Cyclone Zoe
Natural Event or Weather Warfare?    
Copyright Joe Vialls,  5 January 2003

Over the centuries, in times of war or threatened war, deterrence has frequently been used to avoid direct hand-to-hand or nation-to-nation combat. The most memorable recent use of deterrence as a weapon was the sixties and seventies “Cold War” between America and the Soviet Union, with both sides pointing huge arsenals of nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles at each other. Neither side dared fire the first ICBM, because the calculated ultimate result of a long-range nuclear exchange would have been the total destruction of both sides; a process known in western military circles as MAD [Mutually Assured Destruction].
Deterrence has also been used on a “proxy” basis by the superpowers, when smaller states have threatened each other in such a way that other countries would inevitably have been drawn into the conflict. One such example was Israel’s attack on the Arab nations, when air reconnaissance photographs proved the Israelis were arming their nuclear intermediate-range missiles, in order to destroy  the civilian populations of  “enemy” capital cities in the Middle East. Realizing the imminent danger of an Arab holocaust, the Russians very openly armed two “Scud C” missile  batteries in Egypt with nuclear warheads, then casually aimed them directly at Tel Aviv. Mutual destruction was thus assured by the superpower umpire, and deterrence won the day.
Nuclear weapons were not the long-term deterrence solution however, because in the event of a madman calling someone’s bluff, a nuclear weapon would actually have to be fired with unpredictable results. What was needed was a far more subtle system, one that could be used openly in such a way that the public would not recognize it as a weapon system at all. Most obvious was the serious manipulation of weather patterns on  the “aggressor’s ” home turf, thereby forcing him to back off ,or face military and economic ruin.
Such weather weapons, under active development by Russia, France, America and other countries for at least the last fifty years, can also be used for “indirect” warning purposes. Say for example that the Zionists in New York were intent on capturing Arab oil supplies in order to save the American  “economy”, and their principal weapon was American air power launched primarily from US aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf.
Fine so far, but what if  a directed weather  weapon was then used to demonstrate how easy it would be to completely destroy one of the largest nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the entire US Fleet [without actually sinking it]. Exactly how would the Zionists respond to a demonstration of such awesome power?
First, of course, there would need to be a warning of the upcoming event, or those in power could all too easily write the demonstration off as merely a severe “quirk” in the weather. Strong though unsubstantiated rumor suggests that just such a warning was sent to the US Department of State on 27 December 2002, but was ignored. Try not to worry too much about this warning folks. After all, it is still only a rumor that the warning was sent to the US Department of State, and only fools listen to rumors, right?

Approximately twenty-four hours later a massive cyclone, initially predicted by the Hawaii-based Joint Typhoon Warning Centre to reach only category 1-2 on a scale of 1-5, span out of control in the Pacific, rapidly descending on the “Solomon Islands”, which by pure coincidence are namesakes of the most sacred Zionist and Masonic “Solomon’s Temple” in Jerusalem.
Cyclone Zoe was far and away more powerful than Cyclone Tracy, which completely destroyed the Australian City of Darwin three decades ago. We will shortly return and examine the extremely “unnatural” behavior of this unheard-of 300-mph category 7+ monster called Zoe.
At midnight on Christmas day, the captain of the American nuclear aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln [CVN72], received new top secret orders while anchored off the port of Fremantle in Western Australia. Rather than depart Fremantle on 26th December for her homeport in Washington State, USA, CVN72 was ordered to remain in Australia for another  two days. The objective was to take on maximum supplies before departing for the Persian Gulf, as the spearhead of an as-yet-undeclared American war on Iraq during early January.
The Zionists had panicked at the prospect of Hans Blix and his weapons inspectors not finding a single “weapons of mass destruction”  left anywhere in Iraq, and accordingly ordered their lackey George W. Bush to launch a preemptive strike on Iraq in early January 2003,  before Hans Blix could make his “embarrassing” findings public on the 21st January, as ordered by the United Nations Security Council.
There would of course be countless American as well as Iraqi lives sacrificed in the upcoming war, but the Zionists were not worried about that. Almost any sacrifice was acceptable in order to ensure that the “important” people on Wall Street could hang on to their obscene six or seven-figure incomes, and big houses with a Porsche or Jaguar in every driveway.
Obeying her new orders with alacrity, the USS Abraham Lincoln slipped her mooring in Gage Roads off Fremantle on 28th December, and headed ponderously out to sea.  When well clear of the local shipping lanes, she changed course and headed directly towards the Persian Gulf. And while CVN72 sailed steadily north through the Indian Ocean on her deadly mission for Zion, Cyclone Zoe started to go completely berserk in the Pacific, increasing spin velocity to impossible figures, and changing course for the small Solomon island of Tikopia.

