-Caveat Lector-

 Source: The Collins English Dictionary © 1998 HarperCollins Publishers
synarchy [snak]
n., pl. -chies.
joint rule.
[from Greek sunarchia, from sunarchein to rule jointly]

 “Always tell only the truth, and all the truth, and do so promptly – right
now.” —Buckminster Fuller

The readers of this site know I am a synergic scientist. I often talk about
synergy and  Synocracy. I recently found a link to an article about
Saint-Yves d'Alveydre on another website. He was a frenchman who lived from
1842 to 1909. He is best known for a "utopian" socio-political concept called
Synarchy. I don't think his concept is strongly related to synergic science,
but I found it interesting.

The second half of the 19th century was a period in which many new political
ideas were being developed and taking hold. Saint-Yves was alarmed by the
rise of Anarchy, and developed "Synarchy" in order to counter it.


As a philosopher and mystic Saint-Yves drew upon many esoteric systems, from
both East and West, in developing his ideas. Developed in the early 1870's,
Synarchy proposed "government by an elite of enlightened initiates". This was
to be a world government  forming one institute which would govern humanity
based on the highest spiritual and social fundamentals. Synarchy was to be
more than a purely political movement, it was to be sensitive to the history
and evolution of the human race, changing and developing a "social law" that
would  evolve with humanity.

Saint-Yves was inspired by earlier "Utopian" writings. The 'message' of the
"Utopian view" is the restoration of the original condition of life, which
Christianity calls 'Paradise', a condition known in all the Ancient cultures.
Famous French Novelist (and 'Rosicrucian Martinist' ) Victor Hugo once stated

"L’utopie, c’est la vérité de demain",

"Utopia is the truth of tomorrow".

Being an occultist, Saint-Yves believed in the existence of spiritually
superior beings. He believed these 'beings' could be contacted
telepathically. Saint-Yves claimed that he was in touch with
these 'superiors' himself, as a matter of fact the principles of 'Synarchy'
were partially based on communications with these 'Masters'. According to
Saint-Yves these 'Masters' lived in the mysterious underworld realm of the
world known as "Agartha" in the West or "Shambhala" in India.

Saint-Yves popularized the myth of "Agartha" in the Western world. The secret
world of "Agartha" and all of its wisdom and wealth "will be accessible for
all mankind, when christianity lives up to the commandments which were once
drafted by Moses and Jesus, meaning--when the Anarchy which exists in our
world is replaced by  Synarchy".

Saint-Yves gives a 'lively' description of "Agartha" in this book as if it
were a place which really exists, situated in the Himalayas in Tibet.

Principles of Synarchy

The world which is lead by one institute which is based on spiritual and
social fundamentals.

Synarchy is a " FORM OF GOVERNMENT BASED ON 'PRINCIPLES', in contrast with
'Anarchy'. In 'Synarchy' a social entity is lead by an Authority. The
Authority controls RELIGION, ARMY, and EDUCATION. The foundation of the
philosophy consists of three elements:


The Authority belongs to 'the Wise', according to this philosophy. In a
'Synarchic(al) Society' social life has a hierarchical structure. Society is
lead by three departments which are not based on politics but on social

Culture, Art, and Science belongs to the fundamental element "Education".

Court, Police, the Army and Foreign Affairs belongs to the element "Law".

the Unions, the Government, and the working class belongs to the third
element "Economy".

The highest ambition of the philosophy of Synarchy was a society without
classes. Furthermore, in a Synarchic society the responsibility of the
politicians would be in the hands of the "Wise", the "specialists".

Saint-Yves' principle of "Synarchy" resulted from certain historical
questions he had formulated. The central theme of Saint-Yves' historical
quest was:

"What were the principles on which the institutions of a State / Society were
build which resulted in a progress of this civilization in an atmosphere of
peace, justice, and prosperity"

His historical research was concentrated on solving problems as :

      On which principles are civilizations founded ?
      The Holy Scriptures of ancient civilizations contain valuable
sociological aspects, what did they teach?
The great ancient civilizations - where did they came from and how did they

According to Saint-Yves the outcome of "the lessons which history teaches"
are the synthetic results of experiments which were carried out in the
laboratory of humanity. The knowledge of the sociological problems and its
solutions in history would make it possible to apply this knowledge on our
society. "A State / Society based on forms of slavery is not viable, Synarchy
is the only form of government which is build on principles, the others
function in Anarchy, i.e. without principles"

It is interesting to know that Saint Yves stated that the first impulse
towards a "synarchic federation", a union of states, should be the
establishment of a economical federation of states, i.e. the first step
consists of linking the economical interests of countries, an economic
community of interests…

Umberto Ecco writing in his book, "The Pendulum of Foucault", described Saint

"He was determined to find a political formula that could lead to a more
harmonious society. Synarchy in opposition to Anarchy. A European society
ruled by three councils representing the economical power, the executive
power and the spiritual power, that is, the churches and the scientists. An
enlightened oligarchy through which class struggle could be eliminated"

Source: Synarchy and Secret Societies by Milko Bogaard

More on Saint Yves , Agartha

Googling farther, I found another page on Synarchy, although the author makes
no mention of Saint-Yves d'Alveydre.


