-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded from the SpyKing list...
Not exactly hot off the press, but still relevant.  Sorry if it's a rerun.  I
don't get out much these days.
- Lyn

Dr. Steven Aftergood, the intelligence expert member of FAS
(Federation of Amer. Scientists) who gave CNN that recent
interview claiming that the US government's secrecy policies are
causing mass insanity, is featured in the below Wash. Post
article (he sure is getting around lately, huh?).
He says he's AMAZED that the American people are not seemingly
concerned about ECHELON, and says it must be that WE BELIEVE
domestic law precludes NSA from using ECHELON domestically.

The illegal opening and interception of U.S. citizen's mail and
electronic correspondence IS prohibited domestically, HOWEVER,
they get around these proscriptions by multi-lateral agreements
with the intelligence agencies of other countries.

It amounts to "we'll spy on your people and give you the take if
you return the favor." So, Britain's GCHQ may intercept your
phone call instead of NSA, and everything will be "legal," but
your privacy is still violated nonetheless.

By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer

Saturday, December 12, 1998; Page A13
The National Security Agency has disclosed that U.S. intelligence
is holding 1,056 pages of classified information about the late
Princess Diana, inspiring a flurry of sensational headlines this
week across London's tabloids.

"America's spy chiefs admitted last night they snooped on
Princess Diana for years -- and learned some of her most intimate
love secrets," The Mirror reported on Thursday. The Daily Record
claimed that the NSA intercepts "have gone on right until she
died in the Paris car crash with Dodi Fayed."

The truth, while intriguing, is unlikely to be so lurid. The
source of the Fleet Street speculation was a simple, two-page NSA
denial of a Freedom of Information Act request. In the denial,
released last month, the super-secret U.S. spy agency admitted
possessing a Diana file.

The document says nothing about the contents of those 1,056
secret pages, why they were gathered or how they were obtained.
One U.S. intelligence official said yesterday that the references
to Diana in intercepted conversations were "incidental."

Diana, the official insisted, was never a "target" of the NSA's
massive, worldwide electronic eavesdropping infrastructure. The
NSA system sucks up millions of electronic signals from around
the world every hour, but only "targeted" communications are
actually analyzed and deciphered after a vast array of
supercomputers sort them out on the basis of programmed search
terms, such as "Saddam Hussein."

The Diana controversy is not the only, or the most serious,
dispute in Europe that has raised the profile of the reclusive

The giant spy agency, Maryland's largest employer, has been the
subject of intense controversy in Britain and across Europe since
a report released in January by the European Parliament concluded
that "within Europe, all e-mail, telephone and fax communications
are routinely intercepted by the United States National Security

The report focused on a system called Echelon through which the
NSA and its spy partners in Britain, Canada, New Zealand and
Australia share communications intercepted from around the world
and systematically divide the huge task of analyzing the "take."
"Each of the five [countries] supply 'dictionaries' to the other
four of keywords, phrases, people and places to 'tag,' and the
tagged intercept is forwarded straight to the requesting
country," according to the report.

"The end of the Cold War has not, apparently, brought an end to
the [NSA's] Echelon eavesdropping system," a state-funded Russian
daily, the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, complained last month. "This
system has become a weapon of 'economic warfare.' "
Il Mondo, an Italian weekly news magazine, called Echelon "this
incredible communications vacuum cleaner."

Steven Aftergood, an intelligence expert at the Federation of
American Scientists, said he can't understand why the Echelon
controversy has gone unnoticed in the United States. The lack of
interest, he acknowledged, may stem from the fact that the NSA is
prohibited by law from targeting American citizens for
communications intercepts, here or abroad.

"What is clear," Aftergood said, "is that the U.S. and our allies
promiscuously collect electronic communications around the world.
Whether the descriptions of Echelon are accurate or not, that
much is definitely true."

The Freedom of Information Act request seeking classified
material on Diana was submitted earlier this year by an Internet
news service based in New York, apbonline.com.

In denying the request, the NSA disclosed existence of a
1,056-page Diana file and reported that Fort Meade, where the
agency is located, had produced 39 "NSA-originated and
NSA-controlled documents," totaling 124 pages.

Those documents, the NSA denial said, had been classified top
secret "because their disclosure could reasonably be expected to
cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security."
If unclassified and released, one U.S. intelligence official
explained, the damage would be caused not by the information
about Diana, but because the documents would disclose "sources
and methods" of U.S. intelligence gathering.

Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company

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