-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/17/98 7:09:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>analysis of the word "anti-Semitism"

an excerpt from:
Anti-Semite and Jew - An exploration of the etiology of hate
Jean-Paul Sarte
George J Becker(translator)
Schocken Books(C)1948,1976
New York, NY
Paul Morhien(C)1946
Paris, France
ISBN 0-8052-1047-4
We must not confuse this precedence the anti-Semite enjoys by virtue of his
principles with individual merit. The anti-Semite is not too anxious to
possess individual merit. Merit has to be sought, just like truth; it is
discovered with difficulty; one must deserve it. Once acquired, it is
perpetually in question: a false step, an error, and it flies away. Without
respite, from the beginning of our lives to the end, we are responsible for
what merit we enjoy. Now the anti-Semite flees responsibility as he flees his
own consciousness, and choosing for his personality the permanence of rock, he
chooses for his morality a scale of petrified values. Whatever he does, he
knows that he will remain at the top of the ladder; whatever the Jew does, he
will never get any higher than the first rung.

We begin to perceive the meaning of the anti-Semite's choice of himself. He
chooses the irremediable out of fear of being free; he chooses mediocrity out
of fear of being alone, and out of pride he makes of this irremediable
mediocrity a rigid aristocracy. To this end he finds the existence of the Jew
absolutely necessary. Otherwise to whom would he be superior? Indeed, it is
vis-a-vis the Jew and the Jew alone that the anti-Semite realizes that he has
rights. If by some miracle all the Jews were exterminated as he wishes, he
would find himself nothing but a concierge or a shopkeeper in a strongly
hierarchical society in which the quality of "true Frenchman" would be at a
low valuation, because everyone would possess it. He would lose his sense of
rights over the country because no one would any longer contest them, and that
profound equality which brings him close to the nobleman and the man of wealth
would disappear all of a sudden, for it is primarily negative. His
frustrations, which he has attributed to the disloyal competition of the Jew,
would have to be imputed to some other cause, lest he be forced to look within
himself. He would run the risk of falling into bitterness, into a melancholy
hatred of the privileged classes. Thus the anti-Semite is in the unhappy
position of having a vital need for the very enemy he wishes to destroy.

The equalitarianism that the anti-Semite seeks with so much ardor has nothing
in common with that equality inscribed in the creed of the democracies. The
latter is to be realized in a society that is economically hier archical, and
is to remain compatible with a diversity of functions. But it is in protest
against the hierarchy of
functions that the anti-Semite asserts the equality of Aryans. He does not
understand anything about the division of labor and doesn't care about it.
>From his
point of view each citizen can claim the title of Frenchman, not because he
co-operates, in his place or in his occupation, with others in the economic,
social, and
cultural life of the nation, but because he has, in the same way as everybody
else, an imprescriptible and inborn right to the indivisible totality of the
country. Thus the society that the anti-Semite conceives of is a society of
juxtaposition one can very well imagine, since his ideal of property is that
of real and basic property. Since, in point of fact, anti-Semites are
numerous, each of them does his part in constituting a community based on
mechanical solidarity in the heart of organized society.

The degree of integration of each anti-Semite with this society, as well as
the degree of his equality, is fixed by what I shall call the temperature of
the community. Proust has shown, for example, how anti-Semitism brought the
duke closer to his coachman, how, thanks to their hatred of Dreyfus, bourgeois
families forced the doors of the aristocracy. The equalitarian society that
the anti-Semite believes in is like that of mobs or those instantaneous
societies which come into being at a Iynching or during a scandal. Equality in
them is the product of the non-differentiation of functions. The social bond
is anger; the collectivity has no other goal than to exercise over certain
individuals a diffused repressive sanction. Collective impulsions and stereo
types are imposed on individuals all the more strongly because none of them is
defended by any specialized function. Thus the person is drowned in the crowd,
and the ways of thinking and reacting of the group are of a purely primitive
type. Of course, such collectivities do not spring solely from anti-Semitism;
an uprising, a crime, an injustice can cause them to break out suddenly. But
those are ephemeral formations which soon vanish without leaving any trace.

