-Caveat Lector-

The deep politics of regime removal in Iraq: Overt conquest, covert 
Part Three: The US war lobby and the disciples of NSC-68

By Larry Chin
Online Journal Contributing Editor


November 7, 2002—The roots of the George W. Bush administration's policy for 
Iraq "regime change" can be traced to strategies formulated since the early 
1990s by a small network of inveterate Cold Warriors linked by philosophical 
lineage and war-intelligence policy collaborations.
This tightly-knit cabal stretches across the current and previous White 
Houses, the State Department, the CIA, the National Security Council, the 
boards of neo-conservative think tanks and the boards of transnational 
corporations (including Washington-linked energy and war-technology 
companies). Virtually all of the players are members of elite planning 
bodies, such as the Council on Foreign Relations. Many of them are indicted 
criminals—five individuals were direct participants in the Iran-Contra 
All have, over the course of their intertwined careers, advocated imperialist 
policies involving 1) pre-emptive wars, 2) the conquest of Iraq and Iran, and 
the breakup of Saudi Arabia, 3) hard-line support of Israel, Ariel Sharon and 
the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and 5) the encirclement 
and containment of Russia and China.
Tracking the Iraq Regime Change Network: The Gang's All Here
1. 1992 Pentagon Defense Planning Guidance. As noted by Joe Taglieri (From 
the Wilderness 10/1/02), this was one of the first official regime removal 
plans, prepared for then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney by his two assistants:

*   Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
*   Lewis Libby

2. The Open Letter of 1998. In February 1998, 40 "prominent Americans" a 
signed an open letter to President Clinton, which formed the basis of the 
Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998.
This letter calling for an insurrection, and recognition of the (CIA-backed) 
Iraqi National Congress as the official government of Iraq, was spearheaded 
by Ahmed Chalabi of the INC. Signers of the letter were:

*   Wolfowitz
*   Chair of the Defense Policy Board Richard Perle
*   VP Dick Cheney
*   Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
*   Former CIA Director James Woolsey
*   Defense Undersecretary Doug Feith
*   Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Frank Gaffney
*   Deputy Secretary of State and Iran-Contra participant Richard Armitage
*   Former CIA operative and Iran-Contra participant Duane "Dewey" Clarridge
*   NSC official, former Secretary of State and Iran-Contra participant 
Elliott Abrams
*   Former Defense Secretary and Iran-Contra participant Caspar Weinberger
*   Former Defense Secretary and Carlyle Group chairman Frank Carlucci
*   Zalmay Khalilzad, current US envoy to Afghanistan, former UNOCAL 
consultant and RAND Corporation official
*   Former National Security Adviser and Iran-Contra participant Robert 

3. Iraq Liberation Act of 1998. The act itself was promoted in Congress by 
Woolsey, Clarridge, and now-Deputy National Security Advisor for 
Counter-terrorism Wayne Downing. The act (a piece of bombastic anti-Saddam 
propaganda full of historical falsehoods) passed Congress and was signed by 
Clinton, with scant attention from the public at large. Its major sponsors: 

*   Wolfowitz
*   Cheney
*   Rumsfeld
*   Feith
*   Woolsey
*   Clarridge
*   Downing
*   Carlucci
*   Armitage
*   Newt Gingrich
*   Senator Joseph Lieberman
*   Senator John McCain

Fast-forwarding to the present, we find the same network driving Bush 
administration policy, from within the Pentagon as well as from the outside.
4. 1998-Bush II foreign policy team selected. In the summer of 1998, in 
meetings arranged by former President George H.W. Bush in Kennebunkport, 
Maine, and headed by Condoleeza Rice, the George W. Bush foreign policy 
team—the "Vulcans"—is chosen. "If the brain trust reflects who the governor 
would put in office if elected president, his administration would be to the 
right not only of his father's but also of Ronald Reagan's," reported Robert 
Novak to the Washington Post. Among group's leading members we find: 

*   Perle
*   Wolfowitz

5. Defense Policy Board. This "civilian" advisory board makes Pentagon policy 
"recommendations" to the Defense Department (Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Feith).

