-Caveat Lector- <A HREF="">www.ctrl.org</A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-
Thank you for this email.
Where has that 'watch dog', the press been on this madness? self-censoring?, in bed with..? too much group think?
Among other things, this previously is why CIA assissinations were prohibited, not to mention also having prohibited the CIA engaging in activities with criminals and subversive entities. It is a brainwashed pitbull to be kept on a very strong chain, which this Bush Administration has not, and actually has pushed to have 'repealed' and along with the Mossad (thanks UPI and Jon Rappoport) are now going to assassinate and as well as partner with criminals. 
Actually, I have called to eliminate the CIA and the NSA. If these two units aren't organs of the secret state, along now with the very nazi - 'Homeland Security' - I don't know what is. 
Looks like the 'sniper' was an OP, but I said that in the beginning, where perhaps these two 'captured' are patsies of some sort.
Andrea Psoras
New York
Witness to hearing the explosives in the vicinity of the foundation of 6WTC on the morning of September 11, 2001.  Photos of the hole created by explosives near the foundation of the US Customs House - 6WTC - seen on  The Power Hour's website. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 1/24/2003 10:18:39 PM
Subject: Fw: [theseries] TOM RIDGE = HOMELAND SECURITY = PHOENIX PROGRAM (Assassinations in South Viet Nam for Henry K.)

----- Original Message -----
From: Eastman
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 4:51 PM
Subject: [theseries] TOM RIDGE = HOMELAND SECURITY = PHOENIX PROGRAM (Assassinations in South Viet Nam for Henry K.)

Fri Jan 24 17:26:46 2003

During the Vietnam War, under the CIA's Phoenix Program --which is the model for the Homeland Security Office --

Vietnam's Phoenix Program
by Ralph McGehee

It should be noted that an article in the Washington Post of 1/28/97 re CIA's coercive interrogation manual also mentioned the CIA manual that taught CIA-backed, Nicaraguan contra rebels about "neutralizing" enemies. (The Washington Post noted that the Baltimore Sun obtained the manual under the Freedom of Information Act and published its article on 1/27/97).

So we have documentary proof not only of CIA-sponsored torture but also assassinations - i.e. "neutralizations" not only in Latin America in the eighties but also in Vietnam earlier -- as cited below. This of course does not cover the gamut of CIA operations to sponsor torture and assassinations but does record a few of these operations.

The CIA and its officers, retired and active, are loathe to admit to such but the evidence is overwhelming. I, can attest,to the agonies of accepting the truth about CIA and its activities. In Vietnam, I contemplated suicide as the only way out of my moral dilemma. I do not wish to be dramatic or confessional -- it took many years before I could admit this to anyone -- butit is extremely difficult to view your life's endeavorsas primarily a lie and a cruel, destructive hoax.

This is one of the reasons why I protest -- can we expect that those subjected to CIA operations to forgive and forget?Should we expect them to? Should we excuse these operations? Should we continue these operations? Lastly, is this an intelligence organization?

Ralph McGehee

Operation Phoenix

The Phoenix or Phuong Hoang Operation was originally designed to "neutralize," that is assassinate or imprison, members of the civilian infrastructure of the National Liberation Front (NLF). Phoenix offices were set up from Saigon down to the district level. Their functions were to: (1) collate intelligence about the "Vietcong Infrastructure"; (2) interrogate civilians picked up at random by military units carrying out sweeps through villages; (3) "neutralize" targeted members of theNLF. This third task was often carried out by CIA-led Vietnamese organized into Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRU).

The original Phoenix concept was quickly dilute, for two main reasons: (1) pressure form the top to fill numerical quotas of person to be neutralized; (2) difficulties at the bottom of identifying NLF civilian infrastructure, who were often indistinguishable from the general population, and the near impossibility of proving anyone membership in the NLF. The result was vastly to increase the numbers of innocent persons rounded up and imprisoned, indiscriminately murdered, and brutally tortured in an effort to show results.

National Security Study Memorandum #1, prepared for Henry Kissinger in January 1969, makes it clear that Phoenix was an American creation. The State Department reported to Kissinger that:Although the program [Phoenix] was launched in December, 1967, Saigon-level Vietnamese cooperation was minimal until Thieu, after considerable American prodding, issued a presidential decree inJuly 1968 formally directing that the network be set up.

The Military Assistance Command in Vietnam (MACV) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were even more explicit in their report to Kissinger:  The Phoenix-Phuong Hoang program is looked upon by many Vietnamese as being forced on the GVN by the Americans. Further, the PRU program is clearly identified as an American program--supervised, controlled andfinanced by the Americans.

William Colby, head of the Phoenix program, later testified before Congress in 1971 that Phoenix was an American responsibility: the American had a great deal to do with starting the program...we had a great deal to do in terms of developing the ideas, discussing the need, developing some of the procedures, and so forth...

