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Kissinger Clients
Lead To Enron, Cheney and 911
911 Cover-Up Wobbles

High Priest of Deception Forced to Bail Out

"Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has resigned as chairman of a commission investigating events leading up to the 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States. Mr Kissinger, who had been in the job for just 16 days, had been criticised for refusing to release the names of clients at his consulting firm. His resignation throws the inquiry into turmoil. It comes hard on the heels of the announcement earlier this week that the commission's vice chairman, George Mitchell, was quitting. The BBC's Tom Carver in Washington says the episode is enormously embarrassing for Mr Bush, adding questions will be asked about why possible conflicts of interest were not raised before Mr Kissinger's appointment."
Kissinger quits as 9/11 inquiry chief
BBC Online, 14 December 2002

"In naming Henry Kissinger to direct a comprehensive examination of the government's failure to prevent the Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush has selected a consummate Washington insider....his affinity for power and the commercial interests he has cultivated since leaving government may make him less than the staunchly independent figure that is needed for this critical post. Indeed, it is tempting to wonder if the choice of Mr. Kissinger is not a clever maneuver by the White House to contain an investigation it long opposed."
The Kissinger Commission
New York Times, 29 Nov 2002

"...follow all facts, wherever they lead...."
George W. Bush, 27 Nov 2002

Some two weeks ago or so much of the 'thinking' world was stunned to hear that President Bush had appointed Henry Kissinger as Chairman of the 'independent' commission of inquiry into the 911 attacks on the US.  It is well known in political and academic circles that Kissinger is a past master of secrecy and deception, even if the impression of him held by a sometimes poorly informed general public is commonly an honourable one.

The Bush administration had long delayed agreeing to legislation on the 911 inquiry until it could be sure of finding a chairman whom it could rely upon not to dig too deep. But now Kissinger has himself suddenly resigned, throwing the Bush 911 cover-up strategy into disarray - at least for the moment.

Right from the minute he was appointed to lead the Commission, fierce public pressure built up on Kissinger to declare his conflicts of interest, and in particular to disclose the clients of his private consulting firm 'Kissinger Associates'. 

Rather than concede to this Kissinger has now decided to resign his post, despite the major embarrassment this causes to both himself and the White House.  Such has been the brazen arrogance of the Bush administration since 911 that clearly neither Kissinger nor the White House had anticipated the intense public pressure that would arise for the disclosure of his business associations.

Given the highly damaging nature of the resignation it is difficult not to conclude that such disclosure must have had the potential to lead to even worse, and therefore immense, embarrassment. And indeed this seems more than likely. In particular disclosure would almost certainly have placed further public attention on Kissinger's role as an adviser to US oil company Unocal and its relationship with the Taliban in Afghanistan (more details below).

But this would not have simply been a personal embarrassment to Kissinger.  The Unocal trail leads directly to Enron and then on towards Vice President Dick Cheney.

Former federal war crimes prosecutor
John Loftus already claims knowledge of paperwork confirming secret dealings between Enron and the Taliban. According to Loftus an al-Qaeda document on this subject was discovered in 1998 by FBI counter-terrorism chief, John O'Neil, following the US embassy bombings in Africa.

The real dynamite, however, is that Loftus also claims that Cheney instructed the FBI in January 2001 to back-off investigations of al-Qaeda in order to protect Enron's interest in the development of a gas pipeline through Afghanistan.  That pipeline was originally due to be built by Unocal, with no less than Henry Kissinger himself hired by them to advise on the project.

O'Neil resigned from the FBI in the summer of 2001 in protest at the attempts by the Bush administration to obstruct him in his pursuit of al-Qaeda - and the rest, as they say, is history. Or not quite.

Although O'Neil took a job at the World Trade Centre following his resignation and was killed in the attacks on 911, Loftus says that fellow FBI agent Robert Wright has compiled his own findings on the Enron block. Wright has, however, been prevented by his superiors from publishing them.

Nonetheless Wright told the press earlier this year about other aspects of FBI efforts to stifle terrorist investigations. The FBI continues to illegally refuse the release of his 500 page manuscript, 'Fatal Betrayals of the Intelligence Mission', that he submitted for prepublication review in October 2001. In fact, the FBI has even refused to turn the manuscript over to Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Vice Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Commitee, charged with investigating the FBI’s intelligence failures. Wright has now launched a lawsuit against the FBI.

