-Caveat Lector-

Smallpox Vaccine Test Results from Baylor University
Foreword by
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
The following article by Jon Rappoport is the first I've seen reporting the
harmful and possibly devastating effects of the Bush administration's
rapidly advancing smallpox vaccination program. These results were
previously predicted as expected outcomes by this author and many, many

I interject this foreword to alert you to the additional support cited below
for the thesis raised earlier that the smallpox vaccination program is part
of a genocidal agenda facilitated by the Bush administration's "War on
Terrorism" and their current efforts to "immunize" the population against
smallpox and later anthrax. In reality, this policy aims to induce chronic
illness, additional healthcare expenditures (including pharmaceutical sales)
and, ultimately, population reduction in America. Given the information
below, and far more published elsewhere, this is certainly the anticipated
outcome of this "preventative plan" for homeland insecurity. The "additional
support," I refer to, comes from identifying Baylor University as among the
sites for this initial study.

The following information was compiled for the book "Healing Codes for the
Biological Apocalypse" (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1999;
www.tetrahedron.org; 1-888-508-4787) by this author along with Dr. Joseph
Puleo. Based on reputable sources, Past President George H. W. Bush's
Secretary of State, James Baker III (Florida vote scam overseer for the
current president), was reported to have owned part of the vaccine
manufacturing company against whom ailing Gulf War veterans had filed a
lawsuit. Moreover, Mr. Bush is said to have been a major shareholder in that
company-Tanox Biosystems of Houston.

It is also well known that this past president, father to the current
president, has served in an official capacity at Baylor University for some
time. Not long before becoming CIA director, certain intelligence regarding
Tanox's collaborative studies with Baylor College of Medicine concerning
Mycoplasma infections and related vaccinations was available to the elder

Tanox was also closely linked to Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo, who, under employment by
The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, isolated and patented a "Pathogenic
Mycoplasma" originally taken from an AIDS patient, that somehow contaminated
many of the vaccines given to allied military personnel traveling to the
Middle East in lieu of "Operation Desert Storm." Only the French soldiers
who did not receive the American made vaccines did not develop GWS during
this earlier war with Iraq.

Further, what would seem inconceivable without seeing the documents
reprinted in "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse," Tanox and Baylor
College of Medicine first tested their Mycoplasma-infected vaccines on
Huntsville, TX prisoners. As a result, the prisoners, and others in the
community with whom the prisoners made contact, developed GWS long before
the Gulf War. Thus, GWS could have been, and probably was, predicted and

Furthermore, evidence compiled by lawyers for the class of people sickened
by Mycoplasma incognitas and related illnesses, from Huntsville, Texas,
revealed more astonishing documents. These, also published in Healing Codes
for the Biological Apocalypse, showed that Baylor College of Medicine
investigators collaborated on studies of vaccinated Huntsville prison
inmates beginning in 1968. Mycoplasma inoculations, as well as Mycoplasma
vaccination studies, were listed as having begun in 1970 under U.S. Army
contracts. Incredibly, Baylor's contract literally raised the specter of
"ethnic cleansing" or racial genocide as it proved cervical cancer studies
comparing Christian versus Muslim women, as well as Jewish versus Black
women, were in progress.

Thus, to have this Bush administration authorized smallpox vaccine study be
conducted at Baylor, where the senior Bush has served in an official
capacity, with imput from the Tanox-linked College of Medicine is chilling.
This is especially so considering the fact that today, unlike the early
1970s when the early Mycoplasma studies began, Mycoplasma is now considered
among the most common vaccine contaminants. It is also currently linked to
the recent onset of pandemic Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and
many other illnesses, including certain expressions of HIV/AIDS.

In conclusion, as I wrote elsewhere and said often, if you see "first
responders" coming to inoculate you with "cow pus," which is virtually what
the smallpox vaccination is in its purest unadulterated form, run away and

Monday, December 09, 2002
If Smallpox Vaccine given US Population (283 million)
71,000 Dead, 3,396 Crippled With Encephalitis, 18,678 Critically Injured,
140 million get ill
Self-Bioterrorism By Defunct Scientific Paradigm? CDC Already Afraid of
Military and First Responders Are The First In Line (1 million)
 Covert Plan to Cripple the US Military and First Responders?
  If It Quacks It's a Duck. Watch and Listen.
By Jon Rappoport
DECEMBER 9. The first returns are in on the smallpox vaccine. A recent
multi-center US government clinical trial on 200 "young adults" has been
completed. MSNBC reports. The volunteers who got the shot were VERY healthy
to begin with. One researcher, Kathy Edwards, called them the "crème de la

Okay? So get this. "Yet when she [Edwards] inoculated them with smallpox
vaccine, arms swelled, temperatures spiked and panic spread [at Baylor
University]. It was the same at clinics in Iowa, Tennessee, and California."

