-Caveat Lector-


The US Press And The Israeli Government

We Hold These Truths.org

Witnesses watched as more than 60 Palestinian shops were bulldozed to
the ground this week in one West Bank village, while the owners stood by
and watch helplessly. But not one American in ten saw or heard about this
in the US press. A educated American pro-life activist was surprised to
disbelief when I told him that the Israeli death losses run about one-fourth
the number or Palestinians killed by Israelis. He thought the statistics were
reversed, having never heard or seen a count in the US press, he has been
brain scrubbed. Misinformation by the US press is not excusable in the
Internet age. So Israel has provided an Orwellian propaganda filter called
the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IMFA) that makes it all possible. It
provides the convenient excuse the US press needs to look the other way
and print abridged stories, keeping most of us ignorant. The propaganda
arm of the Israeli military has once again been caught purposefully lying
about the death count among its forces. We believe their purpose in doing
this is to condition Americans into accepting Israel's use of American-made
weapons of mass destruction against the vulnerable civilian population in
Gaza and the West Bank. Israel's willing facilitator is the US Media, which
spreads their distorted stories in the USA. This same pattern of
misrepresentation is repeated again and again, proving how important and
routine propaganda is to Israel. On December 5th, the IMFA released an
account of two suspected sacrifice bombers (wrongly called suicide
bombers*) who allegedly killed 22 persons and wounded more than 100. But
the press release failed to mention that there were also Israeli military
casualties in the raid. Furthermore, their account omitted the fact that a
female army sergeant was among the killed. The omission is significant. It
fits perfectly into the predictable pattern of how the IMFA deceives
Americans almost daily. This practice repeatedly uses almost every report
of Israeli deaths to distort the facts of their conflict with the Palestinians.
We will now teach you how to read between the lies and know when the
story is distorted.


On November 19, 2002, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IMFA) re-
manufactured a similar story about a Palestinian sacrifice raid on a military
target. Twelve Israeli soldiers and paramilitary fighting men were killed and
there was no collateral damage (civilians dead). The propagandists changed
the "facts" to call the raid a "Massacre of innocent (Israeli) civilians," as the
story was carried in the US press. It is a total and complete bald-faced lie
which We Hold These Truths alone corrected it in our article: U. S. Media,
Caught Lying... Again http://www.whtt.org/articles/021224.htm

This writer put the facts together from the Israeli military's own
documents one month after the event was misreported. Do you, dear
reader, know how to recognize such lies for yourself so you don't have to
wait for us to unravel it for you? To do this one must first understand the
quaint language of the IMFA. We call these lies "z- facts" (short for Zionist
facts) meaning lies that are couched in official, narrative sounding
language but are indeed untrue. Here is how the Hebron report was
distorted by z- facts, which the Media reported as rear facts. The first
release from the IMFA read:


Z-facts differ from bald-faced lies because they do not state outright all
the killed or wounded are civilians, but it is clearly implied. (In those rare
cases where everyone killed are indeed civilian, the IMFA says so and saves
its lies for a later day.) The truth is told only if it suits the teller. By calling
an attack on an armed military unit a "terror attack" on "Jewish
worshipers" and "claiming 12 lives," the z- facts leave the a clear impression
that those killed were civilians. Any honest account would have called it
"an attack on Israeli military unit by Palestinian guerillas" etc. In our
previous article we explained the procedure as follows: "The Israeli
Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a propaganda arm of the Israeli Defense Force
(IDF). --They are the first to know who is killed. But they cause the story
to be circulated that all killed were civilians because it serves their
purpose. Then, once the misinformation has reached the American public,
the corrected story is allowed to surface in Israel, though the false images
are never corrected in the eyes of the American public." http:/
/www.whtt.org/articles/021224.htm (please forgive us for quoting
ourselves, but we are the best source)

In January 5th story Israel did it again. This time every one of our readers
should have detected the lie without being told. The press in both
countries used the same predictable, deceptive language. Each stated "22
Israelis" had been killed and many more wounded. Had all those killed or
wounded had been non-military the report would most likely have called
them "civilians." The generic term "Israelis" suggest to us that the IMFA is
hiding something, not wanting to identify who was really killed. They were.

Later the same day, a sad corrected story was carried with the names of
those killed. The IMFA stated that all of the victims had been identified
and included Staff Sgt. Mazal Orkobi of Azor. Ha'aretz subsequently
revealed in an obituary that Sgt. Orkobi was a 20 year- old female who was
on her first day of active duty with the Israeli Defense Forces. But this
part of the story never reached the USA. Nor can we find a disclosure as
to how many of the 120 wounded were military. As usual, the IMFA did not
disclose those who were in the active reserves but not on duty at the
time of death.

We are saddened for this poor girl in the prime of her life, just as we are
every bit as sorry for the families of the two sacrifice bombers, about the
same age. No doubt the bomber's families have already seen their homes
bulldozed to the ground. Miss Orkobi was conscripted by her country, the
sacrifice bombers were volunteer warriors. She was a victim of her own
government and of ours, who probably hung a rifle on her shoulder based
on what I saw in Israel. Her death means that the 21 civilians killed were
collateral damage, as were the 15 Gaza civilians killed in a missile raid
where a 1000 pound American-made guided bomb was targeted on one
suspected Palestinian. Like Miss Orkobi, that man was never tried and
convicted of being involved in terrorism. The sacrifice bombers are dead.
No one can know who or what they targeted. It may have been military
persons in the crowd, the crowd itself, or the time and place may have
been an accident. But because military were killed and possibly wounded,
no one can conclude they targeted civilians. In all but a few sacrifice
bombings military are killed or wounded. The IMFA had two reasons for
keeping Sergeant Orkobi's name out of the print. They can garner
sympathy for their air raids if the American public believes the sacrifice
bombers are targeting civilians only. Israel kills Palestinian civilians by the
dozens and do not even bother to apologize.

