-Caveat Lector- http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/2949moonification.html

3. The Open Conspiracy

Despite the scandals, the Oxford circle continued to grow. In 1928, Buchman, the posturing pseudo-Christian, received another boost from the avowed atheist H.G. Wells, with the publication of the first edition of Wells' The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution. The contradiction in theologies is only apparent. For both men, religion is a tool for power and social control. Through a study of Wells' Open Conspiracy, we can come to understand how a Gnostic sex cult such as Moon's, and a trained circus of pious peeping-toms such as Buchman's, may become instruments for achieving the same end.

Remember, the goal of Wells, Russell, and company is the destruction of the sovereign power of the nation-state, the United States above all, and with it the elimination of a philosophical, cultural, and religious tradition dating more than 2,500 years. Remember, this is to be achieved not by the obvious methods but by subversion. It will be accomplished in a manner that shall leave the typical patriot almost completely blindsided. In opposing one side of the operation, he will find himself embracing the same thing, from another side. Until he troubles to actually understand the true nature of the enemy he is up against, his impotent flailings will be not unlike the attempt to wrestle with an invisible man.

What makes the "open conspiracy" open, is not the laying out of some secret masterplan, not the revealing of the membership roster of some inner sanctum of the rich and powerful, which the typical deluded populist supposes to be the secret to power in the world. It is, rather, the understanding that ideas, philosophy and culture, control history. What constitutes a conspiracy, for good or evil, is a set of ideas which embody a concept of what it is to be human, and a conception of man's role in universal history. This Russell and Wells understood, even if their definition of a human being, apparently based on close, personal observation, was a two-legged ape that babbles. Neither "Sancho Panza" Wells, nor the "Ingenious Hidalgo" Russell, whose pretensions to philosophy we shall shortly expose, are intellectual giants. The power of their evil lies only in their possession of this bit of knowledge and the social connections to propagate it. Follow them then, in your mind's eye, as we retrace their crooked path which leads to the late 1960s unleashing of the Moonie scourge upon America, producing an effect similar to that achieved by the emptying of the world's largest loony-bin onto a university campus.

The New World Religion

The purpose of the Open Conspiracy, Wells tells us, with no evident shame, is the creation of a New World Religion. The first four chapters of the 1928 work present his "theological" analysis:

The old faiths have become unconvincing, unsubstantial and insincere, and though there are clear intimations of a new faith in the world, it still awaits embodiment in formulae and organizations that will bring it into effective reaction upon human affairs as a whole.

In the second chapter heading, he argues that the essence of religion is the subordination of self. Though the majority may have difficulty keeping to the strict teachings, there is a minority for whom "The desire to give oneself to greater ends than the everyday life affords, and to give oneself freely, is clearly dominant." This is the emotion Wells and his friends hope to tap.

In the third chapter, "Need for a Restatement of Religion," Wells hints at his plan for writing a new Bible:

Every great religion has explained itself in the form of a history and a cosmogony. It has been felt necessary to say Why? and To What End? Every religion has had necessarily to adopt the physical conceptions and usually also to assume many of the moral and social values current at the time of its foundation.... In these conditions lurked the seeds of an ultimate decay and supersession of every religion.

Later in The Open Conspiracy, Wells will refer to his threefold "modern Bible scheme." The first part (his replacement for Genesis and the books of the prophets) was his The Outline of History, published in 1920. Apparently Wells' Bible lacked an important one of the commandments. Modern scholarship has determined that Wells stole this multi-volume survey of the whole history of mankind (otherwise claimed to have been written in the extraordinary span of 18 months!) from a Canadian suffragist, Florence Deeks.[5]

The second part of Wells' Bible, his cosmogony, was even then being written in collaboration with Julian Huxley and Wells' own son. Titled The Science of Life, it was published in 1930 in four volumes. As elaborated there, Wells' new religion is nothing but the Social Darwinism he learned at the feet of Thomas Huxley, a crude appeal to biological determinism. The reader is overcome with a mass of detail, all conceived to promote the social policy of eugenics and birth control for the engineering of a super-race. Every feature of modern ecologism is already contained in this work.

The third part of the Bible according to Wells, was to be the Science of Work and Wealth, his study of "economic and social organization considered as the problem of man's exploitation of extraneous energy for the service of the species." He never lived to complete it, or perhaps the targetted author gave up "the ghost" first, before his, or her, surplus energy could be exploited.

The Program of 'The Open Conspiracy'

In the fourth chapter, Wells comes to the nub of the matter. Service to an ideal, the desire for a better order, is the heart of religion. His plan is to find a way to direct this powerful emotion to the implementation of the program of the Open Conspiracy.