Since anti-Semitism survives the great crises of Jew hatred, the society which
the anti-Semites form remains in a latent state during normal periods, with
every anti-Semite celebrating its existence. Incapable of understanding modern
social organization, he has a nostalgia for periods of crisis in which the
primitive community will suddenly reappear and attain its temperature of
fusion. He wants his personality to melt suddenly into the group and be
carried away by the collective torrent. He has this atmosphere of the pogrom
in mind when he asserts "the union of all Frenchmen." In this sense anti-
Semitism is, in a democracy, a covert form
of what is called the struggle of the citizen against authority. Question any
one of those turbulent young men who placidly break the law and band together
to beat up a Jew in a deserted street: He will tell you that he wants a strong
authority to take from him the crushing responsibility of thinking for
himself. Since the Republic is weak, he is led to break the law out of love of
obedience. But is it really strong authority that he wishes? In reality he
demands rigorous order for others, and for himself disorder without
He wishes to place himself above the law, at the same time escaping from the
consciousness of his liberty and his isolation. He therefore makes use of a
The Jews take part in elections; there are Jews in the government; therefore
the legal power is vitiated at its base. As a matter of fact, it no longer
exists, so it is legitimate to ignore its decrees. Consequently there is no
disobedience--one cannot disobey what does not exist. Thus for the anti-Semite
there is a real France with a government real but diffused and without special
organs, and an abstract France, official, Jew-ridden against which it is
proper to rebel.

Naturally this permanent rebellion is the act of a group, the anti-Semite
would under no circumstances dare to act or think on his own. And the group
would be unable to conceive of itself as a minority party, for a minority
party is obliged to devise a program and to determine on a line of political
action, all of which implies initiative, responsibility, and liberty. Anti-
Semitic associations do not wish to invent anything; they refuse to assume
responsibility they would be horrified at setting themselves up as a certain
fraction of French opinion, for then they would have to draw up a program and
seek legal means of action. They prefer to represent themselves as expressing
in all purity, in all passivity, the sentiments of the real country in its
indivisible state.

Any anti-Semite is therefore. in varying degree, the enemy of constituted
authority He wishes to be the disciplined member of an undisciplined group; he
adores order, but a social order. We might say that he wishes to provoke
political disorder in order to restore social order, the social order in his
eyes being a society that, by virtue of juxtaposition, is egalitarian and
primitive, one with a heightened temperature, one from which Jews are
excluded. These principles enable him to enjoy a strange sort of independence,
which I shall call an inverted liberty. Authentic liberty assumes
responsibilities, and the liberty of the anti-Semite comes from the fact that
he escapes all of his. Floating between an authoritarian society which has not
yet come into existence and an official and tolerant society which he
disavows, he can do anything he pleases without appearing to be an anarchist,
which would horrify him. The profound seriousness of his aims--which no word,
no statement, no act can express--permits him a certain frivolity. He is a
hooligan, he beats people up' he purges, he robs; it is all in a good cause.
If the government is strong, anti-Semitism withers, unless it be a part of the
program of the government itself, in which case it changes its nature. Enemy
of the Jews, the anti-Semite has need of them. Anti-democratic, he is a
natural product of democracies and can only manifest himself within the
framework of the Republic.

We begin to understand that anti-Semitism is more than a mere "opinion" about
the Jews and that it involves the entire personality of the anti-Semite. But
we have not yet finished with him, for he does not confine himself to
furnishing moral and political directives: he has a method of thought and a
conception of the world all his own. In fact, we cannot state what he affirms
without implicit reference to certain intellectual principles.

