-Caveat Lector-

Bill Kingsbury wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
>  -------- forwarded --------
>  From: "Independent History & Research" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999
>  Subj: Bombing Christians in Holy Week
>  T-H-E  H-O-F-F-M-A-N  W-I-R-E
>  --------------------------------------------
>  No. 126           April 1, 1999
>  --------------------------------------------
>  Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
>  Published by the The Campaign for Radical Truth in History
>  Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
>  http://www.hoffman-info.com
>  ---------------------------------------
>  Contents:
>  1. Talmudic Mockery: Bombing Christians during Holy Week
>  2. Links
>  3. Notice
>  -----------------------------------------
>  1. Talmudic Mockery: Bombing Christians during Holy Week
>  The Judeo-Masonic United States of America is intent on its
>  Talmudic vengeance against Christian Serbia.
>  The US and NATO intend to bomb the Serbian people during the
>  holiest of all Christian times, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and
>  the commemoration of the Resurrection of Christ, on Sunday.
>  Klinton claimed he did not want to bomb Iraqi Muslims during their
>  holy Ramadan, but he and Cohen, Berger, Rubin and Albright are
>  eager to bomb Christian Serbia during Holy Week.
>  Here is what Yugoslavia's Vice-Premiere V. Droskovich stated on
>  Russian television:
>  "I wish also to say that all Christians in the next few days will
>  be entering the greatest Christian feast days; that is, the
>  Resurrection of Christ and Great and Holy Friday.  During these
>  sacred Christian holy days, will the NATO military commit these
>  bombing atrocities against a Christian nation?"
>  This reporter has not heard any American statesman or major
>  politician make such a forthright witness for Christ and the
>  traditions of Christianity as the Yugoslav vice-premiere did
>  on Russian television.
>  Tragically, the answer to Mr. Droskovich is yes, pseudo-Christian
>  America will bomb the Serbian people at this time,  including
>  civilians, as presidential candidate Steve Forbes advocated on
>  MSNBC March 31.
>  Imagine if the US was convinced that the Israelis were "ethnically
>  cleansing" Palestine and in particular, east Jerusalem, of Arabs
>  and decided to bomb the Israeli nation in retaliation and did so
>  on Passover?  It's unthinkable.  It couldn't happen.  But it is
>  happening to Christian Serbia on the 1999th anniversary of the
>  trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
>  Fundamentalist Protestants claim that America is a Christian land
>  and Serbia and Russia are godless anti-Christs.  But I watched
>  Russian television as the Russians broadcast, unedited, the Serbian
>  vice-premiere's emphatic Christian statement and I noted that the
>  Serb leader didn't use any weasel words such as "Judeo-Christian"
>  (an oxymoron), but rather referred forthrightly to "the Christian
>  feast days," the "Christian nation,"  and "the Resurrection of
>  Christ."
>  All of these remarks of his are affronts to "our Jewish brethren"
>  in the White House and in deference to the authentic anti-Christ
>  power on this earth, such statements are not used in prime time
>  by American leaders, be they Republican or Democrat.
>  So, I ask you, who are the anti-Christs?
>  Is it not a kind of Talmudic mockery to be dropping bombs on
>  Christians and Christian monasteries and cathedrals in Serbia
>  during the most solemn of Christian holy days?
>  Since the "great Talmudic codifier" and revered "Rambam," Moses
>  Maimonides, decreed that Christians are idolaters who deserve to
>  be exterminated, what is the bombing of Christian Serbs on Holy
>  Thursday, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday other than a thinly
>  veiled Jewish Talmudic ritual executed by the American military
>  and their NATO partners?
>  Not even the Iraqi Arabs were accorded such disrespect during
>  their holy season, but then Muslim clerics still have some measure
>  of self-respect and some willingness to defend authentic Islamic
>  theology.
>  The hirelings of Judeo-Churchianity such as Pope John Paul,
>  Pat Robertson, Chuck Missler and Jerry Falwell, use the name of
>  Christ to advance the cause of the anti-Christ.
>  This is why the modern day Pharisees may, with impunity, crucify
>  Christ's people anew in 1999, while so-called "Christian" America
>  applauds and finances the bloodshed.
>  --Michael A. Hoffman II
>  [Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the
>  Associated Press]
>  --------------------------------------------------------------------
>  2. Links
>  The Talmud: Jewish Supremacist Hate Literature:
>  http://www.hoffman-info.com/talmudtruth.html
>  Bombing for Peace
>  http://www.hoffman-info.com/wire.html
>  Profiling the FBI's Unabom Charade
>  http://www.hoffman-info.com/unabom.html
>  ---------------------------------------------------------------

Now why did you have to go and confuse the issue with the racist
lunacies of Hoffman? This Neo-Nazi Revisionist is a joke. Do you
really think that outside of his and your sick religious bigotry
that Jews have ANYTHING to do with this?

This is an ongoing religious conflict between Christians and Muslims.
The Jews were wiped out of this region during WWII together with
many Serbs at the hands of the Ultra Catholic Croats and Muslims.

The NWO don't have a religious point of view. They want to do
business with everyone. That is why they push multiculturalism.

Leave the Jews out of this. Don't make more of a fool of yourself.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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