-Caveat Lector-

>(1) Why are all the women and children wearing sparkly-clean unwrinkled
>designer-label clothing?

I haven't seen any news reports where any of the refugees took off their
clothes and turned them inside out for the camera to display the labels,
so I have no knowledge that what the refugees are wearing are indeed
'designer label' or not...

But what if they are...people USUALLY grab their best and most expensive
items if they have to suddenly move...

>Even the old grannies, most of them dressed as if
>they had unlimited credit at Macy's or even Nieman Marcus.

Can't say anything I'VE seen fits that description...granted, no one is in
rags, but what I've seen seems to be normal clothing one would find on
people who come from the middleclasses...

Indeed, if they all seemed outfitted by some Hollywood director's opinion
of what refugees in an eastern European country would look like, I'd
suspect a 'Wag the Dog' staged event...

What do YOU suggest they should wear?

>Look very carefully.  Little kids are wearing Nikes!

Why not?  Are you suggesting they got the Nikes just for their trek from
Kosovo?  My guess would be that they had the Nikes before the trouble

>(2) Why are so many of the children --not just the little ones, but the
>ones about 8 or older-- smiling and laughing, like this is FUN?

Because kids are resilient?  These kids aren't STARVING like the kids in
Africa we see in the media, hence they aren't lethargic...and being kids,
I'm sure they PLAY, even when in refugee camps...

And I've seen pictures of crying children...but being children, they could
be crying because some kid took their toy away, or they were told it's
time to go to bed and they don't want to...but crying kids make good
propaganda pictures...

>Compare THESE
>refugees with miles of Rwandans with protruding bellies and flies on
>their eyes.

No one is claiming the Albanians have been starving for years, like some
African peoples have been...

Protudicng bellies are a sign of starvation, and flies only stay in the
eyes when the person has gotten so lethargic from starvation they can't
brush the African flies away...not sure if European flies are as
aggressive as the African variety, which lays its eggs in the mucus eye
membranes of mammals, including homo sapien....

>(3) How come nobody really looks dirty or tired in the shots of refugees
>trekking along the road?

Shots I've seen showed people with some dirt on them...but I don't know
how _I_ would look if I had to make a trek from say, NYC to New Haven by
foot...mostly paved roads along the way...enough rivers, streams, and
brooks along the way to do a quick washup...not saying I'd look like I'd
want to look going on a job interview, but I doubt I'd fit your perception
of what a refugee should look like, either...I'd probably be wearing a
good pair of jeans, a good pair of shoes (perhaps even Nikes), a clean
teeshirt, and a jacket if necessary...I'd hardly be in rags and covered in

This isn't WWI, wear the opposing forces have bombed the country side into
mudpits, and people are pulling wagons with their belongings by foot...
most news reports I've seen have shown the refugees going by auto....one
is NOT going to get to muddy or get their clothes torn by driving 50 or so

>Oh, I forgot -- it's only about 50 miles from Kosovo to Albania or
>Montenegro.  Not bad if you've got a good bicycle.

Again, I'll draw an analogy between Kosovo and NYC...what would the impact
be if a couple of hundred thousand refugees from the Big Apple suddenly
steamed into someplace like New Haven?

Yep, it can easily be done via auto (barring the fact that I95 and the
Merritt Parkway would be parking lots due to being clogged with refugees,
thereby impacting those of us in the Constitution State who'd suddenly
find that our supermarket shelves were becoming bare, because of the
sudden increase in our population, plus trucks not being able to get thru
the gridlocked highways to replenish the depleted stock)...

And once in New Haven, where would hundreds of thousands of refugees be
housed?  Where would the food come from?

But I doubt any of the refugees from New York would LOOK like refugees, as
per your perception gained from WWI newsreels...

>Remember, all of Yugoslavia, including Kosovo, is about the size of the
>state of Ohio.

I've heard time and again it referred to as being comparable to
Connecticut...which makes me wonder if 'someone' has plans for us here in
the Nutmeg state!  :-7


            The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
               You know how it is with an April day:
               When the sun is out and the wind is still,
               You're one month on in the middle of May.
               But if you so much as dare to speak,
               A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
               A wind comes off a frozen peak,
               And you're two months back in the middle of March.
                        -- Robert Frost:  Two Tramps in Mudtime
                        revcoal AT connix DOT com
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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