The Jew, he says, is completely bad, completely a Jew. His virtues, if he has
any, turn to vices by reason of the fact that they are his; work coming from
his hands necessarily bears his stigma. If he builds a bridge, that bridge,
being Jewish, is bad from the first to the last span. The same action carried
out by a Jew and by a Christian does not have the same meaning in the two
cases, for the Jew contaminates all that he touches with an I-know-not-what
execrable quality. The first thing the Germans did was to forbid Jews access
to swimming pools; it seemed to them that if the body of an Israelite were to
plunge into that confined body of water, the water would be completely
befouled. Strictly speaking, the Jew contaminates even the air he breathes.

If we attempt to formulate in abstract terms the principle to which the anti-
Semite appeals, it would come to this: A whole is more and other than the sum
of its parts; a whole determines the meaning and underlying character of the
parts that make it up. There is not one virtue of courage which enters
indifferently into a Jewish character or a Christian character in the way that
oxygen indifferently combines with nitrogen and argon to form air and with
hydrogen to form water. Each person is an indivisible totality that has its
own courage, its own generosity, its own way of thinking, laughing, drinking,
and eating. What is there to say except that the anti-Semite has chosen to
fall back on the spirit of synthesis in order to understand the world. It is
the spirit of synthesis which permits him to conceive of himself as forming an
indissoluble unity with all France. It is in the name of this spirit that he
denounces the purely analytical and critical intelligence of the Jews. But we
must be more precise. For some time, on the Right and on the Left, among the
traditionalists and among the socialists, it has been the fashion to make
appeal to synthetic principles as against the spirit of analysis which
presided over the foundation of bourgeois democracy. Yet both sides cannot be
said to act on the same principles, or, if they do, they certainly make a
different use of them. What use does the anti-Semite make of these principles?

We find scarcely any anti-Semitism among workers. It is absurd to answer that
that is because there are no Jews in their ranks. Suppose the fact alleged
were true; that is precisely what they would have to complain of. The Nazis
knew it very well, for when they wished to extend their propaganda to the
proletariat, they launched the slogan of "Jewish capitalism." The working
class does, however, think about the social situation synthetically, only it
does not use the methods of the anti-Semites. It sees ensembles in terms of
economic functions. The bourgeoisie, the peasant class, the proletariat--those
are the synthetic realities with which it is concerned, and in those complexes
it distinguishes secondary synthetic structures labor unions, employers'
associations, trusts, cartels, parties. Thus the explanations it gives for
historical phenomena are found to agree perfectly with the differentiated
structure of a society based on division of labor. History, as the working
class sees it, is the result of the play of economic organisms and the
interaction of synthetic groups.

The majority of the anti-Semites, on the contrary, belongs to the middle
class, that is, among men who have a level of life equal or superior to that
of the Jews, or, if you prefer, among the "nonproducers" (employers,
merchants, distributors, members of the liberal professions, parasites). The
bourgeois in fact does not produce: he directs, administers, distributes,
buys, sells. His function is to enter into direct relations with the consumer;
in other words, his activity is based on a constant commerce with men, whereas
the worker, in the exercise of his trade, is in permanent contact with things.
Each man judges history in accordance with the profession that he follows.
Shaped by the daily influence of the materials he works with, the workman sees
society as the product of real forces acting in accordance with rigorous laws.
His dialectical "materialism" signifies that he envisages the social world in
the same way as the material world. On the other hand, the bourgeois--and the
anti-Semite in particular--have chosen to explain history by the action of
individual wills Do not the bourgeois depend on these same wills in the
conduct of their affairs? * [* I make an exception here of the engineer, the
contractor, and the scientist, whose occupations bring them closer to the
proletariat, and who in fact are infrequently anti-Semitic.]
They behave toward social facts like primitives who endow the wind and the sun
with little souls. Intrigues, cabals, the perfidy of one man, the courage and
virtue of another --that is what determines the course of their business, that
is what determines the course of the world. Anti-Semitism, a bourgeois
phenomenon, appears therefore as a choice made to explain collective events by
the initiative of individuals.

