-Caveat Lector-


January 23, 2003
Imam 'instructed British Muslims to kill infidels'
By Sam Lister

A MUSLIM cleric toured Britain for four years urging audiences to
observe the teachings of Osama bin Laden and kill all Jews, Hindus
and Westerners by any means available, including chemical and
nuclear weapons, a court was told yesterday.

Abdullah el-Faisal, a 39-year-old imam, addressed thousands of
young Muslims across the country on their “pressing duty” to learn
how to fire guns, fly planes and use missiles in their mission to “kill
all unbelievers”.

The Old Bailey was told that Sheikh el-Faisal instructed his followers
on ways to murder non-Muslims, a “wonderful” act that would
ensure their immediate entry into paradise.

The cleric sold his recorded lectures in specialist Islamic bookshops
under titles such as Jihad, No Peace with the Jews, Them and Us
and Treachery from Within.

David Perry, for the prosecution, told the court that on Declaration of
War and Rules of Jihad, two tapes recorded before September 11,
2001, the sheikh called on his audience to support bin Laden and
Mullah Omar, then the leader of Afghanistan, in their jihad against
the West.

Mr Perry said that in the first of the two tapes, believed to have been
made in 1998, Sheikh el-Faisal had translated a speech by bin
Laden which urged his listeners to act against Britain, “the greatest
enemy of Islam and Muslims”.

Sheikh el-Faisal, of Stratford, East London, denies five charges of
soliciting to commit murder and inciting racial hatred under the
Offences Against the Person Act, a rarely used Victorian law which
carries a maximum term of life imprisonment.

He faces two further charges of using threatening, abusive words or
behaviour, one charge of distributing recordings, and one count of
possession of material with the intent to incite racial hatred.

The court was told that the softly spoken cleric encouraged his
audiences, which often numbered up to 150 people, to join him in

In Jihad, a tape recovered by police after the unrelated arrest of a
motorist in Dorset, the sheikh is alleged to have instructed Muslim
women to raise their children “with the jihad mentality” by giving
them toy guns.

Reminding the jury that the tape had been made shortly after
September 11, Mr Perry added that the defendant had stated that
“assassination was lawful” and that a Muslim’s primary task was “to
lessen the population of the unbelievers”.

In another tape he is alleged to have described the rewards of such
an action, saying: “This is how wonderful it is to kill a kuffar (an
unbeliever). You crawl on his back and while you are pushing him
down into the hellfire, you are going into paradise.”

Asked about the use of nuclear weapons by one young Muslim,
Sheikh el-Faisal allegedly replies: “You are not allowed to use
nuclear weapons when a country is not 100 per cent disbeliever”,
adding that collateral damage, such as to women and children, was
permitted “as long as soldiers die too”. The court was told that he
cited India as a country deserving of nuclear attack.

The court was told that Sheikh el-Faisal, a Jamaican national, was
born William Forest to a Salvation Army family of practising
Christians. He converted to Islam at the age of 16 and took a
degree in Islamic Studies in Riyadh.

On the instruction of “religious authorities” he then left the Saudi
capital to come to Britain, where he attended Brixton Mosque in
South London before setting up his own study circles in the mid-
1990s in Tower Hamlets.

The prosecution told the court that in police interviews Sheikh el-
Faisal had admitted that he had a “problem” with Jews, but had
denied encouraging his audiences to kill them. The cleric claimed
that his talks came “either directly or indirectly” from the Koran, and
that if he was on trial, then so was the holy text.

“The prosecution says that this is emphatically not about the Koran,
or a trial of the Koran,” Mr Perry said. “This case is not about the
words of Allah. It is about the words spoken by the defendant.”

The bearded cleric, dressed in a white skull-cap, flycollared shirt and
gold-braided gown, sat in silence throughout the hearing, taking
occasional notes.

Before the opening of the trial, Judge Peter Beaumont, QC, the
Common Serjeant of London, decided to ban Jews and Hindus from
serving as jurors after Sheikh el-Faisal’s lawyers said that their
presence would prevent him from receiving a fair trial. The trial is
expected to last three weeks.

The alleged preachings of Abdullah el-Faisal
'The way forward can never be the ballot. The way forward is the
bullet ... You have to learn how to shoot and how to fly planes and
drive tanks

People with British passports, if you fly into Israel it is very easy - no
rules. Go and do whatever you can and if you die you will go to

So you can go to India and if you see a Hindu walking down the road
you are allowed to kill him and take his money ... His wealth isn't
sacred and nor is his life

Jews are rotten to the core and sexually perverted, creating intrigue
and confusion to keep their enemies weak. They should be killed
very soon, as by Hitler

You can use chemical weapons to exterminate the unbelievers. Is
that clear? If you have cockroaches in your house, you spray them
with chemicals'

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