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-Caveat Lector-

Modern Sense (Part IV)
(With absolutely no apologies to Thomas Paine)

by Edgar J. Steele

January 19, 2003

The more men have to lose, the less willing are they to venture.  The rich
are in general slaves to fear, and submit to courtly power with the
trembling duplicity of a Spaniel.
    ---Thomas Paine, "Common Sense" (Feb 1776)

Preface (to each of the four parts)

There are a remarkable number of parallels between pre-Revolutionary
America and the America of today.  It is disquieting how, in the writings
of that time, our founding fathers might have been speaking directly to
this generation of Americans.  Then again, I do not believe in coincidence
so perhaps, in a sense, they were.

How appropriate that those of us who advocate a return to the ideals of
those days are called "patriots," a word which has taken on as derisive a
meaning when mouthed by government agents today as those uttered about our
forebears by King George's men during the first American revolution.

Nor is it coincidence that those of us labeled as "patriots" wear the mark
with respect and honor.  I count myself proudly among their number and pray
only that my work be worthy of inclusion.

It takes some effort to update the founding fathers' works to modern forms
of language and phrasing, but the result is nothing short of amazing,
particularly when we replace "England" with "Federal Government" and "King
George" with "The President."

I have presumed to do just that in this series with Thomas Paine's "Common
Sense," a four-part work written and published in early 1776 as part of a
broad effort to convince the American settlers to declare independence from

In several places, I have retained Paine's wording intact, where it has
particular impact in its original form.  In others, I have edited and
rephrased mercilessly, while trying to hew to the apparent intent of his
argument, though updated to apply to modern circumstances.

I do not suggest that this is an improvement upon what Thomas Paine had to
say.  I believe only that this is how he might have said it, were he alive
today and speaking of the grotesquerie that our government has become.

As you read this section, you might find it useful to contrast it with its
counterpart in the original "Common Sense."  One of many on-line sources
for Thomas Paine's "Common Sense":
http://www.federalobserver.com/words.php?words=1299 .  I have maintained
the original's organization and structure in this rewrite, in order to
facilitate direct comparison.

To the Inhabitants of America on the following interesting subjects

I. Of the origin and design of government in general, with concise remarks
on the American Constitution. (released 12/26/02)

II. Of the imperial presidency and hereditary succession. (released

III. Thoughts on the present state of American affairs. (subpart a released
1/2/03; subpart b released 1/8/03; subpart c released 1/15/03)

IV. Of the present ability of America, with some miscellaneous reflections.
(released 1/19/03)


Part IV:  Of the present ability of America, with some miscellaneous

I have never conversed with anyone related to the Movement who has not seen
a wholesale revamping of America's government, if not America's outright
breakup, as inevitable.  The present course of foreign imperialism,
welfare, citizen control (oppression), economic opportunism and privilege
for the few leads inevitably to economic catastrophe and revolt.

As so many agree as to the event, but disagree only as to its timing, let
us take a general survey of things and endeavor, if possible, to find out
the very time.  But we need not go far.  The inquiry ceases at once, in
fact, for the time has found us.  Inevitability has a way of bringing
things to a head.

Many bewail the fact that we seem so few in the face of the overwhelming
masses of government agents and employees.  It is not in numbers, but in
unity, that our great strength lies.  Besides, should the government move
against us in wholesale form, masses of the American population will rise
up in number sufficient to repel the force of all the world.

America has, at this time, the largest body of armed and disciplined
private citizens of any power under Heaven, should armed force become
necessary.  Huge portions of the government's forces will refuse to fire
upon us and, instead, will join with us against the sweeping tyranny then
apparent for all to see.

The present government never will allow formation of an organized citizen
militia.  Witness what has been done in the face of small forms of
organization, as at Waco.  Never will we be allowed openly to organize or
form an effective resistance force.  Even now, the government is taking
opposition leaders, our leaders, into custody and jailing them on sundry
manufactured charges.  What it fails to realize is that its enemy is an
idea, a spirit, generated by its own tyranny.  For every leader taken away
and jailed on trumped-up charges, ten more will take his place.

At present, we have little to defend, therefore little defense is
necessary.  If we actually possessed a foothold for our people, the more
would we have to defend - and lose.

Neither have we debts, for the massive indebtedness of the current American
government is attributable to the very forces arrayed against us.  When the
time comes, the assumption of debt in furtherance of our cause will be
worthy and worthwhile.

For now, to expend millions for the sake of getting a few vile acts
repealed, and routing the present Administration, only, is unworthy the
charge, and is using posterity with the utmost cruelty because it is
leaving them the great work to do, with a debt upon their backs, from which
they derive no advantage.  Such a thought is unworthy a man of honor and is
the true characteristic of a narrow heart and the peddling politician.

America is burdened with a total debt of upwards of twenty-seven trillion
dollars, for which she pays interest of over a trillion dollars.  Another
twenty-two trillion dollars' debt burdens private American companies and
individuals.  Somewhat less than another trillion dollars' interest, for a
total of about two trillion dollars in interest alone, paid primarily to
bankers, most of them foreign, a sum equal to the entirety of the American
government budget today and approximately one-third America's total annual

America's current budget deficit is one-fourth that paid in interest, or
about five-hundred billion dollars.  A similar figure is the amount by
which America's foreign trade deficit grows each year, representing the
outflow of American assets to foreign shores.  Another four-hundred billion
dollars is spent on America's military, primarily in support of foreign
imperialism and intervention in the affairs of other countries; funds spent
on destroying other economies, all while many of America's citizens do
without the necessities of life.