So with a variety of time bombs apparently ticking away in the background, and with Kissinger no longer in a position to neutralise them on behalf of the White House, what is the Bush administration now going to do about the 911 Commission? It's too late to stop the inquiry because it's already on the statute books. The legislation was finally signed by Bush in November once Kissinger had been secured for the job. Now Kissinger is suddenly gone and so too is the Commission's vice chairman.

Is Bush's luck in fact starting to run out, or will Cheney be able to retrieve the situation for him?

The replacement that has already been secured for the Vice Chair of the Commission - Lee Hamilton - is a Democrat previously accused of participating in inquiry cover-ups of alleged wrongdoings by Bush's father during the Reagan era (ominously the official records of previous Presidents have now been subjected to an Executive Order by Bush junior restricting public access to them). 

The earlier Bush related inquiries in which Hamilton was involved concern the 'October Surprise' and 'Iran-Contra' scandals. And Cheney was in there too - according to the reporter who broke parts of the Iran-Contra story through Newsweek and Associated Press. In a more recent analysis entitled 'Covering Up Iran-Contra' (Consortium News, 5 November 2000 ) he comments on Hamilton's and Cheney's role in that investigation as follows:

"A senior committee source said one of Cheney’s top priorities was to block Democrats from deposing Vice President Bush about his Iran-contra knowledge....... Despite surrendering to Cheney’s demands time and again, Hamilton failed, in the end, to get a single House Republican to sign the final report. Only three moderate Republicans on the Senate side – Warren Rudman, William Cohen and Paul Trible – agreed to sign the report, after extracting more concessions.
Cheney and the other Republicans submitted a minority report that denied that any significant wrongdoing had occurred.... The watered-down Iran-contra majority report essentially let Vice President Bush off the hook. Bush’s political career was saved..... [and in] 1989, Cheney became Bush’s defense secretary."

In the case of the 'October Surprise' hearings, one senior White House correspondent pointed out at the time that "Hamilton held a press conference to clear Bush before the investigation into the deal between the Reagan-Bush candidates for presidential office and the Iranians, had even started."

Despite his Democrat background Hamilton's closeness to the Bush Administration is clear. A PTI newswire 21 December 2000 states: "According to Republican sources, former Democratic Congressman Lee Hamilton’s nomination as either Ambassador to the UN or as CIA director is also being considered (by the new Bush Administration)". Hamilton also holds Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency awards.

The key issue now for the 911 commission is who will be appointed to replace Kissinger, and will Kissinger, Cheney and Bush themselves be subpoenaed to give evidence?

On the face of it things may not be too hopeful. According to an ABC News news report before the Kissinger resignation "President Bush does not envision testifying before an independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks .... The bill being signed by Bush, in most cases, requires six of 10 panel members to approve subpoenas, meaning at least one GOP [i.e Republican] panelist would have to side with Democrats to compel Bush's testimony. The White House withheld its support of the bill until it could ensure subpoena powers were limited."

How this situation is justified when President Clinton was forced into giving evidence on the Lewinsky saga - a matter of infinitely trivial importance by comparison - is beyond imagination. A dozing or pathetically servile American press has yet to forcefully raise this simple point.

However, a week (or a fortnight in this case) is a long time in politics, especially as the anti-war movement in the US now seems to be growing fast. Nonetheless there is a danger that the Kissinger 911 fiasco could cause panic to set in at the White House, making the media diversion that would be caused by a war with Iraq (not to mention the likely ensuing chaos in the Middle East) an even more appealing option for the lunatic Bush team.

Or are the wheels about to come off their wagon before they get the chance? Events can overtake even the most cunning, and much may be yet in store.

As John Loftus neatly puts it: "... the information provided by European intelligence sources prior to 9/11 was so extensive, that it is no longer possible for either CIA or the FBI to assert a defense of incompetence... If Congress ever combines its Enron investigation with 9/11, Cheney’s whole house of cards will collapse."


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