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U.S. Deleted Iraqi-run Florida Chemical Plant from UN Weapons List

By Tom Flocco
January 03, 2003

Most recently activated American soldiers are unaware that they will likely be facing the same deadly chemical and biological agents provided illegally to Iraq by their own government just prior to the last Gulf War – and that high-ranking Bush 41 cabinet officials profited from secret investments in these companies manufacturing weapons of mass destruction. (WMD) 

This, while war with Saddam Hussein is considered by most to be a foregone conclusion, what with 70% of Congress having already voted to permit the president to order troops into combat in the Middle East. 

Members of George Sr.’s cabinet held sizable and conflicting financial positions in Gulf War-related companies linked to a SECRET IRAQI POLICY DOCUMENT which was classified at the time and kept from Congress.  Amazingly, however, Congress has continued to allow the now-unclassified document to remain partially redacted. 

Moreover, the war-related WMD financial holdings were substantial enough in 1990 to necessitate presidential advisor George W. Bush’s father the president to employ a
CONFIDENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST WAIVER -- ALSO KEPT SECRET FROM CONGRESS -- in order to absolve his cabinet and others from future legal action should Gulf War military families ever question or litigate the private and undisclosed financial links of high-ranking government officials to Iraq.   

Incredibly, a potential tragedy facing American military families will be the outrage that some of the chemicals Saddam will use against Americans in ground combat were actually manufactured by an Iraqi terrorist on United States soil just before the Gulf War at a plant in Boca Raton, Florida. 


There is ample evidence that President George H. W. Bush and his advisor George Jr. were quite aware that the Boca Raton plant was in full operation and under the control and supervision of the Iraqi terrorist and chemical engineer for a number of years while CIA operatives were facilitating the chemical transfers directly to Saddam Hussein even just before the Gulf War – chemicals used on American troops only a few months later! 

Stories of an administration desperate to quickly employ warfare abroad to divert attention away from stock fraud, a mismanaged economy, and the September 11 investigation cover-up at home are already being reported outside the United States. 

According to Anu de Monterice’s translation of a 12-18-2002 truncated version of the Iraqi weapons dossier in the German periodical Taz (die tageszeitung), there is a huge portion of missing data in Iraq’s recently submitted report to the United Nations concerning foreign suppliers of Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons arsenal.  (de Monterice’s translation can be found on Jeff Rense’s news website at Rense. com) 

The lengths to which the current Bush Administration will go in attempting to keep secret and mislead the American people regarding the true extent of the transfer of WMD to Iraq is best illustrated in a story in the London Sunday Herald.  (12- ? - 2002)  

The 8000 page deletion and cover-up – left virtually unreported in the American media – begs the question:  What did the U.S. take out of the report? 

According to a United Nations source in New York, “in effect the U.S. is saying trust us, and there are many who just will not.” 

“Current and former UN diplomats are said to be livid at what some have called the ‘theft’ of the Iraqi document by the United States,” the Sunday Herald reported. 

A former UN official is also displeased with the American cover-up, which will prevent Congress from learning the truth even as the president rushes to activate and deploy troops to the Gulf before Congress is able to commence and investigation in January. 

Hans von Sponeck, former UN assistant general secretary and UN humanitarian coordinator in Iraq until 2000, called the deletion of eight thousand pages from Iraq’s report “an outrageous attempt by the U.S. to mislead,” also according to the Herald. 

Of key importance is the fact that the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (U.S., UK, France, China, and Russia) have access to the complete version, but agreed that the U.S. be allowed to edit the report [8000 pages worth] since “the contents were ‘risky’ in terms of security on weapons proliferation.”  

While it is understandable that government officials would be concerned about “political ramifications” related to personal, private, and undisclosed investments in weapons of mass destruction -- which may ultimately be used yet once more against American troops -- congressional inaction regarding an investigation of such unconscionable acts is more than a disgrace.  

CONCEALING AN IRAQI CHEMICAL WEAPONS PLANT IN FLORIDA  becomes even more outrageous when one considers that a confidential May 31, 1990 billing statement links lawyers from former Bush 41 Secretary of State James Baker’s Houston law firm Baker & Botts to telephone conferences, the drawing up of enzyme contracts, and holding secret formulas connected to another lawyer from Iraqi terrorist Ihsan Barbouti’s main Houston office of his Boca Raton chemical company. 

This, according to Robert Bickel, senior investigator and legal analyst in the Oklahoma City law offices of John Michael Johnston and investigative collaborator with Judicial Watch’s chief counsel Larry Klayman, while bringing suit because U.S. Federal agents ignored evidence indicating Iraqi involvement in the aftermath of the April, 1995 bombing of the Murrah Building. 

Bickel is one of several who are aware of facts relating to U.S. government protection of Ihsan Barbouti, by allowing his terrorist-related chemical and nerve gas plant to operate untouched for years in Florida.  Ted Koppel of ABC Nightline, placed some 30 reporters on the story, completing an incredible Nightline expose of the Boca Raton factory in July, 1991.

While American troops wait anxiously for their upcoming orders regarding war in the Gulf, American citizens may want to know more about why an administration already steeped in secrecy and clandestine activity is withholding information which is politically embarrassing – or worse – from its citizens and Congress, not to mention its trusting soldiers. 

For how can a president explain that while he was an advisor during his father’s administration, both knew about an Iraqi-operated nerve gas plant in Florida, that members of his father’s cabinet held financial investments and were linked to lawyers who drew up legal contracts for an Iraqi terrorist, and that CIA operatives then sent the manufacturing equipment and raw materials able to penetrate and break down American gas mask filters -- to Iraq -- which was then used months later on his own soldiers? 

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  (Who will guard the guards?)

Where are the American people?

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