A cancer both foreign and hostile to America sits astride her, sucking her
dry and directing her policies and government to ends inconsistent with
those set forth by her founding fathers.  This is our real enemy, make no
mistake.  Most of those employed in the service of the American government
are ordinary people, like any other, people who will rally to our cause
when the time comes.

That portion of the American government which will oppose us past the point
of open and notorious tyranny is small.  We will have a force greater, by
far, should that dark and fateful day befall us.

Some say that we can reform government - just pass the right bill, repeal
the appropriate act, elect the right president.  Then, once we have made it
up with the federal government, it will protect us.  Common sense will tell
us that the power which has endeavored to subdue us is, of all others, the
most improper to defend us.

The average American's knowledge of government tyranny and oppression, both
domestic and foreign, is hourly improving.  Resolution is our inherent
character and courage has never forsaken us.  Wherefore, what is it that we
want?  Why is it that we hesitate now to demand our own portion of
American, free from rule by the federal government?  From the federal
government we can expect nothing but ruin.  While it holds sway over us
all, this country will not be worth living in.  Jealousies always will be
arising; insurrections constantly will be happening.

The economic fortunes of the average citizen, perhaps, has not yet declined
sufficient to engender a passion for change.  Trade being the consequence
of population, men become too much absorbed thereby to attend to anything
else.  Commerce diminishes the spirit, both of patriotism and military

History sufficiently informs us that the bravest achievements always were
accomplished in the birth of a nation.  With the increase of commerce,
America has lost its spirit.  Notwithstanding her numbers, America submits
to continued insults with the patience of a coward.  The more men have to
lose, the less willing are they to venture.  The rich are in general slaves
to fear, and submit to courtly power with the trembling duplicity of a

Youth is the seed time of good habits, as well in nations as in
individuals.  Now is the time for New America to be formed and separated
from those who wish to continue the policies and plunder of Old America.
However, the vast variety of interests occasioned by an increase of trade
and population has created confusion.

When William the Conqueror subdued England, he gave them law at the point
of the sword.  Until we form a New America, immune to the tyranny and
oppression now afoot in the land, we shall be in danger of having the seat
of power filled by some true and awful despot, who will treat us in the
same manner.  Then, where will be our freedom?  Where our property?

Some say that despot already has assumed power, thus more the need for us
to move swiftly.  Bush the Second has engineered passage of the Patriot Act
and the Homeland Defense Act, blueprints for tyranny passed by the Congress
without even being read.  Should the general American electorate know the
contents of these Acts and the manner of their adoption, it would not
hesitate a moment to think its elected representatives unworthy of their
trust.  Immediate necessity makes many things convenient, which if
continued would grow into oppressions.  Expedience and right are different

To conclude, however strange it may appear to some, or however unwilling
they may be to think so, matters not, but many reasons can be given to show
that nothing can settle our affairs so expeditiously as an open and
determined declaration for separation of New America from America.

First, it is the custom of nations, when any two are at odds, for some
other powers, not engaged in the quarrel, to step in as mediators.  While
we call ourselves a part of America, no power, however well disposed she
may be, can offer her mediation.  In our present state, we may quarrel on

Second, it is unreasonable of any foreign power to lend us their support if
they suppose it will go to merely mending our internal relations, thereby
strengthening America; those powers would thereby suffer by the

Third, while we profess ourselves to be a part of America, we must, in the
eye of foreign nations, be considered as rebels.  The precedent is somewhat
dangerous to their peace.

Fourth, were a manifesto to be published and dispatched to foreign courts,
setting forth the miseries we have endured and the peaceable methods we
have ineffectually used for redress; declaring, at the  same time that not
being able, any  longer, to live happily or safely under the cruel
disposition of the American federal government, we had been driven to the
necessity of breaking off all connection with her; at the same time,
assuring all such courts of our peaceable disposition towards them - such a
memorial would produce more good effect to this country than if a boxcar
were freighted with petitions to Washington, DC.

Under our present denomination of American citizens, we can neither be
received nor heard abroad.  The custom of all courts is against us, and
will be so, until by independence, we take rank with other nations.

Just as America allows Mexicans to hold dual citizenship, that of Mexico
and America, and Israelis, of both Israel and America, so should we now
designate ourselves citizens of both America and New America.  We must
concentrate ourselves geographically in those portions of America most
likely to be allotted to a New America in a breakup of the country, just as
Mexicans have concentrated themselves in Southwest America, which they have
taken to calling Aztlan.  Already, fully a quarter of the productive white
population of California has left in the past decade, resettling mainly in
Northwest America, thereby providing an example to us all.

Until a separation is effected from that portion of America over which the
federal government will continue to hold sway, we will feel like a man who
continues putting off some unpleasant business from day to day, yet knows
it must be done, hates to set about it, wishes it over, and is continually
haunted with the thoughts of its necessity.

New America - an idea whose time has come.


"I didn't say it would be easy.  I just said it would be the truth."
            - Morpheus

Copyright ©2003 Edgar J. Steele

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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