-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:513157">Globalist agenda in Kosovo II
Subject: Globalist agenda in Kosovo II
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ExecutiveOrder)
Date: Wed, Apr 7, 1999 3:39 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The difficulty in understanding Kosovo conflict is that there are at least
3 conspiracies undergoing simultaneously. Its main purpose is of course
NWO's attempt to subjugate Yugoslavia, thereby enslaving Kosovars to
already planned hi-tech industrial complexes to be built on top of
mineral-rich reserves there---Especially of significance is gallium
arsenide, the rare metal compound necessary to manufacture next generation
semiconductor chips (optical semiconductors and quantum semiconductors),
with which NWO is seeking global domination of Information Age, and
consequently mind controlling of all citizens. Also, supply of cheap
Albanian laborers is equally important in the short run to maintain the
European economic stability which is being threatened by looming inflation.
Some Kosovar recruits are already being trained to work in enslaved
conditions in the refugee camps.

However, due to illogical timing and reasonings given for this NATO
operation, it is equally significant to realize that Prez. Clinton's
personal problems are at stake here. In effect, this overshadowed the
aforementioned NWO conspiracy so that casual observer won't notice either
of them. This next conspiracy is the Chinagate. What is so important here
is that many of technologies illegally sold to China by Clinton
Administration in exchange for re-election campaign contributions are
implemented in the remaining cruise missiles. By using them all up in
Kosovo, the gov't can start to produce new missiles that don't use the
stolen technologies. This is a good news for Prez. Clinton because he can
now defend himself by saying that "Yes, I sold secret missile technologies
to Communist China. But you know what? We no longer use these obsolete
technologies any more since we used them all up in Kosovo (and Iraq
earlier) and all of our 'new' missiles will incorporate newer and better
technologies." Therefore, the present momentary setback in NATO operation
is a cover to hide both conspiracies as if no such conspiracies appear to
exist in the eyes of casual observers.

The third and final conspiracy is the advancement of socialism worldwide.
With the planned refugee crisis, Prez. Clinton and his socialist cohorts
conspired to manufacture this crisis in the surrounding regions of Kosovo
as well, including Yugoslavia itself, thereby destabilizing the whole area,
and ultimately to overthrow their governments to be replaced by democratic
socialist regimes. This not only guarantees the supply of cheap labors for
Europe for long time to come, but also the specter of democratic socialist
revolutions in the Balkans will envigorate socialist movement back home in
the good ol' US of A. In another word, they are looking to the socialist
takeover of US federal gov't once again in 2,000. There is a historic
precedence to this. You may recall that this is exactly what happened after
the fall of Berlin wall during the Bush administration, when social
democratic revolutions raged across former Soviet bloc. That carried the
socialist movement back here, and consequently, the conservatives suffered
a catastrophic loss in the next election cycle in 1992, resulting in a
felon to take over our gov't. Needless to say, eventually the current basis
of NWO, generally regarded as WTO and US's role as international police,
was established during the reign of socialist gov't under Prez. Clinton.

Note also that refugee crisis ensures the prolongation of Kosovo conflict,
favoring the exhaustion of the remaining cruise missiles and ensuring that
the main goal of NWO, namely to establish slave nation in Yugoslavia, is

So, there you have it: The ultimate NWO/Socialist conspiracy to take over
the world. All conpirators are backed by Illuminati. Therefore, it is
imperative to elect right-wing conservatives (both cultural and economic)
to stop the NWO/Socialist agendas. Although I have my candidates already
picked, listen closely to what your candidates are saying. Anyone who
opposes the views of internationalism (world police) and establishment
(WTO) is a likely candidate who should be elected to stop NWO's secret


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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