No doubt the proletarian caricatures "the bourgeois" on posters and in
newspapers in exactly the same manner as the anti-Semite caricatures "the
Jew." But this external resemblance should not deceive us. To the worker, what
constitutes the bourgeois is his bourgeois status, that is, an ensemble of
external factors; and the bourgeois himself is reducible to the synthetic
unity of these externally apparent manifestations. It is an ensemble of
various modes of behavior. For the anti-Semetism what makes the Jew is the
presence in him of, "Jewishness," a Jewish principle analogous to phlogiston
or the soporific virtue of opium. We must not be
deceived: explanations on the basis of heredity and race came later; they are
the slender scientific coating of this primitive conviction. Long before
Mendel and Gobineau there was a horror of the Jew, and those who felt it could
not explain it except by saying, like Montaigne of his friendship for La
Boetie: "Because he is he, because I am I." Without the presence of this
metaphysical essence, the activities ascribed to the Jew would be entirely
incomprehensible. Indeed, how could we conceive of the obstinate folly of a
rich Jewish merchant who, we are told, makes every effort to ruin his country,
whereas if he were reasonable, he would desire the prosperity of the country
in which he does business? How could we otherwise understand the evil
internationalism of men whom their families, their affections, their habits,
their interests, the nature and source of their fortunes should attach to the
destiny of a particular country?

Facile talkers speak of a Jewish will to dominate the world. Here again, if we
did not have the key, the manifestations of this will would certainly be
unintelligible to us. We are told in almost the same breath that behind the
Jew lurks international capitalism and the imperialism of the trusts and the
munitions makers, and that he is the front man for piratical Bolshevism with a
knife between its teeth. There is no embarrassment or hesitation about
imputing responsibility for communism to Jewish bankers, whom it would
horrify, or responsibility for capitalist imperialism to the wretched Jews who
crowd the rue des Rosiers. But everything is made clear if we renounce any
expectation from the Jew of a course of conduct that is reasonable and in
conformity with his interests, if, instead, we discern in him a metaphysical
principle that drives him to do evil under all circumstances, even though he
thereby destroy himself. This principle, one may suspect, is magical. On the
one hand, it is an essence, a substantial form, and the Jew, whatever he does,
cannot modify it, any more than fire, can keep itself from burning. On the
other hand, it is necessary in order to be able to hate the Jew--for one does
not hate natural phenomena like earthquakes and plagues of locusts--that it
also have the virtue of freedom. Only the freedom in question is carefully
limited: The Jew is free to do evil. not good; he has only as much free will
as is necessary for him to take full responsibility for the crimes of which he
is the author; he does not have enough to be able to achieve a reformation.
Strange liberty, which instead of preceding and constituting the essence?
remains subordinate to it, is only an irrational quality of it, and yet
remains liberty.

There is only one creature, to my knowledge, who is thus totally free and yet
chained to evil; that is the Spirit of Evil himself, Satan. Thus the Jew is
assimilable to the spirit of evil. His will, unlike the Kantian will, is one
which wills itself purely, gratuitously, and universally to be evil. It is the
will to evil. Through him Evil arrives on the earth. All that is bad in
society (crises, wars, famines, upheavals, and revolts) is directly or
indirectly imputable to him. The anti-Semite is afraid of discovering that the
world is ill-contrived, for then it would be necessary for him to invent and
modify, with the result that man would be found to be the master of his own
destinies, burdened with an agonizing and infinite responsibility. Thus he
localizes all the evil of the universe in the Jew. If nations war with each
other, the conflict does not arise from the fact that the idea of nationality,
in its present form, implies imperialism and the clash of interests. No, it is
because the Jew is there? behind the governments, breathing discord. If there
is a class struggle, it is not because the economic organization leaves
something to be desired: It is because Jewish demagogues, hook-nosed
agitators, have seduced the workers.