Nicholas Roberts
Synarchy is Greek for Joint Rule. Syn means to work with, to act in concert,
as in synergy (1+1=3). Archy means to rule or govern, as in monarchy (rule by
one), or anarchy (rule by no one). My definition of Synarchy is synergy in

Aristotle (384-322 BC) the Athenian scientist and encyclopaedist refused to
specify any one constitution as ideal. Instead he emphasised that the essence
of good government was really a matter of what worked. He advanced reason and
moderation, and encouraged humanity to live in harmony with nature. His
political and ethical philosophies rested on the notion of cooperation and
mutual assistance; this is how happiness would be achieved. To him a
democratic state ruled by a manipulative demagogue, was essentially as bad as
a poorly run monarchy. What mattered was the life of the state, the quality
of that existence. Aristotle was big on essentials, and tried to keep his
theories grounded in reality. For this today he might be called a moderate or
a realist.

What really matters then is not so much the artificial form prescribed for a
political system, the theory, but the actual, real application. In Australia
at present the constitutional reform issue has singly focused on such
superficial and shallow issues as Head of State and the Flag. The debate is
so extremely restricted that it is more distraction and entertainment than a
seriously productive activity. Canada recently spent a lot of time indulging
itself in similar redecoration games, and in doing so exerted much effort on
playing trivial pursuit.

Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and Queens don't rule states; they are
made to rule. They get their mandate to govern from four sources. 1.Religion.
2.Aristocrats (Meritocrats). 3.Corporations (CIA, Farmers, Doctors, Phillip
Morris). 4. The Citizens (Individuals acting as one). Heads of State are more
like semi-autonomous puppets having their strings tugged by the interest
groups that hold them up. Occasionally a strong and agile performer enters
the stage and can reverse that direction of control. However the strings can
be cut, knotted, or the performer whipped of stage if he doesn't follow the

In a deep democracy, which Australia is supposed to be, the people, not
Parliament, run the country. In the shallow democracy that is the real
Australia it is the corporations, the monied interest groups that control
agendas. Multinationals have internal economies bigger than many nations (for
example Phillip Morris-Big Tobacco-is bigger than New Zealand). These
companies effectively are nation states. But though Ford is bigger than Saudi
Arabia and Norway combined it has no open seat at the United Nations and is
rarely held accountable. Instead their representation is through campaign
contributions over coffee, and other back room, undemocratic manifestations
of money politics.

So instead of worrying whether the flag should be pink, or whether the Crown
is relevant, we should be thinking about how the real system works, and what
important reforms need to be made. The simplest thing would be a Bill of
Rights. ie Freedom of Speech.

Deep reform, the redesign of a Nation State is very, very hard. If
Australians want a Republic they should actually first create a working
democracy. Australia is not a liberal democracy, or even a constitutional
monarchy, it is a corporatist state. The first President of Australia may
well have an Australian passport, but what other hip-pocket passports will
he/she carry into office. If we do accept the notion of popular presidential
elections, which the media naturally love (more drama, more work, more power,
more money) we will become consumers of the grand act of American-style
presidents, all form and no function. In the USA the politician who spends
the most money is the most likely to win.

Aristocracy or meritocracy is as natural as rain. Reward for intelligence is
an accepted rule of every economy. This is not a support for a static and
hierarchical feudal system but an acknowledgment of the need to match virtue
with social status, and rights with responsibility. The Order of Australia
for example, is a non-hereditary variant on the old honours system.

Wealth, status, and family have social weight in this country, just like
anywhere else. De facto king of the USA, JFK and the "white light on the hill
Camelot" Administration was a potent mix of archetypal myth and calculated
backroom positioning. An unconscious desire for the charismatic King and a
conscious administration of that need. So to deny the reality of the
meritocracy (aristocracy) we leave ourselves open to its subtle manipulation.

Religions form the basis of even the secular states. This element is so
deeply rooted, with such wide branching implications that it cannot be
underestimated. In Australia Religion plays a vital yet independent part of
mainstream national life. Officially the Churches are separated from the
state, but it must be remembered that the underlying philosophy of our
society and law is based on a Christian tradition. Sensibly Australians do
not have an excessively deluded mystical Nationalism as a proxy religion.

George Soros, billionaire investor and philanthropist, recently said in an
article in The Atlantic Monthly that in the past 50 years Fascism and
Communism where the great threats to open society. Today it is unregulated
free market Capitalism. Markets do not operate according to their theoretical
foundations, and information itself is a commodity that is being restricted
and corrupted. Vital information does not reach citizens because of the
essentially corporatist nature of the current state. Australia has one of the
highest, and growing, media ownership concentrations in the world.
Meritocracy and its fruit, free enterprise is being stifled due to the lack
of free flowing information, the bullying tactics of big business and the
tall poppy syndrome. Church religion has little sway over politics. But the
Religion of Marketplace Discipline, the Temple of Trading, has a large
managerial class membership of zealots and a larger captive congregation of

For an increase in the synarchy of Australia the citizenry must demand less
corporate distortion of the information flow. Independent media is the
umbilical cord for that most valuable nutrient, Truth. If that cord is
constricted or severed the foetal neo-Australis Republic will suffer. The
ideal equation of a working nation state is a synergistic sum, that is
{Religion + Aristocracy + Corporations + Citizens = Synarchy (as in
1+1+1+1=5)}. That occurs when these elements are strong yet dynamically
balancing one another, acting in concert, in cooperation. In a democracy it
is the Citizens who run the show, and this can only work if they are properly
informed. That would assist synergy in Australian politics. It is an ideal
destination to be always approached and never finally reached.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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