One of the principal tasks of high-level U.S. officials, led by Colby, was to establish quotas for the number of Vietnamese to be"neutralized" each month.

Vietnam Information Notes, published by the U.S. State Department in July 1969, reports that "The target for 1969 calls for the elimination of 1800 VCI per month....The Phoenix program...[has] served notice to Province Chiefs that their performance will in large part be measured by Phoenix results.

MACV said until....Tet 1968, the GVN was reluctant to carryout a systematic program of "neutralization"...as negotiations progress ...the pressures within families to reach accommodation will increase and, correspondingly, the effectiveness of the Phoenix-Phuong Hoang program could decrease.

U.S. advisers -- CIA, U.S. Army and Office of Public Safety were placed in the field to assess and direct operations. A number of such U.S. personnel testified that one of Phoenix's main results was the mass and indiscriminate murder of Vietnamese civilians.

In a document entitled Vietnam: Toward Peace and Prosperity, published by the Saigon Ministry of Information, the GVN states that The Phoenix program was launched on August, 1, 1968, in order to eradicate the communist infrastructure, with the following results;...Killed--40,994.

Colby himself testified that Phoenix had resulted in the deaths of 20,587 persons as of May 1971. This number proportionate to population, would total over 200,000 Americans deliberately assassinated over a three-year period, were Phoenix in practice in the United States.

Michael Uhl, a Phoenix military intelligence operative, testified before Congress: a Phoenix military intelligence team measured its success...not only by the body count and kill ratio but by the number of CD's [civil detaineess] it had captured....

Between 1968 and 1972 hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese civilians were rounded up and turned over to the Vietnamese police for questioning. Such interrogation has usually been marked by brutal torture. Uhl also said "All CD's, because of command pressure...were listed as VCI. To my knowledge, not one of these people ever freely admitted to being a cadre member. An again contrary to Colby's statement, most of our CD's were women and children.

The yearly processing of hundreds of thousands, this detention of tens of thousands, inevitably led Phoenix to change judicial procedures. Civilians rounded up by Americans. The U.S. Phoenix program resuscitated the Security Committee as a means of jailing detainees without a trial. Under the An Tri law, the Security Committees have been empowered to jail any South Vietnamese citizen for up to two years, renewable. The Security Committee does not see or talk with the accused. The accused has no right to be represented by a lawyer, confront witnesses, present evidence, or even plead in his or her own behalf.

The quota system, was also used for sentencing. The Phoenix program decreed that at least 50 percent of those captured were to be sentenced. Colby said: The reason for putting in the 50 percent sentencing was to put a greater pressure on officials to do a more professional job of capturing and interrogating and then sentencing .... From: UNCLOAKING THE CIA, H. Frazier editor, 1978, The Free Press,pages 111-119.

A few CIABASE references to Phoenix report:

Vietnam, 67-73 CIA developed Phoenix program in 67 to neutralize: kill, capture or make defect VCI. VCI means civilians suspected of supporting communists. Targeted civilians not soldiers. Phoenix also called Phung Hoang by VNese. Due process totally nonexistent. svnese who appeared on black lists could be tortured, detained for 2 years without trial or killed. Valentine, D. (1990). The Phoenix Program, 13.

Vietnam, 67-72. K. Barton Osborn's testimony re the Phoenix Program before the house committee on government ops, 8/71. Osborn characterized program as a "sterile, depersonalized murder program." Andrade, D. (1990). Ashes to Ashes, xv-xvi.

Vietnam, 65-72. During Nixon's first 2 1/2 years, State Department officially admits that the CIA-run Phoenix program murdered or abducted 35,708 VNese civilians, 4,836 more than the Pentagon claimed the NLF had assassinated or kidnapped during the same period, and a monthly increase over the 200 killed by the CIA every month under Johnson. Senator Gravel edition, (1971). Pentagon Papers v, 300.

Vietnam, 68-73. COS Shackley had orders to close down most paramilitary and pacification programs - Phoenix, census grievance, etc. Supposedly DCI Helms hoped to pass most such activity to Pentagon and Colby's Cords. Paramilitary and political programs claimed roughly 75% of CIA's budget; intel received rest - but primary target for intel budget was Thieu regime - enemy came second. No good intel on vc. CIA involved in VN for 20 years, yet it never approached VN in a true intel fashion. George Allen, DDI specialist on VN in 60 while on trip to VN found that not one CIA officer was more than marginally interested in burgeoning insurgency. Jack Horgan, Region V in delta in 66-67, said there no real intel ops. CIA interrogation center "beat the shit out of people. No captives admitted being vc. Daren Flitcroft, ROIC Region III, said "half the time we don't have any idea whats going on." Corn, D. (1994). blond ghost: ted shackley and the CIA's Crusades, 183-4.


Andrea Psoras
EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html <A HREF="">Archives of [EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>

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