Stats: After the shot, one-third of the volunteers missed at least a day of
work or school. 75 out of 200 experienced high fever. "Several were put on
antibiotics because physicians worried that their blisters signaled a
bacterial infection."


And look, smallpox is a VIRUS, and antibiotics DON'T WORK against viruses.
So, in essence, the researchers were inferring that the vaccine SUPPRESSED
THE IMMUNE SYSTEMS of the volunteers --- thus allowing bacterial infections
to bloom suddenly---OR the vaccine was contaminated with bacteria to begin

Researcher Edwards, who headed up the study, said, "I can read all day about
it [the adverse effects of the vaccine], but seeing it is quite impressive.
The reactions we saw were really quite remarkable."

When a researcher makes a comment like this, you know some very bad things
are happening.


Of course, this story didn't get much play in the press. But the handwriting
is on the wall. Anyone can see what'll happen if they start shooting up
people by the millions with the vaccine. For example, people who don't
qualify as severely immune suppressed by any obvious assessment, but still
do, in fact, have reduced immune capacity---AND THAT IS A WHOLE LOT OF
PEOPLE.---these folks will be AT GREAT RISK from the vaccine.

This government study is KEY. Because later on, they will try to cover up
the devastating effects of the vaccine. They will lie, distort, omit. But
right now, here it is. Out in the open. The results, for all to see.

Let me tell you something. The CDC WANTED to release the results of this
study. They wanted to go on the record now, before the stuff really hits the
fan. They are very frightened of being nailed for killing people with the

About the author: Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative
reporter for 20 years. He has written articles on politics, health, media,
culture and art for LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, Village Voice, Nexus,
CBS Healthwatch, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe.
His website is: http://www.stratiawire.com

Smallpox Vaccination Risks Versus Natural Healing of Smallpox
Foreword by
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
The following article is one of the best I've seen on the topic of smallpox
which is currently headlining many news sites. Clearly, this effort to
frighten people into compliance with harmful, if not lethal, smallpox
vaccination needs to be exposed for what it is-a grave hoax and genocidal

I say "grave hoax" because there is no rational public health value in
"mandating" a vaccine most of which dates back to the 1950s, has been
diluted five times for current consumption, without any scientific
justification that it may be effective against ANY modern form of
hyper-weaponized smallpox that derives from bioweapons laboratories in Iraq,
North Korea, or Russia, as Bush administration and health officials have
been warning, with its milieu of health and life-threatening consequences no

I say "genocidal scam since the terms best fit the promotion of this alleged

The mass inoculation outcomes are consistent with the strict definition of
genocide that includes "the mass enslaving and killing of people for
economics, politics and/or ideology." In this case the enslavement comes in
the form of chronic degenerative diseases induced by the vaccine's side
effect, enslaving people to drugs for the "management" of their diseases
that effect mortality-the mass killing of people, in this case representing
all races and religions.

Clearly, the ideology expressed by most scientists and medical clinicians
who wrote their considered opinions to the FDA last summer does not support
this current genocidal policy. The consensus proclaimed that mass smallpox
vaccinations would be contraindicated during these troubled times. At most,
"we" health care professionals proclaimed, 15,000 "front line defenders"
might wish to receive this vaccine. (Even this was, in my opinion, tragic.)
Two days after that consensus was reached, the medical deities (MDs)
representing Bush administration and pharmaceutical industry interests upped
the number of targeted "front line defenders," without any logical
justification, to 500,000 where it stands at the time of this writing. (Dec.
6, 2002)

Thus, the word "scam" adequately applies to this ruse, while the apt term
genocide might be more specifically stated as "iatrogenocide"-physician
induced injury and death deriving from professional negligence (a
scatomatous state of ignorance associated with a dereliction of duty to
learn the whole truth) and homicidal behavior consistent with "Manchurian
candidates" for a global petro-chemical/pharmaceutical population
controlling elite.

WAKE UP FOOLS! Declare religious and medical exemptions from this mechanism
of mass murder. Go into hiding, quit valued jobs, run the other way. Do
anything and everything you need to do to avert this catastrophe. Do I make
myself clear?

