-Caveat Lector-

A little history --  The New York Times, reporting on the Kosovo conflict
back in 1987, described how the Albanian population of Yugoslavia was
pushing for a "Greater Albania" by carrying out violent acts against Serbs.
These included attacks on Serb Orthodox churches, crop burning and
well-poisonings. Apparently, young Albanian men were told by their elders to
rape Serbian women. In 1992, the NYT reported that 250,000 Serbs had been
'ethnically cleansed' from Croatia.

7 iv '99 EDINBURGH --  Some correspondents in the London papers were signing
their own names to stories of atrocities, but much of the reportage was one
journalist saying what another said she was told by an unnamed Kosovar. In
particular, it was said on the BBC that Kosovar women could not be expected
to put their own names to allegations of rape by Serbian soldiers, or indeed
to give the slightest detail of such claims (because to do so would be too
shaming for them and their families). In fact, it would be utterly bizarre
if 10,000 Nato troops (including 4.500 British) had sat in Macedonia for a
fortnight and not protected a single square mile of Kosovo or a retreat
corridor from Pristina if horrendous atrocities  had *indeed* been taking
place (let alone the 'genocide' -- claimed six times in five minutes by UK
Foreign Secretary Robin Cook). The Nato bombing had killed over 300
civilians and wounded over 3,000 others, the Yugoslav ambassador to Russia
claimed in Moscow.

7 iv '99 --  http://www.aci.net/kalliste/ (J. Orlin Grabbe)  --  Bill
Clinton's failing Kosovo war is part of a desperate, dangerous and fatally
flawed plan by a scandal-ridden President to salvage a legacy for the
history books, White House and Pentagon insiders say.