In a later chapter, he summarizes the program of The Open Conspiracy in three clear and simple points:

Firstly, the entirely provisional nature of all existing governments, and the entirely provisional nature, therefore, of all loyalties associated therewith;

Secondly, the supreme importance of population control in human biology and the possibility it affords us of a release from the pressure of the struggle for existence on ourselves; and

Thirdly, the urgent necessity of protective resistance against the present traditional drift towards war.

There is no clearer statement of the program of that influential grouping which called itself, and came to be known as, the Utopians.

Buchman's Cue

The first and third points of Wells' program were to be the basis for the first mass organizing project of the Open Conspiracy. Frank Buchman's Oxford Group, the seed crystal for the Moral Re-Armament Movement which was to spawn the Moonies, would be the vehicle. Wells had spelled it out precisely in Chapter XII:

The putting upon record of its members' reservation of themselves from any or all of the military obligations that may be thrust upon the country by military and diplomatic effort, might very conceivably be the first considerable overt act of Open Conspiracy groups. It would supply the practical incentive to bring many of them together in the first place. It would necessitate the creation of regional or national ad hoc committees for the establishment of a collective legal and political defensive for this dissent from current militant nationalism. It would bring the Open Conspiracy very early out of the province of discussion into the field of practical conflict.

But to promote a mass movement for peace after 1933, as Hitler was mobilizing for war, with Russia the expected target, was not the job for the communist movement. Some new sort of formation would be required.

Buchman and his group of followers at Oxford had made a well-publicized trip to South Africa in the late 1920s, where their movement for peace was christened the Oxford Group. Senior university officials soon embraced the group. B.H. Streeter, the provost of Queen's College, Oxford, and a well-known New Testament scholar, made public his support for Buchman at a 1934 meeting in Oxford Town Hall:

The reason that I have come tonight is to say publicly that I ought now to cease from an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards what I have come to believe is the most important religious movement today.

4. Nazis and Moonies

The Oxford Group spread its activities to other nations, becoming especially strong in Norway, Japan, the U.S.A.—and Hitler's Germany, where SS/Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler was a member! Naturally the propaganda of the Moral Re-Armament Movement, which still exists to this day, attempts to play down the Nazi connection. But the very name Moral Re-Armament was announced by Buchman at a 1938 meeting at the Waldlust Hotel, outside the city of Freudenstadt in Germany's Black Forest. Buchman made numerous attempts to meet with Hitler. He was granted an official exploratory interview with Himmler, through whom Buchman hoped to get a date with Hitler, but it didn't work out. It appears that Himmler could not persuade his bureaucracy. In his biographical memoir, I Paid Hitler, Fritz Thyssen, the Catholic steel industrialist who broke with the Nazi Party after Kristallnacht and fled Germany, wrote that both Himmler and Deputy Reichsführer Rudolf Hess were members of Moral Re-Armament. Like Moon today, Buchman sought the big names.[6]

In 1937, the Oxford Group began a publication called The Rising Tide, which also happens to have been the name of the paper of the Freedom Leadership Foundation, the Moonie front group set up in 1969 as the U.S. branch of the Moon-founded International Federation for Victory over Communism. Buchman's magazine was called New World News, the same as one put out later by Moon. The Moral Re-Armament singing group was known as the Angels, the model for Moon's Little Angels children's ballet.

The Peace Pledge

The signing of the Oxford Group's Peace Pledge, which called for renouncing participation in any war (exactly as Wells had outlined), became a vehicle for spread of the Wellsian movement among students in the United States and elsewhere. The Peace Pledge Union, which initiated the pledge, had been set up in 1936 by Bertrand Russell and Aldous Huxley, before the two came to spread their evil in the United States, Russell to Chicago and Huxley to California. This peace movement for Hitler's war drive, reached a peak in 1938, when Moral Re-Armament held rallies of 15,000 in New York and 30,000 in Los Angeles. After the Nazi invasions of Poland and Czechoslovakia, the Peace Pledge became a memory.

In England, Buchman had had the support of many wealthy and prominent people reaching all the way to the future King, Edward VIII. In 1935, a year before he assumed the crown, the Prince of Wales was a frequent associate of Buchman's, according to royal biographer Charles Higham. Edward's rule lasted only until 1938, when he was forced to resign, ostensibly over a scandal involving his marriage to an American divorcée. The real reason was his scandalous support for Adolf Hitler, at a time when England was about to go to war. Buchman also had the support of Dr. Gordon Cosmo Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury who had a weakness for seances and once formed a commission to investigate psychic phenomena. Among Dr. Buchman's other British admirers were Sir Samuel Hoare, Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, the Earl of Clarendon, the Marquess of Salisbury, and the Earl of Cork and Orrery.

Prominent American supporters of Buchman included Los Angeles Times publisher Harry Chandlee, Hollywood movie magnate Louis Mayer of Metro Goldwyn Mayer, and David Dubinsky, president of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union.

