-Caveat Lector-

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Police Dragnets for DNA Tests Draw Criticism
January 4, 2003

BATON ROUGE, La., Jan. 3 -- Recently, the police asked Shannon
F. Kohler if they could swab the inside of his mouth to analyze his
DNA. It was a request they made of 800 men in southern Louisiana
as they searched for the serial killer who has slain four young
women, leaving behind genetic material in each case.

It was his choice, Mr. Kohler said the officers told him, but if he
refused, they would get a court order and that would get in the
newspapers and then everyone would know he was not cooperating.
The approach was heavy-handed and foolish, he said, especially
since he has feet much bigger than the prints left by the killer and
had phone bills that show he was at home when the murders took

The questions Mr. Kohler is raising about DNA testing are also
being asked by lawyers and other experts around the country who
say the growing use of DNA dragnets like the one here, already one
of the largest in American history, is troubling.

The tests, supposedly voluntary, can still be coercive, critics say, not
only harassing innocent people but also potentially violating
suspects' constitutional protections against compelled self-
incrimination and unreasonable search and seizure.
Future prosecutions could be undermined, some legal scholars,
defense lawyers and even some prosecutors say. Some question
whether the dragnets' limited success justifies the effort and
expense. And even those who endorse the idea of DNA sweeps
argue over whether -- and why -- the government should keep on
file the genetic profiles of those who are proved to be innocent.

The tests trouble some for the very reason that police find them
attractive: they offer the most incontrovertible proof of identity.

The idea for a DNA dragnet -- sampling people who are not
suspects but merely live or work near a crime scene -- emerged in
Britain. In 1987, the police tested 4,000 men in Leicestershire before
the rapist and killer of two girls was caught after he got another man
to take the DNA test for him. One of the first dragnets in which DNA
actually identified a killer was in Wales; a neighbor of a slain rape
victim was caught in a DNA sweep of 2,000 men.

By 1998, dragnets had taken hold in northern Germany, where
16,400 people were tested -- believed to be the most yet -- before a
mechanic was matched to a rape-murder.

In the United States, mass screenings have had less success and
stirred up far more controversy. In 1994 and 1995, the Metro-Dade
police in the Miami suburbs took more than 2,000 DNA samples in
search of the strangler of six prostitutes, and initially focused on
three possible matches before each man was ruled out. Still, the
killer was caught only after neighbors found a prostitute bound and
gagged in his apartment while he appeared in court on an unrelated
robbery charge.

In 1998, the police in Prince George's County, Md., sought DNA
samples from 400 male workers at a county hospital where an
administrator had been raped and strangled.

Union members complained that the police were bullying employees
into agreeing and were singling out maintenance workers. No match
was made, and the killing remains unsolved.

The chief of the county's police force at the time, John Farrell,
defended the DNA tests to USA Today in 1998 as analogous to
fingerprinting everyone who worked or shopped in a store that was
burglarized, to eliminate potential suspects as well as to catch the

But mass fingerprint gathering is all but unheard of in criminal
cases, said James Alan Fox, a professor of criminal justice at
Northeastern University, precisely because of the probability that a
print obtained from a crime scene will turn out to be someone's
other than the criminal's.

DNA is different, Professor Fox said, which accounts for its allure: "If
you have a rape and murder, and there's semen recovered, it's
highly unlikely that it was innocently left there."

Not surprisingly, DNA screenings have been much more successful,
if no less provocative, when the police have narrowed their focus to
smaller groups -- generally those with opportunity, if not motive.

In Lawrence, Mass., in 1999, the police drew blood from 32 men at
a nursing home where a resident had been raped and impregnated.
A nurse's aide was linked to the crime and pleaded guilty. In Los
Angeles that year, detectives who reopened the case of a 1985
killing of a sheriff's deputy set about sampling 165 potential

They had finished 12 when a former colleague of the victim refused
to comply; detectives won a court order, matched his DNA to the
crime, and were about to arrest him when he killed himself.

