I am still adding to this time line.

Title: DNA Source Code

Could the Earth
be a
DNA Source Code
If so, Where are they documenting it?

If there are some on this Earth that believe in survival of the fitist

ADHD: Reality and / or Myth

A Learning / Mental Disability
Covers the inability to pay attention and full retention of knowledge.

???? Black Death - leaves France with a population of 2000.
1720 innoculation for smallpox which has just hit Boston

1775-1783 the revolutionary war
1776 Declairation of Independance
1787 Constitution
1789 9 out of 10 Americans are engaged in farming and food production
1790 Report on Public Credit - aims to expand financial reach of federal government and reduce power of the states
1819 Indian Civilization Act
1821 Missouri entered Union
1831 the Trail of Tears
1845 Potato famine starts in Ireland
1835 Mexico frees slaves
1835 US citizens living in Texas vote to sucede rather than give up the "right"
1836 Republic of Texas is established
1845 Texas entered Union
1846-1848 the Mexican War
1848 abourtive revolution in Germany is the impetus for German immigration:1.1million by 1857
1860 Lincoln elected President
1861-1865 the Civil war / War between the states has begun
Lincoln declairs a state of emergency that grants him powers that supercede the
Constitution or bill of rights
1861 Yale University grants the country's first Ph.D
1863 uniform currency across the United States "National Banking Act"
1864 "In God We Trust" starts appearing on US Coins
1865 Lincoln assasinated - so he does not put the Constution back into effect.
1871 KKK?
1874 Congress makes gold the sole U,S. monetary standard

1914-1920 WW I
1922 Mussolini in Italy
1929 the Great Depression begins
1933 Hitler rises to power in Germany
1939 WW II (Land)
1940 First jet aircraft
1941 Pearl Harbor: United States enters World War II
1941-1945 US in WW II
1941 Pearl Harbor
US enters war
1942 Manhattan (A-bomb) project is begun
1945 The United Nations is founder during Truman time
1947 Formation of Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
1948 Truman elected President
1949 NATO founded
1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed First nonstop flight around the world 1950 Nevada Test Site (NTS) established by the AEC Korean conflict begins
1953 Korean armistice signed at Panmunjom
1958 Formation of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Treaty signed to ban all nuclear weapons testing
1961 Berlin wall goes up
1961-76 Vietnam War
1962 John Glenn orbits the Earth
1962 Agent Orange is one of the chemical defoliants used on North Vietnamese supply trails
1962 Did Monsanto have the patent on Agent Orange at this time?
1963 Kennedy assassinated
1968 Nixon officially elected
Nixon took the USA off of the gold standard
Busing / learning / Jessie Jackson
1981-93 Reagan - Bush years
1981 first AIDS cases reported
1988 Bush elected
1989 Oliver North is convicte in Iran-Contra trial
1989 2 month long Tianamen Square
1989 Berlin Wall starts to fall
EG&G awarded new contract to support Department of Energy's Superconducting Super Collider project in Texas
EG&G and Cornell University professors form Northeast Semiconductor Industries, Inc. to develop advanced materials for electro-optical components
1990 Sadam Hussein invades Kuwait
1991 Operation Desert Storm
1991 Iraq attempts to take control of Kuwait - Persian Gulf War begins; ends in 3 months time
1991 Gulf war begins and ends within 100 hours
Rodney King beating
1991? Mensa defined learning styles as Gifted or Talented
1992 H. Ross Perot enter Presidential race
Clinton elected Pres.
1992 Rio Declaration signed by delegates from 178 countries outlining starategies to protect the
environment and world resources.
1996 Clinton's second term
1997 John Denver dies
Current rift between beliefs over Holocaust

Would these be two organizations that could be used in other ways?
Home School Legan Defense Fund

FEMA - Federal Emergency M A
Texas re-institutes slavary

Coustou dies
Asnov dies

This is my opinion from what I have read. SIDs is another thing that antibiotics in milk, floride in water, folinin in immunizations, and chemicals in food are suspected of causeing. Since Aspartame was approved during the Regan Administration many more birth defects have occured. Some children by pass SIDs yet still progress to mental delays and problems.

Last Updated 29 March 1999
(c)26 March 1999

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