-Caveat Lector-

The inner hermetic meaning  - think 0f a number between 68 and 70.

on 12/29/02 12:12 AM, Shemuwel Antoine Moser at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> http://www.donet.com/~moser/index.htm/phallus-2-BB.htm
> More information.
> The Hexagram is formed from the major and minor conjunctions of the
> planet Mercury in one year by connecting the points. Mercury is the God
> of money and commerce. See the site above............
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On
> Behalf Of iNFoWaRZ
> Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 11:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Numbering the Flag of Israel
> -Caveat Lector-
> Good info.
> But there are a few more points to add concerning the "Star of David".
> One is that King David never used it.
> King Solomon did, after he fell from wisdom to worshipping foreign
> idols.
> Two, it is the symbol of the Rothschilds Dynasty and other European
> Royalty.
> Three, it is one of the most powerful Occult symbols and is used widely
> in Masonery and other secret societies.
> Four, it is a symbol of binding. As in "bondage".
> Five, It is condemned by Christ in the Old Testament.
> At 11:03 AM 12/27/02 , you wrote:
>> -Caveat Lector-
>> Good afternoon,
>> I have just finished number crunching the Israeli Flag.
>> But be warned its tedious stuff::-)
>> Also I am pro-Israel for my sins so to speak.
>> The symbols of the Menorah and the Star of David
>> The Menorah
>> The official emblem of the State of Israel is a candelabrum (menorah),
> whose
>> shape is said to be derived from the seven-branched moriah, a plant
> known
>> since antiquity. The olive branches on either side represent Israel's
> desire
>> for peace.
>> The Israeli Flag
>> The flag of the State of Israel is based on the design of the Jewish
> prayer
>> shawl (tallit), with a blue Shield of David (Magen David).
>> The Flag
>> At the ceremony of the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of
>> Israel, the dais was decorated with a picture of Theodor Herzl, flanked
> on
>> either side by the flag of the World Zionist Organization. This flag,
>> adopted by the first Zionist Congress in Basle in 1897, had become
> accepted
>> by Jewish communities throughout the world as the emblem of Zionism and
> it
>> was thus natural to use it at the official proclamation of statehood.
> In
>> May, however, only a few days after the Zionist dream had become
> reality,
>> the question arose as to whether the Zionist banner should be the flag
> of
>> the New State of Israel or should be replaced by another design. The
> dilemma
>> continued for about six months, until the following notice was
> published in
>> the Official Gazette.
>> Proclamation of the Flag of the State of Israel on 25 Tishrei 5709 (28
>> October 1948) by Joseph Sprinzak, the Speaker, explained that the
>> Provisional Council of State has agreed that the flag of the State of
> Israel
>> should be 220cm long and 160cm wide. The background is white and on it
> are
>> two stripes of dark sky-blue both 25cm across over the whole length of
> the
>> flag, leaving a gap of 15cm along the top and along the bottom of the
> flag.
>> In the middle of the white background, between the two dark blue
> stripes and
>> at equal distance from each stripe is the Star of David symbol,
> composed of
>> six dark sky-blue lines, each 5.5cm in length, which form two
> equilateral
>> triangles, the bases of which are parallel to the two horizontal
> stripes.
>> They say the 'messages' conveyed by the Zionist flag, are in its
> components,
>> the Magen David, the blue stripes and the white background.
>> The Star of David
>> Unlike the menora (candelabrum), the Lion of Judah, the shofar (ram's
> horn)
>> and the lulav (palm frond), the Star of David was never a uniquely
> Jewish
>> symbol. The standard name for the geometric shape is a hexagram or
>> six-pointed star, composed of two interlocking equilateral triangles.
> And so
>> the question was asked is the 'Star of David' the appropriate symbol
> for the
>> national flag of the new State of Israel.
>> Yet the Star of David became the emblem of Zionist Jews everywhere and
>> non-Jews regarded it as representing not only the Zionists, but also
> all the
>> Jewish people. The Star of David symbolizes rebirth and new life for
> the
>> Jewish people.