And if you hear this, but fail to receive it, then go ahead in your stubborn
ignorance, get vaccinated with this cow pus-the world needs fewer fools.
by Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano
A dead disease is being resurrected. Now the media will have something
exciting to talk about everyday and to frighten the benighted American
public with. For whatever reason, the revivification of smallpox is
certainly on the current agenda. Not too long ago Fox News showed us a
picture of a man who was covered with smallpox pustules on his arms, face,
legs and abdomen. The pustules were big, black, ugly, scabby and closely
compacted. He looked like he was a monster from some other world. It was
enough to scare me, were it not for the fact that I know that it was drug
treatment that caused that ugly picture and not the disease at all. The
cause of those ugly marks was carbolic acid that had been used to kill the
supposed germ that caused the eruptive rash.

Who are the terrorists? The pharmaceutical companies or the Taliban? Because
of what the terrorists may or may not do, the pharmaceutical industry (the
largest industry in the world), is gearing us up for mandatory vaccinations,
especially for certain people in areas that may be targeted by the
terrorists. The authorities claim that we will be safe from terrorists
attacks using the pox virus because there are adequate stockpiles of
cultivated smallpox viruses in Russia and in the USA to make most all the
vaccines "needed."

It is claimed by medical historians that the vaccination process wiped out
smallpox throughout the world. However, the truth is that compulsory
vaccination was abandoned because more deaths were caused by the
vaccinations than there were cases of smallpox. A slight of the hand trick
was used to foster the claim that smallpox was eradicated by the vaccination
practice. Everyone who had been vaccinated and who developed smallpox was
diagnosed as having chicken pox!

The doctors who were interviewed on recent television shows admit that the
vaccine may cause many serious side-effects and that a certain number of
persons will develop painful and sometimes lethal sequelae. Yet, they advise
that it is better to take the chance and be vaccinated in spite of these

Edward Jenner, a notorious fake and quack, is credited with having
"discovered" vaccination. However, it was a practice of many ancient peoples
long before his time. Savage and barbaric tribes in various parts of the
world practiced inoculation even before Jenner's time. It is conjectured to
have begun in India and then spread to Africa and Europe. Lady Mary Wortley
Montague, wife of the British Ambassador to the Ottoman Court in l7l7
introduced the practice to Europe. But, due to its proven evils, one of
which was an increase in smallpox in England, the practice was abolished in

It is pertinent that James Phipps, the eight year old boy vaccinated by
Jenner in l896, died at the age of 20. He had been re-vaccinated twenty
times. Jenner's own son who had also been vaccinated more than once died at
the young age of twenty-one. Both succumbed to tuberculosis, a condition
that some researchers have linked to the smallpox vaccine. (Eleanor McBean,
The Poisoned Needle, 28,29,66 ).

According to the medical profession, smallpox or variola is an acute highly
infectious and contagious disease characterized by a specific rash.
According to past and present Natural Hygienic practitioners smallpox is
primarily a disease brought about by gastrointestinal putrescence.
Fermenting and rotting food in the intestinal tract enervates, and causes
increased digestive impairment accompanied by increased systemic toxemia.
The toxins are from the absorption of the fermentation products formed in
the intestinal tract. Since those who overeat, especially on animal
products, are enervated, meaning they lack normal nerve function, all the
organs of elimination are functioning on a lower physiological level and
greater toxicity ensues. Toxins from decomposing animal foods are highly
irritating, so the body has to get rid of them quickly and must use
extraordinary means since the organs of elimination are not functioning
well. Therefore, the poisons are carried by the blood to the skin and the
body eliminates them in various forms of skin eruptions.

Smallpox is about as contagious as stumbling over a rock. Dr. Herbert M.
Shelton slept in the same bed with his brother while the latter was in the
so-called infectious stage with vesicles all over. Yet Dr. Shelton did not
develop smallpox.

Smallpox begins with the same symptoms that many acute diseases do; such as
chills, fever, backache, and vomiting. This is indicative of a common cause
and a common way to deal with the cause. The body is a magnificent ecosystem
and when it finds abnormal and extraneous substances anywhere within its
domain, it creates a higher temperature, purposely, to overcome the foreign
proteins, toxic substances, viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms.
Whatever is upsetting the ecosystem must be corrected by the organism
itself. It needs no alien "cures." The symptoms should not be "cured." To
suppress these symptoms assures that some other worse problem will develop.

