-Caveat Lector-

>From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Saturday, April 10, 1999
Defiant Serbs Turn Target Into Weapon
A Popular Symbol of Anger Spreads as Yugoslavia Arms Itself With Irony

By Michael Dobbs Washington Post Service
BELGRADE - The predominant popular reaction in Yugoslavia to the NATO
bombing campaign, a mixture of fatalism, defiance, gallows humor and
paranoia, is best summed up by a symbol that has taken the country by storm
over the past two weeks.
You see the target sign everywhere, adorning billboards, the clothes of
young children, newspaper front pages, Web sites, bridges and lapels of
government ministers. It is designed to mock Western claims that NATO has no
quarrel with the Serbian people, only with their leaders.

''We are trying to relieve our anger through humor,'' said Miroslav Radic,
the director of a small public relations company in Belgrade that is
responsible for popularizing the target sign.

''We are trying to send a message that not just Serbs, but anybody in the
world can be targeted by aggression or by an anonymous bureaucracy,'' Mr.
Radic added.

The sign, supposedly borrowed from the advertising symbol for the American
department store chain Target, has multiplied like a virus in the 16 days
since NATO planes and cruise missiles began hitting sites that Western
officials say are parts of President Slobodan Milosevic's war machine.

Something of a Serbian equivalent of the peace sign worn by American peace
demonstrators in the 1960s, it reflects widespread anger and bewilderment
over the bombing. While the anger has been harnessed by the authorities and
fanned by government propaganda, it has deep roots in the popular psyche.

The grass-roots reaction to the bombing is best conveyed by the Serbian word
inat, which has no direct English equivalent but implies a combination of
extreme stubbornness and a willingness to go to any lengths to exact revenge
on someone who has wronged you.

Examples of inat are legion, from the waiter who spits in the soup of a
patron who has been rude, to the people of Belgrade who took to the streets
every day for three months in the winter of 1996-1997 to protest the
Milosevic government's refusal to recognize an opposition victory in local

''Inat is a natural state of mind for a weak person dealing with a stronger
people,'' explained Voja Zenetic, a Belgrade commentator and advertising
executive who has been leading the target campaign.

''When Milosevic thought he could do whatever he wanted with us, I was
against him,'' he added. ''Now I am against NATO because they are strong and
we are weak.'' He traces the concept of inat to the desire of Serbs to get
back at the Turks during their 500-year subjugation by the Ottoman Empire.

Other expressions of defiance of the United States and its NATO partners
range from the creative to the obscene. Visitors to Belgrade are greeted by
a huge billboard over the Sava River that is angled slightly upward, in the
presumed direction of U.S. planes. It displays an obscenity in English.

American-run restaurants have been given such names as the Baghdad Café, and
the Canadian Embassy has been renamed ''the Embassy of Quebec,'' a
suggestion of solidarity with separatists in that province.

The U.S. Information Center, situated on a central pedestrian street, has
been trashed and ransacked, along with the cultural centers of Britain and

Lewd drawings of President Bill Clinton have appeared all over town, and
Monica Lewinsky jokes are legion. NATO is routinely referred to as the ''New
American Terrorist Organization.'' The once flourishing industry of
Milosevic jokes, meanwhile, appears to be grinding to a halt.

''I don't think Americans would make jokes about Clinton if they were
attacked by Russia,'' said Mr. Zenetic, who answers his cell phone, ''Hello,
Clinton speaking.''

Asked to tell the most current Milosevic joke, he comes up with an old
chestnut. Clinton, Yeltsin and Milosevic are in a plane that is about to
crash. Fate decrees that only one can survive, and he will be chosen by
democratic ballot. The final vote count goes like this: 1 vote for Clinton,
1 vote for Yeltsin, 1 million votes for Milosevic.

Political jokes apart, the crisis has spawned much black humor, as Serbs
attempt to make the best of their situation. An entire subspecies of humor
has been spawned in the underground air-raid shelters frequented mainly by
people who live close to military sites that could be targeted by NATO

Question: ''What is the difference between a black beetle and a red
beetle?'' Answer: ''Just the taste.''

Many of the jokes consist of puns that are difficult to translate into
English. For example, the Serbian expression for ''good morning'' is ''dobar
dan,'' but people now say ''bombar dan.''

Some jokes are directed at NATO planners. After it was reported that the
only town of any size in Serbia that had not yet been targeted by NATO bombs
was a place called Zrenjanin, a billboard went up there with the slogan:
''NATO, why don't you hit us? We are not contagious.''

Mingled with the humor is a suspicion of outsiders and a conviction that
NATO saboteurs are directing incoming attacks.

Rumors have spread that subversive elements are planting electronic
''locaters'' in military buildings, which are then blown up by NATO bombs.

A Washington Post reporter was briefly detained by military police Thursday
morning for ''loitering'' near the Defense Ministry while waiting for his
driver to return from an errand. A military building nearby had been bombed
by NATO planes overnight, and the soldiers were nervous.

The target sign is said to be the brainchild of Serbian activists in Boston
who appropriated the emblem of the American retail company, adapting it
slightly to their needs. It then crossed the Atlantic via the Internet.