>> The Two Blue Stripes
>> The first person in modern times who voiced the idea that blue and
> white are
>> the national colors of the Jewish people, was the Austrian Jewish poet
>> Ludwig August Frankl (1810-1894). More than three decades before the
> First
>> Zionist Congress, Frankl published a poem entitled 'Judah's Colors':
>> "When sublime feelings his heart fill,
>> He is mantled in the colors of his country
>> He stands in prayer, wrapped
>> In a sparkling robe of white.
>> The hems of the white robe
>> Are crowned with broad stripes of blue;
>> Like the robe of the High Priest,
>> Adorned with bands of blue threads.
>> These are the colors of the beloved country,
>> Blue and white are the borders of Judah;
>> White is the radiance of the priesthood,
>> And blue, the splendors of the firmament."
>> The blue stripes of the Zionist flag are said to balance the 'message'
> of
>> the Star of David and the stripes are said to give the flag the
> religious
>> and ritual aspect totally absent from the latter. The blue and white
> stripes
>> symbolize a life of purity, guided by the precepts of the Torah.
>> In July 1948, Mordechai Nimtza-bi, an expert on heraldry, published a
> book
>> entitled 'The Flag', in which he sought to determine the appropriate
> design
>> for the national flag and agreed that the Zionist flag should be
> adopted by
>> the State of Israel.
>> The Provisional Council of State voted unanimously on October 28th,
> 1948 to
>> adopt the Zionist flag as that of the State of Israel. The resolution
> came
>> into effect two weeks later, after publication in the Official Gazette.
>> The Star of David is an example of the significance of symbols. At
> first the
>> Star of David in Victorian times had no religious, political, or social
>> connotations whatsoever but it gained a very powerful connotation
> precisely
>> as a result of its terrible abuse by the Nazis.
>> Menorah and Olive Branches, the emblem of Israel
>> The emblem has a heraldic format; in the center is a stylized menorah,
> each
>> of the seven branches crowned by a star. The menorah is flanked on each
> side
>> by a branch on which mirror-image leaves are arranged with a tiny
> circle
>> between each pair of leaves.
>> According to Gavriel Shamir, their design evolved as follows:
>> After we decided to use the menorah, we looked for another element and
>> concluded that olive branches are the most beautiful expression of the
>> Jewish people's love of peace. The leaves are also a very decorative
>> element. Now we faced the question of which menorah to use... We
> decided on
>> a stylized version rather than an ancient form. Our intention was to
> create
>> a modern emblem, without Jewish traditional symbols. We told ourselves
> that
>> the menorah itself is an ancient symbol and its very presence on the
> seal
>> constitutes a traditional element. But its shape should be modern.
>> The emblem of the new state, adopted by unanimous vote of the
> Provisional
>> Council of State, for the olive branches express the state's peaceful
>> intentions; and the menorah links the Jewish people with its past in
> the
>> homeland former and the restoration of the menorah 'from' the Arch of
> Titus,
>> Rome to its place in Israel.
>> The 'Message' in the Flag of Israel
>> "And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood,
> saying,
>> Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that
> worship
>> therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out, and
> measure it
>> not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they
> tread
>> under foot forty [and] two months. And I will give [power] unto my two
>> witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred [and]
> threescore
>> days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two
>> candlesticks standing before the God of the earth." N.T. Book of
> Revelation
>> 11:1-4
>> The measuring reed was 6 'angel-man' cubits each of 21 inches at 126
> inches
>> in length.
>> And 42 months is equivalent to 1,260 days, that is 'time, times, and
> half a
>> time'.
>> And 126 is the reference number for the spirit person within all
> humanity
>> and has liberty at death to instantly enter the parallel Earth of
> another
>> four dimensions whereas Believers enter into Heaven, not a parallel
> Earth
>> where the Sun has a cycle of 364 days and the Moon 354 days.
