-Caveat Lector-

Establishing the New Resistance to regain America
By Bev Conover
Online Journal Editor & Publisher

January 9, 2003—With the reign of terror George W. Bush has unleashed on the US,
the war he is chomping at the bit to wage against Iraq and his ongoing destruction of
the US economy, this is no time for deluding ourselves that the Democrats will prove to
be our saviors.

Only we still have it within our power to save ourselves from the corporations and 
illegitimate regime in the White House, but time is running out. Our only hope is to
become the New Resistance, toss away the conventional wisdom, turn a deaf ear to the
propaganda that emanates from the corporate media and think outside the box. And by
the New Resistance, I am not necessarily referring to organizing large, formal groups.
Such groups tend to devolve into ego trips, power plays and turf wars. Let the New
Resistance be a guerilla movement of individuals and small groups— friends, family,
neighbors—all with the same goal of regaining the country and rebuilding it into the
nation Madison, Jefferson and others envisioned:

A nation in which the people have all the rights and government, business and all other
entities have only privileges bestowed by the people.
A nation in which "government derives its just powers from the consent of the
A nation in which that government acts as a check on factions, not a handmaiden to
any faction.
A nation in which all people are equal before the law and all are treated with dignity,
respect and fairness.
A nation in which the rights of the minority are truly protected against the tyranny 
of the
A nation in which corporations have no personhood and are limited in both the period of
their existence and the scope of their business.
A nation that respects the sovereignty of other nations and treats their peoples with
dignity, respect and fairness.
A nation that is a steward of the planet and all that is on it, not a destroyer.
A nation that brings out the best in its people by putting a premium on intellectual
honesty and creativity, not on conformity and corruption.

A tall order, you say? Not really when you think of the alternative. Have we learned
nothing from the thousands of years of recorded history? Do we want to continue to be
serfs for the rich and greedy corporate lords or cannon fodder in the endless wars they
perpetrate because they think they have some divine right to rule the world?

We can and must fight back—individually, in small groups and en mass when
situations warrant. But we must be inclusive, welcoming into the fold everyone who is
aware of what is going on: Republicans, Democrats, Greens, independents,
conservatives, liberals, progressives, whatever people do or don't call themselves. We
may not agree on every point, but that is of little importance when the freedom of us 
and even our very lives are at stake. We must also reach out to people abroad who also
are aware of what the New World Order means to everyone on the planet and who
oppose imperialism and imperialistic wars.

What can one person do? Those of us on the Internet have access to information that
the corporate media, especially television and radio, are not reporting. Individuals
should not only support the efforts of online publications and webcasters, but can 
that news to friends, families and neighbors who aren't online. Light the way for your
fellow Americans, many of whom believe they are alone in their thoughts and feelings.

Collectively, we can starve the corporations by buying only necessities. Money is the
only thing corporations understand, so hit them in their pocketbooks. We are people,
dammit, not just consumers. And as a people we began starving them this past holiday
season. So let's keep it up. By buying their gadgets, widgets and gas-guzzling SUVs,
there is no guarantee you're going to keep your jobs. So the quicker we end the
madness, the less pain there will be.

Dare to think the unthinkable about what "our" government and its corporate patrons
have done and are doing to us. Don't be put off by those who scoff at the existence of
conspiracies and cavalierly proclaim, "Our government wouldn't do that to the people."
Consider who is keeping the scoffers in the comfort they have grown accustomed to.

Hammer on your worthless, bought, compromised, idiotic politicians who can't see
beyond the next election and refuse to acknowledge that our votes are being stolen, so
their success or loss depends on the corporations who control the voting systems. Get
through their thick heads that we have had it with the banana republic crap and it's no
longer "here we are and there is the government, and may the twain never meet." We
are the government and they are our servants, not the other way around.

Resist them in every way possible. Lie if you have to when they seek information that 
none of their business. Refuse their poisonous vaccines, medications that turn us into
zombies and their Frankenfoods. Take to the streets whenever it is necessary and make
such a clatter that the whole world hears it—they can't put us all in prisons or
concentration camps.

George W. Bush and his minions have declared war on us. Let them know we are the
New Resistance and we are fighting back; that we won't trade freedom for security; that
we want no part of their New World Order and no part of them or anyone who supports
or appeases them. We want the impeachment, conviction and ouster of the true
terrorists at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the Pentagon and the Department of Justice,
along with the impeachment, conviction and ouster of the five Supreme Court justices
who installed this rogue regime over the will of the people.

Law Professor Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, stands
ready to provide his services as counsel, free of charge, to any member of the House of
Representatives willing to sponsor articles of impeachment. (Listen to K?llia Ramares?
interview with Prof. Boyle.)

Wars beget wars. Violence begets violence. Courage, however, begets courage. Let us
have the courage to stand up for freedom, democracy and the rights of all people, and
tell the Bushista terrorists, as they say in Spanish: No más!

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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for
many generations.  Do not believe in anything simply because
it is spoken and rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything
simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe
in anything merely on the authority of teachers, elders or wise
men.  Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when
you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good
and benefit of one and all.  Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutra

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