*   Perle (chair)
*   Woolsey
*   Gaffney
*   Eliot Cohen, chairman of the PNAC
*   Henry Kissinger
*   Former CIA Director James Schlesinger
*   Gingrich

6. Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). This Johns 
Hopkins University think tank is well known for churning out policies based 
on US aggression. Associated with SAIS are:

*   Perle
*   Wolfowitz
*   Woolsey
*   Zbigniew Brezezinksi
*   Gaffney
*   Cohen
*   Thomas Donnelly

7. The Project for a New American Century (PNAC). This think tank published a 
plan for toppling Iraq in 2000 based on the Wolfowitz-Cheney-Libby 1992 
Defense Planning Guidance.

*   Wolfowitz
*   Cohen (chair)
*   Cheney
*   Rumsfeld
*   Gaffney
*   Donnelly
*   Abrams
*   Jeb Bush

*   8. Center for Security Policy (CSP).

*   Gaffney (chair)
*   Perle
*   Woolsey
*   Feith (former chair)
9. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). On the board of 
this think tank is a cross-section of the most hawkish members of the Iraq 
war lobby, along with more "diplomacy-oriented" former officials:

*   Former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft (chair)
*   Cheney
*   Woolsey
*   Kissinger
*   Schlesinger
*   Ray Lee Hunt (Hunt Oil, Texas)
*   10. Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.

*   Scowcroft (chair)
*   Former CIA Director John Deutch
*   Hunt
11. US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. As documented by Professor Michel 
Chossudovsky in War and Globalisation, the GUUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, 
Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldava) alliance formed by NATO in 1999 sits at the 
hub of Caspian oil and gas wealth. Central to the GUUAM is the US 
client-state of Azerbaijan. Its Chamber of Commerce reads like a 9/11/Iraq 
War who's who: 

