Operation Abacus, also involves the development
>>of rules governing the use of force by soldiers in case they are
>>called upon to assist police in dealing with emergency incidents."
>>Read the report at:
>>Another report from the Nando Times says, "According to the
>>paper Canadian troops have already been advised to prepare for
>>what would be the greatest peacetime deployment of soldiers in
>>case of unrest or other troubles due to the computer bug."
>>Read it at:
>>You bet. Six months ago, the idea was called "loony." Today it's
>>fact. Canada *will* have troops on the street to help with Y2K.
>>Y2KNEWSWIRE says the United States will have the same thing, too.
>>It's only a matter of time before the occupation is announced.
>>But this need not be seen as some kind of ominous takeover of
>>American cities by the military. We don't think it's that at all.
>>Rather, most people are going to be begging for the military to
>>show up and bring them food, water and other supplies. They'll
>>gladly suspend the Constitution if it means getting fed.
>>Naturally, those people who prepare early won't have to depend
>>on the Red Cross, National Guard and the U.S. military to bring
>>them emergency rations.
>>While our own staff conducts full-time research on the Y2K issue,
>>we find that some of our best information comes from you, our
>>readers! And today, we're asking you to help us confirm or dispel
>>several Y2K-related rumors. We're looking for *verifiable*
>>evidence on these items, including public statements, news
>>reports, and other printed materials. If you have any evidence on
>>these issues, please e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Please avoid, "My friend told me..." or , "I found this posted
>>in a newsgroup..."  Those are not credible, verifiable sources.
>>Instead, we need quotable, verifiable evidence.
>>The items:
>>*  The anti-hoarding law: true or not? People are saying a law
>>has already been passed making it illegal to possess more than 90
>>days of food. Fact or fiction? Help us out if you have any
>>evidence on this.
>>*  The San Francisco power outage: Y2K-related or not? We've
>>heard plenty of rumors about this, but no facts yet. We even
>>attempted to get a statement from the mayor on the issue, and all
>>we got was, "No comment."
>>*  Some people are reporting the federal government has made it
>>illegal to buy, possess or trade in govt.-issue MREs (military
>>*  Automobile recalls: we keep hearing (unconfirmed) rumors that
>>some autos have been recalled due to Y2K-related issues. But
>>we've been unable to confirm a single one.
>>- Webmaster
>>Get ready for Y2K, read the Y2K Sourcebook
>>Get the inside sources for stocking up now
>>Tell a friend about the free Y2KNEWSWIRE.COM e-mail alert:
>>This e-mail message is subject to the following disclaimer:
>>All statements made herein, and made since August of 1998,
>>are Year 2000 Statements and are retroactively protected
>>as Year 2000 readiness disclosures under the Good Samaritan Act
>>To be removed from this e-mail list, simply go to
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>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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