-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Sterilization program targeted women, blacks in later years - 12/8/02 WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.(AP) - "North Carolina had one of the nation's most aggressive and longest running eugenics programs, sterilizing 7,600 people, the third most of any state, according to a newspaper report....- Major eugenics research at Wake Forest University was paid for by a patron who had a racial agenda that included a visit to a 1935 Nazi eugenics conference and extensive efforts to overturn key civil-rights legislation...California led the nation with more than 20,000 sterilizations; Virginia was second with about 8,000, and North Carolina third." http://www.modbee.com/state_wire/story/5517130p-6496264c.html

from L Moss Sharman List of Catholic bishops who resigned over church sex scandals - 12/13/02 "Nineteen Roman Catholic bishops, nine of them Americans, have resigned since 1990 in the context of sex scandals."  http://www.startribune.com/stories/484/3529966.html

Archbishop Resigns, Begs Forgiveness Denise Lavioe AP 12/13/02 Boston - "Boston Cardinal Bernard Law became the highest-ranking church leader to be toppled by the furor over decades of lurid behavior by rogue priests, tendering his resignation Friday to a "deeply saddened" Pope John Paul II. The cardinal begged forgiveness and offered the hope that his departure would help heal his damaged flock. The pope named Bishop Richard G. Lennon, an auxiliary bishop in Boston, to take temporary charge of an archdiocese teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. It was in Boston that the scandal first erupted nearly a year ago, spreading across the country and plunging the U.S. Roman Catholic Church into an unprecedented moral and financial crisis. And it was Law - accused of failing to protect children from known and alleged molesters - who many felt was at the very core of the malignancy. From AOL

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, December 11, 2002
*** Southern Institute says Lott's recent praise for Strom Thurmond's
segregationist platform echoes previous statements
and support for racist organizations ***
....Senator Lott has had close ties to the Conservative Citizen's Council,
an openly racist and anti-semitic group which grew out of the terrorist
White Citizen's Councils, and which today calls interracial marriage "white
genocide." In 1992, Lott was keynote speaker at the group's national board
meeting, ending his speech by saying "the people in this room stand for the
right principles and the right philosophy." In 1995, Lott addressed the
Carrol County (Miss.) chapter of the CCC, and in 1997, Lott hosted a private
meeting with CCC leaders. Despite these close associations, when confronted
with his membership in the group in 1998, Lott claimed he had "no firsthand
knowledge" of the CCC. CCC officials responded by saying he was a "friend"
and "paid-up member."
In 1984, Lott addressed the Convention of the Sons of Confederate
Veterans in Biloxi, Mississippi by saying "the spirit of Jefferson Davis
lives in the 1984 Republican Platform." The statement was covered in the
Winter 1984 issue of the right-wing Southern Partisan magazine, in which
Lott also explained that he opposes civil rights legislation, and said that
the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday is "basically wrong." In the
1970s, Lott led a campaign to have the citizenship of Jefferson Davis, the
President of the Confederate States of America, retroactively restored....
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Chris Kromm: 919-419-8311 x26

THE WASHINGTON POSTWednesday, December 16, 1998; Page A02http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WPlate/1998-12/16/By Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post Staff WriterSenate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), who last weekclaimed "no firsthand knowledge" of the controversial Council ofConservative Citizens, six years ago told the group's membersthey "stand for the right principles and the right philosophy."This week, after being asked about a newly surfaced copy ofthe group's 1992 newsletter, in which he appears to endorse thegroup and ask for its support, Lott renounced the organizationand said through a spokesman he has nothing to do with them.The CCC, which has strong ties to the old white CitizensCouncils, is considered racist by conservatives and liberals.Many of the most prominent figures in the organization areproponents of preserving the white race and culture, which theysee as under assault by immigration, intermarriage and growingnumbers of Hispanic Americans.

from AOL WASHINGTON (Dec. 13) - Trent Lott led the fight to restore Jefferson Davis' U.S. citizenship and once suggested the Confederate leader would support the Republican Party if alive today. He voted against expanding the Civil Rights Act, and opposed the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, saying there were other heroes ``more deserving.'' And he supported segregation - which he now repudiates - when as a college student he watched armed U.S. marshals escort the first black student to the University of Mississippi. He also advocated keeping blacks out of his fraternity.

Znet Update & A Harold Pinter Essay
Daily Telegraph December 11, 2002  The American administration is a bloodthirsty wild animal By Harold Pinter "....The 200,000 deaths in East Timor in 1975 brought about by the Indonesian government but inspired and supported by America are never referred to. The 500,000 deaths in Guatemala, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Argentina and Haiti, in actions supported and subsidised by America, are never referred to.  The millions of deaths in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia are no longer referred to. "

Belleville News-Democrat  12-08-2002 
Posted on Sun, Dec. 08, 2002 Subject to inspection Belleville inspectors and armed police officers show up without search warrants to check for occupancy code violations, and ticket people who don't let them in -- a practice experts say is unconstitutional. BY GEORGE PAWLACZYK Belleville News-Democrat
...."This is a problem one sees all across the country -- the use of these housing codes for doing what really amounts to drug sweeps," said Ed Yohnka of the American Civil Liberties Union
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