-Caveat Lector-

This is towards the end of the page.

 MSG this section has links and a short summary For those of you
 that might consider this weighty, I am back to doing my web page
 and will add it to my site and then (most times just) post the URL
   in the future. I need to find where the FDA has approved the
 spraying of MSG on crops, someone sent that to me months ago
   and I have upgraded since that time. Knowing this and putting
 together with the following that I am compiling you will see more
 problems, with children as well. SPECULATION: Aspartame was
  approved during the Regan administration, more things seem to
 have been added during the Bush administration, and Clinton has
 allowed even more. Instead of hearing about MSG like we used to
 do - it and more things like Canola are being approved every day.
  Let me add this for educators - would be hard to educate a child
   even with Ritalin or some other help is they are getting this in
   their food - expressly the school lunches, and when I can find
  Canola oil as a ingredient in a major brand of frozen crinkle cut
  potatoes, Yes I do believe it and MSG will be in school lunches.
   Will add this to my site and redo my site soon. They think that
  they can just watch what they eat and that this might blow over.
 That is not the case, and I am not going into dramatics. This is not
 complete, I have to take time to learn other things too - for those
 of you that are skeptical, please check these out. Will be following
   through by checking out how these things (proteins expressly)
             work through Mitochondria and Lysosomes.

     =========Summary of some articles ==========

             (1) MSG and Aspartame Summary done on

    Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) derived from Glutamic acid,
 which is an excitotoxic amino acid that has been known to excite,
     brain cells sometimes to the point of killing them. MSG is a
  neurotropic drug (neurotropic means that it effects the nervous
 system) and when it effects a person the effects may not show up
  for up to 48 hours. Glutamic acid (an amino acid), and one of its
 salts is glutamate. Glutamate is one of the substances that make up
  protein. Different proteins are made up of different amino acids.
   MSG is manufactured through a process of protein hydrolysis.
   When glutamate is separated from protein and the product has
   99% free glutamate then it is called "monosodium glutamate."
    When Protein Hydrolysate has less than 99% free glutamate,
    usually within the range of 8 to 40 per cent, then the product
   might have one of these names - "sodium caseinate," "calcium
   caseinate," "autolyzed yeast," "textured protein," "yeast food,"
     "hydrolyzed vegetable protein," and "hydrolyzed protein."
  Hydrolyzed Protein (itself) may be in products under names like
    "flavoring" or "natural flavoring." If you are concerned about
    MSG sensitivity, or would like to help the Truth in Labeling
  Campaingn, (a nonprofit corporation), write Jack Samuels, Truth
     in Labeling Campaign, P.P. Box2532, Darien, IL 60561. A
      stamped, self-addressed envelope would be apprecieated.
(2) Journal
  of the American Dietetic Association, July 1997 v97 n7 p793(2)
  "We think your son has Lennox-Gastaut syndrome'- a case study
  monosodium glutamate's effect on a child Author: Anne Shovic,
    Robert D. Bart and Apryll M. Stalcup Electronic collection:
  A19792007 RN: A19792007 Glutamate a free amino acid or as a
     constituent in proteins. Aspartame - "Although most of the
  neurologic concerns associated with aspartame have centered on
phenylalanine, one of the amino acids that comprise the dipeptide,
    it should be noted that aspartate, the other amino acid in the
 dipeptide, and glutamate bind to many of the same receptor sites
  in vivo, are subject to many of the same transport mechanisms,
 and undergo interconversion via aspartate aminotransferase." "It is
    also interesting to note that the incidence of febril seizures in
 young children is almost five times higher in Japan, where MSG is
    more commonly used as an additive, than it is in the United
           States." This report has a long list of References.
Another assult on our neurotransmitters?
Canola Healthy?

aka The Pied Piper
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