-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/04/99) -- An  Op-Ed  column  in  today's New York Times
calls the growing Yugoslav crisis a "Yuppie Foxhole." [1]

Maureen  Dowd,  author of the column, notes in part that "Yuppies
are going to war.  The  most self-indulgent generation in history
is being asked to sacrifice by the most self-indulgent  Commander
in Chief in history." [2]

Dowd  sounds  the  alarm:   "The  moment  we've been dreading has
arrived.  Put  down  that  Restoration  Hardware penguin cocktail
shaker.  Climb out of that Pottery Barn French Deco leather  club
chair.  Finish up that echinacea-flavored focaccia." [3]

Arise, Ye Yuppie People!

But  like  before,  during  the Vietnam War, the Yuppie class and
their spawn aren't likely to  shiver  in any foxholes.  They will
experience the hardships vicariously, via cable TV.

As in previous U.S.-sponsored aggressions, "The first casualty of
war  is  Truth."  Who really blew up the U.S.S. Maine and thereby
"justified"  the  American  invasion  of  Cuba?   Who  spread the
hysterical "Rape of the Belgian Nuns" lie which helped send  U.S.
doughboys  to their deaths?  Why did the U.S. government sit back
and allow Pearl  Harbor,  when  they  had  advance warning of the
Japanese attack?  How is it that U.S.  mass  media  got  suckered
into the "Iraq incubator babies" story?

Most  of  all,  why  do   so  many  Americans  not  question  the
credibility  of  U.S.  mainstream  news  reports  concerning  the
present situation in Yugoslavia?

This news service has received some angry e-mails  from  readers,
calling  CNNS "murderers" for our skepticism regarding simplistic
demonizing portrayals of the Serbs.  Maybe, like Eugene Debs, who
tried  to  keep  American  boys  out   of   the   World   War   I
slaughterhouse,  this  editor  will  suffer for expressing doubts
about the wisdom of U.S. involvement. Oh well....

Some news items you may have missed:

(1) In a previous report by  this news service, it was speculated
that a pretext for sending NATO ground  troops  into  the  Kosovo
quagmire  might  be fake reports that "Serbs Beat Their Dogs!"  A
new aspect on this may be, "Serbs Murder Zoo Animals!"  A Reuters
report now says that the director of the Belgrade Zoo states that
"his staff would be forced  to  shoot  and kill all its dangerous
animals to keep them from escaping into the streets if NATO bombs
fell on the capital." [4]

(2) Mexico,  our  "NAFTA  Neighbor,"  condemns  the NATO bombing:
"Mexico's state-run news agency, Notimex, published an  editorial
yesterday  (Mar. 31) accusing NATO of violating international law
with its air strikes on Yugoslavia." [5]

(3) In previous CNNS reports, it has been asked, "How much $$$ is
this costing?"  The money  being  spent  and  to  be spent on the
emerging Yuppie War in Yugoslavia is almost  never  mentioned  in
the U.S. mass media.  This editor has yet to see *any* discussion
of  the  financial  aspect,  by the mainstream U.S. media.  But a
report by Agence France-Presse  (AFP)  puts  the cost thus far as
$500 million dollars.   "Extended  intervention  could  cost  the
United States billions more," adds AFP [6]

(4)  In  Rome,  80 THOUSAND demonstrators "took to the streets of
Rome Saturday against NATO bombings  of Yugoslavia in response to
a call for protest issued by  Italian  political  parties,  trade
unions and peace groups."  [7]

(5) The Boston Globe reports  on  "a new menace stalking Europe."
The leaders of this new menace "espouse the geopolitical ideas of
Nazism and the tactics of Hitler."  And what is the name of  this
new   evil?    A-m-e-r-i-c-a   is   its  name,  according  to  an
"increasingly popular view shared  by  people  in a wide swath of
the planet stretching from Russia's Pacific coast to the Balkans,
where  NATO's  airstrikes  against  Yugoslavia  have  set  off  a
virulent anti-American backlash." [8]

(6) A recent antiwar  concert  in  Greece brought together 60,000
people:  "President Clinton was compared in  posters  to  Hitler;
NATO  was  spelled out as 'Nazi American Terrorist Organization';
and posters warned of 'a new Vietnam' in Europe." [9]

(7) There is SNAFU ("Situation Normal:  All Fu**ed  Up").   There
is  TACFU  ("Totally And Completely Fu**ed Up").  But the highest
level of screw-up  is  designated,  by  irate military personnel,
FUBAR ("Fu**ed Up Beyond All Repair").  Referring to the  growing
Yugoslav  debacle,  Arnold  Crittendon,  a  retired  intelligence
analyst, says, "It was ill conceived, poorly executed and fatally
flawed.   The  boys  at the Pentagon tell me that the amateurs at
the White House rammed this thing down their throats and they are
choking on it."  [10] In other words, the NATO Yugoslav operation
is FUBAR, according to U.S. military brass who are not allowed to
openly criticize Bill Clinton, their Commander-in-Chief.

(8)  According  to Lawrence S. Eagleburger, former U.S. Secretary
of State, NATO is now "in  a  corner."  In a New York Times Op-Ed
piece, dated April 4, 1999, Eagleburger writes, in part, that "if
the current bombing campaign  in  Yugoslavia  fails  to  end  the
bloodshed  in  Kosovo  soon, the United States and NATO will have
suffered a very serious  defeat  and  will face a very unpleasant
choice:  Do we tuck our tail between our legs or do  we  mount  a
land  campaign  involving several hundred thousand troops and the
certainty of substantial casualties?" [11]

....Oh  well.  It is, as Maureen Dowd says, a Yuppie Foxhole.  It
is, as William Norman Grigg says,  a Kosovo Quagmire.  But if you
get  bored  watching  baseball,   martial   entertainments   from
Yugoslavia can also be enjoyed with hot dogs and beer.

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] "Yuppie Foxhole," by Maureen Dowd.  New York Times web  site,
Op-Ed page, 4/4/99
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] "Belgrade zoo to shoot animals  if  NATO  strikes,"  Reuters,
[5] Truth in Media GW Bulletin on Kosovo Crisis, Day 9, Update 1.
[6]  "Cost  of  US  intervention in Kosovo starts to mount," AFP,
[7] "International demos against both NATO and Yugoslavia,"  AFP,
[8] "The Backlash:  Growing numbers in Europe  believe  enemy  is
America," by David Filipov and Toula Vlahou. Boston Globe, 4/4/99
[9] Ibid.
[10] Capitol Hill Blue, "The Rant," ca. 4/4/99.
[11] "NATO, In a Corner,"  by  Lawrence S. Eagleburger.  New York
Times web site, Op-Ed page, 4/4/99

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