8 iv '99 EDINBURGH --  Having caused some 300 deaths in Serbia and some 17
deaths in Kosovo and precipitated the ethnic flight of a million ethnic
Albanians (about 300,000 of them to Albania) and billions of dollars of
material destruction, multicultural AmericOtan has embarked on spelling out
its war aims. At the top of the agenda is Prime Minister Blair's undertaking
to the Kosovars (Daily Telegraph 7 iv '99): "We will make sure you can
return to your homes and live in your homes in peace. That is our promise."
So the chief objective is merely to restore the status quo ante bellum! Just
how Kosovo's 10% Serbian population is to be protected from victorious
returning neighbours remains unclear; but at least there are plenty of homes
left -- top journalist John Simpson revealed from Pristina that media
suggestions of widespread burning of Kosovar homes were exaggerations (CFMR
8 iv '99, 00:00). Nato may have gambled and lost in its Third Way plan of
avoiding the use of both diplomacy and infantry, but it is not lacking in
spirit. It may not be able to save lives, but it can still save the face of
New World Order neosocialist, the Reverend William Jefferson Clinton of the
Church of the Seven Day Fornicators. 'The immaculate coercion' of fifteen
days of nightly bombing has found the Middle Way between ignoring Serbian
enormities and actually ending them and has proved popular with TV viewers;
and once Yugoslavia is a flattened wasteland it should be possible to risk
the occasional Nato operative to initiate the process of trying 'war
criminals' and demanding reparations. This will let neosocialists make
object lessons of nationalists for the next century. AmericOtan has been
able to shrug off the anti-Nato-bombing pleas of the moderate Kosovan ethnic
Albanian leader Mr Rugova with the unproven suggestion that he is being
intimidated or drugged. Nor does the lack of interest of Albania in doing
anything impact on Washington's Black House: in Albania, the big businesses
are in narcotics, the control of prostitution in Naples and in war
profiteering so there has been no time for helping Kosovars in Kosovo.
      UK newspapers continue to show a disjunction between
well-propagandized leader writers' and journalists' allusions to 'genocide'
on the one hand and independent-minded columnists and correspondents on the
other. A particularly fine anti-war article was that by Andrew Roberts in
the Times ('Patriots for peace', 7 iv '99). Roberts recalled the many
eminent British politicians who have opposed wars in the past. William Pitt
the Younger (1759-1806, "the saviour of Europe" [against Napoleon]) opposed
making war on the rebellious American colonies; Charles James Fox
(1749-1806, "the greatest debater the world ever saw" [Burke]) opposed
fighting France on land; the arch-conservative Third Marquis of Salisbury
(1830-1903) opposed fighting Russia in the Crimean War'; David Lloyd George
(Prime Minister of victorious Britain in 1918) had opposed fighting the
Boers; and Labour Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald (1866-1937) had opposed
declaring war on Germany in 1914. Noting the plight of Alex Salmond (the
Scottish National Party leader currently condemned by Blairites as "the
toast of Belgrade"), Roberts recalls Lloyd George's words: "The man who
tries to make the flag an object of a single party is a greater traitor to
that flag than any man who fires at it." Moreover, Roberts recalls the
solemn promise given to Mikhail Gorbachev, to encourage him to bring down
the Berlin Wall: that Nato would *not* embark on aggressive hegemonization
in Eastern Europe. For Nato to have shredded its commitments to Russia, the
United Nations and its own Charter has been astonishingly irresponsible in a
way that can only be justified by some fairly immediate outbreak of heaven
on earth.  Anyway, the flight of the Kosovars suggests the 'intervention' is
over and lost bar the continued pounding of Serbia necessary to save
multiculturalist faces: "For all that we are told by Nato's Jamie Shea that
the 'surgical operations' have been a success," says Andrew Roberts, "it is
impossible not to notice that the patient has inconveniently died."
      Letter-writers also have covered themselves with glory at a difficult
time when TV viewers find it easier to do nothing but condemn the Serbs. In
the Times (7 iv '99), the war had the support of Stanley Brichto, the Senior
Vice-President of the Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues, London
W1P 6D5. However, Thatcherite trooper Sir Alfred Sherman condemned the
bombing; and Philip James wrote to say most informed opinion in London
opposed the war. In the Telegraph too, correspondents were overwhelmingly
critical of their paper's gung-ho line. Traditionally Nato-supporting Lady
Olga Maitland (of  the anti-USSR organisation, 'Women and Families for
Defence') felt that the immediate humanitarian action necessary to help
Kosovars should be funded overwhelmingly by President Clinton, who had
demanded the bombing campaign from European neosocialists; another writer
referred to Nato's "collective madness"; and 'maverick' Conservative MP Alan
Clark [of Memoirs] pointed out that, on its own logic, AmericOtan may
shortly need to bomb already-unstable Macedonia to punish those people for
being inhospitable to ethnic Albanians.
      Remarkably, Romano Prodi, the Italian politician who is expected to
become the next President of the European Union, chose this moment to
delight in the E.U.'s having smashed 'the two pillars of the traditional
nation state -- the sword and the currency' (Daily Telegraph 7 iv '99).
Certainly, what the E.U. had not done already from Brussels, AmericOtan's
multicultural bombing was completing in Serbia. Instead of quietly arming
the Kosovo Liberation Army (as the USA once armed Afghanistan's mujahedin
and Croatia's forces) or assassinating Mr Milosevic, AmericOtan has
preferred two weeks' bombing of 'military targets' and now 'infrastructure'
in Serbia without any conspicuous effort to ensure Serbs knew what
'atrocities' Nato claimed were perpetrated in their name. AmericOtan has
ensured that, in future, no people will have confidence in a national
government unless it has nuclear and biological weapons. For this
development, multiculturalist neosocialism will bear a heavy responsibility
until neoliberalism can restore respect for autonomy, choice and contract.
The mercy is that so many people are still alive after two weeks of armed
professionals fighting in Europe; but that won't last long if Macedonia --
already bussing refugees from its frontier and denying access to more Nato
'peacekeepers' -- collapses and sparks the long-feared Balkan War that would
break the fifty-year Nato alliance.

Chris Brand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Edinburgh. Author of 'The 'g' Factor'
"The worst curse of all is that a man must tread the evil road for the
sake of the good and the right -- that he must make detours and walk
crookedly so that he may reach the straight goal."
      Essene curse, explained in Arthur Koestler's 'The Gladiators', 1939.


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