The islanders of Tikopia received a brief radio warning of the impending problem, and therefore had sufficient time to hide in the island’s deep caves before disaster struck. But as luck would have it, not a single islander saw anything of the “cyclone” at all, because it struck the island in pitch darkness just after midnight.
By dawn the cyclone had gone, leaving confused islanders and some very strange damage in its wake. Nor was there any immediate emergency response from “big brother” Australia, which normally responds to these maritime emergencies like lightning, but this time inexplicably decided to stay at home and not help at all.
First contact with Tikopia was made by New Zealand cameraman Geoff Mackley, affectionately known as “Rambocam” because of his habit of plunging headlong into major disaster zones armed with a chainsaw and a camera - the chain saw for use cutting his way through to ground zero, and the camera for use in selling exclusive disaster photos to more cowardly members of the world’s media.
On New Year’s Day Geoff found a “crazy Australian” willing to fly him across to Tikopia in a single engined Cessna, and they made the round-trip armed only with a paper map and hand-held GPS. His main comment on first sight, was that “the island looked like Hiroshima , with whole villages inundated by the sea.” Perhaps because he was far too busy, Geoff failed to ask the obvious question of why the big butch Aussies with their giant C130 rescue planes had decided to stay away completely.
As a result of Zoe intensifying, attacking, and then dissipating during the night hours, only the infrared satellite cameras managed to record the full fury and magnitude of this event. At the height of her activity, Zoe presented a front more than 220 miles across, with an intense “eye” measuring ten miles in diameter. The central pressure was so low and the vortex effect so magnified, this unique “cyclone”  also created a massive travelling whirlpool in the ocean, several miles wide and many hundreds of feet deep.
The islanders saw nothing of this, and would have had little cause for concern if they had. After all, Tikopia is one of the exposed tips of an  underwater mountain range rising out of the deep, and as such could not be sucked down into a giant travelling whirlpool, no matter how wide or how deep. Mind you, if this travelling whirlpool had collided with the USS Abraham Lincoln in mid-ocean, it would have been a very different story. All 91,000 tons of CVN72, complete with her 74 airplanes and 5,000 crew, would have been sucked down to the bottom of the giant whirlpool, never to resurface again  A truly frightening thought for nervous sailors, who are perhaps not accustomed to Jules Verne nightmares actually coming true in real life.
You do not have to take my word for the extraordinary nature of Zoe’s activity, because it is shown very clearly on the photographs on this page. Where or  when did any of you see flimsy plywood huts with straw roofs still standing, after being hit by 300 mph winds? Nowhere! Even 150 mph cyclonic winds through an American trailer park are enough to throw entire buildings up in the air.
Now take a closer look at the photographs, people, take a much closer look. Note that although these Tikopia huts are still standing with their roofs intact, they have been gently swamped with thousands of tons of sand which now reaches up to the top of the hut doorways, approximately six feet above normal ground level.
This is possible only in the case of a huge but very slow moving water mass, as in the case of the Mississippi River flooding, and depositing silt in your house before the waters eventually subside. But no flood on the Mississippi River, has ever left silt six-feet-deep in any house known to man in less than twelve hours.
Bear in mind also that this is “extra” sand in the huts, because the beaches around the island have not been washed away, or washed inland. In fact, careful comparison with earlier photographs of Tikopia proves that the beaches themselves have increased in size because of even more sand deposition. The only possible explanation is that the whirlpool completely encircled Tikopia as the cyclone passed by, sparing the island from the worst of the perimeter wind velocities, and slowly depositing thousands of extra sand from the ocean deep. As I said before, never mind what I say, examine the photographic evidence for yourself.
Not long after this staggering performance, the USS Abraham Lincoln abruptly changed course again, and sailed in a holding pattern while waiting for further orders. CVN72 did not have long to wait. Within 24 hours Australia was contacted, and permission sought for the USS Abraham Lincoln to return to Fremantle for an unspecified period of time. As I write this report, CVN72 is expected to arrive back at her mooring in Gage Roads off Fremantle, at 1115 hrs on Monday 6 January 2003.
This will be a first for Fremantle, well-used to handling hundreds of American warships over the years, none of which have suddenly turned around and come back to their moorings after the usual "ceremonial" departure. The whole thing is embarrasing because the Australian street traders are out of stock, and the slinky ladies of the night are still trying to recover from their overwhelming Christmas rush.  But somehow the little port will manage, as kit always has in the past.
Perhaps there was no warning sent to the US State Department at all, and perhaps there is no real connection between the shattering weather demonstration in the Pacific, and CVN72’s unprecedented return to Fremantle port. Maybe that well-known humanitarian George W. Bush, and his masters, felt sorry for the crew and decided to turn  the 91,000 ton nuclear carrier around, so that the enlisted men could have a bit more fun in the bars and clubs of Fremantle. Well, yes. Perhaps and maybe.

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