Anti-Semitism is thus seen to be at bottom a form of Manichaeism; It explains
the course of the world by the struggle of the principle of Good with the
principle of Evil. Between these two principles no reconciliation is
conceivable; one of them must triumph and the other be annihilated. Look at
Celine: his vision of the universe is catastrophic. The Jew is everywhere, the
earth is lost, it is up to the Aryan not to compromise, never to make peace.
Yet he must be on his guard: if he breathes, he has already lost his purity,
for the very air that penetrates his bronchial tubes is contaminated. Does
that not read like a diatribe by a Manichaean? If Celine supported the
socialist theses of the Nazis, it was because he was paid to do so. At the
bottom of his heart he did not believe in them. For him there is no solution
except collective suicide, nonreproduction, death. Others--Maurras or the P.
P. F.* [* Parti Populaire Francais.] --are less discouraging. They envisage a
long and often doubtful struggle, with the final triumph of Good. It is Ormazd
against Ahriman. The reader understands that the anti-Semite does not have
recourse to Manichaeism as a secondary principle of explanation. It is the
original choice he makes of Manichaeism which explains and conditions anti-
Semitism. We must therefore ask ourselves what this original choice can mean
for a man of today.

Let us compare for a moment the revolutionary idea of the class struggle with
the Manichaeism of the antiSemite. In the eyes of the Marxist, the class
struggle is in no sense a struggle between Good and Evil; it is a conflict of
interests between human groups. The reason why the revolutionary adopts the
point of view of the proletariat is, first of all, because it is his own
class, then because it is oppressed, because it is by far the most numerous
and consequently involves the fate of mankind in its own destiny, finally
because the results of its victory will necessarily include the abolition of
the class structure. The goal of the revolutionary is to change the
organization of society. To do that it will no doubt be necessary to destroy
the old regime. But that will not be sufficient; above all it will be
necessary to build a new order. If by some impossible chance the privileged
class were willing to co-operate in the socialist reconstruction and gave
clear proofs of its good faith, there would be no valid reason for repulsing
it. If it is highly improbable that it will offer its support to the
socialists in good faith, it is because its very situation as a privileged
class prevents it from doing so, not because of some indefinable interior
demon which impels it to do evil in its own despite. In any case, if portions
of this class break away from it, they can be constantly assimilated to the
oppressed class, and they will be judged by their acts, not by their essence.
"I don't give a damn for your eternal essence," Politzer told me one day.

On the other hand, the Manichaean anti-Semite nuts, his emphasis on
destruction. What he sees is not a conflict of interests but the damage which
an evil power causes society. Therefore Good consists above all in the
destruction of Evil. Underneath the bitterness of the anti-Semite is concealed
the optimistic belief that harmony will be re-established of itself, once Evil
is eliminated. His task is therefore purely negative: there is no question of
building a new society, but only of purifying the one which exists. In the
attainment of this goal the co-operation of Jews of good will would be useless
and even fatal, and anyhow no Jew could be a man of good will. Knight-errant
of the Good, the anti-Semite is a holy man. The Jew also is holy in his
manner-- holy like the untouchables, like savages under the interdict of a
taboo. Thus the conflict is raised to a religious plane, and the end of the
combat can be nothing other than a holy destruction.

The advantages of this position are many. To begin with, it favors laziness of
mind. We have seen that the anti-Semite understands nothing about modern
society. He would be incapable of conceiving of a constructive plan; his
action cannot reach the level of the methodical; it remains on the ground of
passion. To a long-term enterprise he prefers an explosion of rage analogous
to the running amuck of the Malays. His intellectual activity is confined to
interpretation; he seeks in historical events the signs of the presence of an
evil power. Out of this spring those childish and elaborate fabrications which
give him his resemblance to the extreme paranoiacs. In addition, anti-Semitism
channels revolutionary drives toward the destruction of certain men, not of
institutions. An anti-Semitic mob will consider it has done enough when it has
massacred some Jews and burned a few synagogues. It represents, therefore, a
safety valve for the owning classes, who encourage it and thus substitute for
a dangerous hate against their regime a beneficent hate against particular
people. Above all this naive dualism is eminently reassuring to the anti-
Semite himself. If all he has to do is to remove Evil, that means that the
Good is already giver'. He has no need to seek it in anguish, to invent it, to
scrutinize it patiently when he has found it, to prove it in action, to verify
it by its consequences, or, finally, to shoulder the responsibilities of the
moral choice he has made.

