-Caveat Lector-

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FEMA Director Joe Allbaugh Resigns: Skeletons Here, There, and

By Mary Louise

Hurray!  The list grows longer of high level bureaucrats who have
recently resigned, with Joe Allbaugh following on the heels of O'Neil,
Lindsey, Kissinger, and Mitchell.

His announcement has not been publicized and since his position is
a significant one, it certainly merits an explanation.  For some
reason this story is being kept very low profile, so low in fact, it is
practically non-existent.  My first glimpse of it was on Dec.  16, when
I happened to catch the single sentence, "FEMA Director Joe
Allbaugh resigns," scrolling across the bottom of the screen.  That's
it.  So, it was out of natural curiosity to find out more about Allbaugh
and possible reasons why he may have stepped down, that this
article was written.

This turns out to be a rather complicated journey through the maze
of corruption and deception, therefore it is necessary to backtrack to
see how things are connected and continue to be relevant.  Please
bear with me, as this endeavor will be lengthy.  The main strategy
these vermin depend on, is keeping themselves concealed and
shielded from scrutiny and the light of day.

It is interesting to note, that on Dec.  17 there was a meeting with
Tom Ridge and future Homeland Security employees, shown on C-
Span with Frank Sesno as moderator.  Ridge actually informed
everyone that "Yours Truly" suggested creating the new Homeland
Security Dept. to the president.  And guess who was sitting smack
dab in the middle of the front row with his cowboy boots?  None
other than Joe "Big Country" Allbaugh, who looked very serious
while occasionally nodding in agreement with Ridge.  This was
particularly nauseating to me after learning what will be discussed in
the following paragraphs.  A very short article in the London Morning
Paper on Dec.18, summarized Allbaugh's official resignation in a
meeting with Bush on Monday.  He will leave on March 1, 2003
when FEMA is scheduled to merge into Homeland Security.

Allbaugh has stated, "There's opportunities in Oklahoma, several in
Texas, several here (Washington D.C.) and I want to take my time
and make a decision that's in the best interest of my family with a
clear mind." He wants what is best for his family when he knows
what is planned for the rest of us.  Ask me if I care what he wants.

In case you are wondering how Joe Allbaugh came to be FEMA
Director, we need to briefly review his past credentials.  He has
been a very busy critter indeed.  Prior to his appointment as Director
of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, he served as Chief
of Staff to then-Governor Bush.  He was the point person for nine
presidential disaster declarations and more than 20 state level
emergencies.  He also happened to serve as National Campaign
Manager for the Bush-Cheney 2000 campaign, with the
responsibility and oversight for all related activities.  He had a lot of
experience having already served as Campaign Manager for Bush's
first run for governor of Texas and also worked on the Reagan-Bush
campaign in 1984.  Allbaugh is obviously well-connected and quoted
as saying, "There isn't anything more important than protecting
Governor Bush and the first lady.  I'm the heavy in the literal sense
of the word."

So why in the world did Allbaugh resign?  Here's where it starts to
get interesting, tangled, and quite disturbing.  Judge for yourself and
I will reserve my comments until the end.  The Austin Chronicle
broke new ground about Bush's involvement in an influence-buying
scandal regarding SCI, Service Corporation International, the
world's largest cemetery company based in Houston.  Reporter
Robert Bryce said, "Bush got $35,000 in contributions from SCI.  It
appears Bush then helped them thwart an investigation by the
Texas Funeral Commission.  The former director of the
Commission, Eliza May, was pressured by Bush's Chief of Staff and
Campaign Manager Joe Allbaugh.  She has filed a whistle-blower
lawsuit."  May said she was fired after resisting pressure from the
governor's staff to end her investigation, which resulted in a
$445,000 fine against the company for a range of offences including
using unlicensed embalmers.

Bush was subpoenaed in 1999, but refused to testify as to what his
involvement was in halting an investigation into SCI's embalming
practices, among other things.  A Texas judge put everything right
for Bush just in time to campaign for the presidency, ruling that he
could not be forced to testify by an ousted regulatory official, who
had not produced enough evidence or that Bush had "unique and
superior personal knowledge." Bush had filed an affidavit claiming
he had no conversations with SCI officials, agents, or
representatives concerning the investigation or any disputes arising
from it, although by his own admission he said he dropped in on a
meeting between Waltrip and Allbaugh, for a quick social visit and
couldn't remember what he said.  May's lawsuit claimed they did talk
about the investigation and asked the judge to hold Bush in
contempt of court and compel him to testify.  In a news conference
(held in August, '99) dominated by tough questions, the issue that
really irritated Bush concerned funeral homes.  His remarks were,
"It's frivolous.  It is frivolous."

In November of 2001, Governor Rick Perry approved a settlement of
$210,000 in May's lawsuit.  SCI was to pay $55,000 and the balance
by the state of Texas.  May's attorney, Derek Howard, said any
terms of agreement were to be confidential and he could not
elaborate under the terms in which the state did not admit to any
wrongdoings.  This took place only weeks before the gruesome
discovery was made at two Florida cemeteries catching the brief
attention of the media.  Fox News reported on Dec.20, 2001 that
Fort Lauderdale attorneys were suing a cemetery company (SCI,
also known as "Dignity" Memorial) accused of "recycling" graves,
removing bodies and throwing them in the woods at Menorah
Gardens and Funeral Chapels in West Palm Beach, of which SCI is
owner and said they have no knowledge of any wrongdoing.  The
attorneys showed grisly photos and video footage of crushed burial
vaults and scattered human remains and also presented documents
they say show SCI and aforementioned cemeteries were aware of
grave desecrations.  Ten families are represented in the class action
lawsuit that more than 1,000 people could become part of.  The
families say their loved ones were dug up, dumped in the woods,
buried in the wrong vaults, or in vaults on top of each other instead
of side by side as had been paid for.  Co-counsel Neal Hirschfeld
said, "There are several hundred people who purchased premium
contracts years ago, that do not have a place to rest.  We've
investigated allegations that we thought were too heinous to be
accurate and too horrible to be true, over the last several years."