In Yugoslavia, the image has been popularized by a group of advertising
executives and intellectuals previously critical of the Milosevic regime who
are now directing their creative energies to making fun of NATO.

In addition to distributing target leaflets and T-shirts, the group has
opened a Web site (www.yutarget.com), where copies of the sign can be
downloaded along with audio clips of air raid sirens sounding over Belgrade.

Paris, Saturday, April 10, 1999
At the Border, a Worrisome Mystery

By Craig R. Whitney International Herald Tribune
BRUSSELS - Three days after Serbian border police closed crossing points
from Kosovo into Macedonia and Albania, NATO said Friday that its
sophisticated military surveillance had not yet been able to solve the
mystery of what happened to tens of thousands of ethnic Albanian civilians
who had been stuck there.
''A key question is what is happening to the people who were trying to
leave,'' an alliance spokesman, Jamie Shea, said, referring in particular to
what he called the ''car people'' whose automobiles had been lined up 20
kilometers inside Kosovo near the Albanian border before vanishing overnight

A senior diplomat from an allied European country said that NATO civilian
authorities had asked the military command Thursday to intensify
reconnaissance over Kosovo to try to locate the missing civilians.

Unmanned U.S. reconnaissance drones have been flying over the province for
the past several days.

But a NATO military spokesman, Air Commodore David Wilby, said Friday that
allied intelligence had been concentrating mostly on finding tanks and other
armored vehicles for allied bombers to strike. Serbian paramilitary police
and army units have been using the tanks in attacks that have driven
hundreds of thousands of civilians out of Kosovo.

General Klaus Naumann, chairman of the Military Committee at the alliance's
headquarters here, has also requested surveillance reports from individual
allies' reconnaissance missions, officials said, but thus far requests for
better intelligence on the missing refugees had not produced any.

Neither civilian nor military officials offered much explanation for the

Commodore Wilby said Thursday, ''We are certainly trying to identify all
movement of people, and we are obviously very concerned about where those
people are being moved to.''

And Mr. Shea said Friday, ''We believe there may be 150,000 to 200,000
people in Kosovo living without shelter, in the woods, in ruined villages
and so on.''

But the allies, like international relief officials, have been reduced
mainly to guessing what happened after President Slobodan Milosevic of
Yugoslavia closed the borders Tuesday night, declared a unilateral
cease-fire Wednesday and said refugees were free to return home. NATO has
rejected all these claims as a duplicitous sham.

The NATO secretary-general, Javier Solana Madariaga, said Friday that the
Serbian forces inside Kosovo might have forced refugees back to make them
''human shields'' around the military targets of the allied bombing
campaign, which continued Friday despite unfavorable weather conditions in
the Balkans.

Particular concern has been expressed about the fate of thousands of people
who were lined up behind the border crossing on the road from Prizren to the
Albanian border town of Kukes.

''We have received reports from the few people who have come through that
all along the road behind the border the cars and wagons and tractors are
just abandoned, with luggage and food left behind and nobody visible on the
road,'' Judith Kumin, a spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner for
Refugees in Geneva, said in a telephone interview.

''I am very much concerned for the fate of civilians remaining in Kosovo,''
the high commissioner, Sadako Ogata, said Friday in Skopje, the capital of
Macedonia. Asked what her organization could do for them, she said, ''I am
helpless there.''

Almost all international organizations left Kosovo before March 24, when
NATO began bombing to try to force Mr. Milosevic to accept a peace
settlement restoring autonomy to the ethnic Albanian population of the
province and providing for an international peacekeeping force.

General Naumann said in an interview with German radio Friday that it would
be ''very, very difficult'' for the West to impose peace in Kosovo without
sending in ground troops.

He said he could not speculate about whether allied governments would
ultimately think twice about their refusal to consider fighting their way
into Kosovo to escort half a million refugees driven out by Serbian forces
back to their homes. ''Ultimately a conflict is always decided on the
ground, of course,'' he said. ''Without a presence on the ground, it's very,
very difficult to achieve that.''

There are also no allied reconnaissance patrols from either Albania or
Macedonia that might be able to fill in gaps in the allies' intelligence
about the refugees.

Macedonia has allowed 12,000 allied soldiers, including British, French and
U.S. troops, onto its territory, but the defense minister, Nikola Kljusev,
said on a visit to the alliance's headquarters Friday that his country still
insisted that none of those troops could be used for offensive action
against Yugoslavia.

''If there is agreement with the Yugoslav government for the entry of NATO
forces into Yugoslavia, then they will be allowed to enter Yugoslavia,'' he
said. ''Unless this happens, the passage of NATO forces into Yugoslavia
cannot be accepted.''

The 12,000 soldiers were originally sent to Macedonia as the vanguard of the
28,000-strong peacekeeping force planned for Kosovo as part of a negotiated
settlement, but Mr. Milosevic refused even to discuss peacekeepers. Now the
troops have been put to work helping Macedonia deal with more than 150,000
ethnic Albanian refugees.


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