Professor Fox, an expert on serial killers who wrote a book on the
murders of five University of Florida students in Gainesville in 1990,
said investigators in that case, with whom he worked as a
consultant, checked the DNA of hundreds of people identified as
possible suspects, often surreptitiously.

"We'd follow people as they went through Burger King, and pick up
a straw they used, for saliva," he said. "We'd go through their trash
on the sidewalk. Not everybody we got DNA on even knew it."

The police were far less quiet about their DNA testing in Ann Arbor,
Mich., in 1994, after 13 women in a predominantly white community
were raped by a black man.

Investigators identified more than 700 suspects and took 160 DNA
samples from black men, relying on tips that often proved specious.

The strategy caused a racial furor, with blacks saying they were
being randomly singled out, and the rapist was caught only after a
cab driver spotted him with blood on his clothes.

Some legal experts are now calling for an even more controversial
use of genetic forensics: a national databank of DNA taken from
every American at birth, solely for the  purpose of criminal

Michael E. Smith, a University of Wisconsin law professor who led a
working group for the National Commission on the Future of DNA
Evidence, said such a databank would remove the danger of racial
discrimination in DNA testing, as well as the risk that law
enforcement agents seeking genetic information would turn to
hospitals and medical laboratories, eroding medical privacy rights.

Even better, Professor Smith said, it would make DNA a true
deterrent to crime, which it cannot be so long as the DNA databanks
contain only information on known criminals and suspects.

The federal government's existing DNA database, by law, includes
only material taken from convicted criminals and crime scenes.
Increasingly, states including Louisiana and Virginia have authorized
the collection of DNA from people arrested for rape, murder and
other violent crimes, and in some states even for burglary and
lesser charges. The law in most states is much less clear when it
comes to the DNA of people merely suspected of a crime but not
charged. Yet it is being tested.

In New York City, for example, the medical examiner's office
maintains a citywide database of DNA obtained from crime scenes
and from suspects in major crimes, either with their consent or with
a warrant, said Dr. Howard J. Baum, deputy director of forensic

But in November, a defendant in a Brooklyn rape case who was
compelled to give a DNA blood sample won a court order barring
the medical examiner from placing it in the citywide DNA database,
known to medical examiners as Linkage. The defendant, Carlos
Rodriguez, argued that a 1994 state law preventing DNA test results
from being disclosed without the subject's consent also barred
officials from entering those results into the city database. Justice
John M. Leventhal of the State Supreme Court even wrote that the
mere existence of the database might constitute a felony under
the 1994 law. The medical examiner's office is appealing the ruling.

Mr. Kohler, the Baton Rouge man who demanded a court order
before giving a DNA sample, says he, too, plans to sue to get it, and
his genetic information, back from the  police.

Mr. Kohler, a 44-year-old welder, said he resented the way the
police relied on a pair of sketchy tips and seemingly irrelevant
evidence as their probable cause, though it was enough to persuade
a local judge to issue a warrant. Mr. Kohler said the police cited his
20-year-old burglary conviction, but not his full pardon and restitution
in 1996.

Mr. Kohler said he felt that the police violated the Constitution by
leaning on him for the DNA sample.

"These rights are what makes America America, to me," he said,
adding that he felt he could afford to protest while many others could

"My friends know me, and I know me, and other people really don't
matter," he said. "I'm not running a business, and I don't have any
kids. So I had the freedom to take a stand and not hurt the people
around me."

In the end, Mr. Kohler, alone among 15 people who refused the
DNA test, was indeed identified in public court documents, and
hours later a local television reporter appeared at his front door. The
police called the court filing a good-faith clerical mistake. The DNA
test later cleared Mr. Kohler. And the killer is still at large.


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    This will be, in essence, a reversal of Miranda.
    Officers will be
    told Miranda is not a constitutional right.  If there
    is no right, and you are not liable, why should you
    honor the right to silence? I think it means you will
    see more police using threats and violence to get
    people to talk.  Innocent people will be subjected to
    very unpleasant experiences. ~~University of Texas law
    professor Susan Klein

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