It is not by chance that the great outbursts of anti-Semitic rage conceal a
basic optimism The anti-Semite has cast his lot for Evil so as not to have to
cast his lot for Good. The more one is absorbed in fighting Evil, the less one
is tempted to place the Good in question. One does not need to talk about it,
yet it is always understood in the discourse of the anti-Semite and it remains
understood in his thought. When he has fulfilled his mission as holy
destroyer, the Lost Paradise will reconstitute itself. For the moment so many
tasks confront the anti-Semite that he does not have time to think about it.
He is in the breach, fighting, and each of his outbursts of rage is a pretext
to avoid the anguished search for the Good.

But that is not all, and now we touch on the domain of psychoanalysis.
Manichaeism conceals a deep-seated attraction toward Evil. For the anti-Semite
Evil is his lot, his Job's portion. Those who come after will concern
themselves with the Good, if there is occasion. As for him, he is in the front
rank of society, fighting with his back turned to the pure virtues that he
defends. His business is with Evil; his duty is to unmask it, to denounce it,
to measure its extent. That is why he is so obsessed with piling up anecdotes
that reveal the lubricity of the Jew, his appetite for money, his ruses, and
his treasons. He bathes his hands in ordure. Read again La France Juive of
Drumont; that book of a "high French morality" is a collection of ignoble or
obscene stories. Nothing reflects better the complex nature of the anti-
Semite. Since through fear of standing out from the crowd he has not wished to
choose his Good, allowing everybody else's to be imposed on him, his morality
is never based on an intuition of values or on what Plato calls Love. It shows
itself only by the strictest taboos, by the most rigorous and most gratuitous

What he contemplates without intermission, that for which he has an intuition
and almost a taste, is Evil. He can thus glut himself to the point of
obsession with the recital of obscene or criminal actions which excite and
satisfy his perverse leanings; but since at the same time he attributes them
to those infamous Jews on whom he heaps his scorn, he satisfies himself
without being compromised. In Berlin I knew a Protestant in whom sexual desire
took the form of indignation. The sight of women in bathing suits aroused him
to fury; he willingly encouraged that fury and passed his time at swimming
pools. The anti-Semite is like that, and one of the elements of his hatred is
a profound sexual attraction toward Jews.

His behavior reflects a curiosity fascinated by Evil.! but above all, I think,
it represents a basic sadism. Anti-Semitism is incomprehensible unless one
recalls that the Jew, object of so much execration, is perfectly innocent,
should even say inoffensive. Thus the anti-Semite takes pains to speak to us
of secret Jewish organizations, of formidable and clandestine freemasonries.
Yet if he meets a Jew face to face, it is as often as not a weak creature who
is ill-prepared to cope with violence and cannot even defend himself. The
anti-Semite is well aware of this individual weakness of the Jew, which hands
him over to pogroms with feet and hands bound --indeed, he licks his chops
over it in advance. Thus his hatred for the Jew cannot be compared to that
which the Italians of 1830 felt toward the Austrians, or that which the French
of 1942 felt toward the Germans. In these instances it was a case of
oppressors, of hard, cruel, and strong men who had arms, money, and power and
who could do more harm to the rebels than the latter could have dreamed of
doing to them. In hatreds like these sadistic leanings have no place. But
since Evil, to the anti-Semite, is incarnated in unarmed and harmless men, the
latter never finds himself under the painful necessity of being heroic. It is
fun to be an anti-Semite. One can beat and torture Jews without fear. At most
they can appeal to the laws of the Republic, but those laws are not too