Some substances, such as an excess of protein putrefactive products, are so
toxic that it is urgent to eliminate them immediately. The papular eruption
of smallpox is purposely created and chosen as the correct channel at the
time for the elimination of these types of noxious substances. Furthermore,
the body may not have the specific enzymes to biodegrade whatever it is.
Instead of being taken care of by the liver or the kidneys the body chooses
to eject them through the skin. Vicarious eliminations such as this are
often natural emergency measures.
 Smallpox begins with chills, fever, backache, headache and vomiting. A
fever of l03 to l04 degrees F is customary. The high fever increases the
healing activities of the cells, and it is a most efficient way to
accomplish the needed detoxification. This means that the toxins are now out
of the functioning cells and in the blood near the skin. The body no longer
needs to speed up cellular metabolism in order to cast out the extraneous
substances and the fever subsides. In about two days the fever, and other
symptoms subside. This is when the inflammatory rash appears. It turns into
an elevation of the skin called a papule. The blister becomes dimpled or
umbilicated. The rash and the development of the papules indicate that the
irritants or toxic substances have been removed by the hyperactive, feverish
cells and carried to the skin to be cast out.

Next the little papules become vesicles, like a blister, except that each
papule has a little dimple in it. This is the so-called stage that is
supposed to be infective or contagious, should anyone touch the person
having smallpox. After the vesicles are formed, they may become pustules
filled with white blood cells if the individual is extra toxic. The white
blood cells are there to destroy the toxins in the vesicles. But, this stage
would never be reached if cared for Hygienically. The papules dry up and
form scabs that eventually fall off. When treated improperly they will leave
a scar.

It is pertinent to recognize that when the eruption begins, the fever
subsides. The patient would normally be on the road to recovery were it not
for the medications given by the doctor. Medical treatment however, consists
in using something that kills the microbes which they assume cause the rash,
so it has to be something such as a disinfectant that destroys cell life.
This is consistent with their medical dogma. Therefore, in the past, the
profession applied gauze that had been soaked in antiseptic solutions such
as phenol (carbolic acid) or bichloride of mercury ( aka mercuric chloride
and corrosive sublimate). Both these agents, carbolic acid and mercuric
chloride are corrosive.

After applying the gauze, soaked in either carbolic acid or mercuric
chloride, to the lesions, they were covered with more gauze. Being tightly
wrapped with gauze, the exudate from the vesicle or papule was retained in
the lesion and not allowed to drain away when it ruptured. Naturally,
bacteria are going to invade this lesion to clean up the excreted matter.
This corrosive treatment also destroyed living tissues including the
protective phagocytic white blood cells and the surrounding skin and
subcutaneous tissues. A high second fever was urgently needed to once again
begin warfare on the extraneous poisons and the invading bacteria.

Either of the two corrosive drugs used can now ooze its way into the vital
domain and impede normal function of all the cells in the body; while
completely annihilating many. Ugly black confluent pustules mar the skin.
The rash gets worse. Vesicles turn into pustules. The pustules become
swollen and more inflamed. The inflammation around them spreads and the
lesions fuse together. These pathological effects were caused by the drugs.

It is clear that the condition worsens because of the treatment. The primary
symptoms, i.e. the fever, chills, headache, and backache were suppressed by
pharmaceuticals. The stifling of symptoms with medication prevented the body
from completing its job of cleansing, and increased the internal toxemia. As
a result, the umbilicated blisters with clear fluid in them became pustules
filled with dead and dying tissues and white blood cells. The change to a
pustule is the direct result of the damaging effects of medications whether
taken internally or applied to the skin. It is incredible that the
physicians did not recognize the lethality of their practice. But, then,
they do not recognize it today either. They are blinded by bygone theories.

These substances may have killed microorganisms but they also killed human
tissues and in reality caused the pustules and all the terrible
complications and symptoms thought to be caused by the germ. Let me
emphasize, the symptoms thought to be smallpox are symptoms caused by the
treatment. They were so yesterday just as they are today and always will be
in the future as long as we insist on clinging to the idea that disease is
something "caught" and that symptoms must be gotten rid of by unnatural
means. As long as we try to eradicate disease with anything, and especially
man-made chemicals, we will suffer more than if we merely put up with the

All the various treatments to kill microbes which are "causing" the disease,
are killing the patient. They are not permitting the body to eliminate
toxins or restore the blood and tissues to their normal healthy condition.
All treatments, no matter how benign they are claimed to be, impede the
recovery process itself. By using treatments of any kind and getting rid of
a rash by rash means, or to doctor it in any way, is the disastrous blunder
that causes horrible side-effects, more disease and even death.

Hemorrhagic or what is known as "black smallpox" is an even more serious
type of smallpox and the patient often died. Again, this serious type of
smallpox was directly caused by the cell-killing drugs. Pustules often
developed in the throat and mouth. When an acidic drug is placed on living
tissues, it kills them. The skin and mucous membranes are already inflamed
and are less protective than normal skin. Therefore, the destructive acids
can be absorbed and cause greater internal toxemia. Carbolic acid or
mercuric chloride caused the hemorrhaging of the skin and also hemorrhaging
into the pustule. Either of the corrosive drugs also destroyed the kidney
cells and caused bloody urine noted in many hapless smallpox patients.

