-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-09 09:41:31 EDT, you write:

> NORML Executive Director R. Keith Stroup, Esq. noted, "Under
>  this measure, someone could legally transmit information
>  about potentially violent activities like building bombs,
>  but face criminal prosecution for posting messages about the
>  documented medical uses of marijuana.  This is an attempt to
>  circumvent the first amendment guarantee of free speech by
>  turning the transmission of certain factual information via
>  the Internet into a 'thought crime.'  Proponents of this
>  type of legislation are the equivalent of modern day book-
>  burners."

    I've heard from ritual abuse and mind control survivors that marijuana is
the one big NO NO, according to the perps.  Why?  I suspect it provides a
catalyst for <gasp> enlightenment.    Can't have any of that.

    It also has many other planet-saving properties.  We wouldn't want to do
anything CONSTRUCTIVE, now, would we?

    The rest of the useful herbs are next.  The people "need" to use their
money to support the all-knowing pharmaceutical industry -- it's the Virtuous
Capitalistic Way.

    Seems to me the path to destruction is accelerating considerably.



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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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