*   Wolfowitz
*   Perle
*   Cheney
*   Armitage
*   Brezezinski
*   Kissinger
*   Schlesinger
*   Scowcroft
*   Former Secretary of State James Baker
Where It All Began: Nitze and NSC-68
Most if not all leaders of the Iraq war lobby are disciples, protégés and 
students of proto-hawk Paul H. Nitze and the Nitze School of Advanced 
International Studies (SAIS). Nitze, a former Dillon, Read investment banker 
(whose company floated loans for the Third Reich) and member of the Council 
on Foreign Relations, founded the SAIS in 1944. Nitze advised five US 
presidents and held high-level cabinet positions in every presidential 
administration (except Jimmy Carter's) until his retirement in 1989.
The 1950 NSC Memorandum 68, written by Nitze (for then-Secretary of State 
Dean Acheson) was the policy basis of the Cold War. Every successive US 
administration has implemented hard-line policies that can be directly traced 
to NSC-68, which calls for the destruction of the Soviet Union and unrivaled 
US military power. According to former CIA agent Philip Agee, NSC-68 was the 
remilitarization plan that led to the establishment of a permanent war 
economy and an eternal "national security" apparatus.
The memo also asserted for the first time, in the name of national security, 
pre-emptive US claims on scarce economic and social resources anywhere in the 
NSC-68 specifically stated that "Soviet domination of the potential power of 
Eurasia, whether achieved by armed aggression or by political and subversive 
means, would be strategically and politically unacceptable to the United 
The 9/11 War itself is the realization of the "Eurasian" imperative of 
NSC-68. Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Nitze protégé and SAIS board member, has long 
been obsessed with "Eurasia." His "Clash of Civilizations" geostrategy is 
spelled out in the book "The Grand Chessboard"—a virtual map of the current 
The Perle-Wolfowitz Cabal
Two other Nitze disciples, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, are arguably the 
key drivers of the Bush war policy. The two fanatical hawks have collaborated 
for more than two decades.
As revealed in an article in the New York Times (10/12/01), members of the 
Perle/Wolfowitz faction met for more than 19 hours on September 19–20, 2001 
to "make the case" for a war against Iraq, the removal of Saddam Hussein, and 
the seizure of Iraqi oil, immediately after the conclusion of the war in 
Afghanistan. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld attended these meetings. Part 
of the discussion focused on manufacturing evidence connecting Saddam Hussein 
to the 9/11 attacks. 
Before becoming Deputy Defense Secretary, Wolfowitz was the chairman and dean 
of the SAIS. He has been a "strategist" since 1973, and has held a number of 
high level defense posts and was undersecretary of defense during George H.W. 
Bush's administration. Since 9/11/01, Wolfowitz has pushed aggressively for 
unilateral US military action in Iraq, and anywhere in the world. Immediately 
following 9/11, Wolfowitz submitted a plan (referred by Pentagon insiders as 
"Operation Infinite War") that called for the bombing of Iraq, Syria, and 
Perle earned the nickname "The Prince of Darkness" for his fanatical views, 
which include the use of nuclear weapons. Perle, a militant supporter of 
Israel, seeks to "bring the Muslim world to its knees." Perle was an 
assistant secretary of defense for international security during the Reagan 
administration, and is a fellow of the American Enterprise Institute. Perle 
currently sits as chairman of the powerful Defense Policy Board and advises 
(and many believe controls) the Bush defense team. He is privy to classified 
information (despite being a "civilian") and has reportedly manipulated 
information in order to further the policy goals of his faction.
In a (semi-friendly) interview with David Corn of The Nation (5/10/02) 
regarding plans for an Iraqi coup, the ruthless Perle declared that "The Army 
guys don't know anything," and that it would only take 40,000 troops to "take 
control of the north and the south, cut off Saddam's oil, make him a pauper." 
James Woolsey: Iraqi Opposition Agent
Former CIA Director Woolsey is another important Nitze disciple, member of 
the Defense Policy Board, SAIS board member and Perle-Wolfowitz colleague. 
Nitze hired Woolsey for the SALT I negotiating team during the Carter years. 
Woolsey served Perle as general counsel of the Senate Armed Services 
Committee. During the Reagan-Bush era, Woolsey worked with Brent Scowcroft's 
strategic forces commission and on other defense assignments.
Woolsey also sits on the board of such spy-military industrial companies as 
DynCorp, Martin Marietta, British Aerospace Inc, Fairchild Industries. Along 
with a number of US elites, he is deeply involved in Central Asian oil 
politics and sits on the US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce.
Immediately after the September 11, 2001, attacks, Woolsey went to the media 
to blame the operation on Saddam Hussein. Woolsey flew to London in October 
2001 with officials of the Defense and State Departments to gather evidence 
linking Hussein to 9/11.
At a July 24, 2002, Washington symposium hosted by the Institute of World 
Politics, Woolsey told the audience, "We are in a world war, we are in World 
War Four." He also declared that it had begun on 9/11, and he called for a 
pre-emptive strike against Iraq—even without a "smoking gun." In his speech, 
Woolsey declared that Saddam's "general support of terrorism" was enough 
Woolsey's anti-Saddam stance is no surprise, considering that he is a partner 
in the law firm of Shea & Gardner. Shea & Gardner is registered as a "foreign 
agent" for the Iraqi National Congress.
In 1998, Woolsey defended six INC-affiliated Iraqi resistance fighters whom 
the Clinton administration was trying to deport back to Iraq. Woolsey 
eventually negotiated a deal that domiciled five of the Iraqi agents in 
Nebraska. Woolsey was so incensed with the Clinton administration, and the 
intelligence community that had "spurned" him, that he bitterly called 
America "a fascist country." 
