-Caveat Lector-

ref - http://www.cse.org/cse/cc228-csef-telecom.htm

Capitol Comment Number 228

      Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation
      Capitol Comment Number 228
      March 30, 1999

      Walling Off Windows:
      Nationalization is a Hostile Takeover of Consumer Interests

      by Kent Lassman

      Ten years ago the Berlin Wall came tumbling down and government-planned
      economies were on the decline. Today, attorneys general from 19 states
      with Microsoft to negotiate a settlement in their pending antitrust suit.

      Unfortunately, the state attorneys general have proposed the largest
      peacetime takings in history. They advocate a radical plan to take
      and to nationalize the software industry in America.
      The world has changed a great deal in the last decade. Only eight years
      ago the Internet was first opened up to commercial activity, and just
      years ago the first web browser was introduced. However, some people are
      slow to recognize change. Antitrust lawyers, led by the Department of
      Justice and joined by 19 state attorneys general have concocted a plan to

      micromanage our economy. In the Microsoft case, despite a lack of
      to show consumer harm and a court of appeals ruling that found consumer
      benefit from the business practices now in question, the government
      proposes a takeover of the software company.
      While the case will not likely be settled for some time, an examination
      the proposals that are already on the table is troubling. At issue is a
      government charge that Microsoft unfairly leveraged its position in the
      market for operating systems to corner the market for Internet browsers.
      However, rather than a proposal to address alleged wrongs in the way that

      Microsoft conducts business, the state attorneys general propose to take
      over the thriving software market.
      Although the proposal has not been publicly released, it has been widely
      reported that the attorneys general would require an auction of
      Microsoft’s core asset, its source code. The regulators’ spin is that
      would be pro-competition and pro-market. This could not be further from
      the truth. A free market allows a firm to build and allocate resources to

      meet consumer demand. It is something else entirely for the government to

      decide who owns or has the right to use a firm’s assets. This is called
      nationalization. This was practiced on the other side of the Berlin Wall.
      The proposal reportedly goes much further, which is to say that it gets
      much worse. Not only would Microsoft have to give up its source code, it
      would be forced to bring on the government as a business "partner." The
      state attorneys general call for ongoing access to Microsoft’s internal
      e-mail and for veto authority over significant business decisions. On top

      of all of this regulation, the state attorneys general propose that all
      contracts between Microsoft and its business partners must be done on
      standardized ­ that is, government issued ­ contracts and that any
      to licensed software must receive "certification."
      Economic regulation bears a heavy burden of justification. With computer
      and software prices falling ­ more than a dozen browsers are now free ­
      the government is hard pressed to explain how Microsoft has harmed
      consumers. The recent settlement proposal is a step toward a governmental

      Department of Microsoft and a step away from consumers’ control of the
      marketplace through their purchasing power.
      At its essence, economic regulation is a statement of belief. Regulators
      believe that they know more about what is good for consumers than
      consumers do. This belief leads to some indefensible conclusions. For
      example, the extreme proposal of the attorneys general presumes that they

      know the best way to organize the marketplace and how to combine various
      software programs. This is absurd.
      In the decade since the Wall came down, who has done more to expand
      opportunity for all consumers ­ the software industry or government
      regulators? The answer is so obvious that the only real question is how
      can we stand by while the government tries to nationalize an industry
      has provided so much benefit to our country.
      Competition in a free market produces the best combination of quality,
      service and price while encouraging innovation. As a result, consumers
      benefit. American consumers can make choices for themselves. A man on the

      street knows more about his needs than any group of government lawyers.
      Pursuit of this new and harmful economic regulation will have drastic
      consequences. First among them is the destruction of the freedom to
      contract in a fiercely competitive marketplace. In addition, there would
      be ongoing regulation of an industry that has proven to be highly dynamic

      and the source of many beneficial products.
      The key business decisions and technological innovations of the American
      economy are made every day without the help of government planners. As
      regulators eye the technology marketplace with an urge to control, we
      remind them that national planning is a failure. Consumers do not need
      protection from competition, only from regulators determined take the
      of American innovation and wall it off behind a curtain of regulation.
      Kent Lassman is a regulatory policy analyst at Citizens for a Sound
      Economy Foundation.

      Permission to reprint or quote from, in whole or in part, is expressly
      given provided Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation and the author are


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