There were also many serious complications of this type of treatment in
addition to the common ordinary ones that were erroneously thought to be
symptoms of smallpox, but we won't go into them now.

>From time immemorial people have been frightened of disease. It was a curse,
an evil spirit, or evil demon that caused the problem. Also from time
immemorial people have thought it necessary to exorcize the disease, to
placate and appease the evil spirit or demon, to give sacrifices to some god
in order to get the demon or evil spirit out of them. In modern times we do
the same. We have not grown in knowledge. We just put the evil spirits in
the magician's top hat and pulled out the evil germs and evil viruses. We
still exorcize, placate, appease, and eradicate the evil microbe or evil
virus. Whatever symptoms we have, they are felt to be extraneous, foreign
and not from us, so they must be eradicated or extirpated. We still fear
death from the simplest of diseases. Whatever it is, it must be extirpated
or eradicated. We do it not with incantations but with substances much more
evil than anything used in the past.

Hygienic Care

If Hygienic care had been resorted to in the beginning of smallpox no
complications would have occurred and there would rarely be a genuine
pustule. With Hygienic management the disease would not have to progress to
the second stage with pustules or a second fever. It would only become
pustular if the individual prevented drainage of the vesicle and continued
eating a heavy diet. The vesicles containing the unwanted debris that was in
the organs and tissues would burst. The clear fluid containing the toxic
substances would flow out onto the skin. Frequent warm sponge baths would
wash away all the poisonous debris. The inflammation of the skin would heal
and that would be the end of the disease. There would be no horrendous
pustules, or other complications brought about by the medications. If
individuals kept themselves clean, but did not take off the scabs until they
fell off naturally, there would be no unsightly pock-marks. People are
always too anxious to pull scabs away. To do so is to expose the lesion to
the atmosphere before the skin has completely healed below it. The skin then
has to quickly heal over before it has completed restoring the underlying
tissues. This, naturally leaves a pit or scar. The extensive boils and
gangrene that regularly occurred would not have taken place had no corrosive
drugs been used.

If you think those symptoms are bad, and that we do not use any medicine so
lethal as corrosive sublimate and carbolic acid today, you'd better rethink
the problem. Today's drugs are even more lethal because they are designed to
be easily absorbed, and to spread to every tissue and cell in the body and
kill cells all over the body. Do not put your hope in medical "care". The
only care you need is a healthy body and to let it do its thing.

You do not have to fear smallpox, even if you should develop it, as long as
you immediately quit eating and go to bed and rest, drinking pure water only
when thirsty. Smallpox is a disease of the bon-vivant, epicurean, who
overeats on a daily basis, especially on animal foods. The condition of
enervation is built by anyone who does not secure sufficient rest and sleep
to permit the elimination of endogenic and exogenic toxins, and for the
restoration of the nervous system. Once the stage of enervation is
established digestion is further impaired and the body is flooded with
fermentation and decomposition products from the intestines. This is what is
called Toxemia, and Toxicosis. Toxicosis makes it exigent and imperative
that these toxins be eliminated immediately by extraordinary means, such as
through the skin.

Every single cell in your body is capable of eliminating and destroying
various microorganisms and their waste products, as well as man-made organic
products, but most man-made products are more toxic than those made by
bacteria and they cause more damage than bacterial waste products. It can be
disastrous when the body is overwhelmed by substances that do not belong
inside it, and which the body cannot use under any circumstance of life. And
this is what happens when diseases are "treated." Your body is inundated
with toxic substances and it may drown.


Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano graduated in l965 from the Texas Chiropractic
College, summa cum laude. After working at Dr. Shelton's Health School for
several years she went on to study Naturopathy, Homeopathy, and Medicine. In
addition to her Chiropractic degree she holds degrees in Homeopathy and
Medicine. When she was an undergraduate she studied Radiation Biology at
Trinity University, San Antonio and was the first person to make the public
aware of the dangers of ionizing radiation through the many articles she
authored on this subject. Dr. Vetrano gives personal consultations by
telephone. For information you may write Dr. Vetrano at P.O. Box l90,
Barksdale, Texas 78828; or call 830-234-3499; or fax 830-234-3599.

This article was provided courtesy of Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and
Tetrahedron, LLC
206 North 4th Avenue, Suite 147, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864,

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