The general manager of Menorah Gardens Cemetery chain, Peter
Hartmann, who was a central figure in the investigation is dead at 45
yrs.  of carbon monoxide poisoning, treated as an apparent suicide
by police.

"Funeralgate" is the continuation of an old scandal involving a Bush
contributor and longtime family friend, Robert L.  Waltrip, founder of
SCI and owner of over 3,700 funeral homes, cemeteries, and
crematoriums worldwide.  This time it's the desecration of the
deceased and George W.  Bush is directly linked, as is Joe

Had the investigation been allowed to go on unencumbered, the
corruption and mismanagement of SCI might have been stopped
sooner, but with Bush refusing to testify while his administration was
obstructing an investigation, more bodies were being desecrated.

Rep.  Mark Foley asked the Justice Dept.  and Federal Trade
Commission to investigate claims against SCI, that caused such
shock and despair in his district, asking them to determine whether
Menorah Gardens and SCI had violated federal laws (in December
2001).  In March of 2002, two Florida state agencies and Attorney
General Bob Butterworth sued Menorah Gardens and parent
company, SCI.  Butterworth said, "This is a crime against the human
soul and heart."

Is it any wonder that Bush family patron SCI, is also linked to the
Georgia crematorium scandal?  Wasn't it strange that after two
weeks of constant media attention, this story was dropped like a hot
potato?  Several of the funeral homes being sued for using the Tri-
state Crematory, serving Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama were
owned by SCI.  The Georgia House passed a bill to make it a felony
to abandon a body intended for burial or cremation, in response to
the hundreds of corpses found mistreated at the crematory in
Walker County (Noble, Georgia).  Incidentally, officials found
pictures on the crematory operator's computer, of bodies in various
stages of decomposition and seized a large quantity of pornography
from Ray Brent Marsh's office.  Governor Roy Barnes asked
President Bush to declare an emergency for the state of Georgia,
saying the bodies have caused "significant environmental
degradation" and is a threat to public health, although public health
officials say otherwise.

FEMA turned down the request for financial assistance in dealing
with the cleanup and removal of bodies, estimated to be upwards of
$10 million that is now in the laps of taxpayers.  Joe Allbaugh said
the situation in Georgia did not meet the agency's definition of an
emergency and thus it could not provide funds.  Quoting Allbaugh,
"An emergency declaration is neither appropriate nor warranted." He
also said other agencies such as the Dept.  of Justice and Health
and Human Services are better suited to handle the situation.

Senators Zell Miller and Max Cleland expressed frustration by
saying, "The failure of the administration to declare Georgia a
disaster area, is a disaster in itself." In July of 2002 it was reported
that SCI announced the resignation of Jerald L.  Pullins, President
and Chief Operating Officer of SCI.  Pullins suspected things weren't
quite right during his first visit to the Georgia facility, way back in
1985, but did business with them anyway.

In conclusion, here are my comments for whatever they are worth.

Though this story goes on and on depending on how much one
wants to know, it is quite apparent there is a cover-up of
"monumental" proportion.  Many sites and pages have been pulled
off the internet or made inaccessible.  Truth is stranger than fiction
and this is beyond bizarre and appalling, it is a horror story in the
first degree.  Can you imagine how it would feel, if one of our loved
ones were thrown aside, deprived of dignity, and denied a proper
burial that was bought and paid for?  How about taking a stroll
through the woods and stumbling over the remains of a human
being.  Adding insult to injury, people are constantly being lied to
and ripped off, as if we were all nothing more than a bunch of idiots.

This demented depravity and blatant disregard for human beings,
alive or deceased, must not be allowed to continue.  It should not
come as a surprise to us that the Brotherhood of Death is behind it,
since they have been part of the plot to instill the mindset of
embracing death in our society.  It is logical to assume, that Skull
and Bonesman Bush may find some sort of sadistic pleasure in all
of this, even if he does not want it to become common knowledge.

And Bush calls others evil.

He has a tendency to distance himself from any controversy and it
appears to me that Joe Allbaugh needed to get out of the limelight
and disassociate himself from the president before something else
happened.  There are also other shady things Allbaugh has been
involved in, but they pale in comparison.  What a tangled web they
weave, when they practice to deceive!

Originated/authored by: Mary Louise.

I wonder what is next?

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    In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel,
    shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary
    organizations, got together 12 men high up in the
    newspaper world and employed them to select the most
    influential newspapers in the United States and
    sufficient number of them to control generally the
    policy of the daily press....They found it was
    only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the
    greatest papers. "An agreement was reached; the policy
    of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month;
    an editor was furnished for each paper to properly
    supervise and edit information regarding the questions
    of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and
    other things of national and international nature
    considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.
    ~~U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

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