-Caveat Lector-

I honestly belief if F. Lee Bailey would get back into action, he could
prove OJ was innocent of the crimes.....he was already acquitted, but
because of Johnny Cochran brining the Black Muslims to Court for
protection......the news media turned against not only O.J., but
Bailey.....look at NBC....Marcia Clark, de Genova, and look who profits.
Clark was a second rate lawyer, who along with other second rate lawyers
had a place in - well let us say they kissed the son, and became rich.

Cui bono.   O.J. Simpson was tried as a black man, and his enemies made
sure that the people saw black, and not the truth of the matter.

Anyone who watched the trial, could see something was very wrong....but
Johnny Cochran, and the black muslims, were the real kiss of death to

Prior to their appearance, the press was pretty fair; after their
apperance, Charles Grodin reminded us he was Jewish on the air; Larry
King reminded us he was Jewish on the air; and then, Gerald Rivero
reminded us he was half Jewish through the mother......why.  I didn't
know they were Jewish, I did not care that they were Jewish....and I
imagine by now, Johnny Cochran realizes too late, that he brought the
wrath of Khan upon his client, for brining the muslims to court.

This case of O.J. was worse than the case against Sam Shepard; and the
new media got away with it, and all these ugly people - de Genova, or
whatever the hell is name is,  and all the O.J. haters.....they can take
his trophie, they have taken his good name, they have taken most of the
wealth he has accumulated, and they are trying to take his children away
from him.....but O.J. is O.J.  - and someday the truth will out.
Evidently by the article attached herwith, part of the truth is coming

We saw drug addicts move in on Nicole, for her money; we saw her sisters
with connections to hoodlums move in on Nicole - a nazi police officer
with connetions to the aryan nation and who could not get a book
published hooked up with Goldberg, who was behind Monica and Linda
Tripp....for the writing of many books has become a tedious
affair...O.J. didnot need this; and he most certainly, with his
schedule, he did ot have the time to do what he was supposed to havae
done that horrible night.

How cute Kato was; he heard the three masonic knocks = that of
oppoortunity knocking....with whom was he speaking that night when he
allegedly heard these three knocks.....this little sleeze, was almost
like the caretaker Sharon Tate had on her estate, living in a
cottage....but he alone, escaped to tell the truth.

Who is kidding who......someone went after OJ like they went after
Cosby, Michael Jackson (who was unfortunate enought to have sung at the
Democrat convention)....and let us not overloo Michael Jackson, who is
really just a Peter Pan, who did not want to grow up.

Thre is big money here; and there is big conspiracy here.....and the
word was out also, that John Gotti from his prision cell, had put a
million dollar contract out on O.J.

Look at Rivera today, bowing on all fours moslem style to Clinton;
anymore, I do not watch these shows, and I also imagine a lot of other
people feel as I do.

O.J. has survived; by the time the battle over the children is over,
they will be grown and deprived not only of their mother, but of their
father, if these evil people have their way.

O.J.'s only fault was, that he was black; and somehow, it did not
matter.  He was O.J.    Go through Job sometime; at the end heis
vindicated, and I believe O.J. will be vindicated also.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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