As war became imminent, Buchman fell under public attack both in Britain and the U.S.A. A widely publicized statement he had made to an American newspaperman in August 1936 did not sit so well now. Buchman had said: "I thank heaven for a man like Adolf Hitler who built a front line of defence against the anti-Christ of communism." There were investigations in the House of Parliament and the U.S. Congress, centering on his demand for exempting his members from the military draft as a religious group. The Catholic Primate of England, Cardinal Hinsley, threatened excommunication to anyone who joined Buchman's cause. The Jewish War Veterans Association condemned his open anti-Semitism. The Episcopal paper, The Witness, exposed Buchmanism as "a trap for labor" among other things. Much of Buchman's operations were focused on Communist influence in the labor movement. To take some of the heat, The Rev. James W. Fifield, pastor of a Congregational Church in Los Angeles, stepped in as the front man for the U.S. operations of Moral Re-Armament.

Buchman's Post-War Comeback

After World War II, Moral Re-Armament re-emerged as a major player in the Cold War environment that dominated the period of reconstruction of Europe and Japan. As the resistance movements of Italy, France, Greece, and elsewhere had been dominated by Communist-run popular fronts, it was no small task to disarm them and attempt to isolate the Communist influence. Buchman's love affair with Hitler was so well-known, it had to be mentioned in Peter Howard's official propaganda biography of him, Frank Buchman's Secret, published in 1951. Nonetheless, the decision was made to go with him.

In 1946, a group of wealthy Swiss bought Buchman the 500-bed Caux Palace Hotel on a breathtaking site, 3,000 feet above Lake Geneva, which remains today the center of international activities for the group. In 1949, Moral Re-Armament held a major conference at the Caux Palace, renamed Mountain House. It was the sort of affair the Moonies still dream of. There were 27 cabinet ministers and 118 parliamentarians from 26 nations in attendance, as well as trade union chiefs from 35 countries. There was heavy stress on the anti-Communist, Christian labor movement. Ex-Communist labor leaders, among them a South Wales steel worker and a German miner, testified on their conversion to Buchmanism. A bipartisan delegation of U.S. Congressmen was flown in by military airplane. The biggest promoter of MRA in the Congress, Karl E. Mundt, the South Dakota Republican who won the Senate seat in 1948, couldn't make it, but sent a telegram of support.

During the Marshall Plan debates, one-third of the U.S. Congress saw the film "The Good Road," a movie version of the MRA's musical stage show. Gen. Lucius Clay gave the show special permission to tour in occupied Germany. The MRA targetted trade-union members in the Ruhr region, especially miners. On Buchman's birthday in 1952, he received telegrams from Richard Nixon, Willy Brandt in Germany, NATO commander Gen. Hans Speidel, the chairman of the Democratic Socialist Party of Italy, and a member of the French Chamber of Deputies, among others. The penetration was so complete, that Buchman claimed such important post-war figures as German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, Italian Premier Alcide De Gasperi, and French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman as signators on some of his operations.

Aside from the formula "Communism = the Anti-Christ," Buchman's preaching was centered on the family, the importance of mother, and the code phrase "the truths you learned at your mother's knee." Typical activities for members included acting in plays pushing the MRA ideology, voluntary labor squads, and Bible study. A frequent theme in the plays: A woman dressed entirely in red, known as Virtue, is portrayed as stirring up labor-management disputes, and is finally exposed as really being a "Red." Major centers of activity in the United States were The Club in Los Angeles, a retreat on Mackinac Island, Michigan, and one in Westchester County, New York.

Korean Orphans

The spread of Buchman's operations into Korea is suggestive of the sort of base which may have provided the first members for Moon's zombie cult. In the Nov. 3, 1952 issue of Moral Re-Armament's MRA Information Service, there appeared an article about an island off the Korean coast near the mouth of the Natkong River, called Jinoo Do. The MRA article references the visit to the island of "an agent of the Medway Plan Foundation, an organization devoted to human rehabilitation." The Medway Plan appears to refer to a town in England in which sociological studies, first run under the rubric of Charles Madge's Mass Observations, and later incorporated under the London Tavistock Institute, were carried out.[7] The Medway study took up the relationship of sexual morality and work, focusing on the relationship of preachers to their wives in the town of Medway.

Arriving on Jinoo Do, the Medway Plan representative found an island inhabited by Korean orphans and juvenile delinquents, placed there by the army in 1951. Under MRA supervision, the orphans had established a "democratic town" there, policed and governed by themselves, and based on Frank Buchman's precept that "human nature can be changed." Everywhere one could find the slogans of Moral Re-Armament: "Absolute Honesty," "Absolute Purity," "Absolute Unselfishness," "Absolute Love." These, incidentally, became the slogans adopted by Moon. Other slogans on this "Brave New World" in the Korean Straits read: "No Hatred—No Fear—No Greed," or "New Men—New Nations—New World," or "Jinoo Do—Principle of citizen Life."

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