-Caveat Lector-

Police State In Progress
But We Will Get Used It It, Right?
By: Dorothy Anne Seese

What happened to the James Smoak family of North Carolina, as they were driving home 
from a vacation in Tennessee, is only one of many horror stories of encounters by 
American citizens with police. Our police and highway patrol officers now act as if 
they had been trained at the School of the Americas or by a leftover unit of Gestapo 

Although no crime had been committed, the Smoak family has returned home traumatized, 
one of their pet dogs was shot dead by a Tennessee Highway Patrolman, and the Smoaks 
have now been introduced to the new America, where "nothing has changed" except 
increased security against terrorists. And police terrorism against American citizens.

Mary Jo Denton, a staff writer for the Cookeville, Tennessee Herald-Citizen, reported 
the details of the police stop and ensuing episodes, including the shooting of the dog 
in front of the Smoaks and their two sons. It also included the handcuffing of James 
Smoak at gunpoint, the horror of being stopped unexpectedly by three Tennessee Highway 
Patrol cars, removed from the car at gunpoint, and handcuffed. This included James 
Smoak, his wife Pamela, and their 17-year old son, Brandon.

The Smoaks were released in due time. However, the entire affair apparently started 
when Mr. Smoak’s wallet, inadvertently left on the hood of the car at a gas stop, flew 
off the hood and onto the highway. Some passerby reported the incident, which hardly 
constituted grounds for suspected terrorism or even a "normal" robbery. However, the 
Tennessee Highway Patrol apparently didn’t even check the Smoaks’ North Carolina 
license plates to determine the owner of the vehicle or any records pertaining to the 
vehicle or its owners. Guns drawn, the Smoaks were ordered to their knees, face down, 
and handcuffed.

Whether they were read their Miranda rights is not reported, it probably isn’t known 
at this point.
Or maybe there just aren’t any more Miranda rights.
Or any other civil rights. Or any Bill of Rights.

The problem with American citizens is, they think they still live in a country where 
they are innocent until proven guilty, or that they have rights as citizens to be 
approached by the law officers and asked for their driver’s license or other form of 
identification prior to being arrested, handcuffed and shoved into a patrol car - all 
without a crime having been committed.

We used to read about things like this happening in Nazi Germany, and in Soviet 
Russia, in Communist China, or some banana republics.

We hear this is how Saddam Hussein treats his Iraqi subjects. And we’re about to go to 
war to depose this "evil dictator" because our leaders want his land to be as free as 
America. Apparently, it already is.

If this sounds bitter, it’s because I remember a very different America, I’ve been 
stopped twice in my lifetime by the police for minor traffic infractions, and not once 
have I encountered anything like this. However, I will do my best never to again do 
something to warrant a police stop.

Come to think of it, James Smoak didn’t DO anything to warrant a police stop. In my 
America, the police would have stopped him and returned his wallet, identification and 
all, wished him a good day and drive carefully.

That was when this nation was a free country.

When are Americans going to wake up to the fact that all this so-called airport 
security is a sham, that they have traded their freedom for the illusion of security, 
and police are now a growing group of "jack boots" who make a terrorist case out of a 
lost wallet? What else will attract attention? Well, don’t leave your children for one 
minute in the car (regardless of the cause or the weather) or they might wind up in 
the hands of the state. Don’t argue too loudly, family fights like we had in the days 
of a free country now attract the police and everyone could wind up in jail for 
calling someone else a dotcom.it no good rotten swineface.

You must argue quietly, never strike your children or discipline them in public for 
any reason, speak only that which is politically correct or wind up charged with a 
hate crime, and defend every administration and authority or be deemed an enemy of the 

If your religion is Christianity, be forewarned that it is more and more politically 
incorrect, while speaking of Allah is very politically correct. It is even taught in 
schools where Bibles are not allowed, cigarettes are banned, condoms are handed out 
freely and homosexual practices are taught to children too young to even think about 

As many readers know, I live in the Phoenix, Arizona megaplex, a complex of about 
twenty cities and towns around the state’s capital city. A couple of months ago, a 
woman was shot to death in her car at a drive-through Walgreen's pharmacy for trying 
to get Soma by a forged prescription. The officer who shot the woman - who had a 
14-month old baby with her in the car - claimed self-defense because the woman was 
trying to run over him. However, the medical examiner found she had been shot from an 
angle to the left and rear of her position in the driver’s seat. Self defense? The 
officer is under investigation for second-degree murder and has been fired from the 
Chandler police department. However, a child is motherless, a man has been deprived of 
his wife and companion, the mother of his child, because his wife tried to get a drug 
with a phony prescription. Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s daughter did the same thing and 
got a slap on the wrist.

It seems the law now considers everyone guilty until proven innocent, with people in 
high places excepted.

The number of horror stories increases daily in Amerika.

You don’t have to do anything except lose your wallet or look like a suspect, as long 
as you are not the proper hyphenation. It seems our nation goes out of the way to 
intimidate citizens of European descent, and cater to those of Middle Eastern or 
Hispanic descent.

And we thought we were all equal.
Think again. Just not out loud.

Dorothy Anne Seese is a freelance political writer for Patch Work papers and a regular 
columnist for Ether Zone. We invite you to visit her website at 
Dorothy Anne Seese can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Published in the January 7, 2003 issue of  Ether Zone. http://www.etherzone.com
Copyright © 1997 - 2003 Ether Zone.
Videos documenting the federalization and militarization of your local and state 
police departments using your federal tax dollars, intimidation, and bribery:
Police State 2000
Police State II: The Takeover

See your American military and police training with FOREIGN TROOPS to conduct house to 
house searches to confiscate Americans guns and violate your rights and 
liberties...Documented...On Film.

Wake Up America.

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