The second reason Israel keeps Sergeant Orkobi's name out of American's
minds is that most do not know that Israeli's draft their girls and puts them
in harms way. If American Christians knew about the mistreatment of Israeli
women, including the use of Military-paid abortion as a birth control
method, many would wonder about their unquestioned support of the
Israeli war machine.

Christian Israeli Patriots such as Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham and Jerry
Falwell, who Ariel Sharon calls the Christian Zionists, might be embarrassed
to explain their undying devotion to a regime which drafts women into
combat, marches them hip to hip with men, and provides free abortions
for the resulting problems. Some might wake up and actually wonder if
boys and girls are conditioned to kill and torture Palestinian including
children. Israel and a complicit US Media solve these twin problems by
doctoring press releases with false statements that omit the loss of military
personnel in guerilla raids. Female names are never associated with the
military even though they make up about 1/3 of the total draftees.

* ("Suicide bomber:" Suicide is the act of taking ones one life for the
purpose of ending it. Sacrifice bombers have never been shown to have a
desire to stop living; their motive is to find and destroy enemy personal
regardless of the cost. Thus the term "sacrifice bombers" is more accurate
in describing them. The former is an Israeli propaganda label. )

REFERENCES LITERATURE FROM WHTT: Israel's policy of abusing its own
women is detailed in two previous articles by this author. "THE
Carlson (http://www.whtt.org/articles/ 020607.htm ) and "ISRAEL'S
D. Mac an Airchinnigh (http://www.whtt.org/rpr/021104.htm)

FROM OUR BOOKSTORE: http://www.whtt.org/bookstor.htm For the truth
about the Occupied Territories: THE PEOPLE AND THE LAND, by award-
winning photographer Tom Hayes. Perhaps the most important
documentary ever made about Israel and Palestine. The Public
Broadcasting Corporation paid for this film, then refused to air it. An
unforgettable documentation of bravery which exposes the brutality and
repression by the Israeli military. Filmed in Gaza, The West Bank, and Haifa
at great risk to the film crew and Palestinian civilians. A film for those who
are seeking the truth about the war of rocks against rifles, bombs vs.
tanks. Show this to your church or Bible Study. One hour, professional
quality. T-101 $25.00 (http:// www.whtt.org/bookstor.htm)

Read SPECIAL REPORT: SHERRY'S WAR, the anatomy of grassroots Christian
heresy. This Report is based on correspondence with Christian laymen
about their beliefs and what they consider a mandate to support the State
of Israel, regardless of the harm it does, including genocide. Sherry is a
mother, concerned for her fellow humans, and a model church-attendee,
but Sherry is also a warrior. She knows what Jesus said about loving one's
neighbors and even enemies. But her correspondence reveals she can not
bring herself to love the Palestinians. Sherry's cult of Christianity causes
her to believe that there is a "militant Islamic agenda" to eliminate both
Christians and "God's chosen people." Sherry supports Israel's actions
without question, because she believes it is scriptural and prophetic.
Sherry could be the lady (or man) sitting next to us every Sunday in
church, perhaps sharing your breakfast table, and often at the pulpit of
your church. This article examines the flawed logic and biblical
misinformation that transform this soccer mom into an instrument for war
and death. A 20-page Pamphlet "October, 2001 report" $6.00. Volume

CHRISTIANS DO NOT DEMAND PEACE, A How a convicted serial forger was
used to falsify and corrupt the Christian Bible. The role of the Oxford
University Press owned Scofield Reference Bible in controlling Christian
thought, effectively creating Christian Zionism from the ranks of emerging
evangelicalism, and how it was transformed into radical anti-Islamic bias.
Special attention is given to the role of the Southern Baptist Convention
and of prominent televangelists. This report may be the first to compare
the several successive editions of the Scofield Reference Bible since 1908,
and to demonstrate a pernicious pro-Israel political bias inserted between
the lines of the respected King James Edition. It makes a strong case for
laying the responsibility for the Mideast wars upon the leadership of
American churches. A must for Pastors and leaders. Audio Tape and hard

Book: One Nation Under Israel - by Andrew Hurley. Former United States
Senator J. William Fulbright, Chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, stated repeatedly in 1973, "Israel controls the (U.S.)
Senate". Fulbright soon became a "former Senator". Chapter 10 has a
character study of terrorist now President, Ariel Sharon. President George
H.W. Bush admitted in a media interview in 1991 that he had been virtually
blackmailed to grant a $10 billion dollar loan guaranty to the State of Israel,
compliments of the American taxpayers. He described his contact as an
agent of "AIPAC... a very a very strong Jewish lobby", ... Mr. Bush later
approved the loan without objection from Congress. 345 page soft cover

with C. E. Carlson, explains how the present violence was caused by the
creation of the Israelis by forcing armed squatters to hold Arab territory.

Audiotape: SHIREEN FROM GAZA - C. E. Carlson's taped interview of this
young Muslim English Student in Gaza City, who tells of the lives and hope
of the Palestinian family caught up in a war they do not want, and are
powerless to stop. Mr. Carlson provides an account of his visit to Gaza,
where the five were in March, 2002, focusing on the family and the so
called "suicide bombers." This vital question is asked and answered: do
Muslim parents train children for war and body bomb raids as the American
and Israeli press claim?

We Hold These Truths (www.whtt.org) P.O. Box 14491 Scottsdale, AZ 85267


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not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
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