-Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Peter L. Sroufe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re:      [CTRL] Socialists in Congress !
> >   These are the Creatures that MUST be removed from Congress!
> Ah, so you don't believe that voters should choose the representives
> they feel are best for them?  Interesting...  BTW the last time I
> looked, there was precisely 1 (one) socialist in Congress, Bernie
> Sanders of Vermont [that hotbed of Fabianism, Marxism and Castroism].
> Congress seems to consist mostly of Republicrats, with a smattering
> of Klansmen and Theocrats.  That they're all on the take, is a given;
> without bribes, er, campaign contributions, nobody would be elected.

   In the first sentence you suggest that voters freely choose their
representatives, in the last that all the representatives are on the
take and that none could be elected without the connivance of an elite
which finances their election campaign. Of course, you are not terribly
clear about what you mean but it appears to me that even within a
paragraph you have trouble remaining consistent.

> Now, if by 'socialism' you mean any form of gov't ownership and/or
> control, and if such should be rooted out of American life, then
> won't local, county, state and federal gov't agencies have to sell
> off all the cars, buildings, schools, landfills, jails, everything
> else they own?

   Obviously, a government which protected individual rights might
require the ownership of jails and police cars though the others
probably would not be needed to be owned by governments.

> Won't they have to repeal all laws/regulations about
> health and safety, business practices, zoning, anything else that
> interferes with individual sovereignty and liberty?

   Yes, where those laws do not protect individual rights. In the common
law there was provision for such prohibitions as "creating a public
nuisance" or creating a dangerous situation, etc. However, a jury of
one's peers would have to determine if that was in fact the case.
Presently, if the legislature passes a law or regulation it may and
often does prohibit an action which harms no one. These are the type of
laws which act more for the control of behavior then for the protection
of individual rights. Drug laws and laws against prostitution, gambling,
etc. are examples. But also many laws such as seat belt laws or zoning
laws are also. All diminish individual sovereignty and liberty.

> And if most
> other Americans disagree with you, must THEY be rooted out too?

No, they would just have to learn to live in a free society as well. But
they would be free to leave. Historically most "socialist" countries
have made it difficult to leave, especially if one wished to leave with
some of their own wealth.

> OK, let's eliminate all gov't ownership/control of ANYTHING.  All
> gov't functions can be handled by contract firms.  Rent-a-Judge,
> McPrison, In'n'Out Immigration, Cops-R-Us, U.S. Marine Corp., etc.

Interesting that all your examples are means by which governments
protect individual rights with possible exception to some of immigration
(though I would personally agree the control of immigration). You don't
mention government run golf courses, water slides, football stadiums,

> Hey, in the old days you bought fire insurance from a firm that
> contracted with private firefighting companies, and if a fire crew
> got to your burning building and you didn't have the right plaque
> out front, they just let it burn.  Capitalism in action, eh?  For
> more on this, see the history of my old employer Fireman's Fund
> Insurance Co: STILL FLYING AND NAILED TO THE MAST.  I still have
> two of those old plaques, one inscribed in Chinese - this was a
> San Francisco company, and they did business with everyone.

Well, it seems to have been somewhat successful since they didn't get
burned up.

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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