-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  04/11/99)  --  At  the  end  of  the  second week of NATO
bombing,  London's  Daily  Independent  published  an  article by
Philip Hammond, assessing mass media coverage of the war.   Major
news  outlets, he wrote, "have generally been careful to keep the
debate  within   parameters   of   acceptable  discussion,  while
politicians have stepped up the demonization of the Serbs to  try
to drown out dissenting voices." [1]

This  narrowing  the  range of "acceptable debate" is a technique
well  analyzed  by  Noam  Chomsky   in  a  book  he  co-authored,
"Manufacturing Consent."

"Acceptable debate,"  in  the  current  Yugoslav  context,  means
"debate"  over  whether or not NATO -- and especially the U.S. --
should or should  not  commit  ground  troops  into  the  region.
Excluded  by  this  narrow  framework  is the question of whether
USA/NATO should be involved at all.

Examples of excluded or barely-mentioned news, given little or no
attention by the corporate mass media:

**  Russian  Foreign  Minister Igor Ivanov says that "NATO may be
using a new type of weapon with radioactive components during the
bombardment of Yugoslavia.   Ivanov  says measurements in several
parts of Kosovo have shown high levels of radiation in  both  air
and soil near bomb targets."  [2] The A-10 "Warthog" jet "carries
a  GAU-8/A  Avenger  30 millimeter seven-barrel cannon capable of
firing 4,200 rounds per  minute."   [3]  The Warthog cannon fires
"30 mm rounds reinforced with  depleted  uranium,  a  radioactive
weapon."   [4]  The use of these depleted uranium (DU) shells may
be a  major  cause  of  the  mysterious  "Gulf  War Syndrome," an
illness suffered by many veterans of  the  1990-91  Persian  Gulf
War.  "There  is  solid  scientific  evidence  that  the depleted
uranium residue left in Iraq  is responsible for a large increase
in  stillbirths,  children  born  with  defects,  and   childhood
leukemia  and  other  cancers  in  the area of southern Iraq near
Basra, where most of these  shells were fired."  [5] According to
Sara Flounders, a contributing author  of  the  book,  "Metal  of
Dishonor:  Depleted Uranium," "The use of Warthogs with DU shells
threatens to make a nuclear wasteland of Kosovo.  The Pentagon is
laying  waste to the very people--along with their children--they
claim to be saving..." [6]

** A report in CounterPunch by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St.
Clair tells  how  Amnesty  International  and  other human rights
groups have been co-opted  by  the  U.S.  State  Department  into
cheering  on  the  NATO  bombing  raids.   Harold  Koh, Assistant
Secretary of State for Democracy, reportedly persuaded leaders of
the groups that the then-starting  NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was
a humanitarian action and that if they'd play  along,  they'd  be
compensated  with  a  later,  personal  meeting with Secretary of
State  Madeline  Albright.   The  entire  CounterPunch  story  is
reportedly available at www.counterpunch.com
   Amnesty International was previously suckered  into  accepting
and  promoting  the  false  "Iraq's  Incubator Babies" propaganda
during the Persian Gulf War.

** "Kosovo refugees  are  throwing away U.S.-donated humanitarian
rations by the thousands and have even burned some to keep  warm,
complaining  that the food is inedible and has made people sick."
[7] "We don't eat it because  the  children get a fever and throw
up and are going to be poisoned," said one of the refugees.  [8]

** Regarding the Yugoslav tinderbox, former U.S. Attorney General
Ramsey Clark warns that "the potential for the conflict to spread
to  involve  Albania,  Macedonia,  Montenegro,  Bosnia,  Croatia,
Greece  and Turkey is enormous.  It could readily come to involve
Slavs and Muslims from other regions in Asia, the Middle East and
North Africa, fighting in the Balkans and on their own soil." [9]

** Demonstrators in Yugoslavia apologize  that,  "Sorry,  we  are
still  singing."   That  is  a  frequently  seen  sign carried by
rock-and-roll Yugoslavians in Belgrade.  They gather every day in
downtown Belgrade and  their  morale  is  high.   In  a parody of
Roberta Flack's hit record, "Killing Me Softly With His Song,"  a
large  yellow  banner  reads, "Killing Me Softly With This Bomb!"

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] Qtd. in "American Journalists Have  No Reason To Be Smug," by
Norman Solomon.
[2] "Russia: NATO using radioactive weapons," UPI, 4/9/99.
[3] "Radioactive weapons used by U.S./NATO in Kosovo."  Report by
International Action Center, 4/1/99.  Contact:  Sara Flounders or
John Catalinotto, 212-633-6646.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] "Kosovo Refugees Spurn U.S. Rations  As  Inedible,"  by  Matt
Spetalnick. Reuters, 4/11/99.
[8] Ibid.
[9] "Letter from  former  Attorney  General  Ramsey Clark to each
member of the Security Council," 4/5/99.
[10]  "NATO  Attacks  On  Yugoslavia  Update:   April  5,  1999."
International Action Center.

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