The sadistic attraction that the anti-Semite feels toward the Jew is so strong
that it is not unusual to see one of these sworn enemies of Israel surround
himself with Jewish friends. To be sure, he says they are "exceptional Jews,"
insists that "these aren't like the rest." (In the studio of the painter whom
I mentioned earlier, a man who in no way spoke out against the butchery at
Lublin, there was in full view the portrait of a Jew who was dear to him and
whom the Gestapo had shot.) Such protestations of friendship are not sincere,
for anti-Semites do not envisage, even in their statements, sparing the "good
Jews," and, while they recognize some virtues in those whom they know, they
will not admit that their interlocutors may have been able to meet others
equally virtuous. Actually they take pleasure in protecting these few persons
through a sort of inversion of their sadism; they take pleasure in keeping
under their eyes the living image of this people whom they execrate. Anti-
Semitic women often have a mixture of sexual repulsion and attraction toward
Jews. One woman I knew had intimate relations with a Polish Jew. She would
often go to bed with him and allow him to caress her breasts and shoulders,
but nothing more. She enjoyed feeling him respectful and submissive, divining
his violently frustrated and humiliated desire. She afterward had normal
sexual intercourse with other men.

There is in the words "a beautiful Jewess" a very special sexual
signification, one quite different from that contained in the words "beautiful
Rumanian," "beautiful Greek," or "beautiful American," for example. This
phrase carries an aura of rape and massacre. The "beautiful Jewess" is she
whom the Cossacks under the czars dragged by her hair through the streets of
her burning village. And the special works which are given over to accounts of
flagellation reserve a place of honor for the Jewess. But it is not necessary
to look into esoteric literature. From the Rebecca of Ivanhoe up to the Jewess
of "Gilles," not forgetting the works of Ponson du Terrail, the Jewess has a
well-defined function in even the most serious novels. Frequently violated or
beaten, she sometimes succeeds in escaping dishonor by means of death, but
that is a form of justice; and those who keep their virtue are docile servants
or humiliated women in love with indifferent Christians who marry Aryan women.
I think nothing
more is needed to indicate the place the Jewess holds as a sexual symbol in

A destroyer in function, a sadist with a pure heart, the anti-Semite is, in
the very depths of his heart, a criminal. What he wishes what he prepares is
the death, of the Jew.

To be sure, not all the enemies of the Jew demand his death openly, but the
measures they propose all of which aim at his abasement, at his humiliation,
at his banishment--are substitutes for that assassination which they meditate
within themselves. They are symbolic murders. Only, the anti-Semite has his
conscience on his side: he is a criminal in a good cause. It is not his fault,
surely, if his mission is to extirpate Evil by doing

Evil. The real France has delegated to him the powers of her High Court of
Justice. No doubt he does not have occasion every day to make use of them, but
we should not be misled on that account. These sudden fits of anger which
seize him, these thundering diatribes which he hurls at the "Yids" are so many
capital executions. The anti-Semte has chosen to be a criminal, and a criminal
pure of heart. Here again he flees responsibilities. Though he censures his
murderous instincts, he has found a means of sating them without admitting it
to himself. He knows that he is wicked, but since he does Evil for the sake of
Good, since a whole people waits for deliverance at his hands, he looks upon
himself as a sanctified evildoer. By a sort of inversion of all values, of
which we find examples in certain religions .--for example, in India, where
there exists a sacred prostitution--the anti-Semite accords esteem, respect.,
and enthusiasm to anger, hate, pillage, murder, to all the forms of violence.
Drunk with evil, he feels in himself the lightness of heart and peace of mind
which a good conscience and the satisfaction of a duty well done bring.