Woolsey's intemperate "get Iraq" views continue to be featured prominently 
throughout the media. Salon.com published a typical offering, in which 
Woolsey connected 9/11 to the 1993 World Trade Center bombings and suggested 
that Ramsey Youssef was an Iraqi agent (not a member of Al Qaeda). 
Rumsfeld "Goes Massive"
On 9/11/01, barely five hours after American Airlines Flight 77 plowed into 
the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld was telling his aides to come up 
with plans for striking Iraq—even though there was no evidence linking Saddam 
Hussein to the attacks.
On 9/11, according to CBS correspondent David Martin (9/5/02), "Rumsfeld 
ordered the military to begin working on strike plans (against Iraq). And at 
2:40 p.m., the notes quote Rumsfeld as saying he wanted 'best info fast. 
Judge whether good enough hit S.H.'—meaning Saddam Hussein—'at same time. Not 
only UBL'—the initials used to identify Osama bin Laden. 
 "'Go massive,' the notes quote him as saying. 'Sweep it all up. Things 
related and not.' Now, nearly one year later, there is still no evidence Iraq 
was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks. But if these notes are accurate, that 
didn't matter to Rumsfeld."
In an August 11, 2002, New York Times article, the sinister Rumsfeld stated 
with callousness, "Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if Iraq were similar to 
Afghanistan, if a bad regime was thrown out, people were liberated, food 
could come in, borders could be opened, repression could stop, prisons could 
be opened? I mean, wouldn't it be fabulous?"
Rumsfeld, a long-time supporter of the Iraqi National Congress, as Middle 
East envoy during the Reagan presidency was also directly responsible for the 
arming of Saddam Hussein. Journalist Jeremy Scahill reported that "in 1984, 
Donald Rumsfeld was in a position to draw the world's attention to Saddam's 
chemical threat. He was in Baghdad as the UN concluded that chemical weapons 
had been used against Iran. He was armed with a fresh communication from the 
State Department that it had available evidence Iraq was using chemical 
weapons. But Rumsfeld said nothing."
Notes On Other Players
In addition to being a long-time ally of the INC and other Iraqi opposition 
groups, Dick Cheney exploited post-Gulf War Iraq as the CEO of Halliburton. 
According to the Washington Post (2/20/00), Dresser-Rand and 
Ingersoll-Dresser Pump, subsidiaries of Halliburton Corporation, played a 
dominant role in the reconstruction of Iraq's oil industry. While the United 
States and Britain waged almost daily air strikes against military 
installations in northern and southern Iraq, Halliburton was doing business 
with Saddam Hussein's government and helping to rebuild its battered oil 
industry. Halliburton is believed to have earned $1 billion by illegally 
exporting oil through black market channels.
Like Cheney, John Deutch has had it both ways in Iraq. As CIA Director, he 
oversaw some of the agency's mid to late 1990s coup and assassination 
attempts. But Deutch profited in post-Gulf War Iraq as a board member of 
Schlumberger, the second largest US oil services company (he remains on the 
board today). The company won at least three contracts for well-logging 
equipment and geological software to Iraq via a French subsidiary, Services 
Petroliers Schlumberger, and through Schlumberger Gulf Services of Bahrain. 
Deutch is well-situated. In addition to being an Institute Professor at MIT, 
a director of Citigroup, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the 
Trilateral Commission and a Bilderberger, Deutch sits on the board of 
Raytheon. In 1999, the CIA suspended Deutch's security clearance after 
concluding that he had mishandled national secrets on his home computer.
Wayne Downing is the current Director of Combating Terrorism for the Homeland 
Security Defense Board. As reported by journalist Seymour Hersh (New Yorker, 
12/20/01), Downing ran Special Forces command during the Gulf War, and was 
involved in a Delta Force operation that killed or wounded an estimated 180 
Iraqis, with no US losses. According to Hersh, "Downing loved it." 
In 1997–1998, Downing co-wrote a plan with CIA veteran Duane "Dewey" Clarridge
 to overthrow Saddam Hussein using Kurdish and Shi'ite fighters. Clarridge 
was CIA Division Chief, and chief of CIA Contra support operations from 
1982–1984. Clarridge met regularly with Manuel Noriega, Jorge Morales and 
other narco-traffickers. He helped Oliver North establish the Ilopango air 
base in El Salvador as a staging point for Contra supply/CIA cocaine 
operations. A major Iran-Contra player, he was indicted on seven counts of 
perjury by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh. He also supplied logistics 
help that sent US arms to Iran. In his notorious final act as president, 
George H.W. Bush pardoned Clarridge, Elliott Abrams, Caspar Weinberger and 
Robert McFarlane—-all of whom have played active roles in recent anti-Saddam 
Rifts Within the War Lobby
While there is unanimous agreement within the Bush administration about an 
Iraq "regime change" (and strong support from Congress, including Senators 
Lieberman, Biden, McCain and Daschle), there have been disagreements among 
the hawks about how it should be done.
The militant Perle-Wolfowitz faction has butted heads with elites favoring a 
more "international consensus"-oriented approach (Powell, Kissinger, 
Scowcroft). Even Deputy Secretary of State and career covert operative 
Richard Armitage, a signatory to the 1998 anti-Iraq letter and a supporter of 
the Iraq Liberation Act, has viewed some of the Perle-Wolfowitz-Iraqi 
National Congress plans with suspicion.
In the most embarrassing flap to date, at a July 10, 2002, Defense Policy 
Board briefing, Rand analyst and Perle protégé Laurent Murawiec identified 
Saudi Arabia as an enemy of the United States. Many believe that Perle 
planned this move, which caused worldwide turmoil and angered other members 
of the Bush cabinet. 
It remains to be seen which war faction wins out, and what manner of rampage 
will be unleashed.

Next: The Bush Family's Unfinished Business

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