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<A HREF="http://www.y2kculture.com/politics/19990331.psychology.html">The
Psychology of Panic  -- y2kculture.com

The Psychology of Panic
By Solveig Singleton
March 31, 1999

On March 22, George Washington University sponsored "The Social
Psychology of the Y2K Problem: Denial, Disaster, or Self-Fulfilling
Prophecy?" Speakers offered different perspectives on Y2K. Will the
panic be worse than the problem? Should we expect leadership on Y2K to
come from the president, the vice president, or Y2K czar John Koskinen?

Jerrold Post, the Director of the Political Psychology Program at GWU,
claimed that Y2K will create a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy of
problems. He classified those who prepare for Y2K into three groups:

* Prudent Planners, who save extra food, water and cash.

* Moderate Survivalists, ordinary people who are buying guns, moving to
rural areas, and making substantial preparations. But they have no
ideological agenda.

* Extremists, who see in Y2K the fulfillment of some ideological vision
of a societal collapse or "end-time."

He argued that even if most people are Prudent Planners, their moderate
activities could be enough to stress the banking system's capacity to
supply cash.

Andrea Maloney Schara of the Georgetown Family Center -- who has written
for us before -- said that to deal with the threat of Y2K panic, one
must understand what panic is. Hyper- alarmism and denial begin, she
said, when people are flooded by negative messages from the amygdala, a
part of the brain that generates negative feelings. But fear and denial
interfere with rational problem-solving based on facts. But, she argued,
only about ten percent of the population is likely to calm down and
consider the facts. Most blindly trust authority, and a few have a
strong negative reaction to authority.

Given that Clinton and other techno-clueless politicos might themselves
be unable to judge Y2K dangers based on the facts, the greatest hope for
effective Y2K problem-solving will come from grassroots self-selected

Schara suggested that entertainment figures like Oprah and the upcoming
Y2K movie are likely to do more than political leaders to get people to
confront Y2K -- messages from entertainers and others presented in a
fun, positive way can convey information without triggering panic or
denial. But even a public panic might be the only way to get political
leaders to confront the issues.

The final speaker, Paula Gordon, Director of Special Projects at RPSOL,
worried that the President, Vice President and Y2K Tzar Koskinen fail to
provide Y2K leadership. She argued that they failed to understand
serious Y2K problems with embedded systems in power plants, chemical
plants, water and fuel distribution networks, and other networks.

Gordon thought that if any of these leaders addressed Y2K problem now,
the impact of Y2K might be held down to a mild recession, but if they do
not we face infrastructure collapse. But her obvious frustration lead me
to wonder whether Schara's point -- that most people close their minds
 immediately in response to fear-driven, negative messages -- might be
very well-taken.

Book Reviews
Y2K already has spawned its own genre. We tell you what books are worth
Chip 'n Little Cartoons
Chip 'n Little goes on TV
Chip 'n Little visits John Koskinen
Chip 'n Little saves the world
Warning: This cartoon has been called "foolish and tasteless."

Y2K from A to Z

Copyright 1999 y2kculture.com. All rights reserved.

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