The portrait is complete. If some of those who readily assert that they detest
the Jews do not recognize themselves in it, it is because in actual fact they
do not detest
the Jews. They don't love them either. While they would not do them the least
harm, they would not raise their little fingers to protect them from violence.
They are not anti-Semites. They are not anything; they are not persons. Since
it is necessary to appear to be something, they make themselves into an echo,
a murmur, and, without thinking of evil--without thinking of anything --they
go about repeating learned formulas which give them the right of entry to
certain drawing rooms. Thus they know the delights of being nothing but an
empty noise, of having their heads filled with an enormous affirmation which
they find all the more respectable because they have borrowed it. Anti-
Semitism is only a justification for their existence. Their futility is such
that they will eagerly abandon this justification for an' other, provided that
the latter be more "distinguished." For anti-Semitism is distinguished as are
all the manifestations of a collective and irrational soul which seek to
create an occult and conservative France. It seems to all these featherbrains
that by repeating with eager emulation the statement that the Jew is harmful
to the country they are performing a rite of initiation which admits them to
the fireside of social warmth and energy. In this sense anti-Semitism has kept
something of the nature of human sacrifice.

It has, moreover, a considerable advantage for those people who are aware of
their profound instability and are weary of it. It permits them to put on the
externals of passion and, as has been fashionable since the Romantic movement,
to confuse this with personality. These secondhand anti-Semites can provide
themselves at little cost with an aggressive personality. One of my friends
often used to tell me about an elderly cousin of his who came to dine with his
family and about whom they said, with a certain air: "Jules can't abide the
English." My friend doesn't recall that they ever said anything else about
Cousin Jules. But that was enough. There was a tacit understanding between
Jules and his family: They ostentatiously avoided talking about the English in
front of him, and that precaution gave him a semblance of existence in the
eyes of those about him at the same time that it provided them with the
agreeable sensation of participating in a sacred ceremony. Then on occasion
after careful deliberation, someone, as if by inadvertence, would throw out an
allusion to Great Britain or her dominions. Cousin Jules, pretending to become
very angry, would feel himself come to life for a moment, and everybody would
be happy. Many people are anti-Semites in the way Cousin Jules was an
Anglophobe, without, to be sure, realizing the true implications of their
attitude. Pale reflections, reeds shaken by the wind, they certainly would not
have invented anti-Semitism, if the conscious anti-Semite did not already
exist. But it is they who with complete indifference assure the survival of
anti-Semitism and carry it forward through the generations.

We are now in a position to understand the anti-Semite. He is a man who is
afraid. Not of the Jews, to be sure, but of himself, of his own consciousness,
of his liberty, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of solitariness, of
change, of society, and of the world--of everything except the Jews. He is a
coward who does not want to admit his cowardice to himself; a murderer who
represses and censures his tendency to murder without being able to hold it
back, yet who dares to kill only in effigy or protected by the anonymity of
the mob; a malcontent who dares not revolt from fear of the consequences of
his rebellion. In espousing anti-Semitism, he does not simply adopt an
opinion, he chooses himself as a person. He chooses the permanence and
impenetrability of stone, the total irresponsibility of the warrior who obeys
his leaders--and he has no leader. He chooses to acquire nothing, to deserve
nothing; he assumes that everything is given him as his birthright--and he is
not noble. He chooses finally a Good that is fixed once and for all, beyond
question, out of reach; he dares not examine it for fear of being led to
challenge it and having to seek it in another form. The Jew only serves him as
a pretext; elsewhere his counterpart will make use of the Negro or the man of
yellow skin. The existence of the Jew merely permits the anti-Semite to stifle
his anxieties at their inception by persuading himself that his place in the
world has been marked out in advance, that it awaits him, and that tradition
gives him the right to occupy it. Anti-Semitism, in short. is fear of the
human condition. The anti-Semite is a man who wishes to be pitiless stone, a
furious torrent, a devastating thunderbolt--anything except a man.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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