>> Also 126 is the 'Eye of Horus' and the 'Burning Lamp' the 'Burning
>> Candlestick' and the 'Son of Man', a 'Spirit of God', and the 'Eye of
> God'.
>> Flag at 220 x 160cm is some 86.625 x 63 inches.
>> The difference in the length of 86.625 inches and the width of 63
> inches is
>> 23.625 inches and /0.75 x 4 is 126, a burning candlestick, and 63 x 2
> is
>> 126.
>> Now the flag's ratio is 220/160 is 1.375.
>> The 'message' in the ratio of the Israeli Flag is that of one of the
> two
>> 'Olive Trees'.
>> Because 13.75 is twice 6.875 pounds of olive oil, that is one Omer of
> olive
>> oil, a Hebrew vessel of 208.08 cubic inches (a container that holds 4 x
> 1.09
>> pounds of flour weighing 4.36 pounds, the reference for Fire is 109),
> and
>> olive oil weighs about 57.1 pounds per cubic foot. The Omer at 208.08
> cubic
>> inches is made up of 1.7 x 1.7 x 12 x 6.
>> The 'message' in the length of the Flag is one of the Two Prophets.
>> The length of the Israeli flag at 86.625 inches is equivalent to the
> 6.875 x
>> 12.6 that is the reference for olive oil and the burning lamp,
> representing
>> one of the two New Testament Prophets.
>> Thus, the Flag represents one olive tree, at 6.875 and the one
> candlestick
>> at 12.6, that is one of the Two Prophets standing before the God of the
>> Earth.
>> The Star of David and the Flag.
>> The ratio written into the design of the Star of David is 1.154700538
>> And the square root of the ratio of the Star of David x the ratio of
> the
>> field of the Flag of Israel is 1.2600450. (Whereas the height of the
>> pedestal of the Statue of Liberty is 154 feet some 1,848 inches and the
>> height of the figure of 'Miss Freedom holding the 'Burning Torch' is
> 151
>> feet 1 inch at 1,813 inches. And 1.848 x 1.813 squared twice is
> 126.008280 a
>> difference of 0.003780 or 0.001260 x 3).
>> The Star of David at 1.154700538 and reciprocated and squared twice x
> 10 is
>> 5.625 cubic cubits the volume of the Ark of the Covenant within the
> Holy of
>> Holies.
>> The Menorah is the Sun
>> The diameter of the Sun's photosphere is 865,000 miles, whereas the
> diameter
>> of the chromosphere is 882,000 miles and extra 'halo' at 8,500 + 8,500
> is
>> 17,000 miles. And so the Sun at 882,000 is 7 times 126,000. And 7
> branches
>> of the Menorah x 126 is 882.
>> The Law
>> Now 46 inches is the length of the Mace of the United States, so 46 is
> the
>> Law. And the Menorah at 882 divided by the Star of David at 1.154700538
> and
>> square root twice x 70/8 is 46 the Law.
>> The Land of Israel and Horus
>> The official area for the new State of Israel is 7,992.6 squared miles,
>> thanks to the United Nations.
>> And at 7,992.614 cubed x 3 and divided by the Israeli flag ratio 1.375
> (the
>> two olive trees) is 1.11400000e+12. And 1114 is made up or Horus, the
> falcon
>> masked Ancient Egyptian god, a merciless killer of the sky at 610 and
> 126 +
>> 126 + 126 + 126.
>> So Lucifer at 610, that is the Serpent at 170 with the eagle's wings at
> 440
>> carries forth four Burning Lamps each at 126, that is the Lamp at 17
> and the
>> Fire at 109.
>> Thus Lucifer is holding his 'Light' up unto the four corners of the
> world,
>> the 'message' that comes forth from the area of the New State of Israel
> and
>> the ratio of the Flag of Israel.
>> Just shows what a little bit of numerology can do, but first you need
> the
>> reference numbers.
>> JohnDM
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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