-Caveat Lector-

>From the great Republicans Suck site>>>

Rep. Henry Hyde Broke up a family during his seven year adulterous affair!
Mike Bowers Cheated on his wife for FIFTEEN YEARS!
Newt Gingrich Dumped his ex-wife while she was in a hospital bed suffering
from cancer...
Bob Dole Cheated on his first wife with his current wife, Elizabeth Dole.
Former Rep. Bob Dornan Reported to have cheated on and beaten his wife.
John Linder Has a wandering eye for his female staff members.
Ronald Reagan Dumped Jane Wyman by cheating on her with several Hollywood
William Cohen Dumped his wife for a new one.
Guy Millner because he has sex with women he isn't married to....
Rush Limbaugh Fat as he may be, he cheated on two of his three wives...
Mitch Skandalakis Hired hookers from his Las Vegas hotel room!
Michael Deaver Was so drunk he doesn't remember hiring hookers...
John Warner Dumped his wife for Elizabeth Taylor...
Bill Randall A Florida Congressional candidate and minister, he fathered an
illegitimate child during his affair!
Bill McCartney Promise Keepers founder who didn't keep his Promise to his
wife and then lied about it for 20 years!
Rep. Dan Burton Had at least six adulterous affairs, and fathered a bastard
son who, today, he ignores!!
Rep. Bob Barr Cheated on all three of his wives!
Rudolph Giuliani Boffs his assistant in Gracie Mansion while his wife stays
home with the kids!
Sen. Strom Thurmond Cheated on his fourth wife at age 88!!
Gilbert Davis Allowed himself to be videotaped DrUnK during his adultery!
Bob Packwood Drank huge amounts of hard liquor and then tongue-kissed his
female staffers against their will!
Gov. Kirk Fordice Got so hopped up by his mistress that he crashed his Jeep
Cherokee and got himself hurt!
Beverly Russell The Christian Coalition coordinator who molested his
stepdaughter Susan Smith, who later killed her own kids.
.Marv Albert Calls himself a Republican, bites his longtime mistresses, and
has sex with her while wearing women's underwear
Michael Huffington The Former GOP Congressman who cheated on his wife Arianna
- with other men!
Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin had an adulterous affair with her Security
Guard - a state trooper!
Rep. Helen Chenoweth  Who screwed most every married male member of the Idaho

<<<Just thought the hypocrisy would be fun to point out at this late date.


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